Minimal Knowledge (2002) Poster

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I highly recommend this film.
BarrieMilton25 April 2003
I recently saw Minimal Knowledge at SEDONA. The film portrayed Reincarnation, Religion, Action, Love, and Mystery. The editing was solid, the acting was a lot better than I expected, and the screenplay itself was both original and intriguing. If this was done on a higher budget, I could definitely see this premise doing very well. The characters were well-developed and kept us guessing. The filmmakers obviously have some talent taking a script that should be done on a very high-budget and doing it for practically potatoes. And better yet, they pulled it off. I do these festivals quite often and it was finally nice to see something worth while. I highly recommend watching for these filmmakers in the future.
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Boring, poorly made.
jhs3920 July 2004
I saw this yesterday on video under the highly misleading title of Murder Reincarnated.

It might actually be the most boring straight to video thriller I have ever seen.

The lead actor seems like he's positioning himself as the next Jean Claud Van Damme--he's got the physique and accent but, unfortunately for him, the role is entirely dialogue driven and he can't act at all, at least not in English.

The script is laughable, the production values non-existent and the movie is nothing but talk, talk, talk. Avoid unless you want to watch a supposedly thoughtful and uplifting exploration of the idea of reincarnation disguised as a thriller.
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Very original, refreshing
MattyCake5 June 2003
I came away from this film with a feeling that I had seen something at once original and promising. Original in that the story is so refreshingly different to the Hollywood formula. Promising in that under what must have been a challenging budget, the cast and crew did such a great job. Look out for these names in the future. A good film, thoroughly recommended.
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Solid Entertainment!
cpricciardi2 May 2003
As an 'older folk' it was a pleasure to view the April 11th screening of Minimal Knowledge at the Garden State Film Festival. For me action spoke louder than words on the screen. A facial expression, a close-up or long shot, an angle that framed the mood, all giving emphasis to enhance the story. Flashbacks, subtitles, and scenes with an almost black and white look, added to the emotion and gave the film an ease to follow and to stay with. .

I felt the reincarnation angle was treated as an interesting story, rather than an oddity. I was pleased that Izabella Miko's role as a young woman who lived, and was yet to live other lives was acted and directed to be like a 'regular person' rather than making her odd.

I was totally amazed at all the touches that stand out, both verbal and visual and still combine comfortably to create a story.
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JohnnyS939 January 2003
You can easily see why this film won the audience award in Sarasota! True film brilliance! Why this hasn't been picked up by Miramax for greater distribution, I have no clue! Not only is it perhaps one of the most brilliant scripts in recent memory, but the photography is both breathtaking and incredibly apt. Also, Wally Burns rules!!!
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Well Written and Acted
Cassius_Lanfield23 December 2003
I was very impressed with the writing, acting, and general concept of "Murder Reincarnated." I was immediately drawn in by the by the idea that the past lives of the characters were effecting the present. With a serial killer in their midst, their very survival depends on what they recall. Cristian De La Fuente and Izabella Miko Have an excellent on screen chemistry. Christian Graham, who plays the serial killer, is so convincing in his role that it is scary! This film combines a love story, a murder mystery, and mysticism successfully so that they flow into a cohesive, riveting film. Please treat yourself and go rent or buy Murder Reincarnated; You wont regret it!!
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At once entertaining, and insightful
Roger_Donalds27 January 2004
This indy film bravely provides a different take on the traditional Hollywood murder mystery. An intriguing plot is intertwined with rich symbolism and the themes of reincarnation and the origins of natural talent, in a way I've never seen done in a film before. I found the film to be at once entertaining, and insightful. Any fan of independent film will enjoy this polished yet non-traditional suspense-thriller.
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irishredhead78521 November 2005
OMFG THIS MOVIE WAS THE MOST AMAZING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY WHOLE LIFE!! IT PUT EVERYTHHING INTO PERSPECTIVE FOR ME!! I LOVE LOVE LOVED IT! MY favorite part was the extra in the school scene with the apple on her desk. She was the sexiest girl i have ever seen and coming from me that is quite a compliment! i have seen my fair share of gorgeous girls in my life (i am a modeling agent) but this girl! was she beautiful. I would love to see more of her. What else is she in?? MAN SHE WAS SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL!! I cant get over her raw natural talent for this role, she was perfect!! Great casting!!And i could only choose 10 out of 10 but it is seriously an 11!! <3 Ta...- anonymous
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Great example of Fine Independent Movie-Making.
L_E_Salas2 June 2003
I recently attended The New Jersey Film Festival in Asbury Park, New Jersey. My main interest in going was to watch Minimal Knowledge. I had heard a great deal about the movie and I had been interested in watching in for a long time, but it was making its round in the Independent Film Festival circuit. Finally, Minimal Knowledge it came home! The wait was well worth it. Minimal knowledge is unlike many independent films. The storyline and the characters are rich, full of emotion, depth, and unique. The storyline revolves around re-incarnation, a topic that is not really seen in the mainstream, but handled extremely well in this picture. The charaters created entice you and propel into the movie. De la Fuente and Miko along with the rest of the cast illicit an array of emotion that leaves you with no choice but to become a part of them, to feel for them, to love them, to hate them. An example of why I felt this to be true can be seen when we meet Matty's (de la Fuente) neighbor Rosa (Iraida Polanco). Although Rosa is a supporting role, we learn a lot about her. She can be seen as a mother-figure to Matty, who has no parents in the film. Even though Rosa has a son, she is closer to Matty; she extends motherly love and advice where and when he needs it. Matty is with her on Mother's day, when he cannot be with his mother, and when Rosa's son is nowhere to be found. Just like Matty, you grow to love Rosa, and just like Matty you fall apart when Rosa's character falls victim to the murderer whose case Matty has been following. As I mentioned before Rosa a but a mere part of the film, but I felt the need to examine this relationship and to use it as an example of how the film mentally and emotionally involves you. A good example of a well written story and strong acting performances. De la Fuente and Miko, had good on screen chemistry, they complimented each other very well in the film. The ending is unexpected and very original. And that's all I will say about the ending :-) Minimal Knowledge was shot in Digital video, and unlike many projects shot on DV, the colors are rich and the photography is beautiful. I am not a big fan on digital video but after the first two minutes, I got so wrapped up into what was going on, I had forgotten about it. The direction of the film was well done and felt while you watch the movie. The suspense was there when it needed to be there, the same can be said for the action. The only thing I would have wanted to see were camera angles and shots that were a little more unique; with a story like this, it can add to the element. The editing was well done as well, but there were a couple of transitions that could have been done differently. All in all, I enjoyed the uniqueness of this film. The is a great example of independent film at its best. The film is very well supported by its cast and crew and I can see why. You do not win audience awards around the country for nothing! I can see why Minimal Knowledge has been in the festival circuit for an incredible year. If you're a fan of Independent projects I definately recommend this film.
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cdaiki6929 January 2004
Finally a movie with a great story and has substance. Unlike other movies that count on there special effects to cover a poor story, this movie delivers a great story that captures the audience. Don't take my word for it just go and buy the movie so you can see for yourself
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Impressive Independent Film!
johnthomas_howell30 December 2003
I heard about this film from a friend of mine who frequents the film festival circuit. He called me up and said that I must see it! I caught the film twice, once at the Garden State Film Festival in April and again at the Miami Latino Festival. I have to say that I was quite impressed! The central theme of reincarnation fascinated me. While Hollywood continues to make the run of the mill action/thrillers, Independents like "Murder Reincarnated" made me ponder not just the reason behind the murders in the film, but is there an after-life? What does this life that we have ultimately mean, the purpose of living each day, etc. Please see this film. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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Ambitious and successful
mandy10420 August 2003
Minimal Knowledge is an ambitious start for these two feature filmmakers. Just from viewing it once, it is clear that the film has been meticulously crafted and cared for since its early stages. This, alone, makes the film standout as an alternative to so many Hollywood films that seem to be careless tossed together with little regard to plot, characters or style.

The film is unique because suggests the idea of reincarnation, but ultimately allows the audience to make up its own mind. It is clear which of the characters' view point the film `agrees' with, but we, as audience members, are given the freedom to take the `facts' presented to us in the film and draw our own conclusion. Thus we approach this film differently from others, because we are constantly trying to assess our beliefs towards the kind of reincarnation suggested (that of Minimal Knowledge), while we watch and also try to unravel the murder mystery. We are engaged in both of Matty's conflicts - but at the end of the film, we still get to take one home with us.

The story line is original and rich, and the characters are well thought-out. For a digital video production, the cinematography was complex and vivid. While there were some elements that could have been altered or omitted to give the film a bit more of a mature look, it is an incredible first attempt at a feature length film. It visually portrays New Jersey as only a homegrown feature can!
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Delightful Film
NormaBernardi21 May 2003
I recently saw this movie at the Garden State Film Festival. Minimal Knowledge was a delightful independent film about reincarnation. I enjoyed it because it was different then the usual stuff that is fed to us by Hollywood. The subject of reincarnation is something I find quite intriguing and I am glad a quality film was finally made about the subject. The acting was honest and truthful, I really enjoyed the story and felt that the script was a well written one. Keep your eye out for this talented group of filmmakers, I'm wondering when I can buy a copy of it.
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not bad
mattkratz14 February 2004
This was a decent film about a detective who investigates a serial killer, and a lady tells him that she is a reincarnated version of one of the killer's previous victims. I found the movie to be a decent time passer and a good film. It did remind me of the movie "Dead Again" though. You might like it.

** 1/2 out of ****
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Beat myself with my leg gnawed off...
musofnite11 April 2003
I just witnessed this film at a film festival in Asbury Park. while I appreciate the attempt by everyone in it, this film dragged. It had too many storylines. I felt no compassion for anyone. why is the murderer murdering people? Why does Matty drink koolaid? I leaned over to my friend and stated that I felt I needed to cut off my leg and beat myself with it, to which she stated, I'm ready to gnaw mine off.

There are nice shots of Christian, but otherwise..go rent an Ernest movie, it won't hurt as much.
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