DarkWolf (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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Kane Hodder!! Whhhhyyyyyyyy??
unakaczynski11 November 2005
Dark Wolf (Quick Review) Let's get right to it: This is a repugnant piece of rotting roadkill with cow sh*t on it. It's just an awful movie. It's an urban werewolf movie with some of the worst acting imaginable and a story as weak as any gangly nerd from an 80's high school drama film. What's worse is that poor Kane Hodder was duped into playing the gigantic evil werewolf. Kane f*cking Hodder. Someone's trying to ensure that playing Jason Voorhees is the height of his film career...

Anyway, former Playmate Jaime Bergman is also in the movie and she eventually becomes a werewolf, too. It's kind of a crappy cop drama with the world's worst looking werewolf in it. But it does have moments of near-rampant nudity. But that's about all. Want to know more? Okay, the werewolf is generally an ugly-looking black blur zipping around the screen. And when we're privileged enough to actually see a transformation sequence, we're presented with something that resembles a full-motion video from a video game made during the early stages of the Playstation. The first Playstation. The CG animation is really that primitive. Only good for horror hardcore fanatics that want to see small moments of nudity surrounded by rampant visual vomit. 2/10

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gerben121 May 2009
This move was on TV last night. I guess as a time filler, because it sucked bad! The movie is just an excuse to show some tits and ass at the start and somewhere about half way. (Not bad tits and ass though). But the story is too ridiculous for words. The "wolf", if that is what you can call it, is hardly shown fully save his teeth. When it is fully in view, you can clearly see they had some interns working on the CGI, because the wolf runs like he's running in a treadmill, and the CGI fur looks like it's been waxed, all shiny :)

The movie is full of gore and blood, and you can easily spot who is going to get killed/slashed/eaten next. Even if you like these kind of splatter movies you will be disappointed, they didn't do a good job at it.

Don't even get me started on the actors... Very corny lines and the girls scream at everything about every 5 seconds. But then again, if someone asked me to do bad acting just to give me a few bucks, then hey, where do I sign up?

Overall boring and laughable horror.
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So very, very bad.
Teknofobe706 April 2005
Hip. Erotic. Wickedly sexy ... whatever. It's "The Terminator" with werewolves.

No, seriously. The cop saves the girl (waitress!) from the big monster and refers to himself as her 'protector'. The lead actor Ryan Alosio does a pretty good job of emulating Kyle Reese ... there's a massacre in a police precinct ... the bad guy is muscular with red eyes ... and it even contains dialogue along the lines of "You said it yourself, he won't ever stop. Never." The dire script comes from a first-time screenwriter who, thank God, hasn't sold anything since this, and it's all thrown together by famously bad director Richard Friedman.

The movie opens in a strip bar (always a good sign), and a mean-looking biker guy bursts in for no apparent reason, pursued by three cops. One of them is black, and (shock horror!) he's the one who gets killed in the first five minutes. The film goes downhill for the next hour or so, then picks up a little with some decent action sequences, before rounding it all up with an abysmal ending.

For the most part, the cast come across as competent actors doing what they can with a bad script and a director who's willing to settle for less. If nothing else they appear to be learning how to act in this movie and Alosio, along with some of the supporting cast, shows signs of talent. DarkWolf in his human form is played by gargantuan Kane Hodder -- famous for his numerous portrayals of Jason Vorhees in the 'Friday the 13th' movies. He's decent enough, especially considering he isn't used to speaking roles.

It's become famous amongst groups of horny teenage boys for the lesbian rooftop scene between Andrea Bogart and Sasha Williams, who gets her kit off a couple of times in the grand tradition of former 'Power Rangers' actresses. And it's unnervingly clear that the editor spent WAY too much time on that scene ... anyway, the main redeeming feature is that the physical werewolf effects are rather good, and the design of the wolf isn't bad at all.But the CGI is bad. Just plain bad. I mean seriously, if you can't reach some level of realism - why bother? Just throw a little extra money into the make-up! Aside from the terrible script, this movie does have it's moments, many of which are unintentionally funny. It's good for a laugh if you don't have anything better to do, but just don't spend any money on it. Please.
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On par with The Vanguard n most Indian films. Pure trash n nothing else.
Fella_shibby26 March 2017
Sometimes u do get tempted by the DVD cover n the fake inverted commas reviews on it. Take examples of The Vanguard, Dark Wolf, Blooded, etc. Sometimes they mislead us by posters of famous actors who appear for jus a cameo. Sometimes they jus write, from the director followed by some name which u later come to know that he is a nobody. I saw this on a pirated DVD for 50 rupees in 2008. The plot, i know who cares for an ultra micro budget trash. The film opens in a topless strip club. We see lots of boobs. A biker causes a ruckus, the police come to arrest him. He's handcuffed, and thrown into the back of the wagon. He turns in a werewolf, eats a policeman, and escapes.... The transformations are quite possibly the worst ever seen in a werewolf movie n the bad gorilla costume, the less said the better. It has everything bad. Atrocious editing, bad acting, awful direction. Sometimes i feel movies like these r purposely made jus to show expenses or losses to the income tax department. Or maybe the makers jus get the sadistic pleasure by making us see their trash.
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One positive thing..
filmfreak-514 July 2003
Well.....one positive thing I can say about this flick - it contains a lot of nudity, really nice chicks....but perhaps they should stick to getting naked, cause acting are NOT for them..

This is a good example of a bad story mixed with nudity because the director is well aware that it wouldn't sell in other ways..

The wolf looks like a chimpansee on the run, and the acting is horrible, especially on behalf of 'Samaire Armstrong' (qv) - she has her moments when she acts cute, which works for her - but in the scene where she tries to act tough - my god, it's a pathetic display of horrendous over acting..... stick to being cute, PLEASE!

In short, don't waste your breath on this film, you'll be sorry
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How do films like these ever even get funded?
MrGKB28 July 2005
The only reason I even watched this was because I found it at my local library (and will berate them mercilessly for having wasted public monies on it), and despite the plethora of tits and ass, it didn't take long to realize that the fast-forward button was my friend. Terrible direction, pedestrian camera work, sporadically bad-to-nearly-passable acting, chintzy effects, and one of the worst screenplays I've had the displeasure of seeing brought to life (such as it was, horribly crippled and mutilated) in a long, long time. Best laughs actually come from the "Making of..." featurette, in which the poor saps involved with this HDV mess attempt to justify their lame efforts as if they had been working on something special, instead of something that won't be utterly forgotten next week. Wait! Except for the fact that somehow someone lured Tippi "The Birds" Hedren, of all people, into doing a bit part, along with Kane "Friday the 13th" Hodder! How this came to pass, I'll never know, and to be honest, I don't really care. Watch at your own risk, and don't say you haven't been warned. This is film-making at its pretentious, craven worst. It only gets a 2 from me for having some good-looking naked women, and even then, just barely.
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Poor cinematography and sound complement bad acting and screenplay.
suite9216 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Hartigan and a plainclothesman apprehend a suspect and load him into a paddy wagon to get him to jail. That does not work well. Both policemen are killed. Hartigan's partner Steve gets a new partner, McGowan, who gets ravaged soon after by the same suspect.

While investigating near the pub where the murders occurred, Steve meets the old lady Mary, and the waitress Josie. Mary tells Steve about the DarkWolf and about the DarkWolf's designated mate. So, Josie is the mate that DarkWolf is looking for, and she will be going through some changes that very night.

Soon after DarkWolf wounds McGowan, he wounds Mary mortally. Before she dies, she tells Steve that he needs to read this giant book that she has with her. When the ambulance arrives, Steve forgets the book and attends to McGowan. One of the dancers, Stacey, snags the book and takes it to a photo shoot. Josie was to be at the shoot. While waiting for her, Stacey shows the book to the makeup guy Miguel and photographer, Tom. There are lots of illustrations. They paint Stacey and Anna (full body) in the style of the book, and start taking photos of the two models as they dance.

The book, of course, should have been in Steve's hands to study, so that he could help Josie through the troubles she was about to experience. Instead we get a lot footage of gratuitous painted naked ladies.

The DarkWolf is also attracted to the book, so the people at the photo shoot are in danger as well.

Will Josie make it through the transformations? Will the DarkWolf attain his goal?


Cinematography: 2/10 Some very bad SFX. Odd camera angles, sudden switches to closeups of very bad werewolf masks, some shaky camera. The SFX of the DarkWolf in four-footed mode are particularly poor.

Sound: 4/10 The actors are often poorly miked; the voices are often hollow or over-driven. In some segments, the music is looped with an overlay of moans, gasps, and groans. One might as well be watching and adult film.

Acting: 2/10 The two leads, Samaire Armstrong and Ryan Alosio, are particularly poor at delivering lines. When Samaire Armstrong tries to sound authoritative and commanding, she sounds screechy and ineffective instead. It was nice to see Tippi Hedren again, but her role was rather abbreviated.

Screenplay: 2/10 Awkward dialog. Strange story told in an odd, unconvincing way. Lots of gratuitous skin that has little to do with the main plot lines. Way too many poor werewolf jokes.
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So bad it's NOT good
mark_lomo8 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK, this movie starts off in a strip club.

On the one hand, I have some really bad experiences with movies that start off this way or include strip clubs in any major sense. On the other hand, I really like strip clubs in real life. So I'll keep watching and hope this isn't a bad omen.

Well, the preponderance of plastic boobies is a bad sign. So is the cheesy special effect thing making the guy's eyes glow red. Not by itself a bad concept but it looks like my nephew colored it with crayon. I'm starting to wonder why I torture myself like this.

Less than 10 minutes into the film, I'm realizing just how bad this movie is. The acting is melodramatic at best, the FX are laughable, the dialogue sounds completely cheesy. I'll keep watching, just in case it's bad enough to be good.

Fifteen minutes in, we're treated to some explanation about "pure-bred werewolves" and "hybrid werewolves" that started almost a millennium ago. Logic isn't particularly valued here. It is shaping up to be one of those it's-so-bad-you-have-to-watch-this movies.

Twenty minutes in, we get a speech that basically says "we're all going to die unless this one girl realizes something for herself but we can't interfere to let her know what's going on." Just under half an hour, we have bystanders picking up things at a crime scene and saying loudly, "What is this?" Then they walk off carrying it with police all around – and the antagonist, who is in the crowd, doesn't follow them.

The film doesn't really get much better from this point. It continues the trend toward absolute zero IQ rather quickly. To be honest, it's not even in the so-bad-it's-good category. It appears to be more in the so-bad-it's-unwatchable category. Pubescent boys might get a kick out of the plastic mammaries displayed on occasion, but even that is so infrequent as to not even be a selling point. That being said, I must say that the scene around fifty minutes and afterwards was somewhat interesting.

Low budget, this catastrophe doesn't even have the campiness factor to be even a little redeeming. It was probably the worst horror flick I've seen in quite some time. And that's saying a lot.

But OK, some ways it could have been made better: (1) more of an explanation (and a logical one) as to what was actually going on; (2) double the FX budget (better $200 than $100); (3) deliberately go for campiness and dark humour instead of having it be unintentional; (4) more naked chicks, less plastic tits (just because that always makes things better); (5) hire someone to write dialogue instead of letting your kid brother do it as a 7th-grade project; (5b) alternatively, hire a director who can direct something more than traffic. \ I'm sorry, was I harsh in my review? Yes. Did this movie deserve that level of harshness? No. It deserved much, much worse. I'm giving this move a 1.5 out of 10 rating. It's that high only because I've seen movies that are actually worse than this one.
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A great movie
damittaja9 June 2013
Yes, I call this movie great for a reason. It is so great because it is so horrendous. The acting is terrible, the special effects make your eyes bleed, the plot is absolutely stupid, the camera work is amateurish and apparently the characters in the movie can't see things that the camera cannot.

I watched this movie with a group of few friends while slightly intoxicated and it was a truly fabulous experience. I was laughing half the time so hard that it was hard to watch due to the serious hurt in my stomach muscles. We had to pause the movie two times due to one of my friends starting to hyperventilate on the floor because he could not stop laughing.

Why is the movie so funny? They've tried to make a serious horror movie with a *slight* nudity twist but they've failed miserably in almost everything. We could not stop laughing when we imagined how the actors and other people involved in the production of the movie must have tried to do their best and this was the result.

This movie works fabulously when watched in a relaxed atmosphere with friends. Preferably in a guys only event. Don't let the critique stop you - the movie is horrible but that makes it worth watching with friends.
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Bad, bad movie
yojimbo99930 April 2003
Except for the better than average acting skills of the two leads, this movie is really, really bad. The cheap production values don't help. Of course, you wouldn't really notice that the production values are cheap if they didn't keep trying to convince you they HAD a production values to begin with. Even for a B-movie genre freak like myself, this movie really sucks.
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Half Man. Half Beast. Mostly Crap.
BA_Harrison8 September 2010
Just a few seconds into werewolf flick Dark Wolf, and viewers are treated to the first of many scenes of gratuitous female nudity: a hot stripper jiggles her magnificent cans in the face of a lucky punter (he's chosen wisely—the other guys in the club aren't getting quite such good value for money).

Packing Dark Wolf with wall-to-wall naked women proves to be a shrewd move by director Richard Friedman, for without the continuous show of flesh from a bevy of very sexy babes, this film would be impossible to endure to the end.

To suit the purposes of his plot, screenwriter Geoffrey Alan Holliday unwisely concocts his own convoluted version of the werewolf mythos— one that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever: according to Holliday, the future of the werewolf race relies on the successful union between a hybrid werewolf (the 'Dark Wolf' of the title) and a pure blood werewolf woman. That woman happens to be cute waitress Josie (Samaire Armstrong), who is as yet unaware of her destiny, and who has so far been protected from her fate by the best groomed homeless woman in America (played by Tippi Hedren, who must have owed someone a favour to be appearing in this dreck). Homeless Hedren cannot prevent the 'Dark Wolf' (Kane Hodder) from finding his mate forever though, because he has the supernatural power to locate, and then kill, anyone that she has touched.

As well as the film's nonsensical take on lycanthropy and the resulting incomprehensible storyline, Dark Wolf also suffers from abysmal acting and some of the lousiest werewolf effects I've seen in years: not only are viewers treated to a thoroughly unconvincing wolf puppet (thankfully mostly glimpsed in brief extreme close-ups), but we also get several embarrassing transformations achieved via CGI, so bad they'll have you choking in disbelief.

Thank heavens, then, for the three 'B's—the boobies, butts and bush that just about make this mess bearable. Virtually all of the babes involved do the decent thing and strip off for the camera and a pair of sexy photographer's models (played by Andrea Bogart and Sasha Craig) even indulge in a prolonged bout of racy rooftop lesbianism during a naked photoshoot. Even this scorching scene, however, doesn't prevent me from giving this awful film a well-deserved, low, low rating of 2/10.
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Hey -- it works!
irene12345617 April 2003
I may be in the minority here -- but as a female viewer, there's something about this movie that's oddly compelling. I'm not normally a horror film fan, but a friend of mine made me watch this film with her, and I have to admit, I was ready to be offended -- but I wasn't. I can't quite figure out what it is -- but there's something about this film that kept me watching until the end. The lead actress gave a really sensitive performance -- I don't know who she is -- but she's going places. She's sexy and the film as a whole is sexy. Though the film is dark -- and extremely violent at times -- I did care for the kids in this film. Most of all, it was entertaining -- and what more could one ask from a movie of this sort. Who would have known a werewolf movie could be so intelligent. Did I say that?
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Ultimate Werewolf Movie
lastliberal1 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have certainly seen a lot of werewolves, but director Richard Friedman and writer Geoffrey Alan Holliday put together what I consider the best werewolf movie ever.

You just knew that it was going to be a winner when the action started in a strip club. In walks biker Kane Hodder (Hatchet, 2001 Maniacs) with the cops on his tail. Amid all the breasts, he manages to get caught, but only for a short time. Locked securely in a steel police van, he transforms into the Hybrid Wolf and escapes, leaving two bodies in his wake - one completely unrecognizable as something human.

The dead detective partner (Ryan Alosio) has a rookie with him (Jaime Bergman, Miss January 1999). She finds his job to be totally unbelievable, and becomes the wolf-man's next victim before we get to see her beauty to the fullest.

At the same time, the Werewolf Protector, Tippi Hedren of The Birds fame, is also getting killed, but not before she clues the detective in that the waitress (Maxim Hot 100 Samaire Armstrong) is the mate the wolf-man is looking for. So, he takes Josie and becomes her protector.

While they are hiding, the action gets hot and heavy at a local photographer's studio. Josie's boyfriend and friend Stacey (Andrea Bogart) arrive and the photographer decides to make up Stacey and Yellow Power Ranger, Sasha Craig as wolf-man models for a shoot on the roof. What we get for the next 10-15 minutes is one of the hottest shoots you can imagine. While we were denied in Greed/Axe, we get to see all of Bogart (she is a natural blond) and Craig as they put on a girl/girl show that steams the joint up. While this is going on Josie's boyfriend is trapped in the alley with the wolf-man. The switching from hot beauty to savage tearing and blood back and forth was an artistic treat.

What's left after that? Well the wolf-man still wants mate and the chase is on into the LAPD headquarters where bodies are mangled and torn throughout as we reach the climax.

Great effects as we watch Armstrong do a transformation into a wolf girl and back to human. This was Holliday's first story/screenplay. I wish he would do more.
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Bad Story Telling
rburson9 June 2007
Another in a long line of flicks made by people who think that knowing how to operate a camera is the same as telling a story. Within 15 minutes, the entire premise is laid out in just a few lines, so there is absolutely no mystery, which eliminates a whole facet of the suspense. The only half-way competent actor is killed 10 minutes into the film, so we're left with stupid characters running around doing stupid things. Low budget films can't afford expensive special effects, so the CGI portions are unsurprisingly unimpressive, but were at least a valid attempt. The creature suit is terrible, as seen when it falls to the sidewalk, and the director keeps emphasizing the eyes, which aren't even the red color shown in mirror shots. The dialogue is clumsy and uninspired, with some lines reminiscent of Aliens or Terminator. The last action sequence takes place in a police station, also a rip-off from Terminator, with everyone hiding in the one glass lined office that the Darkwolf doesn't smash into. In the end, the girl calls the hero "a good Protector", but he gets both his partners, the original Protector, and at least three other civilians, not to mention a dozen cops, all killed without getting a decent shot off, in spite of an arsenal of silver bullets and a submachine gun. But here's the real clincher for bad writing: They could have killed the beast right after the beginning credits when it was holding the stripper while flashing its red eyes. Instead, they took it into custody?!?
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Hedren meets Hodder?
jaywolfenstien28 August 2003
The opening titles took me by surprise. I knew Kane was in this film, but Tippi? The Tippi Hedren from Alfred Hitchcock's classic the Birds and underrated Marnie? Huh. Well, that is the highlight of the film, and the only pleasant surprise the film has up its sleeve.

What's kind of sad is the general premise of Dark Wolf could work well were it not written on the level of forth grade flunkies. The usage of color, lighting and camera work are above your typical bad-horror flick, and with a complete narrative overhaul and redistribution of the budget (cutting out the CG) it could go somewhere.

The two biggest weaknesses in this film are its CG usage and the low-level intelligence of the script. On the commentary track for Exorcist: Beginning, Renny Harlin observes that a horror film's effectiveness thrives upon the reality of its world – a reality that CG shatters. Dark Wolf proves him correct – watch the werewolf transformations in this movie. Transformation that look like a video game cut scene integrated into a live action film. Watch it and try not to laugh. Just try.

CG, done correctly, carries a pretty steep price tag, especially if the said scene involves a computer generated character. The reality of such effects rests within dozens upon dozens upon dozens of subtle details that the casual viewer cannot consciously identify, but even Joe-nobody off the street knows when its lacking. When the effect is artificial. I have a hard enough time suspending my disbelief for the likes of Star Wars II and Matrix: Reloaded whose team of CG artists outnumber Dark Wolf's cast and crew combined. Low budget horror shouldn't even screw with it.

The second biggest weakness, again, is the script's intelligence level. And yes, I'm aware of the genre's average film IQ. This film scored in the double digits on the specialized dumbed down horror SATs. If you marveled at the moron who drove miles out of his way to accidentally dig up and revive Jason in F13pt6, prepare to meet his mentor, grasshopper. "What's with the shiny guns?" asks a cop to an FBI agent, and I expected her to finish with "They're pretty!" Movies like this make me re-evaluate my expectations for horror, but I find myself asking "how can my expectations get any lower?" I absolutely loved a film as narratively retarded featuring shallow throwaway characters – and that movie's name? Freddy Versus Jason. I'm not looking for strong character convictions here, but convince me your cop has at least heard of Miranda for Christ's sake. Convince me the photographer knows something about photography. Convince me that the werewolves are actually a threat – a werewolf attacks and we can read a book then just plop the wolf up and carry it around like a bag of groceries? Sounds like a SNL skit.

Before too long, I found it more entertaining challenging the logic and questioning the events of the film than accepting the film's reality. For example, how do you lose the one relic that will ultimately explain everything and save the world? How does someone stand there and watch the heroine escape and lose her when his sole purpose in life is to locate her? Why did the wolf look eerily like an ape? Why is a naked Kane Hodder laughably unintimidating as he demands "Where is she?" Why does he go to wolf form before every kill? and why is he mysteriously naked for one scene in the middle of the film? I know better than asking these questions, but I couldn't help myself. Dark Wolf was asking—nay, begging—for it.

Winding down, the film shows Kane Hodder on a morgue table, and that's where I switched off the film. Anyone who's seen even one horror movie knows exactly what will happen, and as I ejected the DVD and returned it to its case I quietly noted how much of Dark Wolf I could have skipped and still know precisely the events that take place. In fact, the only thing I would have missed was the below average stupidity and the six minute MTVesque photo-shoot of some girls made up as werewolves.

On the plus side the film does have Tippi Hedren. It also has better than average camera work, a very colorful (though frequently inappropriate) atmosphere, and a few cool effects like the flash of red to wolf's perspective . . . before it became redundant . . . which was before it became obnoxious. Overall, though, the only way I can recommend Dark Wolf is to demonstrate why low budget horror should stay away from computer generated imagery.
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Howlingly bad?
necredeye19 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well, no, not really. Its not really a good movie, but its not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I really didn't feel ripped off of my rental money, and sometimes thats all you can ask for. The plot is OK, nothing brilliant or new, the acting is pretty bad, but the cast is pretty. The directing is passable, but the effects are horrible, especially the werewolf effects, which in a werewolf movie, is a pretty big problem. There was a fairly decent amount of nudity, which to me is a pretty good thing, but it wasn't all that hot. All in all, its a fairly average direct to video movie, not the worst film I've ever seen and if you're bored a genre fan, check it out sometime. I'd even watch it again.

Bonus fact for horror geeks, Kane Hodder (Jason Vorhees in a few of them) plays the werewolf.
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Story in search of a a good script (possible spoilers)
notfunny7 August 2006
This is the prime example of low budget, winning over what would be a good story line. Let's bring back Samaire Armstrong (having seen her work on the O.C. I know she can do better), then find a better script and budget.

The special effects were so bad, and mostly badly computer generated, that it almost lost me with the first time the wolf was seen on-screen. And Samaire Armstrong's (alert!)changing into a werewolf was done by reducing her at first to a bad GCIF figure before she even begins to change(Final Fantasy's humans, as well as Pixar's made these laughable, think of the figure as a nude Barbie Doll).

The story of was interesting, though the idea of bloodline in werewolves is nothing new. As it also got into the balance between evil, (maybe) not so evil, and the possible end of human-kind should the two lines mate. The subplot of a "book of werewolf linage" which effected some of the other characters in a spell-like manner for a while was effective, but could have been expanded more in explaining what had happened in the past.

Bring in a better script and direction, and I'd come back again.
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Turn it off and do something less boring instead!
Logos_Removed2 October 2003
All the bare chested women in the world couldn't keep me from hitting the stop button about a third of the way through this awful rubbish. With the derisory acting, equally terrible script plus the poor CGI FX to match; this movie is an insult to the Werewolf genre. It is supposed to be serious, which in itself would be funny if this film could even make it to the level of being a bad joke.

This is one of those movies where the people behind the camera are obviously competent but are too lazy to make something even one quarter decent. Avoid at all costs and watch one of the classic Werewolf movies instead.

0 out of 10!
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Worse movie ever..
mskyving19 July 2004
I thought I was going to watch a scary movie.. and ended up laughing all the way throughout the movie. In the scene where the human transformed to a werewolf I thought they was kidding. Todays computer games have ten times better animations. Low budget, is a fitting comment. I would recommend Wolf (1994) with Jack Nicholson for a good werewolf movie. It has good special effects as they should be (human transforming to werewolf). Unless you wish to have good laugh I would not recommend you to watch this movie. This movie is a joke.
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Piece of fungus
soulhunter_26 June 2004
There isn't much to say about this film, it is horrible.

The acting and dialog are way far away from even decent, the story of the hybrid werewolf's is not very well explained and the whole thing has plot holes here and there.

CGI is something you wouldn't like to see. It so amateurish that it makes me vomit.

The only good thing on the DVD was in the Extras. The gag reel. Everything else, just waste of time and money. I hope noone will buy this, this is not even worth renting.

Just stay away of this.
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pxr58 June 2003
This is only the second time I've felt compelled enough to comment at imdb about a film. The first time was for probably the best movie I've ever seen and that was for Memento.

Seeing Darkwolf is at the other end of the scale compared to Memento, as in the worst film I've had the misfortune to see. Apart from the two scenes containing naked women there is nothing in this movie to raise it from the trash-pile that it is.

Let's see, apalling effects, cliched script, bad acting and about 90 minutes too long. My wife and I laughed through most of it in disbelief at how bad. Amazingly I watched it to the end, how I did that I don't know! AVOID!!!
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One of the worst movies I've seen of late!
zeus_the_king4 August 2004
Man, this movie sucked big time! I didn't even manage to see the hole thing (my girlfriend did though). Really bad acting, computer animations so bad you just laugh (woman to werewolf), strange clips, the list goes on and on. Don't know if its just me or does this movie remind you of a porn movie? And I don't mean all the naked ladys... It's something about the light or something... This could maybee become a classic just because of the bad acting and all the naked women, but not because it's an original movie white a nice plot twist. My final words are: Don't see it! It's not worth the time. If you wanna see it because the nakedness there's lots of better ones to see!
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Great horror flick, and that's no spin!
NoSpinFrank20 April 2003
To be perfectly candid and frank, the babes in DarkWolf are no less than spectacular. Sasha Williams (of Yellow Power Ranger fame) and Andrea Bogart (a stunning new find) making passionate unbridled love outside at night, below the full moon, while the wolf stalks, is far more erotic than I or any other mere mortal red-blooded male could begin to imagine. Sure the visual effects are standard fair, (hard to compare it to the big budget deals, but who cares) but the rest of this flick is pure rock and roll. Since I am Frank, the `No Spin' reviewer, I tell it like it is.and it surely is fine. I really enjoyed this evil'y sexy concoction. This moody and well directed piece of lower budget horror handiwork is one of the hottest werewolf extravaganzas that has been committed to celluloid in a very long time. Sure it's dark, scary, sensual, even gruesome at points, and maybe even a bit intimidating for the faint at heart, but that's everything a werewolf film should be. This one I'll buy to own, and DarkWolf 2, 3, and 4 will also find a place on my video shelf. Kudos, my friends!!
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Enjoyable but flawed low-budget Werewolf movie.
Zombified_66012 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As a trashy B-Movie, Darkwolf is a success. Overall, it's an entertaining 90 minutes of incredibly cheesy horror, coming off like a hybrid of Innocent Blood and Species. Basic plot outline: The prince of hybrid Werewolves, the titular Darkwolf, is in town on the hunt for the Werewolf Matriarch so he can mate and make lots of vicious Werewolf babies. Trick is, the Matriarch has just recently been born, and doesn't know what she is, so is kind of busy waitressing to cover college fees.

Nothing unusual there then. Ahem. Darkwolf is played with a kind of leaden menace by horror's premier rotting corpse for hire Kane Hodder in a fashion that pretty much reminded me of Jason only he didn't have the mask on. Kane doesn't really do much other than throw people about (the wolfed-out version is played by someone else) and he does that well, so all's well there. Also, the lead good-guys Josie and Steve are acted well, and have a genuine on screen chemistry that makes any of the movie they're in a load of laughs.

Still, the rest of the cast, Tippi Hedren aside, are god awful. They seem like nice guys in the making-of, but that doesn't exactly make 'em Gielgud either. In fairness to them they're playing the most cliché bunch of roles you ever did see, and they throw themselves at the 'jock, bimbo, boyfriend etc blah blah blah' roles pretty hard, but they're still nails-down-chalkboard irritating. This is compounded by the fact that halfway through the movie they become split off from Josie and Steve, leaving us to watch them 'like, whatever' their way through most of the rest of the movie.

Then there's the nudity. Didn't I mention it before, oh yeah. Darkwolf has gratuitous nudity throughout the entirety of it's first half. I'm as red-blooded as the next human being, but the fact of the matter is that nudity/sex in horror is almost never sexy, it's always kind of awkward and clunky, maybe cos most of the cheaper flicks are directed by men? I dunno. Anyhow, Darkwolf goes unrepentantly for the 'hey, boobies!' audience from minute one (literally, the first scenes are in a strip club), and I really can't find any way of getting round the fact that the constant un-sexy nudity really detracts from the movie. If it was sexy, intimate or somehow more deep (like maybe if it was useful for rounding out characters in the limited timescale like in Hostel or Puppet Master) I wouldn't object to the nudity, and I don't on a 'ban this sick filth' type level, I just feel like the nudity is purely there for titillation and gets in the way of the plot progression.

Despite the payload of bad acting from the support cast, and the repeat showing of many boobies in a deeply un-sensuous workmanlike fashion, Darkwolf is fun. I liked the leads a great deal, especially Josie, and the movie's story is fresh and avoids becoming repetitive. I enjoyed it a lot despite it's obvious flaws, it's a silly, active and entertaining movie, and hopefully the crew will make some more creature features sooner or later, preferably without quite so much nudity (honest to god, this movie could've been ten/twenty minutes shorter without it) and the Friday the 13th style support cast.
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The only good thing you can say about Darkwolf is that the girls are pretty.
dlfasig8 June 2003
What more can I say? The acting was, almost without exception, amateurish. The directing and continuity were pitiful. The sceenplay was predictable down to the very last scene and the dialog tedious. One of the features on the DVD was labeled "Gag Reel" but that could have been a description of a viewer's reaction to most of the movie.

One of the most amusing things was in the director's comments on the DVD. He said, with a straight face, that he had set out to make a movie with high production values and a name cast - and that he had succeeded. With delusions like that it's easy to understand how the movie turned out as it did.

Perhaps the most disappointing aspect was the monster. The darkwolf suit was a modified ape suit (per the 'making of' feature on the DVD) and rather looked it. The mask and claws were little better than off the shelf jobs from any costume store. The cgi effects were painfully obvious and of quality similar to an inexpensive video game.
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