Freak Out (2004) Poster


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I am like so freaked out right now!
anilvij29 February 2004
Wow. This is the first indie movie I've ever seen, so I didn't know what to expect, but wow. This is one crazy ride of a movie. Some bits are absolutely hysterical, some just plain weird, some unneccesary. The plot is bizarre, production values as low as you'd expect (but creatively used!). On the whole, I'd give it about 7.5, because of the extent to which it made me laugh out loud.. not a lot of films can do that really. Anyway, if they tidied it up, trimmed the fat, I'm sure it would appeal to many. You just have to forget about things like logic.. who needs that anyway! One thing's for sure though, this film is about 4 million times more funny than Johnny English!
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I have no idea what possessed me...
FirecrackerLover2 November 2007 watch this movie. Well to start watching this movie anyway, I couldn't bear more than 20 Min's. Really was the biggest pile of sweaty sack to be given the title of a "movie" I know it's supposed to be a spoof but it's just not in anyway funny, it's shockingly childish. The acting is not even worthy of a children's TV programme. For the majority of the

20 Min's my boyfriend and I just stared at each other in disbelief that some complete twot agreed to fund this! Please save yourself the time. Unless you are 10 years old or younger, then you might find yourself mildly entertained!
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There's a plumb bob in my pants
bad_roo18 August 2006
There aren't too many slasher movies I enjoy. Striking a balance between too childish and too wrapped up in your own irony is a tough gig and I think Freak Out just sails wide of the bullseye. That said, it's a very respectable effort for something created with such a small budget over such a large time frame and hints that there is some real writing and editing talent waiting for a better-funded opportunity to present itself.

I would have liked to have seen more tits and the odd clunge shot thrown in, if only in the bonus features as this would have given the film a higher mark when it comes to production values.
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Makes me want to make a film again
TheGOLDENWALRUS12 October 2007
Man was I pleasantly surprised but this extremely low budget film that is probably a 100 times more low budget than Pi. For the money they had, the film came out great and even some of the acting performances were good.

Though the plot/storyline was stupid, the humor was great! My favorite part was when Merv ( James Heathcote) was getting interviewed and the boss handed him a three question survey on recent jobs and gave Merv 5 hours to complete it. I laughed very hard and I just loved the humor throughout the film. The horror was comical and the blood looked very fake but who cares, this film just relied on its humor and was successful. If you liked Shaun of the Dead or Monty Python mixed in with a very low budget, than this should appeal to you. It was a pleasant surprise!
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Syboat10 July 2006
Anchor Bay have in the past given us some delights on DVD for example Hellraiser, Halloween and Phantasm. Then one day a film arrived on the shelves called "Freak Out". With the Anchor Bay logo on the case cover I was optimistic about the content of the film. Until I pressed play. For the next 98 minutes i was subjected to an exercise in mind numbing tedium that will never be equalled. I cant stress enough that this film should be avoided at all costs. I don't understand where all the positive buzz has come from? and all the posts must be from relatives or best friends. It is not funny, it has little or no production value, it has a ridiculous story.

Extremely amateurish in every department..this is one to avoid. Awful.
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Too funny
petalofpower3 April 2006
An export-worthy British production that has it all. A parodic, slasher flick, Freak Out is a bum load of dirty comedy with doses of gore, death, destruction, mayhem, lunacy, and true love. And who can overlook the homage to Dallas and Queen?

Merv, the geekish psycho thriller fan, and his menacing best friend Onkey, are alluring with their antics and sensibility towards the killer. The killer, clad in an orange jumpsuit and a hockey mask, wields his spatula, speaks with a lisp, and is hilarious! Did I mention this vegetarian has sexy legs?

My favorite parts are of Merv in the shower and Merv at his interview.
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Great Comdedic B Slasher
smashing_darcys_pumpkins1 November 2006
In the vain of Dead Alive, this movie manages to keep you laughing even with the horrible plot and B acting. The actors are over the top, but will make you laugh when you get past their heavy accents. The killer, was hilarious. I loved how he got the new improved mask when he actual goes psycho. You might need a few beers or a few rips in you before you watch this flick to actually grasp the comedic value. There's really not that much blood and gore overall. But the 15-20 minutes of it or so will have you rolling. Don't forget to pay attention to the lyrics in the soundtrack. It had me cracking up more than a lot of the actual dialogue. This films not for everyone. I'd recommend it mostly to anyone that's a fan of comedic B horror films.
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Worst Film I've Seen In A While
ejwells-217 January 2007
The film makers try to go for an early Peter Jackson/Troma vibe here, and fall flat on their faces. I was shocked at how unfunny, unoriginal, poorly acted, poorly shot, poorly written, and poorly directed this film is. I know there was little to no budget for this dud, but I've seen better films at student film shows at our local University. I'm baffled by the press this dog has gotten. It's possible (though highly unlikely) that I just didn't get it. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. I'm asking the dude at the video store for a free rental, and I'm sure he'll give it to me. I'll get Shaun of the Dead again, which is a thousand times better than this turkey.
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A horror spoof for OUR generation,I'll bring the spatula
movieman_kev7 June 2006
Marv, a horror movie loving nerd and his somehow geekier best friend Onkey decide to help a hapless and downright sad wanna be serial killer in order for this pathetic fruity lil' escaped mental patient to be transformed into a manly, well thats not the right word... ruthless brutal killing machine so that he can take revenge on the humiliation he had in school thirteen years back. So many nods to classic horror films, so many cheap sight gags, so many gay jokes. This little independent film from the UK manages to be better than all 4 "Scary Movie" films combined and then some. It was a real treat indeed. The humor is hardly brilliant or mature, yet the film is just so damn fun. And you WILL find yourself laughing out loud quite a few times. Kudos to Chistian James, Dan Palmer, and everyone else involved in this insane hilarity.

My Grade: B+
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what on earth?!...
bekkiax1 March 2014
OK, some of the jokes are slightly funny and the story line is a good idea! BUT..this film is ruined by the cheesy British accents and very stiff robotic makes the possibly funny jokes just cringe worthy. If this is how people think we speak then I am very deeply ashamed. We do not sound like lispy posh awkward retards (ok...maybe some of us do). This film is more like its been made by a couple of students in which I'd give a pat on the back to for effort IF it was and shown in a classroom but I didn't expect to purchase it (second hand) from CEX for 3 quid when I also bought the great movie Space Cowboys for a quid (in the same condition). Ripped off much.
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Freak Out freaked me out...but in a good way!
tiptoptap2 March 2006
I'm not really a big horror fan but I do like my comedy. When I heard about Freak Out, visited the website, saw the trailer etc I got the impression it was gonna be more laughs than senseless butchering and blood. I was right too! This movie is so much fun. If you've seen about two horror movies in your life you'll enjoy it and if you've seen about 1000 horror movies there's tonnes of nods and winks to famous horrors in there (so the person I watched it with told me). I caught a screening of it late last year at a small fest. It is low-budget but better low-budget and actually funny than high budget and absolute trash. I've been reading word on the DVD that will be coming out. That will be a must buy for me...I'm so curious to see how they made it. Recommended.
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I'm Jools and I'm FREAK-ed OUT!
joolsmustard23 March 2006
I may have a funny surname (and some say I have a dumb Christian name) but I'm pretty serious when it comes to movies especially comedies. So, imagine my surprise when I caught this movie at a festival on the off-chance. I thought it would be a load of rubbish. I couldn't really care that much about the fact it has no budget behind it and no stars in it - did it entertain me - that's all that matters. Well, it did. Yeah, it's dirt cheap and no frills but still about 1000 times funnier that a load of the sub-standard 'funnies' Hollywood (and dare I say it, Britain-wood) churn out. It's silly, immature, dumb, strangely engaging - worth a good look. Can't wait to see the DVD with all those lovely extras.
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The shower scene is a must see!!!
webd_sine8 July 2004
If you like black slapstick humour this is the movie for you. With this being the first full length feature film for most of the actors and crew, the rating I give reflects the result of the efforts put into the project.

I happened to get a screening before general release and was pleasantly surprised by the professional approach that the film was presented. Oscar bound - no, but a great laugh - definitely yes!!!!

Heathcote is a born actor and is far from shy to get it all hang out, in, what must be, the most talked about shower scene since Psycho!!! Great movie on a tight budget full of gags. Movie stars in the making. Great score too :-)

PS: word on the grape vine is that there a DVD version in the pipeline.
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Low-budget movie that hits the mark
haldanemcfall31 May 2004
I saw this movie when it was screened at Oxford University yesterday, and I was pleasantly surprised. Freak Out kicks off with a black and white sequence of a kid being bullied at his primary school, who then swears he will return in 13 years are wreak his revenge... well, some unexpected events occur which prevent him from doing that, so when he turns up at Merv's house - Merv and his wacky friend Onkey decide to train him into a real serial killer using their incredible knowledge of horror movies.

This movie has some really funny moments, and there are times when you forget that it was made for only £30,000. Obviously, there are times when you don't, but if you go into this accepting that it was made by college students for college students, I think you'll enjoy it.

My favourite thing about Freak Out was all the movie references and quotes they spread through it. Overall Freak Out is a fun movie that could become a cult classic. I gave it 9/10.
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Horror-Comedy @ It's Best!
mikeycook200029 December 2004
I saw Freak Out at The FanTasia Festival 2004, I went along not expecting much - but to be honest I was totally stunned. For the paltry budget this film is astounding; the editing, the direction, the performances and last, but definitely not least, the script are all top notch.

Freak Out was filmed El Mariachi style with no budget and no-stars and in a weird way this really adds to it, okay the movie does feel a little bit sluggish here and there but I'm sure it's been tweaked since I saw it.

The one-liners are HYSTERICAL and the ideas within the movie are so left-of-centre and original any Hollywood comedy you'll see this year (unless made by Parker and Stone) will seem positively dull.

I will definitely snap this up when/if it comes to home-video. FREAK OUT will make you FREAK OUT!
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What it lacks in budget it more than makes up for in imagination
jon_dolan20008 September 2006
Hollywood Horror and comedy film makers could do worse than taking a tip from these guys. It just shows that with a little imagination, you can come up with a brilliant film without big effects etc. From start to finish the film was hysterically funny, there were so many subtle jokes that you'll miss (the sticker saying Just Punishment on the side of the girls wheelchair at the beginning for example). Okay it's not PC, but usually the funniest things aren't. It's clear that these guys love the genre they're spoofing, making it much better than Hollywood fare like the Scream movies. Highly recommended and I hope that we see plenty more of Merv and Onkey.
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A British horror spoof to match "Shaun of the Dead"
fulcigore1 May 2007
Freak Out is a low budget horror spoof hailing from the UK. And it is a damn fine one.

While Shaun of the Dead tackled zombies into the comedy realm, Freak Out takes down the well worn slasher icon formula, and makes one of the best parodies I have seen. When two horror geeks find their own escaped mental patient, they of course decide to make their own mass murderer. The twist is that "Looney" is just a big happy kid. Hysterics ensue while watching Merv and Onkey deck their silly insane friend out with masks chains, saws and all kinds of great things. The movie even includes plenty of gore to make the horror freak happy.

If you haven't seen Freak Out, get the freak out to your local Best Buy and pick up a copy. I recommend the 2 disc.
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A real low-budget gem!
bravemonster28 February 2006
Wow! I saw this movie at a fest a year or two ago and I'm stoked to see it is gonna see the light of day on DVD! About time! Amidst the, let's be honest, tonnes of junk that gets released into both the comedy and horror market each day, week, month, year - Freak Out really stands out. If you like your horror you'll enjoy it, if you like your comedy you'll enjoy it also. It's not merely a spoof or 'tribute' but has a narrative, good characters and enough fun to keep you from glancing down at your wristwatch in hope of end credits. Sure, it's low budget, really low budget but it has a good heart and avoids being 'nasty' as so many comedies seem to be today. For a movie that cost just about nothing, stars first timers and is made by first timers it's a worthy piece in its own right. Buy this or rent this over any of the straight to video excrement that will grace the shelves of your video store/retailer anytime soon. The most amazing thing is that this is a British film and actually good...dunno if I've ever said that before...
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Solid 9
sarah-dmonrx26 September 2007
I read about this in fango a few months before I was able to find it, so I knew what it was about instead of going into it blindly. What I loved most about this film was basically the characters knowledge of horror films.. reminded me a lot of myself. I liked how the movie played homage to other great films, and it was fun re watching it for things that I might have missed (and I always find more every time I watch it) It's low budget, but doesn't really have that awful low budget feel to it, for example the Dark Harvest films (horrible btw). The DVD is awesome, has some good special features to it. If you're a fan of horror films or cult films in general, deff. check this out.
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Crazy student film
hellholehorror1 October 2017
This is like just a crazy student film. Some guys who should be stoned have a crazy adventure on screen with a wannabe serial killer. The whole shabaz makes no sense but it doesn't really have to as this made me laugh out loud a few times. It is not high-brow comedy. It barely makes sense most of the time. It is not that horrific but what it is is a really good film. I think that all who watch will find some charm so long as they can see past the low production value and cheap but inventive filmmaking.
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