Little Corey Gorey (1993) Poster

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Have answers
pamy19284 January 2006
We made this in the late 80's early 90's I think the date was the date it was made on DVD. We had a blast making this movie and watching it recently it really could be a cult classic.

This was my first movie as the main make-up artist, many of the F?X were done with trial and error and little/no budget!! LOL

We all worked for free but got points (part of any profit). I don't think there as ever been a profit but it was a great experience, I met wonderful people, and I would recommend working with any of the people involved in this movie.

I must comment about the shower scene. When I saw the DVD I was shocked at how much they cut of that scene. The shower slices Biff's arms off and he is laying there bleeding, Corey goes to help him and Biff starts going off on him about how Mom is going to kill him for letting that happen so Corey afraid of Mom lets him die.

I look forward to hearing from more people that have seen this DVD.
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No More Tears: The History of Little Corey Gory
Tromafreak23 May 2011
There are some who can withstand more verbal/physical abuse than others. But clearly, everyone has their limits. Given the right circumstances, anyone can snap, and say "ya know what? No more!". Corey Gory is not in a good place, these days. Nor has he been for quite some time. The thing is, Corey's parents are dead, and he's stuck with an abusive stepmother, and stepbrother. Well, at least the little fella has a roof over his head. However, Corey's pseudo-family barely even sees him as a human being. Corey is their slave. Corey is their punching-bag. Corey might as well be their toilet. Someday, one of these people are going to cross the line. And it ain't gonna be pretty. That day has finally arrived. You see, Corey Gory happens to be a huge Ozzy Ozbourne fan (who isn't?). Corey is also a huge fan of a certain hot chick he recently met at school. Now that Corey has scored a couple tickets, for an upcoming show, while scoring a date at the same time, it seems as if things are possibly turning around for Corey. Sorry little fella. No dice. At least not yet. Stepbrother Biff swipes the tickets, and goes with the hot chick in his place Perhaps if he hadn't rubbed it in Corey's face, he'd still be alive. And by the way. don't ever mess with an Ozzy fan. So, anyway. Now that Corey is "this close" to finding independence, there's one last thing to do. Tie obese-stepmother to the couch and starve her to death. Now, let the party begin! So, anyway. Little Corey Gory is one of those rare, worthwhile B-movies from the 90's. Yes, there are a few of them. Not so much a Horror movie as it is a dark comedy. And a good one at that. Little Corey Gory is an undiscovered gem that I'm very happy to have in my collection. And hopefully, someday, this flick be rightfully known as a full-blown cult classic. Check it out! 8/10
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cult calssic
unmacs18 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
i could really see this movie being a cult classic, i picked it up at a truck stop in one of those 10 movies on 5 DVD things,i don't think this movie is for everyone if you are in to troma movies or low budget horror/slasher movies u may find this movie pretty good.....the best part is while corey is killing all these people he has his fat drunken mom tied up on the couch!!! also this could really happen i mean people can only take so much the way this poor boy is treated n wonder he killed. well if you ever seeit and like cheesetastic horror movies this one might be for you.but if not beware if you are not in to those kind of movies i guarantee you will hate it
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Throw Momma From The Couch...
azathothpwiggins7 June 2022
Corey Gorey (Todd Fortune) has just moved into a new house in a new neighborhood, after losing his dad in a car crash. His odious stepmother and idiot stepbrother now take every opportunity to torture and / or humiliate Corey. Otherwise, stepmum spends her day guzzling beer on the couch while her hellspawn roams around town in search of more dope.

The karmic wheel soon turns, allowing Corey to get some much-desired payback. A murderous orgy of gore and death ensues, involving more than just Corey's family tormentors.

The wondrous thing about LITTLE COREY GOREY is that there's not one wholesome aspect or redeemable character to be found anywhere! At all! No good guys. No uplifting moral message. Nope. Director Bill Morroni infuses his creation with loads of gruesome fun and a sick, bizarre sense of humor. That's all.

Mr. Morroni, we salute you...
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Depressing, Frightening, Scary, Seedy
frightenedwalmarthomo14 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really crummy movie made by someones camcorder. The video quality is like a video from America's Funniest Home Videos back around 1989-1991. The only good thing about the movie is that it has a coherent storyline a logical editing. Its about a kid who does all kinds of gross and bad things. Its like a really really cheap napoleon dynamite but instead of the gags being about comedy they are video nasties like swear words and raunchy jokes and other gross or offensive things. Watching this movie made me depressed and made me feel as if the society hated me and im not even a ""psychopath"". Its one of those movies which profiles an alleged psychopath and these things are always hard for me.. I don't really think the society is anything but immoral and evil and i don't really buy into the DSM-IV, therefore this movie was extremely unentertaining and meaningless to me. I only give it merit because of the editing and the writing which someone at least put a minimal amount of effort into.
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This was a serving of bad cheese...
paul_haakonsen15 December 2023
I have never heard about this 1993 horror comedy titled "Little Corey Gorey" prior to sitting down to watch it here in 2023. I stumbled upon it by random chance, and the movie's cover was actually interesting enough to make me pick up the movie and give it a go.

The script and storyline is so ridiculous and cheesy that it actually contributes to keeping the movie somewhat watchable, because you can't help but stick around just to see how bad the next scene is going to be.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list. The acting performances in the movie were, for the most parts, dubious at best, especially the woman playing the stepmother.

The characters in the movie were insanely obnoxious, dislikable and downright annoying. And the dialogue was rather cringeworthy to listen to.

It is a rather noisy movie as well, as if they amped up the volume a bit too much on the music and effects in comparison to the dialogue in general throughout the course of the movie.

The special effects and practical effects are pretty low-key and amateurish, to say the least.

"Little Corey Gorey" looked and felt like something that would and should have been made in the mid-1980s, not something from nearly the mid-1990s. It was a pretty cheesy movie.

My rating of director Bill Morroni's 1993 movie "Little Corey Gorey" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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Corey is cool....horror/comic scores
djderka10 June 2012
This film was part of a 6 DVD set called Kiss of Death distributed by Brentwood Home Video. So I took a chance on the entire set for some $22 bucks and was really surprised how cool there all are.

Little Corey, Sabino,the DVD says Todd Fortune?) is totally harassed by his brother and step mom. Credits on IMDb are confusing. And there are few practicals, meaning production shots, head shots, bios, etc.

Corey finally extracts his revenge over a series of mishaps and happenstances.

I really enjoyed this film. Little Corey had echos of Kevin Bacon and I thought he was a younger brother. His acting was really good as the harassed brother who also had a super crush on the very hot brunette and was delightfully flummoxed by most events he encountered.

Bill Morroni, the director, is very adept at directing and setting up scenes. Nice lighting, composition, direction make this horror, thriller, light comedy romp enjoyable.

Corey is great as the frustrated teen trying to date the rockin' brunette. And the girls are all hot.

Morroni is really good at the sex scenes. The scene of the coke chick in the van is great! As is the "pretty woman" shots of the brunette being followed by Corey, What teen hasn't followed his dream chick. And the photography of her walking down the street is really sensual. First she is in a cute "cowboy" outfit, then a slinky black skirt and boots, the camera adores her and her "own the street" walk. Nice job. Better than most movies, actually. She sure could walk.

That this is shot in 16mm with the legendary Bolex (REX IV,V maybe) for only $15,000 is unbelievable. And Morrini had to add sound FX and dialogue dubbing. The effort was well worth it as this movie is better composed and directed than most shark/monster crap on the SyFy channel.

The mom (who was to be Divine, great choice)was played well by Edenia Scudder, as the horrible, obnoxious, step mom. Her best line, "I've been tied up for two days and I am hungry".

She is tied up on a couch and everyone steps around her included kids at a party. This was hilarious.

I haven't seen Morroni's last effort on video, but will look for it.

I wonder what happened to all his actors and actresses.

This has strong potential for a cult circuit, take the movie to college campus and create a following like The Room with Tommy Wiseau.

The shower scene was cut, I wondered how the Biff got all chopped up by a single glass strand. But Bill says it has been restored.

A little more blood/guts would appeal to the Horror Hound crowd, but this could be a precursor to he Scary Movie type horror/comedy.

I am glad that Morroni added his comment to this site for background information. He needs to promote it more, as few have heard of this movie. I have seen and reviewed lots of movies and this is a hidden gem. I am glad I own it.

I am surprised Morroni hasn't done more films after this. He says he got ripped off by he distributor, which happens to a lot of filmmakers, but now there is the advantage of independent distribution and the web.
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from the director
bill-morroni8 July 2008
I thought it was funny that one of the reviewers suggested that the Actress that played the stepmother looked like Devine. I had financing setup and Devine in town to do the movie when he/she died. The financing evaporated, but the cast loved the script so we did it anyway. We shot one weekend a month for a year on a 16mm bolex, which is why all the sound is dubbed and ADR'd, also why Corey's hair style changes. We had a great time and I think we made a funny movie. I like that the reviewers either love it or hate it, I guess people either get it or don't get it. Unfortunately, Little Corye Gory is often labeled a "Horror" movie and when one of the blood and gut loving horror fans review the movie they hate it because it isn't really a slasher film like Saw. I wrote and directed "Corey" as a Horror Spoof/comedy, the fans that get that, get the movie. Thanks to everyone who worked on the movie. The Cast was very supportive, the crew was great and the Sting clone band was perfect. I am sorry it never made any money. I spent $15,000.00 dollars total on the production and about two years part time work (when I was only making $30,000.00 a year). You are all right, we made the movie in 1989. I got a distributor, but he has a crook and never paid me a Cent, and I still haven't recouped from the financial drain of production. I have a website up at where you can see an uncut directors copy. and if you go to you can read the two scripts I'd like to do next and may do in the next couple of years thanks to HD video (alot cheaper than film production). Please let me know which one you like better. To the cast and crew I want to apologize for never paying them for their hard work and thank them for their work and the fun time we spent making this film (Let's put on a show in Pa's barn is for real!) To everyone who hated the movie, thanks for the critical review, I'll try and do better next time but it's hard when you have no budget. To everyone who loved it and thought it was a classic, thanks for getting it!! Love you all.
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Am I The Only One Who Has Ever Seen This Movie?
grambo19297 November 2002
This film is bad. I like bad films ("Blackenstein," I'm looking at you) but this film is even bad by MY standards. Most of the voices are inexplicably dubbed, the actual film goes bad about half-way through the movie (on DVD, no less), it looks as though it was filmed with a home video camera ... and it features "Creature," a band that looks like a hideous hybrid of Alice Cooper and KISS, sans talent. When watching, notice that the television is ALWAYS either playing Creature or a mug shot of a serial killer. It's horrid.

The story? In short, Corey Gorey's father has died which leaves him alone with his evil stepmother and stepbrother. They do ghoulish things to him like hang him from the curtain rod and throw beer cans at him. Corey goes to school where he falls in love with the first hussy he sees. She likes Ozzy Osbourne, so he buys her a ticket. The evil stepbrother (Biff) steals the ticket and goes to the concert with her, returning home with her panties. Corey and Biff fight, and Biff ends up pushed through the glass shower door. His arm gets cut off by the glass, so Corey decides to go ahead and chop him into pieces (!?!). What follows from there is a pitiful story, complete with worthless subplots that go ABSOLUTELY nowhere (serial killer, anyone?). Even for us Ed Wood fans, this is a BAD movie.
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Hello Bill
mgrandbois-899324 October 2020
Bill, this movie is a reminder of a big part of my life, and my late sister Leah Feb 15, 1970- July 24, 2015. My sisters and I served as inspiration for a lot of content in the movie, like the Rockers, the girls and their friends, and naming one of them Leah. I do remember at one point, Leah was going to portray Jackie, but Life is funny, and so much changed. I remember many talks we all had about the script, the many laughs, and how my sister Cheryl was your assistant, and the period of time in Glendale. I remember being excited at seeing the sound stage... and was so happy when your hard work came into fruition, I just want to wish you all the best. And want to thank you for teaching me and my sisters one of the best license plate games, on the way down to sail out of Redondo. Hope you are well. Love, Marina
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Seriously underrated and overlooked gem
sydneyshuster14 May 2021
I watched this on a whim while looking through movies released in 1993, not expecting much. While it isn't an unparalleled masterpiece, I was surprised by how much I genuinely appreciated and enjoyed this film. I watched it once on my own then again the next day because I was so delighted that I wanted to show my spouse. It's incredibly well-shot with interesting and varied shots, the ADR adds charm and is as well-done as can be expected with this limitation and it's genuinely funny in all the ways it intends!

It's very clearly a parody of horror movies and it does that well. Plot elements are set up and pay off In satisfying ways. My favorite element of the plot was the serial killer on the loose, which resolves in an absolutely delightful way. The biggest failing you see in a lot of low budget films is the pacing. That's not an issue here at all! It moves really quickly and throws a lot at you but it's always coherent and interesting, densely packed with gags and humor.

I think it's a shame that so many people equate low budget with a movie being automatically "so bad it's good". Those movies absolutely exist and I adore them but not every low budget production that's funny is good/bad. This is intentionally funny and none of the humor comes from sincere moments that are ridiculous or production errors.

Please watch this and spread it around. It's a crime that this isn't a cult classic. The whole thing is available for free on the director's website, too! Littlecoreygorey . Com will get you there.
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ericdetrick200213 May 2004
The date on IMDB says 2001, but this has got to be the late 80s or early 90s. And if this was created in 2001 than I give the filmaker props because they really did a great job making it look like the 80s. I bought a 10 movie horror movie set (10 movies on 5 discs distributed by Brentwood).

Main character Corey gets pushed around by big brother Biff and his stepmother. One thing leads to another and Corey has his stepmother tied up and held hostage on the couch. His brother is in the freezer (don't want to tell how), and he owes money to his brother's cocaine dealer.

This is ridiculous. I love really bad movies, so I can find some use for this in my collection. Lots of 80s hair and bad glam rock being played in the background.
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That Ending!!!
thosebadmovies18 July 2022
I wasn't expecting a huge blockbuster but I also wasn't expecting that ending.

It was the perfect conclusion to this movie. Also, if you don't laugh at the shower door scene this is not the movie for you.
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Vvardenfell_Man24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a little engine of madness and violence that comes out of nowhere and leaves you wanting more. The dialogue recording sounds so raw, it has to have been a conscious choice. It's not just mindless, either--it clearly has a few things that it wants to say about youth and race relations, not bothering to boil them down to easily digestible after-school special feel-good nonsense, but instead letting characters and situations evolve organically out of themselves, unfolding in ways that really let the audience into the feverish headache that this abusive househould is. Corey starts off sympathetic and by the end of the movie has become at least as monstrous as the wicked stepmother. Shooting on what may as well have been toilet paper didn't discourage the costume and set designers from doing a wonderful job with literally every aspect of the movie.

In many of my reviews I've complained about "mean-spirited" horror movies, so I want to be clear: This movie is incredibly mean-spirited. It also isn't a horror movie. It's a character study. The contempt that oozes from every frame for the portrayed world and its inhabitants feels more like a warning or a joke here than it does in a movie where attractive, talented performers are given almost nothing to wear and chased around by a man in a Spirit Halloween costume. This is the superior version of Halloween Ends.
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