Dr. Phil (TV Series 2002–2023) Poster


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Tiresome format and infomercials
zoocar-3550523 November 2015
I use to really like this show and make time out of my day to watch it, but they lost me over a year ago.

It just became too repetitive and predictable. 45 minutes laying out a dysfunction, a minute satisfying the audience with a few words undermining the nemesis and then a free trip to a fix-it farm.

On and on it goes to where all the problems bleed into one repetitive array of voyeurism about lives that are too negative to be of interest or true business of my own.

Beauty products and makeup sales along with the latest must have book tuck neatly into time slots to satisfy the entranced fan.

Phil has value, just a very tired and worn out format and show.
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Victoria Lindsay Attackers
aisha_mail201119 May 2022
I lost respect from him after he bailed those six girls that beat up Victoria Lindsay out of jail. Where's the outrage there?! I say we cancel his show for that and put those six girls back in prison. They need therapy alright, shock therapy! All that was over the boy. When someone cheats on you, suck it up. They should be focusing on their school work rather than boys. There's people with kids missing and they are crying over a boy.
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jcpatriots201027 March 2021
We don't care about Robin's beauty products or your podcast. We don't watch for those things!
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Money-grubbing Freakshow Masquerading as a Doctor
lchenmemes19 September 2021
What Therapy is: -confidential, a tool to help vulnerable people process their trauma

What Therapy is not: -a man who takes shouts at vulnerable people on national television, breaking them down, 'putting them in their place', taking sides in a conflict to craft a narrative, a clown who brings his wife on the show to shill makeup. On 'Dr. Phil' you speak when spoken to, take humiliation like a good girl, and tell the audience you are grateful for the 'tough love'.

Phil justifies parading mental health issues on television by claiming that the real healing happens at 'the Ranch'- a prison camp type of institution that traumatized survivors want to have shut down.

Phil McGraw is vile and real psychotherapists cannot stand him. He gives a bad name to Oprah Winfrey by extension. P. S. : look up the reviews on Glassdoor of people who worked on the show, he's a despot.
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cindyaa20717 October 2015
Dr. Phil is the most deplorable person on television. He exploits people's mental illnesses, addictions and problems for the entertainment of his millions of viewers. He occasionally offers real outside counseling to some of his guests, but not others. I recently watched the show (for the last time) and he had a very troubled woman on as his guest. He did nothing more for her than make sarcastic comments while looking into the camera and trying to elicit laughter from the audience. This woman was clearly emotionally, mentally and intellectually challenged and he had her on for nothing more than a freak show. He is a charlatan and a bottom feeder. What he does every day on his show is at best unethical, but most certainly immoral.
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Just reprehensible.
JustAnotherUserID66711 April 2021
This host is unbelievably self-promoting and unethical. He hasn't practised for years and his behaviour has resulted in many participants on his show being abused in sick ways.
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All notes have already been played once...
dozic6722 June 2017
Sometimes Dr. Phil finds a subject that was never up for discussion. Well if you are looking for a needle in a haystack. And he is absolutely good at his "one-liners" in his shows. Sometimes it feels like a rerun, but then one notice that the stage is different and the people saying their lines different. It is "troubled teens", People getting ripped off by fake people. I think a show called "Catfish" has that on the show. Gullible old people. I think it is time to find a new topic. Or is that just NOT POSSIBLE ! What is not possible is to rate Dr Phil Show more than "2" (two). Promotes his own books and his wife's project a.s.o. It has become a commercial promotion program for products. And it is the same ones all the time. Time to close shop, OK !?

Saw some shows that triggered me to raise my rating from 1 to 2.
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The Jerry Springer of "Psychology"
I abhor Dr. Phil. I find absolutely no redeeming quality in his show or in the man himself. He has supporters or he would not be on TV, but those who sing his praises have not been flagrantly displayed and humiliated on his show. I feel terrible for those poor people who somehow were duped into thinking he was going to help them, only to be harangued and abused by the "Doctor". It is painful to watch. No one with an ounce of compassion or decency would do what he does to those who are seeking help.

I have caught his show on the fly many times in the years that it has been on. Certain pitiful participants tug at my heart and I wish that I had the money to get them some real, professional help. Unfortunately, Dr. Phil ruins the entire episode with his loud, aggressive tactics and his smarmy, high-handed manner. He is not helping these people! He is using and abusing them.

As far as his "Texas charm" is concerned- I am from Texas, too, and I wouldn't treat my worst enemy the way this man treats his "guests". He gives Texans an even blacker eye than we already have. He is an embarrassment. This is not down home humor and good, plain speaking. This is bullying in its crassest form and I cannot, will not, tolerate it.

As for the gentleman reviewer who thinks that Dr. Phil is biased for women... Really? You think that? Well, I don't. Dr. Phil is a sexist pig. He is not for women or men... or children, for that matter. He is only interested in furthering himself and his annoying family. Read between the lines, people! Can't you see it? Don't just slip into a TV coma, nodding your head like the rest of the sheeple, bleating the PC drivel that Dr. Phil regurgitates on a regular basis.

If I happen to get "caught" while flipping through channels, I am always able to make the break to freedom the minute his homely mug takes the screen hostage. He makes it easy to zap the channel, since I am nauseated by the very sight of him... without fail.
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Dr. Phil is Okay
bcrd50028 April 2013
Dr. Phil would be a better program if the following happened:

1. Tie up loose ends of stories. This really becomes an issue when show attempts to do two stories in one show.

2. His constant statement that everything is done for the well-being of the children. He makes this point numerous times during most stories and viewers get his position.

3. The show needs to have a season-ending show that updates some of the more interesting stories, of the season.

4. Remove his wife from the audience and the show. There is no apparent reason, for her presence, except to make her happy. The few shows that she has been a small part of the show brought nothing to the story.
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If every one used their common sense there would be no need for this show
mulhollandman19 September 2006
Dr. Phil is another show in a long procession of talk's shows that set out to provide assistance in their private lives. The difference that separates Dr. Phil from the others is that Dr. Phil McGraw is genuine in his concern for his guests and he is more than willing to provide the answers and solutions to thee guests private lives but only on the grounds that the guests are willing to work not for him but there selves. This approach to his work guarantees that his guests are 100 percent genuine in solving their private problems and not just being another form of white trash entertainment that Jerry Springer presented in the 90's.

I am not one to watch these kinds of talk shows because of the idiots that are inclined to be on them and the problems that these idiots bring on themselves by dating serial adulterers or living with their interfering mothers. With Dr. Phil you get the opposite of the spectrum. You get good decent everyday people whose private problems might seem minor from an outsider's point of view. But with the aid of verbal description and hidden cameras we discover examples of sleep terrors that are having a profound affect on the individual suffering on them and how he or she can become a physical night time threat to the health of his or her loved ones. Dr. Phil's problem solving technique is very straightforward. He uses a tough love approach where he insists on the guest using their common sense to solve their problems. This leads to often-humorous quips from Dr. Phil regarding the pettiness of the couple's situations. In the areas of substance dependency Dr. Phil is more than willing to use all his powers with seeking the best professional help available to help his guests.

With a show like Dr. Phil's you can expect that you will be completely enthralled by some case matters or totally bored by others. That is one of my main three faults with this show. My second fault is that Dr. Phil pretends he cares but not before he markets his latest book. Every show produces another new book that relates to that days subject matter. Either Dr. Phil publishes a new book every week or he wants to clear his shelves of the books that did not sell before 2002 and the first broadcasts of his show. Finally there is my biggest hate and that is his ever-present wife Robin. Dr. Phil gives this woman too much credit in his shows which makes me ask the question if she is so bloody inspirational and genuine and he wants to promote couples working together why isn't the show called the Dr. Phil and Robin McGraw show.

Despite these problems I do find the show to be very interesting. One of my favorite shows was the episode on people who think they are cursed. This featured a lady who at a young age was exorcised by her father who was a Pentecostal minister. In the intervening years that followed this lady had had a run of bad luck. She believed that during the exorcism she was possessed by a demons and these demons were responsible for many tragic events in her life. When I was watching this I felt bad for this lady as it was very obvious that her childhood innocence had been shattered by her parents spiritual leanings. It made me feel that although I think at times life is bad but for others it's a lot worse and the worst part is that a show like Dr. Phil has to remind me of this I myself automatically acknowledge it. What's more this show teaches me that what might seem to be a huge problem can be simply solved by using common sense at that organ that god gave me called a brain.

I often see Dr. Phil as the cool uncle you would go to if you had problems and his attitude would be comforting. This is cool as I personally would not want him as a dad. The show is really good at times it can be quite boring but that depends on the problems that you the audience can relate to on a personal basis. It is however definitely the best of these kind of shows that offer help to troubled people. 6 out of 10.
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Nothing more than an infomercial...
LiquidPoetry192113 March 2017
It's frightening to think someone may take the 'advice' that this quack dispenses seriously ~ and its positively shameful how he exploits individuals strictly for ratings.

To make matters worse, the salacious stories he puts on the show simply serve as an intro to him hawking something from his family every single day. Usually it's his own company 'Dr. on Demand', his wife Robin's make-up line, his son Jay's publishing company (which is 'conveniently' behind any book featured on the show), or his other son Jordan's music CD's.

The advice Dr. Phil offers is nothing short of dangerous. On a recent episode that featured a VERY disturbed little girl, Phil advised the parents to take a different approach with her ~ where they would 'notice a big difference in a very short period of time'. However, when guest doctor Frank Lawless of the P & P Center suggested it might be a frontal lobe issue, Dr. Phil immediately cut him off and recommended his 'Dr. on Demand' app instead. Simply shameful

This charlatan needs to be taken off the air before he really hurts somebody.
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Crazy People, funny host.
alexhenderson-117112 November 2018
I love the jokes Phil makes, I love how he handles some of these insane people, I just love the show.
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Helpful-75% 25%-shameful
prettymouser30 July 2018
I like that Dr. Phil is trying to help all of these people out but lately it's more about the show. He can call some people extremely rude for telling someone else to shut up, but when that person does it back the audience claps for them. It's bogus. He needs to be 100% fair all the way around. On one show a lady was cheating on her husband with a man in Kenya and he reamed the guy in Kenya and wanted the husband to stay with his wife! Like come on! I would be telling him to be signing divorce papers. Another show he sent a girl off for telling him the audience was allowed to laugh at her but not make her a laughing spectical. Yes she was very rude coming out but he sent her away to look tough and give himself more power instead of telling her to quit and pay attention to the real problem. Just a little bit disappointed with him sometimes.
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If it wasn't for Oprah...
riopuerco10 February 2021
This is just a more polite version of Jerry Springer with his wife hawking her beauty products
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Truly irritating to watch. I give it a "Generous" 0 STARS!
Jario_36221 June 2021
Here's how I see the show. Talk about the problem. Ok, THAT is good. But, once the issues are addressed, WHY CONSTANTLY CIRCLE around them?

Just keep an eye out for this pattern. There's NO significant progress, RIGHT UNTIL the next Ad Break.

"We'll continue... after the break."

Me: "REALLY? No!" Just switch channels, when the show comes on. No need to thank me. You're welcome for the eye opener.
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Phil Is Not Very Smart
davidwhite-567768 May 2021
Dr. Phil can not help other people who have problems, and some people just get on the show to air out their dirty laundry. They can not solve their own problems and, neither can Dr. Phil. He is very stupid, in my honest opinion. He always says, "I've got a friend who is/does...blah, blah, blah..."

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Dr. Exploitation
coldenlamb30 March 2020
This man is screwed in the head to be broadcasting and exploit people who some clearly have mental illness and problems. It's sickening people think this a good show. Don't recommend this show to anyone
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Dr. Phil - The "fun" and "harmful" layer cake show
callist20 November 2011
Dr. Phil gets 2 stars. 1 for actually taking up important issues and creating awareness and 1 for being entertaining - sometimes.

This is not the show to watch if you want a serious "(self) help" show. Dr. Phil is in your face and confrontational, which is sometimes funny, but you never doubt just whose side he is on in any given case - and you never doubt that the other part in the case is a horrible and guilty person. There are no shades of gray on Dr. Phil's show - which is strange, as the man has an education in psychology.

However, Dr. Phil may actually prove harmful sometimes. As it often is with media, he simply holds too much sway over people - he gives an opinion and millions of viewers cry out in agreement without the hassle of researching the subject. Not only harmful to the individuals, that Dr. Phil targets, it seems to also help undermine people's trust in actual authority, like the law (which, by no means is perfect or anywhere near that, but it is still a harmful influence that really doesn't help as it is often without real substance, just full of emotions).

Watch it if you like sob stories going no where, villains and judgment, or if you, like me, are a psychology student who is very interested in seeing the "acclaimed" Dr. Phil's verdicts and in making your own.

Funny note: Try to notice how many times Dr. Phil gives out-right professional advice as in "You have to do this/ you should do this...". None. Why? Because he's not a licensed psychologist any more, meaning that he CAN'T do it - it's against the law. All he can do is offer "good ideas" or layman's advice.
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bdbj7713 February 2020
A dry story with cosmetic ads. I don't think he can offer real psychological advice since he doesn't have a license to practice.
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bevo-136787 December 2020
How good is dr phill I reckon he could beat jerry springer in a fight
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Burke Ramsey interview
kfizer20 September 2016
I watched 2 days of Burke's interview plus those with the father. They were treated with kid gloves, no harsh questions. Also watched the experts reconstruct and go over every piece of evidence concerning the murder along with the interviews with a young Burke. Dr. Phil saw no problems with those interviews, even though he is trained in forensics. The experts saw many problems with those interviews and after many tests and reconstructions came up with Burke being angry with her for eating his pineapple and hitting her in the head with a flashlight, then poking her with train tracks which left no blood because she was already dead. Then the parents obviously covered the whole thing up. Burke was heard on the 911 call and they all denied it. He was resentful of his sister and the time mom spent with her as evidenced by his tantrums. The smiling on his interview which Dr. Phil says is anxiety, really? Maybe because he got away with murder. He was under the age of 10 so couldn't be charged anyway in that state. I will never watch Dr. Phil again. I have no respect for him.
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My favorite show!
nicolebayley9 September 2018
I love the stories on this show, sometimes Dr Phil can be a little harsh or demeaning to his guests, but I still enjoy the show and the help he offers the guests. I wish it were on DVD because I would buy all episodes!
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Nightmares Brought To Television
DKosty12315 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show essentially takes the newspaper advice columns and bring them to live on TV. Almost every show we have the victim(s) of a terrible human drama bring their problems to Phil for answers. Then Dr. Phil puts a home spun type of forum to it and suggests how he can help.

Harpo Productions (Oprah) is the boss we owe this too. It is talk show format, and is a laid back version of human complications being presented on a static stage with emotional out bursts. Sometimes we get a special guest during sweeps to do Star Burst and promote their egos. I fully expect Taylor Swift will get a shot at this one after the groping case gets out of court.

Meanwhile, a synopsis of everything goes, "Help me, I just had a nightmare about my problems and somehow visited an English teacher who gave me advice in French that I love to hate and I still can't sleep at night after getting a root canal on my grammar."

The thing is, Phil has some of the same eccentric problems as his guests so in a simple way, he can always relate to them on a basic level. His personality and that level are the reasons for this shows success. There is harm in these victims lives. Phil tries to sincerely address that harm.

Of course perhaps the thing to watch it for is the train wrecks of life presented without Jerry Springer's Final Word, or Maury's DNA test. Yes, Phil, you are the father, and sometimes, yes, you do get the final word at the end of your show.
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Do people still watch this ?!
dozic6714 June 2020
How many times can one milk a subject. It has been done over and over again. Enough already ! It is now all about the money, nothing is serious enough to support this anymore. Get on with your lives and let it rest. It is on repeat. There's no new topics and he agrees with the majority all the time. No surprise there !! Get a life !
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Why is America buying this show?
westsidedude200127 May 2003
Therapy? I don't think so. All I see is a guy who likes to yell at his guests. I sure as heck ain't gonna pay a therapist for that kind of treatment so why are the networks paying for this kind of show. I was raised to believe that when a person is yelling at you - just walk away. Dr. Phil may understand psychology but he sure don't know how to treat others well. He likes to belittle others by calling them "a loser", and "you're worthless". Maybe this is for ratings but if I'm going to buy therapy it won't be from someone who puts me down.
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