Silver Fang (TV Series 1986) Poster


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I've seen it all and there is nothing like this...
arosland-122 May 2006
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin aka Silver Fang in Scandinavia is a Japanese animation series witch runs for 21 episodes.


A small mountain town depending on ski-tourism has a bear problem, and it all begins with the akita puppy Gin being born. His father Riki is with Master Gohe hunting down the main bear called Akakabuto. In the battle Riki gets thrown off a cliff an is assumed dead. Daisuke and Gin seeks revenge... and we follow Daisuke & Gin preparing themselves for the confrontation with the giant bear. They manage to kill one but it is not Akakabuto, and it seems that killer bear have created a little army of his own, so the mission get tougher.. After this the story goes over to focus only on Gin, his father Riki is still alive and is the leader of a group of wild dogs living in the mountains. Because of the fall Riki has lost his memory and he does not recognize Gin, but to strengthen his army he commands the other wild dogs off to recruit more soldiers for the final battle against Akakabuto and the other bears. A fantastic journey of courage,love,strength and honor begins...

Conclusion: The Japanese are at their best in this touching story about a puppy in search for his father, finding him and then teaming up with him to kill the bear that separated them and stole his childhood years wihout a father... It's 20 years now since the first time I saw Gin, and it still is as powerful as it was. Trust me folks, I've spend a lot of my time front of a tele, seen a lot of animation series, they don't make em like old days... =)
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Silver Fang
Patriot844 January 2006
I watched Silver Fang many times under my childhood, so this is nostalgia for me. Its one of the best animated movies ever made. I have the uncut version now and when I watch that I realize that it's not a movie for children as it was promoted in Sweden to be, it's a movie for all ages. It contains allot of violence, ruff language and its about strength and courage. It's not like a Disney or PIXAR movie, because when you see this movie your really get touched.

I'm talking about movies, its not a movie it's a TV series in 21 parts, but when it was realized in Sweden in the mid 80's it's they realized it on four VHS tapes.

If you haven't seen it, do so!
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Still as great as it was fifteen years ago.
jownaus_fanclub23 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Silver Fang" is probably the strongest animated experience I had during my childhood. The story had every classical element in making it an epic journey; a clear goal in sight, bravery, love, fear, hate, anger, tears, kinship, loyalty, heroes, villains, violence, laughter, traveling, cursing and more. The characters are amazingly well thought through; The Three Brothers of Kai, The Four Generals of Mutsu, Benizakura, John, Gohei Takida, Madara, Akakabuto, Daisuke and off course Silver Fang himself. When comparing the soldiers of Ouh you even find yourself relating to some of them (I prefer Akame). The sense you have when watching the first episodes are that you aren't sure what the writers are aiming at, but yet you get curious. The epilogue of Silvers grandfather Shiro was amazingly well performed along with the rest of the episodes spent in the snow covered valleys of Japan. *Spoiler* The series frequently have small downfalls when it gets too unrealistic, e.g when Ben gets an enormous rock on his temple and still survives or when Silver retrieves some weird techniques. But the overall experience and the incredible character development makes it easy to let these things slide. The Scandinavian version was cut down from the 21 episode long series into four feature films and many of the bloodiest scenes where left out (for good reason: I mean Jesus!). I was told about a month ago of existing material which wasn't released in Sweden. I watched the series again for the first time in ages and it was still very good and all of the logical gaps were thankfully filled. This isn't for people with "weak stomaches". However if you want to be bewildered by its unexpected beauty and the artistic approach by the animators you should see it.
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Animated film series of the century
wetche10 March 2008
This show is probably the best TV series I've ever watched. It's not the usual stuff with clichés and crap everywhere but a unique and special story that really touches you. There are so many aspects of life and the becoming of an adult that surfaces in this story that you can barely believe it. The story is original and pure and it has a lot of theoe special moments when you smile and look out of the window just to imagine if you were there.

I am 19 years old and Im still totally lost in this series. And I've come to realize that it is not a children's series. There is indeed a lot of violence and perhaps also bad words so it is really for all ages.

The animation is, of course, different from what we know today, however, it only adds to the uniqueness of the series. Many critcs would perhaps laugh and watch something else but we who know better will just look even closer.

I can only recommend that you watch it as soon as possible. It is a story about courage, trust and freedom and it WILL touch you, just wait.
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Absolute masterpiece
Lord_Frieza30 July 2020
No other tv show or a movie has made as afraid as this one, when I first watched this as a child, and that was the 'clean' cut version of the series.

16 years later, this show still gives me goosebumps every time I watch it. Not that it would frighten me any more. But it is just so great show with lots of spectacular moments that will be remembered!

Gin's journey from a puppy to adult is wonderful journey that everyone should dig into at least twice in their lifetime. Once as a child and once as a adult! The characters are very well written and thought of action is great emotions are guaranteed, what else could you wish for? Oh and I did not even mention the MUSIC!

In case you watch this show and afterwards feel that Akakabuto is hunting you, and lurking in the dark, you can always imagine Riki and Gin by yourside to save you in case he attacks!
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Something to live by
juippijaba15 May 2021
If I had to choose one thing from the poupular culture of my childhood to pass on to my kids it would be this. And looking back for sure a large part of what made me the man I am today. Justness, honor and perceverance are values that I wish more people would strive to live by.

The only 10/10 I will ever give.
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A mission is a Puppy
FilmernasGud26 October 2011
Known in different titles and perhaps a Nordic affair mostly. Since it was sort of a hit in Finland and Sweden at least. Never heard of a English version, which in that case would be a terrible shame. This is a life-time achievement in the genre of Drama trough the eyes of the Dogs. The portrayal of how we exploits the Dogs for our needs feels spot on. One of the female leads owner showed hes true colors when desperation called. When the grown-ups are sloppy, its up to a little boy and a legendary Puppy to stop a psychotic Bear from terrorizing their land. The old hunter has hes guilt and a demon to fight in the gigantic Bear Akakaboto (Red Helmet). A teary-eyed show about growing up, responsibility and honor. Some scenes are very heartbreaking. An instant and powerful classic.
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Fantastic animated series!
Dyling6 December 2013
I just finished re-watching this series, nearly 20 years after I first saw it as a kid. Did it live up to my expectations?

Short answer: Yes!

The animation in Silver Fang isn't even close to what we are used to today, but for some reason that didn't bother me at all. This series strength lies in the strong story-line, the way you connect to its characters (human or dog), and how emotional it is. No other animated series has made me weep, cheer and smile like this one!

So do you need to have watched this as a child to enjoy it? I doubt it; have an open mind, give it a chance and find out for yourself!

You won't regret it!
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One of the best
Knoxvicious8 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After watching re-runs of Inyusha, Wolf's rain, and Dragon Ball Z you start to get bored...the sad thing is these series only premier in Japan and mostly all Scandianvian counties. I myself had to download episodes off of Youtube and was taken back by how brilliant and great the show was. It is a very underrated show. Silver Fang (GNG) is about a bear dog by the name of Gin and his journey, along with some other dogs from across Japan, to take down an evil big ass bear that has been killing innocent people and animals. Though this may seem like a bore storyline it is not. It has heart and is unlike a lot of other Animes. It is exciting and will make you want to watch a lot more. Though I most get out of my system the only thing that I disliked about the show was the very poor animation. But none the less, it was not the art that mattered, it was the story and the animation is SOMEWHAT decent enough. Not very though. If you love Wolf's rain you will love this show, definitely. And after you finish this series you will be even more happy to find out there is a squeal to the series entitled, "Silver Fang Legend Weed," or something like that. (GDW) Also very good, I liked it more actually. Even though the characters from the original one somewhat get ruined..... When you spot it on...just sit and watch the tube.
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Kids horror done right.
ternvall15 May 2017
At the age of 6yo, one dark winter night I saw most of this film at a friends house. Though I never finish it some scenes stuck; now 20 years later. Never knew the name of the film but I could never forget the name Akakabuto. Nightmares and feared darkness for years to come. No other flick have stuck with me for so long. Finally found the title, and must re-watch whenever able. Unsure if it holds up but until then. 10/10!
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Best of the best for me
titus-paar18 September 2011
Honestly "SILVER FANG" is ridicules, extremely "Japanese 80's", cheesy and at times sloppy animated. But still it's the ONLY movie/series/song that hasn't lost my devotion, excitement and love for since my jaw dropped at the age of 6 (about 21 years ago).

I just love everything about it, it has always inspired me as a filmmaker, to create something unique and not always caring if your movies are a bit naive.

There are some "fillers", ruffly the whole season 3, gathering more dogs, is basically the same scenario over and over again.(I skip that one) But I don't care because this is pure movie magic on all levels, this is taking your imagination to your fullest, it's cute and brutal. It's brave heart for dogs :)

if I'm only allowed to give one film 10 stars in my life, it wouldn't be the godfather, Schindler's list or Citizens Cane. It would be SILVER FANG. I'm probably alone in the world about it but somehow that makes it feel even better.
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The most nostalgic show from my childhood
petteri-backholm21 February 2022
This is easily one of the best shows that I have ever watched. Some of the parts are pretty badly made to be honest, but considering it's done in -86 I will let it slide. This is the reason I'm afraid of bears and still see nightmares from Akakabuto after watching this that usually lasts for about a year. Thank you for giving me childhood traumas.

Still after 20 years I will keep rewatching this every year.
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Enjoyable but not particularly great Saint Seiya spinoff with touches of Dragonball under a different skin
TooKakkoiiforYou_3217 March 2023
And I guess you'll wonder why I'm saying that this is a Saint Seiya spinoff if the main characters in here are all dogs. The reason is very simple: you can clearly see under the surface that who made this had Saint Seiya in mind because it follows almost the same beats of that series (a puppy growing under the harsh tutelage of a instructor, the search for more dogs to fight a main villain, the copius amount of blood, etc. Etc. Etc.) to the point of having the Seiyuu of Ikki Phoenix returning in the fur of a character which main trait originally is the one of the lone wolf of the group (see what I did there?) of Ikki himself. Fun until episode 17, when the producers clearly stopped being interested in this project alltogether I guess for funding reasons and the writing took a severe nosedive, with sparse suicide innuendos and overblown violence which not only gets comical but it also reeks of the usual japanese way of doing things I. E. ramping up to the extreme the violence and the sex elements (non-existant here by default) because of a complete lack of ideas (see Jungle Taitei reboot from this same era).
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My Favorite
ruben_helmersen1 January 2015
At the age of 8 I was introduced to Silver Fang. It was in the form of a Norwegian dubbed VHS with a PG-12 rating and the goriest scenes removed. At the time it scarred me for life. However, as a grown-up I realized I had discovered the best anime ever made.

We follow Silver (Gin in Japanese), an Akata Inu pup trained to be a bear hound. The first seven episodes (total of 21) are seen from the point-of-view of humans. After this, the point-of-view is changed to dogs. When humans are involved, the dogs are heard barking and whining. The story-line is strong and compelling, with twists and turns along the way. The anime tells the story of how Silver and other dogs take matters into their own paws by recruiting other dogs to cleanse Futago pass of violent bears, led by the one-eyed bear Akakabuto. Please be advised that this anime is filled with violence, blood, and many killings of dogs, bears, and humans. If you hate the thought of animals dying, then this anime is not for you. However, if you can handle the warning above and enjoy an epic adventure, then Silver Fang will hit you faster than a Cutting fang of Sirius' sword draw (Zetsu Tenrō Battōga)!
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Really great Anime!
stigrs8712 July 2020
Had the cut version dubbed to Norwegian when i was a kid. Bought the uncut japanese version as an adult. It is just amazing. The only thing i missed from the norwegian version is the voiceacting/voices are better in the Norwegian version.
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traktorn9 May 2008
When I was about 12 years old my friend called me and said that he had borrowed a movie called "Silver Fang", well that sounded nice and I went to my friend's house. Then when I saw the cover of the VHS I thought: "Oh no, it's a Japanese animation!", I've never liked that. But I gave it a try and me and my friend watched it. And OH MY GOD! I couldn't take my eyes of the telly! We watched all the 4 parts (it was the cutted version) in a row! It had it all; a cool story, different main characters than ordinary mangas (dogs), romance, blood & gore, sadness etc. I recommend these series to EVERYONE! If you haven't watched it, watch it NOW! Every night for two weeks after I watched Silver Fang I lied in my bed and just couldn't get my mind off it, I wanted to see it again! Sooooo beautiful..... 10/10. I would give it more, even an Oscar!
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Should definitely be considered for a live action movie
therubixtheory20 February 2008
It's a hard series to get into at first, ridiculous plot to start off with, it features a small puppy getting the s*** beaten out of it by it's owner over his feud with a big bear, then eventually the puppy joins up with other dogs and together they take this bear down.

the series really starts to grow on you though because it's a very adorable puppy that tries it's hardest, and then you get a wide range of characters who all share a sense of pride in being a wild dog and live life without worries and all have unique abilities.

there are some bad points to the series, for one thing i think there just wasn't enough episodes, 26 i think there was, and Gin's development was a bit far-fetched, i mean he was only a year old and his abilities seemed to come unnaturally to him.

a lot of characters die in this series that you wish didn't but it would look stupid if they were left alive in a way, but man what a climax.

and one thing that bothered me a lot was facial expressions, i know dogs cant really pull faces but in this series you saw them walk around and run about with wide jaws and eyes.

I think what i love seeing the most is the interval animation, first we see Gin in this field of flowers scratching at his ear like a normal dog, then sniffing a butterfly, and next it's him running through a field of stars, that to me really sums up his character.
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Small fixes could yield huge results for this show.
RhysMakesMovies23 February 2021
Really really good! I would love to see a remaster with swifter more realistic animation, fixing up the small plot issues scattered throughout the show and ensuring that it stays grounded within the laws of nature and realism. If all mentioned is fulfilled this show will undoubtedly be one of the best shows of all time. I may do an actual in depth review discussing specific shortcomings throughout.
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