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Delivers the goods for genre fans
gridoon13 November 2005
If you want to see fit, athletic young men and women in skimpy clothing doing martial arts poses and hand-to-hand combat for about an hour, "The Ultimate Game" is right up your alley. The first 30-40 minutes are slow and stilted, and the sound is sometimes out-of-synch, making the film look as if it had been dubbed. But when we get to the martial arts tournament, held in an exotic island somewhere off the coast of Japan (I think), the movie starts delivering the goods for genre fans. If you can say a negative thing about the fight scenes, it's that sometimes they seem a bit too "rehearsed"; on the other hand, there are LOTS of them, they are shot in broad daylight so you can clearly see them, and the hits look realistic. And it is an equal-opportunity film: women will go crazy over J.D.Rifkin's abs, while men will want to see more of that blonde fighter who, at one point, smiles wickedly and then drops her leg on her opponent's stomach with such force that the other woman probably had a belly ache for several hours afterwards. (**)
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An amateurish punchfighter, there's certainly some fun to be wrung out of it.
tarbosh2200024 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Jack Grimes (Rifkin) is a martial artist with a wife (Doubleday) and young son (Montgomery). He's devoted to them, but he's also devoted to something else...entering a winner-take-all martial arts competition with "fighters from all over the world". After all the fighters are sent to a remote island by a man named Sato (Christie), promising the winner a million dollars, The Ultimate Game begins. However, it seems a gangster named Ray Ivan (O'Brien) has his own motives, and one of the tournament fighters, Sam (Logan), is in his back pocket. Will Jack ever see his family again? The Ultimate Game is director Jack Kaprielian's only directorial effort to date. While we're sure he put a lot of work into making this movie, it seems like someone must have commanded him to stop directing movies forever, and he listened. Despite his best efforts, the movie has a junky, homemade look, bizarre dubbing/ADR, and jarring editing decisions. It also has the dreaded "fast motion" effect that ruins movies. On top of the technical issues, the actors involved are more martial artists than actors, let's just put it that way.

J.D. Rifkin, whose abs do all the acting, plays the John Cena-like main character. The kid that plays his son Joey, who must be like five years old, gives a more energetic and likable performance. Rifkin is also in the hideously awful Total Force (1997), which makes The Ultimate Game look like a masterpiece, as well as the Don the Dragon vehicle Virtual Combat (1995). His nighttime Tai Chi/flexing scenes actually recall Patrick Swayze in Road House (1989). And to top it all off, he's a stylish man. His choices in vests and purple T-shirts with hiked-up jeans are quite impressive.

T.J. Storm, who plays one of the fighters and has an awesome name, has had a long career and was even in Punisher: War Zone (2008). He's also supposedly in Mortal Kombat as "Guest Fighter", which highlights The Ultimate Game's resemblance to that video game/movie. There's even an opponent who dresses exactly like Scorpion in the tournament here. And while this was technically released in 2001, it has a copyright of 1998. At that time, while they weren't really in their prime anymore, people were still playing games like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. Those seem to be the main influences on The Ultimate Game, along with Bloodfist 2 (1990), which also has the "madman spirits martial artists away to an island to make them fight" as its plot. Additionally, Storm wears what must be the first Snuggie seen on screen.

After the "plot" gets out of the way, it's just back-to-back scenes of the fighters on the beach, well...fighting. And while they do their thing, the other characters stand and watch them. So it's really about 90 minutes of people with silly hair observing the fighting, and more silly-haired people jumping around and kicking the air.

Granted, there is no CGI or wires, which is certainly a good thing...or is it? Maybe in this case it could have used a little something extra, who knows? Sure, you can see all the moves, as opposed to the "quick cuts" of today but...the movie needed some professionalism. But you'll be able to find this DVD dirt cheap in places that sell bargain-basement DVDs, and for an amateurish punchfighter, there's certainly some fun to be wrung out of it.

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Bad Acting, Decent Fights, and the World's Worst-Looking Backbreaker
The_Phantom_Projectionist25 November 2015
While watching THE ULTIMATE GAME, I was thinking to myself that this movie was made too late. By 2001, bare bones martial arts tournament films were passé, and this was likely reflected in the movie's very low budget appearance. To my surprise, it was actually made in 1998, at the very end of the boom period of direct-to-video karate flicks. In other words, the film languished without a release for about three years, and after seeing it in its entirety, this isn't surprising. THE ULTIMATE GAME just barely manages a three-star rating, but I can see others easily rating it lower: this one's got a ton of fight scenes to its credit but very little else.

The story: Several teams of martial artists take part in a tournament to crown the best of the best, though fair play is hampered by the unscrupulous antics of an evil manager.

You can pretty much skip the first half of the movie. Not only is the indie budget visible via its video quality, boring direction, and almost nonexistent acting (I nominate Jennifer Doubleday for the "worst crying scene of the decade" award), but the characters are all largely faceless goofballs who you can't care a hoot about. There are some pretty silly scenes - Mark Griffin giving a drunk man the world's most halfhearted beating, T.J. Storm somehow being completely unharmed by a head-on car collision - but they're played too lackluster to be worth laughing at.

Most of the fighters here are pretty unknown in the film world - the most prolific is definitely the aforementioned T.J. Storm, followed by Paul Logan and Andre McCoy - but they're still a talented bunch and get plenty of opportunity to strut their stuff. Once the tournament begins, the film averages one fight every four minutes, and taken as a cumulative total, the collection isn't bad. At worst, the brawls move slowly enough that the strikes and blocks look predetermined, and virtually all of them have that vague amateur look to them of shots being held too long and some disharmony between connecting shots. However, there's no denying the fighters' athleticism, and the choreography has its moments. Stars J.D. Rifkin and Paul Logan are like nimbler versions of Dolph Lundgren, and T.J. Storm performs some impressive kung fu. My favorite fight is a kick-filled match between stunt warriors Stephanie Cheeva and Melissa Barker. This stuff could definitely be worse.

Recommending this movie is difficult. Casual action fans will be alienated by the low budget look of the film, and even seasoned DTV aficionados may not have much tolerance for the movie's low points when there's much better stuff on the market. In the end, I think I can only push this one towards that niche audience of karate cinema that particular enjoys movies with tournaments in them. In general, everyone should rent this one before considering a purchase.
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The Ultimate Crap !!
med77_9917 December 2006
Hi.. When it comes to movies, i think i have really low standards and i would try to enjoy any movie trying to focus mainly on the positives and ignore the negatives, but this movie..Oh boy..this was one of the worst movies i have ever seen, it ranks way up with the top 10 worst movies of all time. Now where do I a start trashing this film from ? i mean it has nothing positive about it, NOTHING ! The plot was ultra boring, shallow characters with very poor acting, terrible music and audio editing, silly fights and i don't agree with a previous reviewer who said that it had nice locations, the locations where below average, and any ways you won't see much of it because of the terrible footage of the movie. and there were no sexy chicks or any attractive chicks for that matter, just plain awful ! The Ultimate Crap is what this movie is, Take my advice and stay as far away as possible from this piece of trash, i won't watch it even if they pay me !!
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Extremely disappointing
reffzz11 January 2007
First of all, I can't consider this movie a real "MOVIE". The storyline is very fragile (c'mon, a fighting contest on an island sure rings "Mortal Kombat" bell), the acting is horrible, the sounds are awkward and the fight scenes are actually FUNNY. I cannot believe someone said the scenes were good. I mean, the actors have well built bodies but my god the moves they do barely connect to their opponents. One can see very clearly that the fists and feet actually hit the air!!! What a lame performance to say the least. Also, what was the actual role of the chick in the team? I believe it was only to add some spice to the original recipe of low budget low quality action flicks. Avoid watching at any cost if you want to watch good real action movies, but you can watch it if you want to have fun with friends laughing at the terrible acting and fight scenes.
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Well, the fight scenes are good ...
r-rifkin25 July 2006
All right, let's just say it: this is not really a good film. The sound is mostly post-dubbed, the sound effects are amateurish. The plot is … well, almost nonexistent, something about a to-the-death contest for supremacy and personal salvation. However, if you are a fan of the genre, this is a back-to-basics martial arts classic. You won't find better-looking or fitter karate warriors, more exotic beach locales, or more genuine fighting. JD Rifkin is gorgeous, huge, and cut like a cover model for Men's Fitness. His pals and opponents are no less impressive. The fights are all well-lit and shot from a little distance back, so you can actually see what's going on. And unlike the current trend, neither computer graphics nor cables and fancy photography figure into this -- all the combat scenes are choreographed but completely genuine. In his other life, Rifkin is a martial arts instructor; everything you see these guys do, they can really do. I've seen them do it-- You'll just have to trust me on that. So if you're tired of the House of Flying Daggers and Kung Fu Hustle special effects and overproduced schlock in the theaters, kick back to the real thing.
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A Cinematic Achievement
Aps88 November 2006
The Ultimate Game, while relatively unknown outside of the circles of true American heroes such as myself, is undoubtedly the greatest cinematic achievement of our time. It is as though all of film and movie history had been leading up to the release of this masterpiece. It is the culmination of all previous endeavors in the art form - the apogee, if you will. Everyone else might as well just give up making movies because they will never ever be as good as Kevin Derek and Jack Kaprielian. They are my heroes - true American heroes. I think every movie theater in the world should just play this movie nonstop. It speaks to my heart and brings tears to my soul.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm getting my life back.
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Excellent Martial Arts Film!
thetrapmovie18 April 2007
This film was shot on a shoe-string budget from what I heard. During production, the producers faced some monumental odds that included location problems, actors not showing up or bailing out of the shoot to do other projects, crew members showing up late, etc, but they persevered and got the film in the can. The post-production was even worse as the production sound turned out to be so bad that the director had to ADR the whole film, and then he faced serious problems trying to get the actors to show up and read their lines. Anyone would have quit but he did not. It took him close to two-years to edit picture and sound and he had to contend with whatever he could get. During production, the producers planned to shoot the climatic scene on the beach with a helicopter and machine guns but then one of the main characters (who will remain unnamed) did not show up. On the spot, the directors had to think quickly and rewrite the script, scrapping the helicopter shot.

So, with that in mind, it is true the first act of this film is a bit slow for the MTV generation raised on 15-second commercials, but once it shifts gear, it's a non-stop action heart-thumping thriller to the very end. The fight scenes are simply amazing! Very-well shot, very-well choreographed and brilliantly edited. I highly recommend this film to all martial arts fans. Check it out, it's worth your time!
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