RahXephon (TV Series 2002) Poster


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Strange but good
WeAreLive26 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Some guy called Ayato Kamina lives a normal life with his mother and goes to school with his friends a cute girl called Hiroko Asahina and some average joe wannabe Mamoru Torigai. That all changes after some weird humanoid robots that are known as Dolems attack the city of Tokyo. Ayato meets a mysterious beautiful long-haired girl in a yellow dress named Reika Mishima. She takes him into a sanctuary which is a resting place of the Rahxephon, another Robot that looks like a cross between an eva and an escaflowne to fight the Dolem. Upon its awakening, Ayato finds himself synchronising with the machine and it takes him to the world beyond Tokyo. It seems that Tokyo, more precisely called Tokyo Jupiter, has been cut off from the rest of the world. Those living within the boundaries of Tokyo Jupiter believe that the rest of the world has been decimated, when in fact they live in a world controlled by the Mu. Now, facing the truth, Ayato must come to terms with his new reality, for he is a central element in the fate of mankind.

The series does have some really good quality animation from Bones which is no surprise given they also made many other good animes like Eureka Seven and Fullmetal Alchemist.

As far as characters go Ayato is kinda like Shinji and Renton though being more braver then the former and slightly mature given their age difference. Haruka she comes across more a older sister figure and mentor then a love interest. Look I know they were a couple before Haruka went missing but given the massive age difference they were now there were probably more suited candidates. The other characters were good if I had pick a favourite amongst the secondary I would say Megumi, Itsuki, Elvy and Quan were probably my favourite. There were a few I didn't really like such as the main characters mother Maya, Kim, Helena, Jin and Mamoru. For Mamoru I have many questions.

The story is well structured for most parts but we don't really have much of an origin behind the dolems.

The voice acting and the dub by adv was excellent.

So yeah if you are into stuff like Neon Genosis and Eureka Seven this might be right up your ally.
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Confused in the Beginging, Loved the Middle and hated the ending.
chrono40417 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The very beginning of the anime left me scratching my head and wondering what the hell just happened. I loved the middle of the series when Aiyto was on the new island and watching his relations with everyone else. Towards the end he starts getting an attitude problem as he finds out he is a "mulian"(enemy of humans)

*spoiler* The Ending just seamed illogical to me and really stupid. It kinda fits the shoddy story but i would have rather seen it go other direction. *spoiler*

If you like mecha anime, its definitely worth watching the first 2/3 of the show.
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I really enjoyed this series.
peterbarnes18 June 2006
OK, I have just finished watching RahXephon and I mean it when I say that RahXephon is a show that should not be missed by anybody who's a mecha fan, a drama type fan or an anime fan in general cause the show is just that good. The story is such an incredibly detailed story, every character is likable and has a story to tell, the art is fantastic and the animation for a lot of the battle sequences are great also. The music is wonderful and addictive and I have both the opening and closing themes. The extras on the all seven volumes are really detailed with interviews with a lot of the English and Japanese cast. Lots of production sketches that are great and a nice music video as well. A lot of fans will say that RahXephon is similar to Evangelion, in a way its similar but its a lot more of a joyful series than Evangelion, I mean Evangelion is like the black series while RahXephon is the white series. Well thats the best way I can compare it. At this point cause no doubt I will have to watch the series again to fully understand the series cause it is mind boggling like Evangelion accept no religious questions thank goodness but still I would love to watch it again.

So right now I give it a 9 out of 10 but who knows it could be the only series that I own to get a 10 out of 10 and I find it very hard to give something that but RahXephon is very close.
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Stunning, absorbing and truly Great in every sense!
TheAnimeWatcher7 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What makes a great anime show over a good anime show? Or even a bad one for that matter...It's about blending elements and getting them to work together successfully. In Rahxephon the elements of deep emotions, Mecha, music, science, religion, relationships, family and even unlined racism are added and fundamentally, blended beautifully to make one of the most amazing anime series ever.

First off, this show is visually a feast for the eye. With crisp, clear animation, which despite not being the greatest in an anime show (in terms of attention for detail), is very effective, bright and colourful to the eye. Some of the battle sequences, such as the original Tokyo Jupiter invasion involving Elvy Hadhiyat and Allegretto in a dogfight is excellently choreographed being executed with style and artistry. All the characters in Rahxephon are beautifully designed also. From the quite ordinary boy, Ayato Kamina to the reserved, Quon Kisaragi. The purely macabre Helena Bahbem to the interestingly 'wise old' figure of Seiya Rikudoh. All are wonderfully written and share great layers of depth and scope. With the best instances in the show being that of Dr.Itsuki Kisaragi and Makoto Isshiki. You sense a lot of history with these characters and in the case of Makoto, a real sense of hidden malevolence, making them so compelling to the viewer. It is something that most Anime just can't produce despite there best intentions. The key being, managing to create believable characters in a fictional world. Another area in which this series really excels is the music.(With it being a huge theme throughout) The Mu, the protagonists of the piece, are creatures of music and tone and for this the creators decided, as is the way in these apocalyptic dramatisations, that Classical should be the music of choice. Whilst this adds a real strength to the emotion of the show overall, striking the right notes, this does raise a curious connection. That of Neon Genesis Evangelion, which decided to use classical producing and existing classical tracks in the day to day lives of their characters. This connection with Evangelion is seen in other areas as well, including scenarios and set pieces. Eg. The Rahxephon having to kill a D-1 in orbit from the ground or a D-1 that takes the opponent into negative space through a black hole type phenomenon, enveloping the Mecha and it's pilot. But looking no further than the main lead can really see where these 2 champions of Anime differ. Ayato Kamina and Shinji Ikari. One thing that really made this show work was the amazing realism involved in Ayato. He does really seem to be a young man coming to terms with the world around him and acting accordingly. Whilst at the end of Evangelion, fans and critics alike were becoming a little less than enamoured with Shinji as a character, not to mention the voice actors! Shinji fell into depression and became almost excruciating towards the end.

This series is a wonderful piece of emotional anime with classic design work and classic characters. Excelling in every department, including the area Evangelion failed on. A fitting and compelling ending. Both in the series and the movie endings.(Again following Evangelion with a movie alternative ending) It's not a rip off of Evangelion, but another piece of work with similarities, that stands on it's own, in it's own right. People debate, which of them is better, saying you can only like one or the other. This is wrong in my opinion, with both being Genius (in a word) and excelling in different areas. But I can only see the comparison as a pure compliment to Rahxephon. That after it's ran it's course the show is constantly being compared to one of the greatest anime series ever.

Rahxephon comes highly recommended and for some parts of the series, it is the best Anime around. It very rarely gets better than this. 9/10
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A series of unusual intelligence, depth, and soul
cleversimon17 December 2003
'RahXephon' is an engaging, stunningly crafted series, possessed of an emotional depth rarely seen in animation, Japanese or otherwise. Critics often compare 'RahXephon' to 'Neon Genesis Evangelion', even accuse Bones of plagiarizing Gainax's intellectual property, but this is both inaccurate and unfair; while the broad strokes of premise and plot are similar, the two shows are wildly different. At its core, 'Evangelion' was an action series with elements of psychological drama, collapsing into a confused muddle of arcane symbolism and overcomplicated plot twists. 'Eva' was entertaining, even enthralling, despite its flaws, but 'RahXephon' leaves it in the dust.

'RahXephon''s biggest advantage over its contemporaries is its character development. Virtually everyone who appears on screen is given a complex set of motivations and a significant amount of personal depth, and it is in watching these well-developed characters interact that the series' biggest is found. Personal conflicts--between Matoko and Kisaragi Itsuki, between Haruka and Megumi, between Ayato and, well, everybody--are given an emotional weight that invests these situations with a real feeling of tension, as well as sympathy for one, if not both, of the characters involved.

As intricate as the writing is, it would not be half as convincing without the stunning animation throughout the series. The animators imbued every person on screen with a personality displaying in their very appearance, and allowed subtle changes in facial expression and body language to speak as much as the dialogue. There is a shot in a latter episode of the expression on Haruka's face changing so subtly, in tiny movements of her eyebrows and lips, that one doesn't even notice until it's almost complete. The attention to detail is awe-inspiring.

As the series builds towards its thrilling climax, the emotional stakes rise higher, and the characters' situations become increasingly desperate, the show violently plays on the viewers' emotions-impressively enough, -without- being blatantly manipulative. I was lucky enough to watch a bootleg of the entire series in two sittings; I cannot imagine the torture of having to wait a week between instalments.

There are so many elements, so many fine details in 'RahXephon' that are beyond the scope of this review to explain. Whether or not you are an anime fan, whether or not you care for -any- form of animation, you absolutely -must- watch this series. It could change your view of the art form forever.
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great stuff, perhaps too many similarities with NGE, but very nice
djad1328 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What can i say guys: like you all said, its one of a nice plot, nice animation, nice movements, little is bad on the whole thing. Storyline is great too, tears in my eyes, and still i cant shake the love in this one...

OK, there are similarities with NGE, and these are A LOT! check wickepedia for a list of some. OK, i like Japanese anime for the depth of the characters, and the psychology of the whole thing. They bring a new meaning to the word DEEP! But with NGE, i had to go to 100 sites and to find 100 different interpretations to reach to the conclusion of what happened at the end of the series and EOE. the end of the season was nice, but didn't make much sense to me, plus it was sooooooooooo psychologically messed up, i couldn't get it out of my mind for the next 4-5 weeks! MENTAL. Of course had to watch it another 1-2 times, where you understand a bit more.

now with this one, it flows much better. Still deep in love, drama, action, etc, but in a more understandable way. And not that the ending is too easy to understand the first time, the way that it rolls out, but it was great! I still cant get the love on this out of my head. tear-bringer all the way, and nice action to cover your mental health :) there's been so much mecha out there, you definitely don't know where to start from. One of the best is this one! you wont regret it, even if you watched the NGE. Plus this i wouldn't exactly call it a mecha, more like a love story with mecha in it...

great stuff if you're into it.

have fun
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An Eva clone with a few odd elements thrown in
etg170126 June 2006
The main problem with RahXephon is that it tries too hard to duplicate the success of Neon Genesis Evangelion, ending up rather derivative and turgid in the process. It has it all: the teenager with the knack for mecha piloting and whining, the cute but enigmatic "waif prophetess", the mysterious mecha that isn't really a mecha, the strange invaders named according to the show's theme, the ancient conspiracy, the world cataclysm, and, of course, the Looming Apocalypse™.

Another issue is the rather incoherent and contrived feel that comes from trying to combine a musical (specifically operatic) motif with Mayan mythology. The writers did not seem particularly knowledgeable about music, however, and the most conspicuous example of the musical element is the fact that many of the angels, er, dolem look like giant stone Valkyries, suitably stylized to look Mayan, who use song as a weapon. Another is the rather silly naming scheme for the dolems, which seems to involve picking random terms out of a book on music.

Despite these rather glaring issues, RahXephon did have some nice aspects, such as the music, unsurprisingly, and some plot twists involving the origins of Ayato and so forth. Although hardly a great series, it's not too bad if you can't find much else to watch.
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Love Story or Sci-Fi ?
nik_kas19 May 2013
Although RahXephon shares several similarities to Evangellion in the end it's core story is actually about love and not war and a love that even transcends space and time for that matter. Because of that both the Federation and the Mullians play a secondary role in this anime which in the end proves to be a good thing, that is if you are sentimental as i. Of course much like many anime on the way to find complete love our hero goes through many trials and lots of sad events but what's new? Personally although RahXephon is considered a sci-fi anime i think that it has amongst the top 5 love stories i have ever seen in an anime and no matter how many times i see it i always wish we had more Harukas in the real world.
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An Incoherent Convoluted Mess
perrywins120 August 2022
I can't believe I actually watched all 26 episodes. But I did it so you don't have to. The cringe attempt to copycat everything NGE was, was a mistake. The "story" of RahXephon is virtually impossible to follow (Steins;Gate is more clear), and the plot is so complicated I began to suspect they were just throwing things in as they went and it got boring. The main characters are absolutely bland, I wasn't invested in any of them, therefore I honestly didn't care what happened to them. I was relieved when it was over. If you love NGE avoid this at all costs. If you like good anime, do yourself a favor and skip this one, because it's not.
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lortoffi15 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers

I've recently viewed this series for the third time (the 1st was in 2003 and the 2nd in 2007) and incredibly I've yet seen new particulars that I've missed the previous times. I consider it a sign of a worthy production.

The story is complex but not obscure and, in contrast to Neon Genesis Evangelion, everything reaches a natural explanation toward the end of the series. And where NGE takes a lot of references from the Qabbalah and the Jewish tradition, RahXephon takes its from Aztec and Mayan lore.

Sometimes it takes time to check the crossed links in the anime, and sometimes require a little of work to understand what is apparently a missing point. For example is easy to grasp that Watari Shirou is the father of Ayato, a little more tricky it's to understand how Kisaragi Quon is the real mother of Ayato and his twin brother Itsuki

The characters are well developed, with deep and complex interaction between them. The main character, Ayato, is well characterized and doesn't provoke the impulse to slap him continuously (as Shinji Hikari does)

Premising that I've seen the original Japanese anime and not the American dubbed one, I can state that the audio is simply outstanding. Starting from the ouverture of "Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg" by Wagner the series is full of music, the recurring theme from "Polovetskie plyaski" by Borodin, up to the compositions by Hashimoto Ichiko, like the delicious "Katun no Sadame", make it tasty to listen. And the music pervades everything in the show, dolem (DO-RE-MI?) are named with music terms (like Allegretto, Fortissimo, Falsetto), the last purpose of the RahXephon system is "to tune the world" etc...

Everything is cured even the name of the characters, e.g. "Kamina" means "the name of the god", "Ayato" is written as "the design of the man", "Watari Shirou" could be translated as "requests truth the samurai's son"

There are also numerous references to other works in primis "L'oiseau bleu" by Maeterlinck (also Michiru, the dead daughter of Kunugi Jin could be a transliteration of Mytyl), but also references from Japanese folk tradition like "Urashima Taro". It's like a game to find them all.

I consider it a masterpiece and I recommend to view it.
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Beautiful Artwork, Intriguing Story, Interesting Characters
Altima17 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This series is one of the newest Animated series on Western shores, and it certainly looks beautiful. The cel artwork is very cleanly drawn with nice thick outlines giving the characters a bold look, and the backgrounds are beautifully done. This series is simply full of wonderfully dramatic images, and even the small, inconsequential shots are simply fun to look at.

The story is also a strong point in the series. Try to avoid spoilers for this series' plot as much as possible. A lot of the enjoyment comes from watching things unfold and witnessing the nature of the world the creators have painted. The twists are hard hitting and the situations are constantly shifting, bad guys and good guys are so difficult to discern because in reality, there are no absolute evil people, just different shades of cruelty. The plot touches on issues like racism, war hatred, xenophobia, homesickness, adolescence, love and more or less everything else.

It's been compared to Neon Genesis Evangelion, and one can see where people see the resemblance, but once one starts watching Rahxephon, one will realize how

fundamentally different the two series are in almost every way. To any Anime fan, or really, to any fan of animation at all, this series is highly recommended, and ADV's DVD presentation of the series is top-notch.
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smirre448 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this show last summer/fall and it is one of the top three animes on my favourite list.


A story about a boy called Ayato, who lives with his mother in the japanese capital of Tokyo in a world where few people have survived a war, or at least that is what he and the inhabitants of Toyko are told.

One day alien ships attack the city, he meets a mysterious girls who leads him to an unknown place, where he finds the mecha RahXephon inside a large egg. From now on Ayatos world is turned upside down forever. So begins the story one of the best mecha-animes since Neon Genesis Evangelion.

I cannot emphasize enough how much of a must-see this series is. It's out on DVD, so go get it now!
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Modern homage to Raideen
ebiros226 July 2009
According to the director of this series Yutaka Izubuchi, Rahxephon is an homage to Brave Raideen, but I also see strong influence of Neon Genesis Evangelion throughout this series. It's almost as though the series is is an amalgamation of the two. Ayato Kamina was a teenager living a normal life in Tokyo. What he didn't know was that he was a descendant of interdimentional race of Mulians, and Tokyo was encapsulated in an energy field which the outsiders called Tokyo Jupiter where time passed at a slower rate than the outside world. Earth is under attack by Dolems - a quasi robot created by the Mulians. Ayato Kamina is lead by his classmate Reika Mishima to an egg containing Rahxephon. Rahxephon only accepts Ayato as its pilot due to his genetic ties with the Mulians. The plot of Rahxephon and its pilot having ties with the Mulians is strait off of Brave Raideen, and also the design of Rahxephon takes from Raideen. The main character who is an introverted in the closet type individual is similar to that of Neon Genesis Evangelion. People in this story seems to use "official assignment" as an excuse to forward their motives and importance within the organization. The story is rather dark with apocalyptic theme running through its plot, and introverted characters that fills the roster doesn't make the story any more uplifting. Artistry is high, and there is an experimental aspect of using music as main ingredient of the story. Bolodin's Polovetsian Dances is played in many sequences. The story progresses slowly, and that takes away from the excitement of action that should be the main focus of super robot anime of this type. Also the characters appearing in this series are mostly unattractive individuals as human beings, and takes away from the plot. The style of the story - a dark apocalyptic sci-fi with introverted main character which was popular in the early 2000s, is somewhat passé by now. Watch this series for its artistry and its somewhat mysterious mood. But don't expect much action in each episodes.
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When they put a filler in the THIRD episode of a 26-episodes series you know you're up for a ride
TooKakkoiiforYou_32111 June 2021
I don't care if the people behind this claim it was based on Raideen The Brave (which I'm planning to watch anyway), this is just a poor and BORING attempt to clone Evangelion, of which I'm not the strongest fan in the world but surely it's less boring than this cure for insomnia. If you really love Evangelion, rewatch that show and don't waste your time with this total copycat presented under the shiny coat of better animation.
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Not that clever as it wants to make you think
Pretty disappointing series which really started to annoy me towards the end. Although some of the concepts were quite nice (singing mechas! Heh!), the story behind it stood on very wobbly ground, with a lot of plot-points which didn't make any sense or had no relevance at all. If there's anyone out there who could explain to me why the Mu put Tokyo into a timebubble in the first place, I would be very happy. The only use I could find in it, was that they would have a plot-device to create the Haruka/Ajato-Storyline. Apart from that it was very unclear to me what the Mu were trying to achieve ("We want to tune the world!" doesn't say anything to me) or what their whole war with TERRA was actually about. And why exactly were they a threat to humanity and how did TERRA know? Information that was simply missing.

Then there were quite a lot of subplots which sat there totally independent of the main-story. Most of them felt pretty useless in retrospective (especially the two Megumi-Lovestories) and made the impression that they were just there so that they had enough material to fill 26 episodes. And... keyword "lovestories"... there were too many going on at the same time. Especially in the last few episodes it started to become really ridiculous when there were about 5 or 6 women (maybe even more) in love with Ajato at the same time or had at least a crush on him.

A lot of people made a comment about how rich and well fleshed out the characters are. Well, my impression was the exact opposite. Almost everyone in the series seemed very flat and uninteresting to me. And yep, underdeveloped. Maybe it's because they had just too much characters on board, so that it was too hard to focus on everyone. But when I take at the "X"-TV-series where they had a LOT more characters to work with and yet they were all more than your usual stereotype... and considering that they had fewer episodes to offer... Hm.

Even some of the main-characters had their flaws, especially Ajato, whose characterization seemed to flip around from now and then and suffered from inexplicable mood-swings. When it was necessary for the main-story Ajato was an angry, impulsive guy. But then he could be very understanding and calm although the situation was (still) the same. And these irritating mood-swings could happen within minutes. VERY inconsistent writing, in my opinion...

The other thing I was wondering about was why so many people are persistently proclaiming that this is NOT a copy of "Evangelion"... and how much it stands on its own feet and how much more it is different from the GAINAX-series. Well, hum... Apart from the very similar character-designs (watch out for the twins of Misato, Asuka, Commander Ikari and Ritsukos brother) and yep, even set-designs (hello, pyramid!), "RahXephon" copies entire episodes from its predecessor. Here we have the "hero gets unconscious in the mecha and has surreal dreams"-ep, there is the "evil mecha who sucks his enemy into another dimension"-ep, and so on... The same goes for some of the plot-lines, like the one about the old guy who pulls all the strings in the background to achieve his own personal goals (he even has a German name - like in "Evangelion"). But the most obvious rip-off of them all can be witnessed in the last two episodes when everything goes "End of Evangelion", but in a very stale, shallow and meaningless way, lacking the philosophy and the depth which made the EVA-series and -films great. And when most of the questions are left being unanswered it doesn't feel mysterious or exciting in any way. They're just gaps which result from bad editing and even worse scriptwriting.

The only good positive aspects were the great animation and the decent soundtrack (lovely title-song). But that alone doesn't make a good show.

All in all an anime-series which wants to be important and meaningful at all costs but actually doesn't have anything to say. Underneath the pseudo-complicated plots and the pseudo-intellectual psycho-babble there is nothing more than hot air and a lot of steam. Very disappointing and not worth a second watch.
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frankblack-799617 January 2020
Defined as : attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed. Sums this series up pretty well.
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A bit of an Evangelion rip-off -- and that's certainly NOT a bad thing
ryanbigman29 July 2003
I'm not going to give anything away nor try to even explain the plot. Believe me, just watch it! It is somewhat like the Evangelion series and made by ADV; it's got the whole Mecha thing going and has shown a lot of depth like Evangelion. The character design isn't bad. It's just beautifully done. Again, just watch it and don't miss out!
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Cool Mecha series
Irishchatter15 September 2019
Yeah this anime was pretty entertaining and well done. Funny enough, even if the animation is unattractive because of its age, it still had the charm of being eye catching for some reason! It's probably because of the cool fights and the designs of the robots maybe? Heck it's hard to know...

Anyways the English dub cast were great, especially when the robots were singing to show off their badass powers and the story was oddly interesting. I wa even glad to see a satisfying ending to which you're just gonna have to see for yourself ;)
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