Out of Season (2004) Poster


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gridoon16 October 2005
"Out of Season" is not an unambitious or uninteresting movie. It tries to present six different characters, and two parallel plot lines that eventually cross each other's paths. But this is another one of those movies where the director tries to impose his "style" (tilted camera angles, slow-motion, strange close-ups, etc.) on almost every shot - this is obtrusive and distracting. And he really overreaches when he tries to turn this story of human greed into some kind of "religious" tragedy. Ultimately, it's an unpleasant and (in Dennis Hopper's case) degrading film. Most of the actors do what they have to do to collect their paycheck, nothing more. The standout is David Murray, who plays a convincingly hateful scumbag. Dominique Swain has one or two sexy moments (no nudity though). (**)
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Flawed and retarded
dilbertsuperman8 October 2005
Pierre wants to be a thief- Dennis Hopper takes him under his wing with the backdrop of an out of season amusement park as their home base. There are a few moments that are OK but for the most part the acting is flat and the story very dull. This is a movie that is severely lacking in a lot of elements and it will leave you wanting the time you spent watching it back. Dennis Hopper plays a better role than usual, but that's only because his usual level of acting lately is so poor. So when he plays an average role it seems like a big deal these days. Bottom line, miss this movie it is dumb and flat. The most appealing thing in this film is the villain, who I wound up rooting for because I was sick of the dumb characters.
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Flawed Attempt at Noirish Thriller
nhawman17 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The film was hurt by not clearly establishing where it was meant to be set. Since half the cast were American, I assume it was meant to be the US, but the rainy, out-of-season seaside resort with dodgy fairground rides seems much more reminiscent of Britain. The remainder of the cast sport a weird array of accents - Jim Carter attempts to sound American but not very convincingly, Jordan Frieda sounds like a British public schoolboy and I couldn't quite work out whether David Murray's Simeon was meant to be Irish or some other nationality.

The lack of a clearly defined setting meant it was harder to believe in the characters. They had no grounding or context. The film was intended to be a kind of Greek tragedy but I found it unconvincing and relying too much on coincidence. Plus points were Dennis Hopper (who is always superb) and David Murray, who exuded a powerful and menacing presence as the chief evil-doer.
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mtidwel328 November 2007
What a flat, boring, unnecessarily drawn-out storyline, complete with equally as baneful acting. Every concept surrounding the characters and the storyline is typical "dark" cliché, and very poorly done at that. Oh, it has its share of typical, exhausted characters: the demented religious zealot, the femme fatale, so on and so on...they are all essentially dull and static. Dominique Swain is totally obnoxious as Kelly, and leaves one wishing that she was the subject of the murder plot. Pierre is hands-down the most boring character in the entire film; he serves as little more than someone to stand there and wait for action in the storyline to come to him. And that clown? I won't even go there. So "there's no happy ending." Yawn. Big deal. What an original concept. It's only been done a thousand times before, and by far better actors and directors. About the only thing this film is good for is curing insomnia. Utterly atrocious.
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Best Hopper flick since Blue Velvet!
SeeeDoubleU22 December 2003
I was lucky enough to get a preview of this film in London, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's quite a gripping drama/thriller that unfolds against the backdrop of a bleak,non-descript seaside resort as it shuts down for the season. I don't want to give too much away about the story line, but the movie it most reminded me of is The Grifters. The acting quite literally blew me away. There are 3 standouts performances though. I think Dennis Hopper gave his best performance since Blue Velvet. In certain scenes his emotions are so raw you feel it in your stomach--Oscar calibre stuff. Jordan Frieda (Lulu's son) delivers as Pierre the protagonist (and I use the term protagonist very loosely). And David Murray--oh my... This guy just exudes evil as Simeon. Shame that the AFI's list of Greatest Movie Villians has already been published. He will definately make the list when it's refreshed. Simeon is the most complex character in the film and David Murray plays him perfectly. Excellent direction by Jevon O'Neill--he has created quite a haunting movie, with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing until the end and will leave you with a sense of longing for the other half of humanity--the good half.
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didn't like this movie AT ALL!
dspetrina15 October 2005
I really like Dennis Hopper from Easy Rider on......yuck! Total waste of time! It was definitely a "B" movie. I could not find anything redeeming in it. By the way, this is the first time I have ever taken the time to comment on a movie, but this one really did me in. Had to go to a Dennis Hopper site to see what he was doing these days, and he's doing a lot---maybe that's the reason--should have turned this one down! Can't say much about the other actors in film. Just finished watching it, and already it's a blur. I would think Dennis Hopper at this point in his life, could pick and choose the really good parts. Had to do 5 other things while watching just waiting for the ending....glad I didn't pay money for this.
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There's No Such Thing as a Happy Ending
claudio_carvalho9 December 2006
It is out of season and the temporary employee Pierre (Jordan Frieda) of an amusement park seaside has all his savings stolen by the crook Simeon Guant (David Murray), a friend of his girlfriend Kelly Phillips (Dominique Swain). Kelly is daughter of the owner of the park, Michael Philipps (Jim Carter), who is married with Eileen Phillips (Gina Gershon). Eileen cheats her husband with Simeon, and they plot to kill Michael simulating a burglary and get his life insurance. Pierre, without any money, associates to the owner of a bar, the former thief Harry Barlow (Dennis Hopper), who teaches him how to burglar. The reunion of these six characters has no happy ending.

"Out of Season" is an unsuccessful attempt of neo-noir movie. The amoral characters are all losers, cheating, betraying, blackmailing, stealing, corrupting etc. and it is impossible to feel sympathy for any character of this dark and unpleasant story. Gina Gershon plays the fatal woman and is very sexy as usual. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Temporada de Crime" ("Season of Crime")
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dark movie, decent cinema
dromasca14 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
'Out of Season' by the unknown director Jevon O'Neill does not lack cinema quality. It is a very dark story, confined in a recreation park near the ocean, with six dark and mean characters planing to rob and kill one another. They are doomed from start, and the vary unhappy ending is much too predictable. Yet, there is good acting in the movie, tension builds in a credible manner, and the minor tone of the film makes the more scary moments quite bearable. The only thing that could be said more is that the quality of the cinema and of the acting deserved a better and more human story than this one, but otherwise Jevon O'Neill may be a name to watch for in the future.
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There is no happy ending.
lastliberal31 August 2008
Seeing Dennis Hopper, Gina Gershon, and Dominique Swain (Face/Off, Lolita) is reason enough to like this neo-noir thriller. A bonus is David Murray (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, who plays an ultra-religious scumbag.

What appeared to be a simple case of a girl wanting to keep a drifter in town for her own pleasure, turned into a complex web of deceit and double-crossing that blew up because someone was thrust in the middle.

It was fascinating to watch, but more fascinating to see Hopper as a burned out thief, Gershon as a real bitch, and Swain playing everyone against each other.
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Slow paced, poor acting. And boring
submitme11 July 2016
The movie is really slow paced to start of with, and is generally not very interesting. Sure it picks up towards the end. Sadly that's not much excitement either and the measures seems to outweigh the goal. Two story lines in the movie, runs parallel until they crosses paths towards the end. Sadly I think the bad acting were shining through the most towards the end. D. Murray, acting as "Simeon" might be the only one with decently portraying his character.

I paused the movie twice while watching, getting a break and doing other things. To then resume watching later. Thats usually not a good sign. I felt the acting were below average, and worst at the end. The plot seemed quite unlikely to me and the slow pace, for the first hour made it hard to do in one sitting.
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Hello darkness my old friend
d-leigh3 June 2005
Screenwriter and director Jevon O'Neill has brought us a modern morality film for the age, worthy of its medieval stage predecessors. Themes of lust, money, sadism, scheming and religion fuel this gravity ride of a finely detailed plot to its inevitable conclusion.The film begins its full circle with drifter Pierre looking out to sea toward the light. Indeed, the use of light, darkness and grayness can be seen as a further metaphor throughout, and is exquisitely crafted. Harry soon develops into Pierre's clichéd mentor, but without giving too much away it can be said that Dennis Hopper's performance as the film progresses redeems more than just the development of Harry as a character. Likewise, fairground owner Michael (Jim Carter) begins with a curiously unconvincing mid-Atlantic accent, which mellows as the plot unfolds. His scheming daughter and sadistic wife are well casted as Gina Gershon and Dominique Swain. Simeon's complex motives are the key to understanding the plot, and David Murray's drawing of the character detail is a screen masterpiece. Out of Season is unlikely to achieve mainstream success, but could conceivably become a cult classic in the footsteps of, say, The Wicker Man.

"You can take your chances on the other rides, this is the nearest to being alive."- Richard Thompson
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low life dreams well described
amparker-121 September 2006
I liked the movie. The characters matched the setting perfectly. The characters are shifty and edgy and not quite right as is the decaying off season amusement park where they hover. The movie was possibly too violent at the end but the viewer could see that the rot would never come to a peaceful resolution.Their Low life dreams were well described. I liked the bleakness of the unused boardwalk, the sounds of the rides being tested, the rain bucket which catches water from a leak that would have been there for years. Mary Poppins would not like this neighborhood . And the characters who cling there dream small time dreams...small scores which they think are big but the viewer knows are not worth the effort.
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Simply awful
Socratease4 June 2009
How do you know when your acting career is on the skids? When you accept roles in a film as poorly written as this one you are signalling that you have no professional pride left.

Like the alcoholic reduced by poverty to drinking methylated spirits, an actor of any former repute must gag on the lines he or she is forced to mouth in garbage like this.

The wonder for me is that this sort of amateur rubbish gets financed.

The plot is laughable, the characters are totally unbelievable, the dialogue is execrable, the direction is workmanlike and -- not unexpectedly -- the acting performances are woeful.

Memo to Jevon O'Neill: Don't give up your day job.

I give it zero stars, but regrettably IMDb allows a minimum of 1.
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Commandment 11 - Strap in tight .. this roller coaster is one scary ride
johnnwilkinson19 November 2004
I had the honor to see this movie at its debut at the Hollywood Film Festival. Ironically the big studio premiere that week was The Ten Commandments. Ironic in that this dark and compelling movie also portrays the Commandments .... or more accurately the consequences of breaking them.

The intense and occasionally unnerving action is played out in a run down seaside town with its decrepit roller coaster as the lasting motif. Writer & director Jevon O'Neill's fertile imagination (fired perhaps by his Blackpool roots) is complimented by excellent performances from an eclectic cast : notably a rejuvenated Dennis Hopper as Harry the old time crook who craves one last chance at redemption; a hot Gina Gershon as Eileen the perfectly manicured femme fatale; and 'a butter wouldn't melt' Dominique Swain as Kelly the ingénue.

But it is the next in line of Hollywood star quality eccentric Irish actors - David Murray – whose performance as Simeon is the most memorable. Simeon's downhill slide from petty theft, blackmail and ultimately to murder seem to flaunt gratuitously all of those Commandments. He exudes power, terrorizes all around him … He is the hate figure. And yet his vulnerability and neuroses also evoke our sympathy … there but for the grace of god ?

The superb system at the Arclight Theater also brought out the movie's excellent sound track – the haunting choral piece over the movie's dramatic dénouement is particularly effective.

Congratulations to all involved with Out of Season and good luck with promoting the movie
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One of the all time ..........
Aristides-28 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
..... unintentionally funny movies. Not being an actor I still know that had I been cast in this thing I would have had to do many takes; laughing during scenes that one should not have been laughing in: The character Kelly, near the end of the movie, portentously looks at the normally turbulent winter ocean scene and says, "I think there's a storm coming"! No kidding, Ms. Meterorologist.: Poorly written script that through redundancy made sure you 'got the point': Gina Gerson doing a bad impersonation of a sexy woman: Dennis Hopper directed to show way too much 'feeling' and 'softness'; this guy was number one choice for the Mafia in Chicago?: Hopper knows that Simeon has ripped off a dozen or so cases of his bar's booze and does nothing about it!: Haven't Pierre and Simeon ever watched any of the CSI's?; they left fingerprints ........ everywhere!: Handcuffs on Gerson that she slipped out of?; doesn't the screenwriter know how police handcuffs work?: Simeon suspects the heavily disabled Harry of pulling off two killings and the robbery? - Pierre 'knows' that Simeon is going to be in the church praying after the killings?..... and then Simeon, offered proof by the virginal Pierre that he had jewelry lifted from the robbery.....let's him go?! Since I was unable to find any evidence that 'Out of Season' was ever reviewed in a theatrical release, then it must have been a straight-to-DVD deal. Bravo to the distributors for not buying this piece of garbage and bravo to the producers for seeing how bleak the movie's financial future would be in trying to release it theatrically and instead cutting their losses and going to cable/dish.
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Out of Season is already out of time
jordondave-2808517 July 2023
(2004) Out Of Season THRILLER

Low budget straight to rental film written and directed by Jevon O'Neil with ambitious teen becoming a victim of a robbery because his supposed girlfriend, Kelly Phillips (Dominique Swain) wanted him to continue to hang there. And while striding for some quick cash, he gets poorly trained by Harry Barlow (Dennis Hopper) to steal some jewelry from some alliances, Eileen Phillips (Gina Gershon) who often steals from her husband who owns a roller coastal carnival fair. And of things don't quite work the way it's supposed to with Dominique Swain as the sneaky manipulative girlfriend. An extremely poor version of better movies such as "Snatch", "Pulp Fiction" and "Get Shorty" along with many many others! Bomb.
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Out of sight! Out of mind!
sol121810 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** Weird 1940's Hollywood type film noir filmed entirely in the former Communist Peoples Republic of Romania of all places! The movie has former Chicago Jewel thief Harry Barlow, Dennis Hopper, get involved with this aimless drifter Pierre, Jordan Frieda, who at first tried to rob Harry's beach-front bar. Catching Pierre with his pants down Harry has him put under his wing and trained to rip off the local amusement park's daily take. This all is to happen after the amusement parks grand opening of it's world famous roller costar known as the anti-gravity ride.

Pierre ended up getting stuck at this dingy coastal town when his money, that he had hidden in his hotel room, was stolen by this homicidal religious fanatic Simon Guant, David Murray. Simon got Pierre to rip off Harry's Bar only to have Harry, who caught him in the act, get Pierre to work for him instead. Harry plans to use Pierre to rip off the amusement park's owner Michael Philips, Jim Carter, take when the park opens.

What both Harry and Pierre don't know is that Simon is playing it both ways in planning to have Michael murdered with the help of Michael's cheating wife Eileen, Gina Gershon,whom he's planning to double-cross at the very last moment. The slippery and slimy Simon has Elieen confess on tape, without her knowing, that she's to have Michael murdered which will be all the evidence that Michael will need, by paying Simon $10,000.00 for it, to get an air-tight divorce against her!

To round the utterly confusing movie plot out there's also Michael's snotty and spoiled daughter Kelly, Dominique Swain, who's Pierre girlfriend and is also looking to stick it to both her hated parents Michael & Eileen. Kelly is also unknowing working in concert with the greedy and unscrupulous banker Fraser MacDonald, William Armstrong, who's got a lean of Michael's amusement park by him being behind on his loan payments to his bank. It's Fraser who's also just dying to get his hands on the 60 aces of prime waterfront real-estate, that comprises Michael's amusement park, and turn it into a multi-million dollar shopping mall!

***SPOILER ALERT*** The whole mind boggling plot, by Simon Eileen Pierre Kelly & Harry, falls apart with Pierre breaking into Michael's house and thus keeping his wife Eileen from murdering him and being stopped by her partner in crime Simon, who planned to double-cross her all along, from doing it at the very last moment! Harry who, like almost everyone else involved in break-in at Michael's pad, has no idea of what's going on and is later attacked and both brutally tortured-as well as crucified-and murdered by the crazed and criminally deranged Simon. The by then helplessly drug and alcohol addicted Simon thought that both Harry and his accomplice Pierre ripped off Michaels' amusement park receipts as well as his wife's, Eileen, jewelry which in fact they didn't!

In the end Simon,together with the femme fatal Eileen, ends up getting everything that he so rightfully deserves with Pierre taking off in the by then late Harry's 1969 firetruck red Cadillac Seville and riding into the California, or is it Romanian, sunset. It's now left for Pierre girlfriend Kelly to put on an act, as well as throw off suspicion on herself, as the grieving and orphaned daughter of her dead parents Michael & Eileen that she unintentionally had a hand in doing in as well as Simon that she very intentionally did leave hanging on a vine.
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An honest look at the dark side
pritalnyc26 December 2006
The story takes place after the tourist season in a small town near the ocean. They have a saying in this town, "We all go a little crazy in the off season." And thats exactly what they do.

There are 6 main characters in this movie. Each one has their own angle and is looking out for number one. Deception, manipulation and greed are what drives the characters. The movie is about human nature and the way people react (good or bad) in the heat of the moment. Remember, "If you stay still you're dead."

The style in which this is shot and the colors in this movie are awesome. There is a lot of texture and attention to detail. All of this adds to that noir feel. The characters are portrayed very well and the acting is superb. Its amazing how real they are. A real honest look at the dark side. Ten stars. If you like mystery/thrillers about con men, burglars, drifters and life on the run, then you owe it to yourself to see this movie.
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Great, I loved it.
atkerr8 January 2008
Wow, having just watched the movie and then read the comments, I'm struck by the differences of opinion on this one. Some hate it, some love it. I'll put myself in the "I love it" column. It's a dark and gritty film with generally unsympathetic characters and maybe a tad too many off-kilter viewing angles but I couldn't take my eyes off this film.

Yes, there's violence, but that's not uncommon these days. There's a mixture of accents, which seems to bother some people more than others. It didn't bother me; people move around and it's unreasonable to expect all people to sound alike.

It's a mysterious type of film; even after watching it, you'll likely wonder what such-and-such was all about. That's OK: it means you're still living through the action. It didn't all stop when the credits started to roll.

Ignore the negative comments and give this one a go. I give it a TEN.
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wherearemybones21 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
*****MAY OR MAY NOT CONTAIN SPOILERS***** I bought this movie for a dollar at a pawn shoppe along with twenty other movies, so I didn't get a chance to view this for a while. My roommate watched it and said it was garbage, filled with senseless violence and bad acting and directing. I finally sat down and watched it, and I was left speechless. The directing was incredible, it reminded me of Roger Avary's 'Killing Zoe'. It was just a great neo-noir flick. Depressing, dark, and utterly incredible. Acting is well done, especially David Murray as Simeon. The lighting effects were spectacular and Avary's fast-paced angle-switching was breath-taking. And the symbolism...oh, the symbolism...just one thing to say about that...that clown is amazing! Anyway, if you're looking for a good neo-noir drama with well done acting, great symbolism, and directing that will leave you speechless, then go pick this up.

It was certainly worth a dollar.
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