Echoes of Innocence (2005) Poster

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Bad, and Humorously So
NobleHam11 September 2005
Echoes of Innocence is one of the worse movies I've seen in a long time. Not as bad as Broken Flowers (don't go see it), but still bad. Where to begin... Let's start with the good elements. That won't take long. First off, the two lead actors, Sara Simmonds and Jake McDormand, are pretty good. They do a good job of conveying emotions and making the characters sympathetic, despite the completely unrealistic characters they're given to work with. Also, the technical film-making was decent, and there were no major cinematography problems. The soundtrack was good for the movie--it's not too intrusive, but it helps to set the mood.

Now for the bad parts. The acting of every other character in the movie is simply terrible. Sometimes it's so bad it's funny. Alec, the main villain, is horrible. He's so over-the-top evil that you can't take him seriously. Every time he appears, the movie becomes downright laughable. You can't blame the actor entirely, though. The writing was awful, too, so he didn't have a lot to work with. Another example is the overly psychotic mother, who seems to belong in a mental hospital rather than a trailer. Also, the grandmother is unbelievably complacent and mindless. She sits and watches T.V. at all times. Yet, from what the mother says, she's very industrious when it comes to cover-ups.

Beyond the characters, there's also the awful story. I can't say much without spoiling the movie, but there are many horrible flaws in the plot. One major thread is ignored at the end, and the explanations for the entire movie are just stupid. The idea of two twelve-year-olds making this oath is just wrong. Getting married as soon as you possibly can so that you can lose your virginity isn't something the church should support. Saving your virginity may be a good thing--that's not my moral position, but I may be wrong--but pledging to wait only 'til you're 18, and then get married to the first guy you ever liked isn't the right thing to do.

The beginning is awful. The ending is awful. But, there's a good chunk in the middle where you think things might end up OK, and for that, which made it bearable to sit through this movie, I give it a 4 instead of a 1. After all, it couldn't possibly be as bad as Broken Flowers.
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Phenomenal Music, Weak Dialogue and Story, But a Decent First Effort
mark-74917 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Brad Sayles music for Echoes of Innocence is a lesson in just how much a good score can raise the overall quality of a film. While the producers of the film were the victims of some very bad timing (Joan of Arc being a much used theme at the moment), there are skills here in the photography and editing that simply need to be honed. If anything, the film is an example of just how careful one must be in selecting a story that is suitable for a screenplay. Writing a good screenplay is disastrously hard work. The vision necessary to execute it into a cohesive film is another skill set altogether. It is clear in this effort that too much was done by too few people.

Sayles talent is evident in the weaving of atmosphere, tension, thought, and love into an original score of depth and content. He possesses the gift that too few composers have at present: the ability to use startling silence in a musical context. The film would be very valuable as a lab piece for aspiring film/video composers.

As to the movie as a whole, I've seen far worse, presented by bigger studios with 100 times the budget. This is an encouraging first effort. The producers simply need greater exposure to a wider variety of environments, film styles, and a much more worldly approach to their work.
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Good Message outweighs its weirdness
lrtibbseash126 January 2007
Its truly refreshing to see a teen movie depict a teenager trying to hold sex as a sacred act instead of giving it all as a "right of passage..." I really enjoyed the story even though it was creepy and corny in parts...Matt Vodvarka is a little too believable as the possessed stocker kid. I really wonder if he needs therapy in real life. I love the chemistry between Sara Simmonds and Jake McDorman. I thought the music was a bit over the top and made the film seem a bit cornball. I am not sure that the last scene of the movie was necessary it should have been edited out---it was just strange BUT... This is a great alternative to all of the "casual sex" movies out there so shamelessly marketed to Teens...
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a mishmash of Heathers, Scream, and The Craft with a thin Christian veneer
imaginarytruths17 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Clearly a lot of care went into making this. Technical credits are solid, and most of the acting is at least competent. However, the script is a mess, and the editing is downright incompetent. Each character is a walking cliché that can be described with one adjective. The ending is simultaneously ludicrous and painfully obvious. While much of what occurs on screen is more than a little silly, the tone is uniformly somber throughout. There is almost no dialogue between the two lead characters, but we are treated to TWO lengthy montage sequences of them in "deep meaningful conversation." Yet we are supposed to believe that they are soulmates. There is NO insight into the lives of teenagers, and no serious or reflective discussion of faith. Mysteries (of the mundane rather than the spiritual variety) are brought up and then never explained. The sneering no-dimensional villain is taken out by a deus ex machina that's a cow.

There is no sense of artistry or style. The music is repetitive and swells overdramatically even when nothing much is going on. Transitions are abrupt and jarring. Every time the film starts to get going, with a scene that's genuinely unnerving or beautiful or somewhat authentic, the moment is killed by a cut into numbingly clunky, meandering, and/or unaffecting drivel. And then there's the very last scene, which looks like something out of a soft core porn film.

What kills me is that they had the material here to make a daring and original Christian film. Really deal with teenage alienation, moral choices and their consequences, the power of faith and love to save us from the very real darkness that inhabits everyday life ... but it's just not here.
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Beyond Horrendous... Actually, downright UNWATCHABLE!!
george_gershwin193711 September 2005
I just returned home from having seen this movie, and I am completely and utterly speechless! I literally feel not only dumber, but downright insulted! This movie does NOT live up to critical standards on ANY ONE level: writing, pacing, directing, acting, music - NOTHING! And please do NOT misunderstand me: I am a Christian. Thus said however, I have to admit I didn't really see anything Christian in this movie - DESPITE the extent to which Christian radio stations have been toting its praises... What are you guys thinking?! Just because you are/become a Christian doesn't mean you entirely turn off your brains, people!! Watching this movie was truly a painful experience: the characters are the EPITOME of one-dimensional, the dialog is horrendous (it sounds as though it were written by a high school freshman), the pacing is disjointed (to the extent that one actually gets annoyed, sitting there trying to follow this thoroughly insipid mess)... And the plot? Seriously, don't even get me started; I'll be sitting here bellyaching for two hours (and thus would STILL be time better spent than watching this "movie" - believe me). "Echoes of Innocence" feels like something that a bunch of high-schoolers threw together for a class project... That is, high-schoolers who were instructed to color within the lines of Catholic dogma.

To sum up, this movie was not Christian, not entertaining, NOT good. I wouldn't recommend that ANYONE waste their precious time on it. Go see "The Passion," or the Visual Bible Project's "Gospel of John"... Hell, go anywhere other than to a theater or video store to see "Echoes of IMPRUDENCE!" There goes my $10. I'll miss you, my friend.

Well, that's the best I can do right now. The movie deserves much worse, but I am tired and SPENT! Time for bed
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Awful in every imaginable way
wildmaji9 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a travesty. I realize people will applaud it simply because it has religious themes and morals, but a good movie that does not make. The story was poorly plotted and executed, with thinly sketched characters with no motivation behind their actions. It seems the writing team didn't realize you can't base an entire script on coincidence (the main boy's "secret"), and that audiences expect a follow-up to events like bombs being planted but never going off (even hours later). The two lead actors were passable, but almost every side character was hysterical in their attempts to emote, such as the needlessly psychotic mother and the stereotyped stalker/killer. And then there's a killer cow, whom happens to be the embodiment of God? This wasn't a movie, just a poorly filmed piece of propaganda about virginity. Surely actually going to church would be a far better use of time, should you be intrigued by the concept.
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Worst Movie Of The Century
bosscain12 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This abomination of a movie is the worse thing I've ever seen. While most movies strive for being the best, this movie strives for being the worst. Slow, dull, stupid, imagine those stupid 80's after school specials on PBS only 100 times worse. This movie starts out with a little girl being picked on at school and some little boy befriending her. They play and dance and then the little boy gives her a medallion and swears total allegiance to love her and her alone and makes the girl swear the same oath and says that they will get married on her 18th birthday, then mysteriously in the middle of the night the boy climbs up a tree in front of the girls bedroom window and shouts out to her that he has to leave and forces her to reaffirm her love for him. The movie then flashes forward 5 years but it seems like a lot later since now the girl is 17 and before it looked like she was around 8 or so. Now the girl is a bitter goth type girl that is really into religion and now hears voices and sees visions and compares herself to a modern day Joan of Arc, After fidgeting in your seat and feeling sorry for your money that you blew on this sorry piece of crap, thinking about how you can save gas by doing all your errands together. shopping, post office, checking out the hot nerdy chicks with glasses at the library, this movie is SO incredibly bad it makes "Alone in the Dark" or any other truly horribly bad movie look like "Citizen Kane" or "The Godfather". stay away at all costs.
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Great Movie!
kmbr3815 October 2004
I saw this movie at the premier in Dallas. I can't wait for it to go to theaters everywhere. The lead actors did a great job of captivating the audience. Their on-screen charisma just lit up the screen. Sara Simmonds who plays a sort of Gothic-type teenager named Sarah was perfect for this part. This girl can act! Jake McDorman who is also in the Fox's Quintuplets show is a must-see. Jake is an incredible actor and is definitely on his way up! He displays strength and confidence, but is incredibly real and approachable at the same time. It was a wonderful experience to meet both of these two young actors at the premier. The directing was incredible. The music was so very well done, along with the cinematography and costume designing. If this movie opens during the summer, it will do great! Our nations teenagers will flock to see this movie several times and when they do, they will be getting a positive message. There just isn't enough of this type of movie anymore. Congratulations to New World Pictures for producing Echoes of Innocence.
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Echoes of Innocence Review
High school films are the kind of thing that I tend to be in to. I'm not entirely sure where that comes from, I didn't have the best high school experience and that probably has something to do with it. I must like watching people navigate through the experience with what is often more complicated a time then I had. All the drama on screen makes my own seem less terrible. But at a certain point you have to realize that these on screen experiences are just actors playing a role and what ends up being watchable is not necessarily reality. Still, there's an element of comfort in it and that can't be discounted. More than likely because good drama is usually based on some element of truth. In that way the emotional elements take on a universal feel that everyone can relate to for anyone who has gone through the experience of the last 50 years of education where the modern high school experience originated in Western cultures.

Circumstances and technology will change over time, but high school is always just... well... high school. No one likes it, and if you ask some people no one ever really leaves it as you can look at the world and see elements of it in every day life. While watching Echoes of Innocence, I get the impression that the circumstances of today's high school student seems to be ideology. What is belief's place in the high school experience of today? Is there a place for religion and faith in the modern public system? Most people would be turned off by such an idea, but those questions in a lot of ways are more like themes to the film that are creeping around the sides of the film's main plot, much like the background scenery of the visuals or the setting of high school itself. The real story is driven by the character of Sara, a young girl who feels out of place and somewhat ostracized from her classmates. Reasons why are pretty clearly defined through a series of flashbacks which lay out who she is and why she acts the way she does. That coupled with a number of voice overs from Sara herself make her the most interesting character of the bunch, which include her best friend who is both supportive and critical, various classmates who are both put off and intrigued by her, and the new kid in school who joined the local paper and wants to do a story about Sara.

They all play a part in Sara's story but the characters themselves don't necessarily get clearly defined. More often then not they are inserted into Sara's story when necessary to give her someone to interact with. Her own journey is very much a solitary one, defined by her own actions and her own ideas about the world and what she wants from it rather then how she relates to others. This drags down the story somewhat but Sara's progression is defined clearly enough that she manages power through the weak bits. It gives her story the necessary elements not to be bored by it. Obvious parallels to Biblical elements are present but the filmmakers clearly pulled back enough so as not to come off like a preachy film. I'm honestly not sure whether that causes a problem for the film or whether it helps. I suppose it's 50/50 in that department. Still, I think the film is worth watching for anyone who wants to look back and remember the way they saw the world when they were that age. Perhaps give you a new perspective on the vision you have of the world today. I say check it out.

To check out more of my reviews, go here:
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I can honestly say this is the worst film i have ever seen....ever
BlueI0n9 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, where to begin. So I headed into this movie unsure of what to expect, and nothing could've prepared me for the immense pain that soon followed. The first and last ten minutes are a good chuckle, because of the complete awfulness of it all. The acting is the worst i've seen, the directing is just flat out terrible, and this is probably the worst film making ever. The story is so ridiculous in every way, if i were beaten with a stick and forcefully fed LSD i could've still written a better story. SPOILER The ending changes from being an abstinence moralled movie to, them getting married, (both being abstinent), then having sex on their wedding night and somehow, don't ask me how because it baffles me, they still...end up in hell END SPOILER So near the end of the movie I took a pen out of my pocket, and shoved it into my chest. Why? Because if I were going to be in that much pain, I wanted to do it myself.
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Great Film - absolutely worth seeing!
gopher112214 September 2005
This movie is great! As an independent film it stands out far from Hollywood pictures as one that actually has a moral standard! The great thing about the film though, is that morality is not the star of the show. The decision of the main character to remain a virgin until marriage (which, contrary to popular belief, is a GOOD thing) is of course discussed and is a part of her character, but she is by no means preaching from a soapbox, it's simply who she is.

It is a love story with a lot of mystery and action thrown in the mix, and the love story happens to center around a virgin. Yes, love stories can be told without sex! This is also a very refreshing portrayal, and a more realistic one, than that of movies like "A Walk to Remember" where social recluse Mandy Moore tip toes around her school in a floor-length overall dress and goes nuts when she gets a new cardigan. In Echoes of Innocence, Sarah has real problems to deal with and does so realistically. She makes mistakes and she struggles with her faith.

Considering the budget of this film, the quality of the final product is a modern-day miracle.

Go see it. If not in theaters, get it when it comes out on DVD!
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Was this supposed to be a Christian Health Class Video
enragedmonkey11 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose this could be seen as a spoiler... however the poor script makes it hard to call it one because you can see everything the movie is going to throw at you from about the beginning

I don't want to sound like I am just raving here. Remember high school health class? Remember those movies you watched in them. I liked those days when you would watch some corny movie in class about abortion or date rape instead of hearing some teacher drone on about it in obscure terms that turn the situation into some sterile subject to talk about in class. Well I paid to go to a theater and watch the baptist equivalent of a health movie, and it was not as fun to pay to watch such a thing.

In all honesty, this movie is the worst movie I have ever seen. Let me start with the fact that the synopsis i saw before seeing it failed to mention that it was a Christian conversion film. Films with blatant objectives are always annoying but this one took it to a level I didn't know existed. Lets say you are down with the whole having scenes of movies being people reading bible passages to each other or having religion be displayed in a way that should be disgusting to anyone who actually holds the beliefs represented (which by the way are not even standard Christian beliefs but some strange skewed belief that is disgusting.)

First off lets talk about acting. I am not someone who normally notices or cares about relatively bad acting. I also have liked when movies cast people that are actually about the age of the person they are playing in high school settings. However I don't think the actors they chose had even looked at the scripts before performing in the movie. The pauses were awkward and long. The Cinematography probably didn't help this feeling as it tended to look much like a TV show. The Cinematography of some WB TV show would stand alone as a reason to complain about the appearance of a movie, however this movie has another feature that gives it a great feel of film naivety. The exposure and lighting are horrendous. Every scene looks pretty terrible because there are random bright spots that shouldn't be bright or other amateur looking things. The technical aspects of the movie are worth cringing over but the story is not anything better. The plot is full of holes and is incredibly predictable. The story in brief is some girl who admires Joan of Arc begins to be made fun of for being a virgin in Jr. high. After being roughed up for being a 12 year old virgin she runs into the arms of a boy whom she falls in love with and makes a promise to marry so they can have sex in wedlock at the age of 18. Then in the present where she is 17 a new classmate arrives who is blonde just like the kid of her past and seems immediately interested in getting to know her. After 2 hours of the end twist being blatantly obvious he finally tells her on her 18th birthday and says he couldn't tell her before because he wanted her to be in love with the him of today not the 11 year old him. (which somehow explains why he became friends with her by saying you can't ask me anything about myself only i can ask you so i can write an article about your life!?)

The bad guy character in the movie is also a blob of misguided symbolism, poor acting, and confusion. He is initially displayed as being a creepy creepy womanizing gun freak and his character stays this one dimensional the entire time. Unless you consider the fact that he suddenly acquires a demonic voice that seems to be trying to make the point that the bad you see around you is Satan's fault as he is here to ruin your life. The end leaves you confused, as to whether he was the devil, thinking that you must have imagined the lead girl being shot as she was fine in the next scene, and her friend that had been shot in the hand seemed to have wandered out into the woods after the incident even though i saw him collapse in the field earlier. Then he reveals that he is in fact the lover we all already knew he was and we get to know that if you lead a good monogamous life you do in fact get to have sex on bear skin rugs with fires in the background.
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An interesting premise however over indulgence in religious symbolism spoils what could have been an insightful movie
silvamaize100028 March 2006
I came to this movie wanting to watch how young people today approach love and its meaning within the context of their preset religious and contextual environment but after watching the first 30 minutes realised that what I was actually watching was more akin to a public health announcement then a study of true love and its meaning to the youth of today.

The religious symbolism did not add to the movies message, if anything detracted from it, its constant moral pandering to the conservative "no sex before marriage" lobby skewed what could have been an insightful view into the life of a teenage women, torn between her ideals of true love and the real world.

For the most part this movie just did not chime with the reality of what its like to be a teenager or young person in our society today. Even though set in a modern high school the "kids" just did not seem to act as they do normally, rather it felt like we were in a time warp or alternate reality of how teens would act in the 1940's or 50's a very rigid, almost unreal feel to the action. Perhaps what annoyed me most about this movie was the cruel way in which it extolled its holier than thou attitude commending those enlightened enough to still be virgins while casting a dark devilish light upon those who lead a different perhaps less virtuous young persons life.

Perhaps to be fair I should add that the acting was above par for the main actors, however given the script and the heavy bias towards religious overtones without a smidgen of reality really just meant that it was an amazing achievement I actually sat through the entire movie instead of switching off and going to sleep.
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the worst
bjornie0817 October 2006
the worst movie i've seen in years... its just amazing how some people give too much credit to the people who made this, should i say, crap. the whole "Christian" intention was very evident, yes... but the execution was far worse than a original TV movie. Lighting=failed, cinematography=failed, direction=failed, acting=failed. IT PRETTY MUCH FAILED IN EVERY CATEGORY I COULD THINK OF. I am a Catholic, but this movie is so bad I'm sure even people in heaven would not watch this... But kudos to the whole "waiting till marriage" thing, I'm sure that would earn them points above... but as for making GOOD movies, THEY ARE HELLBOUND!
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Manages to rise above the smarm... sort of
n-mo21 September 2008
Let's be clear on something from the start: this is not a "great" film, not something that is or deserves to be in the canon. Technically speaking, it is fairly amateurish, although for an early low-budget independent effort this crew is fairly competent and I would be happy to see them succeed. The cast is mostly bearable, and big kudos for using actors that actually looked like teenagers in a high school.

"Echoes of Innocence" is not a typical teenage flick along the lines of "Clueless," "10 Things I Hate About You," etc. ad infinitum, and be grateful for that. Our 17-year-old protagonist is a Goth girl saving herself for marriage and nursing an obsession with Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and St. Joan of Arc. Most people call her "Virge," but she has the self-esteem to take it in stride and so we are spared some of the more agonising scenes of teenage angst.

On the other hand, that is part of the problem. This movie touches on but fails to explore the depth that seems to be underlying these characters and ultimately fails to weave religious and moral struggles into the fabric in a meaningful way. Sarah is an interesting character: she's not a Catholic but she has visions, she recites the prayers, she appears to study the Faith, she apparently believes in the Sacraments (attempting to take Confession, Absolution and Penance) and seeks the counsel of a Catholic priest. So why had she not she attempted conversion? We never get any hint, and so we are never really drawn into her personal journey.

But this is just one example of the film failing to draw out its potential. So many of the characters look like they could be more than stereotypes and our suspicions are just never confirmed. I wonder if perhaps this story reflects an obsession on the part of the scriptwriter and a literary immaturity that hampers its full expression. (I also suspect part of the problem is that this film fails to conceive of the world outside teenybopper suburban America, which is definitely not--proliferation of Young Life ministries aside--a good breeding ground for a deep Faith or culture.) As for the ending... ugh, the completely cheesy and pointless villain sub-plot, the Deux ex Machina.

Kudos for attempting to be uplifting, but shame for taking good, solid literary elements and totally smashing them on the floor. This isn't bad if you've got an extra evening off and want to make it a popcorn-and-Pepsi night, but if you're looking for a good Christian-themed film about the struggle of Faith of a young person who's actually a real human being, you're definitely better off looking at Robert Bresson's "Le journal d'un Curé de campagne"--just be warned that if you're the type who goes for cheap thrillers like "Echoes of Innocence," you'll find the former far too slow for your tastes.
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A complete waste of $8
LloydChristmas1716 April 2006
This was possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. When I heard about it, I thought the message behind it sounded intriguing, so I was somewhat excited to see it. 10 minutes into the movie I learned that was a mistake. With horrible acting and an inconsistent plot, this movie made me want to shoot someone in the hand, which can be fatal (as is proved in this movie). The acting was terrible and the whole side plot of the high school bad ass who is trying to rape the main character was completely unnecessary. O ya, and another thing, why did the love of her life drive away in a limo and have a freaking helicopter at their wedding?! It was completely random and unexplained! I just have to say one thing more, watch out for those cows, they've been known to kill a man.
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4 star, a must see for young and old alike, a movie where character matters
askjill13 September 2005
Perhaps in the genre of "A Beautiful Mind" "Echoes of Innocence" captures the intensity of teenagers caught in the whirlwind of their passions, hopes, and conflicts. Using beautiful, mysterious and powerful visuals "Echoes" enters the intensity of one girl's emotions, Sara, and her search for meaning, love, and a faith that endures. Especially in the climax where events become dangerous and murky, director Todd Simms evokes the dramatic complexities projected by the Swedish icon and film director, Ingmar Bergmann.

The typical milieu of teenage life is revealed in "Echoes" with basketball practices and locker room schemes, parties, drama practice, lunchtime in the cafeteria, and classroom life. In the mixed bag of best confidences and betrayals, guys looking to carve many notches on their belts, girls looking for romance and excitement, one girl tries to swim above the tide and not get pulled down into the fierce current of sex and intrigue. That girl, Sara Jenkins, experiences all the temptations of a normal high school coed and yet she doesn't succumb. How and why she does this forms the plot of "Echoes of Innocence."

Non-dorky and compelling Sara is beautiful inside and out and unwittingly creates a mystique that no one can fully comprehend, not even her only adult friend and confessor, a Catholic priest. Sara believes in God with her whole heart but this is not a Catholic film. She has no "religion", just a strong faith that even inspires her priest to the highest standards. Director Simms is more than a storyteller; he is an artist using common themes in incredibly artistic ways.

Sitting on the edge of my chair for the second half, my heart raced as I couldn't figure out how all the plot threads would be woven together. I don't want to rob you of that delicious movie-going torture, of not knowing how it will end. But the way there is probably more important than the end itself. How Sara copes with her dysfunctional mom, uninvolved caretaker grandmother, deceitful best friend, guys on the prowl, and her inner faith is something that should be required viewing and discussing for all 10-18 year olds in America. The rest of us should also see "Echoes" reassured that morals and character are not dead in America.

The characters' struggles are felt, not described. Many scenes seem short on dialog because they are filled with subtext and are part of a cinematic world that is much bigger than the particular experience being explored. Whether Sara is fending off unwanted approaches of the macho basketball team, confiding in her best friend or becoming intrigued by the new guy in her class, David, we see real relationships that unfold naturally and we are drawn into each one deeply.
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Awesome movie...
iluma1 April 2005
I recently went to a viewing of "Echoes of Innocence" at Regent University. I really had no preconceived expectations, although I have heard good things about Todd Sims and the work that he has done in the past. The movie was riveting. The Cast did an exceptional job of drawing you in and keeping your interest from the beginning of the film right up until the end. I am 49 and I brought my 75 year old mother, my 24 year old daughter, 20 year old son and some other friends with me to view the film. We all loved it. I am looking forward to seeing this film in the theater. This is film for all ages... but I especially think that all young people and those who are waiting for that special someone to come into their life, "HAVE" to check out this film.
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Powerful Message in a Little Film
rcreate11 September 2005
What I found amazing in this first effort from director/writer Nathan Todd Simms, is that this small budgeted film packs a powerful punch. It is a brave and creative story. I don't think I have ever seen a film that took on such a controversial subject and told a story that was so engaging and imaginative. When I say controversial, I mean to say most filmmakers shy away from the sexual subject most teens struggle with. Many filmmakers take the traditional route we have all grown tired of seeing on the screen. This is a fresh approach. No, it is not a perfect film, there are some glitches – but the messages and extraordinary overall presentation make it an incredible project that succeeds on many levels. It doesn't just speak to the physical struggle within us but the spiritual forces that pull at us. I was impressed with the talent in ECHOES. In addition, the visual composition of the film is colorful and magical. Sometimes lingering a bit too long on a subject, yet it is full of color and grace. ECHOES challenges the viewer to see deeper, to feel deeper... don't attend this film expecting traditional storytelling. It is a unique combination of light and dark. It doesn't hide the dark yet it also offers a hope most films just don't seem to provide. I challenge the viewer to see beyond what is on the screen and see the true power of this little film. I predict most "religious" Christians will have some issues while the cynic will scoff at its approach, but in the end, it is a pioneering work that will hopefully open the door for more.
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Surprising quality end-to-end
SpecialPhysX9 September 2005
If you really need another hit of "send money, guns and drugs" corruption, then avoid this film at all costs! Although the story covers all three of these fleetingly, none of them are the basis for the storyline here.

This is a story about hope and despair, love and challenges, testing and caring for the real-life needs of others. For youthful audience members, the story itself is engrossing. I sat in one dark theater and listened to the comments and reactions of the young teen in front of me. Her emotions covered the spectrum from fear and sadness to the kind of uncomplicated happiness that we all long for, if we only knew...

For mature audiences, the archetypes and subtexts of the story are deeply provocative on many levels. Complicated issues are covered with compassion and sensitivity in a very contemporary POV.

This movie ROCKS on all counts: story, music, acting, directing, drama, cinematography, lighting, soundtrack, artistic endeavor -- it's got everything you want in a family friendly format AND -- BONUS -- no sacrifice of quality on any dimension! The last film I saw that was as simply *beautiful* as this was probably "Girl With a Pearl Earring".

Go! Enjoy! Invite your friends and loved ones! Share the love...
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If anyone hated this wonderfully articulate movie then it fell on the blind and the deaf.
s0las15 May 2006
I absolutely adored this movie. A lot of people don't believe that some people can see and hear voices and be sane. However, clairvoyance and clairaudience does exist and is very real. You hear about false psychics on TV but you also hear about the legitimate ones and ancient cultures who have survived on the words of their chieftains and their medicine men in the belief that they, along with their visions came from God. If anyone doubts this statement then said persons have forgotten that even the Bible says "Men and women will prophesy." As far as remaining a virgin until marriage, that too is realistic. I waited 'til I was 25 and I have no regrets. To those who have said, "This movie isn't Christian," you missed the point. This entire movie was about faith in God, in a belief, in another person, and in oneself despite persecutions from her mother and the Alec character and the basic struggles in life. This movie was very well done, well written and the actors played magnificently. Anyone who hates this film over-analyzed it way too much and couldn't grasp the sweet simplicity of the message. One more thing, Sarah would have lost her visions and the angelic voices had she had sex with the exception of marriage being first. By waiting to be married before having sex Sarah didn't lose her visions nor did she lose her angelic connections with Him.
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Echoes Of Innocence
burton-caitlyn8 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I had the pleasure of viewing this movie several weeks ago and loved it. The story of young love being torn apart is not unfamiliar, but there are a variety of ways to relate a tale. A young girl, who has a troubled family life, begins a fascination with Joan Of Arc. At a very young age, she and the boy she loves agree to remain pure until they can marry on her 18th birthday. Although he mysteriously has to leave, Sarah continues her vow to wait for him. Of course, this makes her an even greater temptation for the high school boys. However, both her aloofness and her visions also make her an object of ridicule among many of her peers. The arrival of a new boy in school does cause Sarah some conflict though as she finds herself being drawn to him despite her vow to wait for her first love. I was impressed with both the storyline and with the acting. Benjamin Dane's portrayal of a Catholic priest, who is Sarah's confidante and adviser, is very well played. The message of purity is also a very welcome, especially when compared with many of the films promoted for teenagers today.
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Echoes Of Innocence
cindynavarro7138 January 2011
This movie is one that will require you to know who Joan of Arc is, so I did have to provide background info to my teen-aged grandchildren. However, when they watched this with me, they found the storyline and action every bit as intriguing as I did. Their perfunctory sighs soon turned to "shhh" whenever anyone spoke. On one hand I did have to explain some of the symbolism to them, but I do believe they would have enjoyed it just as much without my need to turn movies into teachable moments. I thought the acting was very good and the story was one that unfolded at a nice pace. I found it to be a film that not only spoke to a relevant issue for today's teens, but also presented a beautiful allegory to those of us who are Christians. Frankly, I have watched it several times, and I enjoy it more with each viewing. It certainly is a very thought-provoking film and one that I would recommend to others. The fact that the main character Sarah (Sara Simmonds) was not Catholic, yet her spiritual mentor was a Catholic priest (Benjamin Dane) was handled in a sympathetic yet realistic manner. The acting skills of both, plus the rest of the cast, was sheer delight to watch.
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Excellent Story Line. Great acting. Touches the heart/soul.
ulliwuntsluv3 October 2006
I really love the story in this movie, it is superb, and heart-wrenching. I must admit that there is at least one aspect that is a bit confusing, and makes no sense. But overall, this movie is certainly worth seeing. The acting is especially superb. I must say, I cried hysterically during one of the more touching scenes with Cody Linley, and at the end (I won't say why, not to give anything away)- Also, the guy who plays David fit very well into this film, and added just the right touch to make the movie even better. Out of all the movies I have ever seen in my entire life, none ever made me cry as hard as I did during this one. I can't explain it, but there is something about the acting that really connects you to the film, and helps you really feel what the characters are feeling, which is a very important aspect of film. I suggest you grab a box of crying tissues, lay back, relax, and enjoy this touching film. I know it really changed my outlook on life, and no movie has ever been able to tug at me like that before. If are a big fan of love stories, than this is a must-see. I highly recommend it.
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Echo's of Inoncence DVD and Book a True 10 out of 10
Katiejevan9 April 2006
My life's work has been focused on youth and trauma. Psychologyst, drug counselor working with youth whose traumatic events has caused such incredible damage. Angery, sullen no faith, they want to die rather than bare the pain of life. With help, I have observed transformation as they strive to shed anger and rage as they move from victim, surviver, to thriver. Sara, is the ultimate Thriver. To her own self be true. Her faith, wisdom, kindness and virtue made this film a shinning light in the darkest corners of humanity. While there is a subtle Joan of Ark Theme, this is in no way a modern remake. The story of Joan's dedication to her beliefs, values and faith carried her through a war. Sara lives in her own war zone. Alcholic mentally ill mother,visions with out understanding them leaves her alone in a world of disbelievers. There is one,who shared her pledge of faith who promises to appeared in God's time. For teenagers the love story, surrounded by a mystical, magical pull of evil verses valor will grab them in their own personal truth. THis movie is an echo of a time when the world was much easier to understand. The good acts and bad behaviors were bound by culture, family and church. For the disjointed youth of today, this film will serve as a panacea in fulfillment of a inner hole they did not know existed! Bravo to the risk and faith of the Sims family for sending out into the world something that truly ignites a fiery light, through the dark path for the lost personal spirit. In today's world honor and integrity seem to have become a distant shimmer in the dark. Echo's keep the sound alive as your burning truth travels as a gentle mist that is the beacon for tremendous enlightenment! Keep shining that light! Katie Evan PhD,CADCIII, NCACII
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