Binge & Purge (Video 2002) Poster

(2002 Video)

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Interesting premise, most botched execution since Lady Margaret Pole
Lowbacca197717 July 2014
Large swaths of this film are unwatchable. When I say that, I don't mean it's really bad and tough to sit through, I mean literally unwatchable. The lighting is non-existent so probably a quarter of this film is so dark that I have no idea who was talking and where they were. Add to that audio problems and hollow dialogue, and it was extremely difficult to have any idea what was going on at any point in the film as such little information was successfully conveyed. It was really a team effort to even figure out what was going on in it.

The acting was also, largely, very underwhelming and the editing was extremely poor, showing both strange delays in people talking (edits that had too much waiting between lines and was very unnatural) and that conversations appear to be going on with people in different places. There's a lot of quick flashes of shots that don't seem to make much sense, and the film jumps between things so much it's hard to track any continuity or arc. Finally, the kill shots are more like shooting mug shots with a white wall behind people such that it just feels ridiculous to keep seeing the exact same angle and effects for various deaths.

I will grant that the first 5 to 10 minutes of this film were fairly impressive, mostly as the film started off set in the Spanish Civil War, and it was a few minutes before we were even sure it was the right film, starting not in English and in black and white. It was a very good start to the film, and it went downhill from there. Characters come and go without much clarity, and the film never decides if this is a film about zombies or cannibals, or some weird spot in between, and so it also means that the feeling of continuity between what the status of characters are is totally non-existent.

The film has a surprisingly interesting start, and what could be an interesting premise, but then the film very quickly starts to fall apart into some sort of train wreck for most of the film, to then have a couple interesting scenes to end it on, beginning and ending on notes that suggest this film stood a chance of being decent at one point in the planning stages.
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Fine Young Cannibals
nogodnomasters13 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Spanish Civil War provides an alternative history background by introducing a zombie like cannibal into the era. In Modern British Columbia , the Victoria police rejoice that rights and warrants have been eliminated because of a terrorist attack. Three individuals supplement the police force to take out cannibals. The cannibals are coming from Karl Helfringer (Gareth Gaudin) a designer whose models are a cabal of cannibals who easily can lure they prey. The cannibalism can be transmitted from person to person by purging your stomach juices on them.

The night scenes were too dark. The camera was not suited for night work. The posters were an homage to the Spanish Civil War, not sure who hangs them all over their house. The cast was made up mostly of non-actors and it showed. Some eye-candy scenes. Gore scenes looked horribly fake.

Guide: F-word. Sex, nudity (Fiona Eden-Walker)
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for a no-budget this has a lot of well done gore
trashgang2 October 2012
I came across this one for a stupid price. The sleeve is laughable but the label it was on gave me a warning, go buy it. Emporium, the label, doesn't exist anymore but horror buffs do search for that label on flea markets and second hand shops. Was I happy that I found it.

You just don't watch it for the acting which looked awful and so did the sound. But I watched it for the horror and it did deliver. Not on the scary part but on the gore.

The gore is in your face for such a low or let's even say no-budget. intestines are being eaten in front of the camera. Sometimes it do becomes cheesy like the bath scene were they cut of a penis. And there are other scene's that are cheesy. Thered stuff do flows and there's even some kind of puke scene on a face but it isn't puke, it's a kind of acid that melts flesh. Gore for everyone.

Surprisingly good for such kind of flicks. Watch it only for the gore, there's enough of it.

Gore 3,5/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2/5 comedy 0/5
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Not one of Clement's better flicks
slake0910 February 2005
I agree that Brian Clement is a genius and someone should give him a bunch of bucks to make a decent movie. However, this one isn't up to the high-water mark of Meat Market 1 or 2. Here is why: 1) The special effects...well, they're just not special. If you're going to do a lot of zombie shooting, at least make it look like the zombie has been shot. Don't just spray some blood on the wall behind it and make a loud bang. You expect to see a hole in the zombie, somewhere. This might sound like nitpicking but when you see the zillionth zombie get shot with no visible wound, it gets tiring.

2) Where is the skin, Brian? Meat Market had fully nude lesbian vampires making out. Binge and Purge had one sad shower scene. Oh, the horror.

3) Wake up the sound guy and get him on the job! Every gunshot sounded like a cap pistol fired by the annoying 8-year-old next door. I just couldn't groove to it.

4) Where is the bizarre, the absurd, the ridiculous? I'm down with high-fashion models bingeing on human flesh, but that's as far as it goes in this movie. No Mexican wrestlers in silly costumes, no evil scientists, no nymphomaniac cheerleaders. Man, I was bummed.

5) Enough of the bad acting already! I can live with, even enjoy some seriously bad acting if I have naked lesbian vampires and egomaniacal Mexican wrestlers to make up for it, but Binge and Purge doesn't have anything to take your attention away from the wooden faced b-movie acting. Give me some distraction! Brian Clement has his heart in the right place, but I think he wasn't hitting the bong enough during the filming of this movie. Kinda lost his way. Let's hope he gets his head right for the next film.......
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"We want the public to know you can eat right & look good." I actually thought it was a decent effort.
poolandrews26 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Binge & Purge, also known under the more exploitative & attention-grabbing title of Catwalk Cannibals here in the UK, starts with some black and white footage of the Spanish Civil War from the 30's, the black and white footage soon turns into colour as two fascist soldiers discover a Spanish anarchist happily eating someones intestines, they shoot him... Jump forward to modern day Canada at 6:12pm where two police officers (Brian Clement & Nick Sheehan) are attending a possible two-eighteen, when they arrive they are horrified to discover a well known model named Kami (Terra Thomsen) eating a pizza delivery man's (Jay Walls) intestines, within minutes the Chief of police (Alan Ford) & half the force are on the scene. A special government trained team of assassin's, May (Tanya Barnard), Vanzetti (Stephen Bourke) & Number 11 (Fiona Eden-Walker) are sent in to clean things up. Their subsequent investigations lead them to four more models, Audrey (Moira Thomas), Renee (Melissa Evans), Angelique (Amy Emel) & Sandra (Becky Julseth) who were close friends with Kami. They quickly discover that the models have a disease that makes them crave human flesh, a disease that is quickly spreading throughout the city & it's up to them to expose it & put an end to it, but is it already too late...

This Canadian production was written, edited & directed by Brian Clement & I thought it was alright. The script could best be described as a cross between Cannibal Apocalypse (1980) with the disease that turns people into cannibals spreading through a city, Dawn of the Dead (1978) as they eventually turn into flesh eating zombies that can only be killed by destroying the brain & a political thriller although political thrillers aren't my cup of tea & I can't think of a single one at the moment with a little touch of a cookery program thrown in for good measure, I love the scene when one of the cannibal girls conducts a cookery lesson complete with on-screen captions! The first half of Binge & Purge is very good as it concentrates on the cannibal models & their gory eating habits but about halfway through it almost completely ignores the cannibal models & shifts into political mode as there's lots of government conspiracies & lots of nonsense about fascism & the fact we have no civil rights, which will obviously turn everyone into cannibals as hinted at during the opening sequence. To be brutally honest anyone watching this just wants to see blood, gore & cannibalism & not some heavy handed, poorly conceived ridiculous political message, maybe I'm wrong but I don't think I am.

Director Clements does an OK job on what must have been an absolutely minuscule budget, some of the editing tricks work while some don't. Someone should tell him that it's impossible to stage a revolution using 10 amateur actors & three locations, these parts of the film come across as cheap & boring. There is plenty of gore on show here, there are lots of shots of people eating intestines, a sucked out eyeball, a brain being chopped in half, bitten throats, spurting blood, melting faces, scenes of various body parts being cooked, prepared & eaten plus there is a scene in which a guy is castrated by one of the cannibal girls with a pair of scissors & his severed penis lands on the floor just right for a nice big close-up.

Going straight-to-video technically Binge & Purge is pretty cheap looking, hand-held camcorder type cinematography with poor lighting, dull locations, cheap looking special effects that are gory but not convincing, nothing production values & an overall low budget feel to it. The acting is of a low standard & no-one impresses although the models are attractive to look at.

Binge & Purge started out very well with lots of gore & a pretty quirky story about cannibal models but the political overtones just get in the way & slow it down, the problem is the budget, the talent, the acting & writing just isn't strong enough to do the ideas any justice. Anyway, I thought it was better than a lot of straight-to-video crap that I've seen thanks to the first half, some over-the-top gore & nice looking ladies.
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pig_716 July 2003
This is what all micro-budget cinema should be like! Everything about this movie is really good. It does have loads of great gore, but the story and direction really carry it. Everything is so tight and professional looking. Buy the DVD from Sub Rosa because you won't regret it. Clement is a real talent and given a bigger budget, he could go places!
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xposipx13 March 2017
Christmas, the near future: terrorist attacks have turned North America into a police state. Strange murders have begun to plague the capital city. The police chief assigns two officers to look into the disappearance of a young fashion model and the officers themselves promptly disappear. Fearing for the reputation of his department, and hoping that two of his problems take care of each other, the chief enlists the aid of a trio of private detectives he deems expendable. The group's investigation leads them to an evasive fashion designer and his circle of enigmatic models. What they uncover is not just a simple murder, but a complex web of corruption, mass killing, deceit...and cannibalism. But this threat does not come from without, it comes from within...

Like the Meat Market films, Binge & Purge delivers with similar, if not identical gore effects. There's loads of entrails, gunshots, gutting, acid vomit, biting, strangling, eye gouging, and a nice punch through a zombies head. They almost went overboard with it, but it was the main there could never be too much.

Again, like Meat Market it has its ups and downs in the technical department. I'm not sure if they used any lighting sources at all, so some scenes were extremely dark. The audio equipment was also pretty crappy at times, but's a low budget horror was expected. On the positive side the sound fx were disgusting and used appropriately (just like in Meat Market as well.) There were some really cool and creative camera and editing effects here and there, but a few simple dialogue edits were off. Clement should just go all out with the the artsy shots and editing the majority of the time.

However, every actor in the movie was about on the same skill level. Some lines were just awful, and some were just typical decently stated.

Final Thoughts: If you like your films low budget and extremely gory, this is for you. If you're in it for psychological aspects and acting...stay away. The concept was interesting, but for it to be fully effective Clement needed more money. This is Clement's third film, and it's on the same line as the other two. It was exactly like Meat Market with a more interesting plot. I loved the fact that it constantly made fun of eating disorders and how superficial our society is becoming.

There is one more Clement film I need to see that sounds amazing (Exhumed.) I'm still waiting for him to bust out and be the next Romero.

Final Score: 4.5/10
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Brian Clement strikes again
ronnievanrijswijk4 July 2020
It's a fun and over the top gory trash flick with a lot of cannibalistic murders and shoot outs, yes the acting is atrocious but would you watch a movie like this for the acting. Nope you watch it for the GORE, the delicious gut munching vomiting gore. I did enjoy Brian Clement's Meat Market which was a fun tribute to the works of Romero, i hope this man will get a bigger budget to realize an even bigger gorefest hihi. Just enjoy Brians work for what it is, gory trash. And i meant that as a compliment.
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