The Stalker 3 (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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Celebrity lookalike explosion.
BlackJack_B6 December 2005
Yet another softcore thriller done by a mainly hardcore cast. It is interesting how most of the hardcore films take place in the figurative gutter while the softcore/middlecore films always have their settings in the fancy sections of Greater Los Angeles. I guess it's because they need an actual storyline.

The story is about two well-off married men who obviously thought that what happened to Kobe Bryant wouldn't happen to them. Both their wives are out of town and a mysterious, beautiful yet sinister woman moves in across the street and makes passes at both of them. Both of them are lured into her web by her sexy ways and they do the Kobe. Both end up being blackmailed for $100,000 or else she will ruin their marriages and livelihoods with the videos shot from a teddy bear. Strangely, other expected things happen in this movie. Why, no softcore film would be complete without girl-on-girl, now would it? The story has been done plenty of times and the acting isn't very good, either. But man, the women! The four women all look like famous celebrities. To have some fun during this routine softie, I started calling the characters by other names.

Chelsea Blue looks like X-Play's Morgan Webb but with curly hair. She looks delicious in this film and her natural body is pleasing to the eyes. She plays the bad girl very well, to be honest. She could have used a cigarette but these movies never have smoking in them; probably because smoking is pretty much illegal in California, which is a great thing. Her partner Gigi (Monique Alexander) is a sexier looking Kelly Ripa. She does very little here but look good. Julia Kruis looks like a thinner, younger Edie Falco. She didn't look good here, especially in the eyes. Of course, Nicole Sheridan probably named herself that because she thinks she looks like a younger version of Nicolette Sheridan; only she's visited the plastic surgeons and had something else fixed besides her nose. She is cute, but that nose is a very sore point. Also, Eric Carrington is here; the man who looks like a dead ringer for my boss.

All in all, a film only I could care for the women and nothing more.
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cheesy no plot soft core porno
railmc235 February 2005
This was a waste of 75 minutes of my life. The acting was atrocious and the plot was ridiculous. It revolves around an evil lesbian who gets rich married men to have sex with her, and then blackmails them for money. One of the victims is a candidate for DA, which is causing problems in his relationship with his wife. Another is a plastic surgeon, also married, and the evil lesbian happens to seduce this guys wife too! Meanwhile, the evil lesbian's girlfriend doesn't really like her sleeping around. It ends in a happy ending where all is forgiven. The women get naked a lot too, mostly in situations that stretch reality. bad bad bad.
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An example of "no core" pornography
MBunge7 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so cheap and shoddy that I wouldn't be surprised if it took me longer to watch it than it did to actually make it, the density of crap being so intense that it somehow bent the space-time continuum like a black hole. But in addition to being so bad that you have to measure its awfulness using Einsteinian physics, Behind Bedroom Doors is another example of the bizarre cinema sub-genre of "no core pornography".

Combing the efforts of a writer who can't write, a director who can't direct and a mostly unattractive cast who can't act, this story is supposedly about a man running for district attorney and the con woman who tries to sexually blackmail him. That's really just a pretense for a series of weirdly truncated sex scenes while one of the characters repeatedly wears the same black tank top. The sex scenes are all barely 20 seconds long and the stuff in between the abortive erotica is so wooden you could chop it up and burn it for heat during the winter. In fact, collecting all the DVDs of Behind Bedroom Doors and letting the homeless burn them for heat during the winter would be much better than anyone watching them.

It's almost impossible to exaggerate how terrible this movie is. One of the alleged actors is so horrible that he not only gives the same inflection to every line of dialog he speaks, he has the same expression on his face whether he's having an argument or receiving oral sex. Most of the alleged actresses appear to be under the influence of multiple pharmacological agents, because apparently getting drugged out of their gourds is the only way they would agree to participate in this used kitty litter of a film. The plot is so simple and obvious it would bore an unborn fetus, yet these filmmakers still end up with scenes that make absolutely no sense.

And then there are the sex scenes, which are over so quickly even a premature ejaculator can't enjoy them. Which is what makes this movie "no core" porn. Hard core porn is really just about displays of real and varied intercourse. Soft core porn has cinematic pretensions and revolves around simulated sexual activity. "No core" porn is as aesthetically barren as the other two and, in addition, has virtually no sex in it, real or otherwise. "No core" porn has less nudity and sex than your average 1980s horror movie and it's less arousing than viewing Meg Ryan's botched erotic thriller, In The Cut.

Soft core porn seems a little useless in a world where hard core is available with a single mouse click. But just as some people prefer Maxim over Playboy, there are probably folks who feel hard core porn is "too icky" and are happy to have a less morally repellent alternative. However, "no core" porn can serve no function nor satisfy any need whatsoever.

I don't understand why Behind Bedroom Doors was made. I don't understand why anyone would want to watch it. That is all.
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For what it is
chasman9914 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
For anyone who has searched late cable and seen many of these movies you can review this within it's context. This is better than average soft core and the plot is actually realistic. Sure the acting is poor (they wouldn't be in movies like this otherwise) but the women are beautiful and naked. To the person who accidentally rented it, I can imagine how disappointed you were, but hey try to parlay that into something, if you get my drift.

All in all better than most late night cheese-fests and with a plot that does not border on the completely insane.

To summarize the women you have the bad girl - natural breasts and decent looking enough. But seriously, are you sleeping with her when your wives look like these two?

The lesbian lover - very cute and very sexy. But also, not in the film much.

Wife number one is a good looking woman, from the neck down. She's the DAs wife and just looks like she's using too much makeup.

The plastic surgeons wife is gorgeous, and if you can get past the strange nose is someone you would definitely hang on to if she was nude in your bed.
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Nice movie, that's really all I can say......a solid B.
Smooth B5 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw "Behind Bedroom Doors," and this was the first softcore flick with a solid story behind it that I've seen in a while.

We begin with two neighborly couples--Vivian and James Fenway (Julia Kruis and Eric Carrington), and Lillian and Gabe Harris (Nicole Sheridan and Chris Gustafson). Vivian appears to be a housewife, James is a lawyer running for district attorney, Lillian works in real estate, and Gabe is a successful plastic surgeon. Got all that? Now, let's get into it.

Enter Abby, played beautifully by porn star Chelsea Blue. She's renting the house across the street from the Fenways and lives all by herself. At the beginning of the movie, James looks out his window and sees Abby engaged in playtime with her girlfriend, Gigi (played by prolific pornstress Monique Alexander) and secretly begins to wonder what it would be like to be with her. The next day, Abby gets acquainted with all four of them, and appears to be a nice woman who just happens to be living an alternative lifestyle. She makes a pass at Vivian, who seems startled and says to her, "Oh...I'm...not that way." Everything seems okay...until the plan gets set in motion

First, Abby shows up at Gabe's office, naked, asking Gabe if she should get a boob job. This is where we get our quote of the movie:

"Tell me about Gabe." "What do you want to know?" "Is Gabe happily married?" "I'm married." "There's trouble.....let me guess. Your wife stays at home, and does everything you ask. But, she's a good girl." "Yes." "She's not a bad girl?" "No." "Does that door have a lock on it?"

You know what happens next....Abby gets it on with Gabe, right there in the exam room. After that, she puts on a little show in her window for James, who comes over and wastes no time in having sex with her. What James doesn't know is that the teddy bear on the piano with the flashing red eye is really a camera taping all the festivities (it's so obvious anyway). Abby has sex with Gabe again later, and this time Gigi joins in to make it a three-way. Now that Abby has something on both men, she requests $100,000 from each in order to buy her silence. Not only could she ruin James's run for office, but she could destroy Gabe's practice.

While Gabe and James wrestle with their guilt, Abby finds time to seduce Lillian--who "experimented" with women in college. That was a long time ago, but you wouldn't know that seeing her in action with Abby--she looked like an old pro.

While Gigi goes along with the plan, she's seems jealous of all the sex her girlfriend is having. "It's only business," Abby says. Confessions and apologies are sure to follow, as is some startling info on Abby's true identity--it seems she's been doing the same thing to different men in many different places. Gabe and James use this info to fight back against Abby's blackmail.

Now, on to the sex. The sex scenes were pretty good, and considering all the women involved in this film except for Julia Kruis have a lengthy porn background, I wouldn't have expected anything less. Nicole Sheridan's four scenes were the best of the movie, with the three-way coming in a close second. Monique Alexander only got naked once, but she was a relatively minor character. Julia Kruis was a major character and got naked the same number of times. I suppose since she was surrounded by experienced hardcore pros, she didn't have to have as many sex scenes.

To wrap up, "Behind Bedroom Doors" had a great storyline, which enhanced the overall grade of the film. I consider it tapeworthy.

Women: A- (Nicole Sheridan was good in this film--better than her later offerings in Fred Olen Ray's comedies. At least she can do drama somewhat. Chelsea Blue was a scene stealer--she wasn't that bad as the antagonist. I'd give her an A all by herself. Julia Kruis was her usual self. I wish Monique Alexander had more face time in this film, though.)

Sex: B (Solid, very solid sex scenes. Nicole Sheridan's performances were almost hardcore quality. Chelsea Blue looked good in her scenes, too. The two girl-girl offerings weren't scorching, but they did warm up the screen.)

Story: B+ (I liked the dialogue and the main storyline. Chelsea Blue's performance was good for the genre, and I was impressed with Nicole Sheridan's turn at drama.)

Overall: B (This was a nice softcore flick. I'm glad I was able to watch this one, as I was pleasantly surprised. If Chelsea Blue ever wanted to do more of these, she'd be welcome anytime. That goes for Nicole Sheridan, too--even though she's probably better at doing comedy. I don't mind hardcore girls who can act doing softcore films.)
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Decent Eye Candy With Some Plot
jmatrixrenegade17 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I see now that it wasn't THAT Nicole Sheridan. It's spelled differently. Seriously, as another reviewer noted, I actually like my soft porn to have a bit of a plot. At least, this helps things along some between sex scenes. This one has one -- various characters with actual different personalities and interests and a basic story-line to boot. A blackmail sort of thing. Has a bit of a weird resolution, so to speak, but the story works ... at least, given the lower expectations of the genre.

Anyway, let's see. The guys are rather bland, but this sort of thing centers on the women, right? Chelsea Blue plays the brunette sexy crafty lead well. The two wives do have personalities, the one having a lesbian encounter more appealing of the two (sorry, since both are fairly generic blonds, as is the girlfriend, one does mix them up). The girlfriend (yes, CB is bi here) has less to do, but as with the others, does have some ability to change emotions. Again, the women are better actors than the men, who overall are boring as well as spending much of the movie all upset and all since they are being blackmailed. Awww. Poor babies.

The sex scenes are nothing special, though there is a threesome and a lesbian match-up (they go good together) as well as sex in a doctor's office (good scene, from the opening when she's completely nude on) that is pretty creative. CB's boobs probably come off the best, one set obviously fake, which is personally a bit of a turnoff, but to each their own.

Overall, for those who like a bit of plot and acting with their soft porn, not bad, but nothing to write home about either.
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where's the label?
ravenofsorrows7 March 2004
ok when i went to rent a movie recently with my girlfriend we saw this movie labeled as a drama and set with the other new releases, we read the back and decided to rent it, we were not expecting a cheesy, one-camera, lame porno. I thought they put labels on those kinda things, i was appauled. We watched the movie anyway because i always watch the full movie, never just give up on it. This movie was bad. Bad writing, bad acting, bad directing, bad visuals just overall bad. Hopefully you will read this before you accidentally rent this, but all i can say was even as far as lame thin-storied pornos go this was bottom rung. At barely over an hour long i still felt like it drug on for days, it is time i will never get back but in the end i hope i am able to warn other people and keep them from making the same mistake, unless this is the kinda movie you were looking for all along and if it is, its ok as far as softcore goes but still fairly tame.
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Behind Bedroom Doors
Scarecrow-881 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Chelsea Blue gets starring credit in this better-than-average softcore outing. She stars as Abby, a "seductive hustler" who works men (and women) over for cash. Yep, this film focuses on two more male victims, a potential DA (in line for it he hopes) and a doc. Rich Nouello is DA hopeful, James Fenway, in a rather decent relationship with wife Vivian (Julia Kruis). His life and career seem to be on the rise but then Abby moves in the neighborhood and takes advantage of the possible ramifications that could result from the scandal of adultery. For a period of time, James resists Abby but her careful seductive attention to him (hitting on him, appearing naked before him, and hinting about how good sex with her could be if he would just give in to his desire) eventually is just too difficult to overcome. His lust gets the better of him, and Abby likes to hide a video recorder in a teddy bear to capture the show so she can use it as leverage for "pay up and I'll go away." Abby's other target is Dr. Gabe Harris (Chris Gustafson; I'm not sure how this guy was able to get some gigs in softcore, his sex scenes are so lacking in passion or effectiveness), married to Lilly (Nicole Sheridan; working primarily hardcore, this, her first softcore flick, is given top billing on the IMDb, but was presented in this film as her debut). Gabe is easily persuaded by Abby when she gets an appointment to see him in an examination room; Abby is naked as Gabe walks in and it isn't very long before the two are going at it. Because Gabe is rather established in his profession, it wouldn't be as damaging if his adultery was discovered, but for James, right when it seems his career could take off, the scandalous nature of an affair wouldn't go over so well.

So the crux of the plot for the men is how to fend off Abby and the footage of them caught in sexual escapades with her. While I am not totally smitten with Sheridan, her part in the faux sexual scenes with Gabe is enthusiastic and alive. She doesn't have much to work with as Chris can barely summon the energy to match her in any possible way. While the men are often "props" for the women our eyes (and libido) are fixed on, Chris is certainly just there as a body for Sheridan to work her stuff. If you like lesbian scenes, there are two (the better of which comes at the beginning, as Abby and her true lover (and partner in crime), Gigi (played by the petite hardcore starlet, Monique Alexander) engage in a little Sapphic lovemaking). Chelsea's opening scene with Monique has some fondling and oral pleasure, lasting the typical three/four minutes, while her work with Sheridan is extremely disappointing and barely breaks two and half minutes. That's softcore for you; there are lots of sex scenes but they're limited to a few minutes. The best scene could be Sheridan's with Chris in a shower because Nicole gives it her all…even if I'm not all that attracted to her, that vitality and go-for-it gusto did leave an impression. I do find Julia attractive but she's just never had any personality; her character here is the sole person not to fall under Abby's spell. Julia has her scenes with Rick, and their couple survives Abby and her attempt to wreck the marriage. Alexander was a fixture in softcore all the while she was in steady employ as a hardcore performer. I always felt she could have been utilized better, with more substantial screen time. Her tanned little body and cheerleader looks were ideal for softcore; here, she is given very little to do and a character with little resonance. Alexander could typically be used as eye candy, then discarded to the side once her sex scenes were over. I would have loved to see her in the Chelsea Blue role. Blue, in her part, seems cold and confidant. Her character's goal is to get men to fall in lust with her so she can turn a quick profit and move to the next patsies; she doesn't make nice or even attempt to pretend she's somebody to easily befriend. She literally tries to have sex with every main character in the film…that's the nature of the beast in these films.
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This movie is a good one
tiptoessosi2 March 2006
If I'm going to watch a porn movie, I prefer it to have some sort of plot, and a descent dialogue. Behind Bedroom Doors is one of the few I've come across with those attributes.

The new girl next door scams on the neighbor's human nature and weaknesses where seduction and sex concerned. Chelsea Blue,(I mean Brooke LaVelle) is the choice actress to play the part of the blackmailing seductress, and plays the part magnificently. Chelsea Blue is a very talented and extremely beautiful actress. The movie get's an overall 10 just because she is in it. Her partner in the movie, Monique Alexander is a definite cutie. The two should do more work together. In this movie, though, Monique, who plays Gigi, doesn't have a whole lot to do or say. That's too bad. She seems like she has more talent to be shared. I like the girl who was the (possible) DA's wife next. I forget her name, but she's pretty good looking, and not a bad actress. Nicole Sheridan...I'm still trying to figure out what some people are so excited about. It's obvious there are parts of her bought an paid for. Which is okay, but is she finished? Sorry, but come on! I'm afraid her performance here would have dropped the rating some, except Chelsea's talent and beauty overrides any negatives. Overall, This movie is a good one.
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