Wiseguys vs. Zombies (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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Very bad
sloane4724 May 2005
Even as a double feature this DVD isn't worth the rental. Both movies were bad with little value. The first one Wiseguys vs zombies was as cheap as they come and somehow got chosen to be on this set with another bad offering Meat For satans Icebox, the second half of the feature. Bad acting in both movies. MFSI looks like it was filmed with home video equipment and had the worst music ever. WVZ had little more to work with but it look better and the music was good in points. Meat had better gore scenes and had nude, but not very pretty ones. I'm just going to stop buying movies from Troma. They are always releasing bad movies and I am surprised they still have fans.
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Dogpile 95 in true force
ge-ranma23 September 2007
A huge Troma nut since I was a kid, (thanks Dad!) I've grown over the years to better understand and appreciate the purpose that Kaufman & Co. stand for. And as always, I eagerly purchased another statement of antithesis from the rebel provocateurs of avant gore skinema, Troma's "Dogpile 95 Vol. 1". Call it totally crappy. Call it too extreme for the mainstream crowd. Call it anything but stupid. Because this is truly independent cinema at work! Although the double feature's selections are about as "Indie" as you'll likely find. "Wiseguys vs. Zombies", at least in my opinion, really isn't much aside from a statement. With home-brew indie films, I feel the budgetary constraints and lack of resources that come along with the territory should be made up for with a really good story or at least entertaining acting. Unfortunately, WVZ lacks it all.

If you're able to get along with the acting, homemade gore, and home movie quality, there's still not much of a story or funny acting to be found. There are some chuckle-worthy moments in a pretty much watchable film. But overall it just doesn't leave much of a good impression outside of the whole "fight for truly independent cinema" mood set by the release.

I would never recommend it to anyone outside of a good example for what YOU can do at home if you really want to. (Which is pretty well the point.) But as a movie, "Wiseguys vs. Zombies" is just kind of a dud. I hope they had fun making it though.
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Dogpile 95 Volume 1....eh, it's OK.
nyflicker23 February 2005
I gave this set an average vote of 5 and this is how it breaks down:

Wiseguys Vs Zombies, the first feature of the double feature, was surprisingly good despite the "vs." title (haven't we seen enough of these? **Jason VS. Freddy, Vampires VS. Zombies, Aliens VS. Predator** The movie focused on New York's toughest hit men fighting redneck zombies in South Carolina. Intriguing premise. It was executed fairly well, although the hit men had noticeable southern accents. It was more of a comedy than a gore-fest though, and might throw some hardcore zombie-film lovers off a bit. It is entertaining though, in a way that the second movie on the disc is not. The producers of the film know it's not to be taken seriously, and the viewer can just jump into the fun. Breaking it down:

Acting: 8 for the main characters; 6 for the supporting cast.

Story: 8. Could have used some tweaking, but original.

Direction: 7. I want to give it higher for the effort, but there was only so much that could be done with such an obviously small budget.

Gore: I can only give this advice to the producers: It's a zombie film, so throwing a little bit of blood on a wall or splattering it on the actors clothing doesn't really cut it for hardcore zombie film fans. You get a 4 in this department.

T&A: 0. This is a Troma film, so where were the naked ladies?

Overall, I give this movie a rating of 6.

Now we come to Meat For Satan's Icebox. What can I say about this movie? Ehhh, well, it had nudity. And gore. But that's about all that can be said positively about it. The music was this films biggest downfall. And the acting was just horrendous. The direction was pretty good, and the camera work was very good at times, but it just wasn't a good movie no matter how you look at it. Breaking it down:

Acting: 4. Poor acting all around.

Story: I will say this much about it: the story is sick and fits right in with other Troma movies. Bloodsucking Freaks comes to mind. But its just not that good. I'll give it a 5, and thats being nice.

Direction: Good directing helps even the worst movie. 7.

Gore: Plenty here. Enough to satiate the most bloodthirsty film buff. 9+.

T&A: Yes, its here. Not always pretty, but its here, and sometimes in abundance. 7.

Overall, I give this movie a 4 because I can't really recommend it. It's not something that I'd be proud to push on to someone to see. Unless I just didn't like them.

Wiseguys Vs. Zombies is a strong 6, closer to 7, because it was a fun watch. Meat for Satan's Icebox is a 4, but closer to a three. The only redeeming thing about it was some nudity here and there. As a double feature, I rate it a 5. (Wiseguys 6 + Meats 4 = 10. Divide by two for the two features, and you get my rating of 5. Isn't math fun?).
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oh dear lord make it stop...
narayanis2 May 2004
Honestly, this is without a doubt the worst movie I have ever seen, and I have seen more than my share of stinkers. Seriously, there are lifetime movies with better acting than this. Effects and makeup look like they were done by the people that the Power Rangers production team refused to hire due to lack of talent. The plot is nearly nonexistent (and that's being nice). If you ever made silly home movies with friends on your mom's camera when you were young, it was probably on this level (the only difference being that they had about $50 more to spend than you did). This movie should have remained an inside joke between friends and never seen the light of day. Note: I'm not pretentious, I own and enjoy lots of B movies. I just don't want anyone to waste their money; if, after this, you still feel some strange curiosity to buy and watch this movie, remember that you will never have back the time spent watching this, and will hate yourself for that for the next year at least.
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Spoilers Herein- Goats 'r US
kvtenn32 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
What is wrong with these people? I thought I was going to see a horror film, but what I saw was far from horror. It was absolutely one of the funniest made-on-the-cheap spoofs I have ever seen. Me and my brother cracked up all the way through it. But I think they might have went to far with...

SPOILER ALERT ...the scene in which a hillbilly, after having a marital spat with his wife, tries to engage in some extra-marital affairs with his livestock. He almost succeeds until a zombie interferes, and let's just say that LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT has nothing on this scene!


Just so the reader understands, this is NOT a horror film. Oh, it spoofs the zombie genre, and does have enough blood and guts to make you wince, however it is a laff-riot all the way through. The acting was above average in many aspects, and defies its low budget roots, and the seamless editing was above par. Overall I give this an 8- albeit not for the film itself, but for the good time we had watching this sick, sick movie.
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Too long.. too cheap.. too bad!
edwardsje_52617 January 2005
A troma movie usually promises gross gags, nasty jokes, and toilet humor throughout but this one only came through on the last one. Obviously the producers of this garbage had nothing to work with.

No money.

Cheap equipment.

A total of three locations.

No nudity.

And no talent whatsoever.

Bad acting and bad zombie makeup killed any chances the crew of this movie had of taking a not-so-bad idea and turning it into something entertaining.

It wasn't a total failure tho. Compared to the other movie on the disc, this one looks Oscar worthy. If I HAD to pick something about this movie that made it worthwhile I would have to say that the story had potential to be good.

Mafia hit men fighting the undead is an original idea, but the director who also starred spent too much time trying to make hisself look cool, but that is hard to do when you can't act. Terrible horrible excuse for a movie. Shame on you Troma for putting this piece of $#!* out on an unsuspecting public.
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Really bad from start to finish!
collectorofsorts8 July 2022
I just found this online and like cheesy low budget horror films. But this was really bad from start to finish. The writing, the acting, the filming that seems to have been done on home videocams. There was nothing redeeming about it. If you get a chance to watch this, pass!
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Great plot substance, entertaining scenes!
youwannasite1 November 2003
Wiseguys Vs. Zombies Directed by Kevin Woods and Adam Minarovich was a great movie to watch. The situation comedy coupled with the serious situation of transporting bodies through the "bible belt" made for a good evening of independent film viewing.

This is the best for horror films and gangster buffs as you get alot of both. Great acting all around, special effects and location excellently done and chosen.

Can't wait for the next release from these guys!

By the way I found they have a website up just do a search for lorithon zombies on google.
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Good at Being Bad
heatleyje10 November 2003
This movie lacked direction, focus and, at some points, acting skill; Overall, it was friggin hilarious. This is a really good bad movie; it is a good no-budget film, with supporting actors seemingly being themselves, a ridiculous plot, and a very unlikely pair of heroes, this is an almost must-see. Give these guys another 500 bucks and see what they can do with it! They may create the next Killer Tomatoes. Still, it is what it is, lumps and all, so I must give it no higher than a 6 out of 10.
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Sick, funny flick.
tennesseeski1 November 2003
This movie was a trip! From the opening scene to the end credits, I was transfixed on the screen, laughing my butt off! If the filmmakers were trying to make a horror film, they failed miserably. But if thier intentions were what ended up on the screen, job well done! I saw this movie at a premiere at Clemson University, and everyone in the crowd enjoyed this movie, laughing all the way through. The gore was a bit over the top, and the goat scene is one for the books, i give this a 10 out of a possible 10 just for the fact that I couldn't stop laughing. And how many times was the F-bomb dropped?? The cast and crew did an excellent job, despite the low budget origin, and the direction was great. It tells the story of 2 hitmen assigned to transport a drug and 3 (4?) bodies to Miami. They come to a town in SOuth Carolina, and end up fighting off redneck zombies created by the drug they were transporting. It leads to an over the top climax (can anyone say farting zombies?) and ends with one of the funniest lines in any movie I've seen. This will go down as a cult film, no doubt, and I hope someone picks this one up for distribution. Good job, fellas!
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I liked it
stevebolden10 November 2003
This was not too bad considering it was made on a cheap budget. I thought that some parts were very funny, especially the part with the farting zombies. Everyone who I watched it with agreed it was not too bad, and Ray Jones did a good job on the zombie makeup. I hope to see morfe movies filmed around here by these guys.
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Pleasantly surprised at how much fun this was
allenwilson177 June 2004
A friend of mine had gotten this movie from one of the guys who made it, and he passed it on to me. He explained that it was one of those very low budget movies, and not to expect too much from it. But on retrospect, I have to say that it was a pretty good movie. The special effects were somewhat cheesy, and it looks like it was shot on a home video camera, but the characters were good enough to keep me interested and the movie was actually funny. At least it was better than some of the dreck I've rented lately. So what if it didn't have much to work with, it still made us laugh and had a couple of parts that stood out in my mind.

The story is as follows: There are two hit men, one a young arrogant loudmouth, and the other the clichéd older/wiser and more subtle hit-man, who also happens to be a Christian. The hit men have to transport a drug (just called The Drug) to a Cuban guy in Miami. But their car is impounded by a hillbilly sheriff, and soon enough they have redneck zombies to contend with. The drug seems to only affect the zombies faces because their necks, arms, and other visible body parts look normal. This only adds to the comedy of this flik, I figure the producers didn't have the money to make up the rest of the actors bodies. The hit men have to clean up the epidemic before the Mafia sends in a cleaner to finish it for them. This allows for some decent gore scenes, including an exploding head, chainsaw kills, and plenty of gun fire. Characters are introduced, then quickly killed off or transformed into zombies. The only problem with this is that I would have liked to have seen more of the beer guzzling redneck and his goats. Funny stuff. And I think that the entire movie takes place over the course of one day.

I would recommend this movie to fans of zombie films or those who like their horror "lite" and their comedy sick.
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a troma release so you know what your getting
terryburns12323 February 2005
Troma isn't known for putting out movies that would be considered mainstream or even quality.But fans of troma's brand of off kilter humor and gore know exactly what they are getting when they pick up one of their movies and thats what makes Troma so great is that they push the boundaries of film and offer something different to the movie watching public. Case in point is the Zombies vs. Satan Double Digital Creature Feature Dogpile 95 DVD.Home made movies of low to no budgets this DVD features Wiseguys vs. Zombies and Meat For Satans Icebox.Wiseguys vs. Zombies deserved this honor more than Meat for Satans Icebox.I'm really surprised that it didn't get its own release instead of sharing the disk with Icebox.Don't get me wrong Meat For Satans Icebox isn't bad, its just not that good.Other than seeing Mr Troma Lloyd Kaufman in the role of a mad doctor, the movie just doesn't have much going for it. Wiseguys vs. Zombies is more entertaining and more fitting of troma's outstanding stable of alternative cinema. The acting was damn impressive, especially the two leads for a picture of this kind.The music was good and the story was funny as hell.The zombies didn't show up until the movie was almost over though.A lot of build up to a mediocre climax.That isn't really a problem for the movie the director just should have started the zombie action earlier. Some of the funnier parts were a surprise.We couldn't stop laughing when the first zombie was killed and the expression on the hitmans face was so funny that we rewind that scene at least a dozen times.The gore could have been beefed up a bit but wasn't bad.Perhaps the director of Wiseguys vs. Zombies should have put his money together with the director of Meat From Satans Icebox and they could have made a bigger budget version of Wiseguys Vs. Zombies. Meat From Satans Icebox was just not any good.We turned it off about 20 minutes in to it and had to finish it later.Lucky for Troma they paired it up with Wiseguys vs. Zombies to salvage the first volume of the Dogpile series.Troma should really consider giving WIseguys Vs. Zombies its own disk with some extra features and sell it at a cheaper price because it is the only reason to buy the Zombies Vs. Satan Double feature. Tromaniac
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it was hilarious
babyg2662 November 2003
i liked this movie, it was so funny...there were parts that were kind of long, but overall it was a good movie...i liked how even though the hitmen were going from New York to Miami the movie base was in SC...i can't wait to see the next movie these guys put out.
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Praise for the film as well as the director and producer
nottoced5 November 2003
This film was great. I thought the camera angles and shots were very good throughout the movie. Adam and Kevin really have a great sense of humor that comes out in their work. I would definitely recommend this film to any movie fan. The scene with the goats alone is worth it.
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"Zombies" is great, but not necessarily for Troma fans
amazing_sincodek22 May 2006
Reading the existing reviews, I don't think anyone really "gets" this movie. I imagine the film crew did not embark on this project thinking they would make even a single penny back from the film or even seriously hoping for a DVD release, but instead just knowing they wanted to make a zombie movie and have fun doing it. These guys certainly weren't trying to make a "real" movie. They have produced, however, a very lively and entertaining experience. The fact that it is available on DVD is as much a treat to the movie lover as it is to the filmmakers.

I really like zombies. I like them better than the gore that is often associated with them, and I even think I like them more than breasts. "Wiseguys" was my first Troma film, and for these reasons, I loved it. I have since watched a number of other Troma films, and I think they go over my head. Likewise, I think "Wiseguys" goes over of heads of Troma fans and (of course) fans of mainstream cinema.

"Wiseguys" is not serious about being a good "bad" movie. It's just fun. The makeup looks like it came from those Halloween kits for young children. A lot of the acting is atrocious. I think the script was entirely improvised. But the main characters have quite a bit of charisma and their conversations are a lot of fun. There are a few very clever scenes of zombie chaos. There was one scene in the film that made me laugh so hard I had to press pause. The story itself is rather clever. If you like zombies and aren't expecting a good movie or even a typical Troma movie, you'll have a great time.

(I only watched a little of Meat for Satan's Icebox, and I didn't like it. But I think it went over my head, because I hear it is similar to "Bloodsucking Freaks," which I have paused right now and which, so far, is definitely going over my head.)
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Low Budget + home made movie = FUN!!
iwafreak19 June 2005
I really enjoyed this film. Saw it in Clemson, SC and had a good time. I feel sorry for anyone trying to not have fun with this film. The only argument I will accept for this film is the over use of the F word. 6-times, you're still my hero. Henrey, stick to the art, zombies will eat you every time. The film could use some help from a dialog coach or some accent coaching. The kid zombies are also fun. I however did not see the other film that was packaged with Wiseguys vs Zombies. The violence was there and a good amount of comedy. Hammers and drugs were also used in this film. I did find it funny that they (the Mobsters) are going to beat a guy with a hammer, but place plastic down to protect his house from getting messy. I also look forward to more work from these people. Thanks Guys for your hard work and film.
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The funniest VS. film ever!
clemsonpimp20002 November 2003
WvZ tells the story of two mafia hitmen ordered to deliver a drug and three bodies to some guy called "The Cuban" in Miami. When their car is impounded by the sheriff of a redneck town, the hitmen discover that their package has created a horde of redneck zombies. Sounds like a winner to me! The movie starts slow, and drags in more than a couple of places, but once the undead pop up, the real fun begins. And who can forget the barn scene? I was in attendence for the "premiere" of this low budget comedy (horror?) and, while it didn't have the best script to work with, it more than made up for it's shortcomings by delivering the goods- blood, gore, and some of the funniest "down south" scenes this side of Deliverance! I give it *** out of *****, could have been more, but overall, it accomplished its goal- entertaining the audience with its truly demented humor.
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another troma winner
yarbrosean8018 May 2005
Cheaply made funny movie shot on digital video that probably cost $80 to make, it found its home at troma on this DVD release along with the inferior Meat for Satan"s Icebox. And while Wiseguys VS. Zombies makes for a entertaining viewing session thanks to the intriguing premise, it's advisable to pass on Satan's Icebox, a movie so bad I still can't finish it.

This being a Dogpile 95 release from Troma (who will be distributing my DV shot movie also) you can expect some non Hollywood standards in production, acting, and special effects. But this only adds to the charm of the movie. At least Troma is giving independent movies a shot which is more than could be said about a lot of other studios. And I can appreciate what the makers of Wiseguys VS. Zombies had to do to get the vision out there.

A quick synopsis: Freddy and Gus are hit men ordered to deliver a lost/stolen military drug to a cu ban drug lord who is only referenced to as "the cu ban". En route the hit men stop for a moment in South Carolina and have their car impounded by the local Barney Fife. Soon the drug creates a mass of the undead, who quickly multiply by biting the local hillbilly population. It is up to Freddy and Gus, and a tag-along bleach blonde hotty, to put an end to the deadly situation.

One other quick note for those who might not know. The director of this movie also did Ankle Biters the midget vampire movie. Wiseguys VS. Zombies is pretty much in the same fashion, very tongue in cheek but a vast improvement over Ankel Biters.
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Classic horror flick with lots of laughs
escottb5 December 2003
I saw this movie at its debut in Clemson, SC with the director amd several actors and it was a riot. The entire theater was laughing and cheering. It was an incredibly fun time. Adam, the main actor and director, is an incredibly charasmatic character who keeps a sense of humor throughout the flick. There was plenty of gore, laughs, and good times with this flick. It's definitely worth checking out. There are a couple of scenes in the movie that break all barriers and really make this film hilarious. A must see!
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