Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (TV Series 2003–2020) Poster

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I wonder about the kids of some families
lewisdacontra-1769030 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm rewatching episodes on a streaming service, and in the later seasons, I'm struck by a thought. The children of some of these do gooder families are really unwilling victims. One episode showcased a family who flies to Haiti to bring water to help individuals there. They've also adopted 2 Haitian children. There is nothing wrong with this, until you see that a pipe burst in the upstairs of their home ruining it. The home insurance wasn't enough to fix the old house, so they moved into a camper. Rather than fix the house, they kept taking trips to Haiti to deliver water. I'm sorry, but if my family of five was living between a camper and a house with mold, the private plane I use for a charitable organization would be sold to fix my house. If I were their child, it would upset me that fuel costs, airplane maintenance, and other people's children were more important to mom and dad than a house with water and electricity.
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Too much waste
amcaca26 August 2022
When I mentioned to a friend, he responded how it is cheaper to just demolish the whole house rather than spend manpower on recovery of reusable objects, such as doors windows, fixtures, and appliances. Couldn't Ty give one extra vacation day to the family while they give opportunity to save reusable items from the house?

Otherwise this show has brought some happy tears watching the show.

They said 'Sorry, your review is too short. It needs to contain at least 600 characters.' so here adding just to fill in the requirements. [who's idea was it to force extra characters? It reminds me of school years, lol, laughing out loud to gather more characters. I've been practicing writing concise comments to make my point as short and sweet as possible, but now I need to elaborate to extend the length of text.]
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The only reality show on TV worth watching
Nick_Denife4 May 2005
I have to shake my head when I read the comments of people that don't care for this show. It's obviously not about the nuts-and-bolts building of a house, and as far as Ty "never picking up a hammer" - for God's sake, they can't show the entire seven days of building the house, and if they did, who'd want to watch it?! Reality shows, by their nature, are cruel freak shows, highlighting the worst of human behavior, like disloyalty and back-stabbing motivated by greed (SURVIVOR comes to mind), gross-out stunts (FEAR FACTOR, anyone?), extolling the idea that physical beauty is the answer to all your problems (THE SWAN), or exploiting a near-psychotic desire to appear on TV no matter what the cost to yourself or your family (Jerry Springer and his ilk). Extreme Makeover Home Edition instead highlights the best in human behavior - compassion, a sincere desire to help someone in need, and the "pay it forward" idea that helping another human being will lead to that person helping another, and on and on. I don't enjoy being shown that people can be selfish, hateful morons that will eat a pig rectum or back-stab a friend for money or exposure, but I DO enjoy being reminded that there are people in the world willing to help others down their luck and do it in ways that change the recipient's lives.

Extreme Makeover Home Edition is a wonderful, entertaining, inspiring show, cast to perfection with funny, entertaining people who do their jobs with exquisite taste and imagination. May it run forever!
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This show should be on every ones TV's every day!
mickyjoe-dawn12 January 2008
I know there are lots of comments with 10/10 as the vote, but my vote i do truly mean. This show really helps people out there that need help and actually would do anything get it. Whilst me and my family are watching it, we look around our house and think look at that finished house! And look at ours! But those less fortunate extraordinary one of a kind people living in the United states work hard and kindly with all of there warm hearts to go on a fantastic holiday, appear on TV and most importantly receive gratefully a big safe home for them to live in. I know i am going over the top but it really is a good show and recommend it to all ages. I would like to thank Ty Pendington for all of his hard work. Obviously he will never hear thanks, but he does work hard to build a huge warm home for them. Watch it! Please!!!!!!!!
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Extreme Makeover Home Edition "The White Family" Sad Sad
ColoOkie2 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I used to be an avid viewer until I personally spent long cold hours helping build a home for the White Family, only to be sickened to see the house a year later. All of the beautiful rock landscaping has been removed, the gorgeous rock sidewalk and front fountain have been removed, all the pine trees and pecan trees in the front have been cut down, sprinkler system has been ripped out. It now looks like a disaster area. They don't even live there any more... they live "in town" and come out only for the weekend. It sickens me to think of all the hours that the great people of Oklahoma donated to these people and to see the result. The story that we all saw on TV wasn't completely the truth... don't believe every thing you see and hear.
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view of show
Flinky609-122 May 2006
Hello there!! I want to let you know how much I love the show. A lot of the stories make me cry for the families. I saw the show on May 21, 2006. The story touched me. I love how a person like the lady was able to take in all of those kids. I am from a family of 4. I myself have many disabilities. I was born with my heart on the right. I have had 3 open heart surgery's. I am on oxygen now. I also have Epilepsy, Asthma and Ostoprosis. I love how you help those in need of getting a place remade over. I love to see that some people still have a heart. You do not see much of that any more. I hope this tells you how much you show touches some people's lives. This includes mine for just watch the stories change others lives. Thanks Bill Berger
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Too bad they cancelled that show
leakhead14 April 2018
This was reality TV worth watching. It showed humans caring for humans. It showed hersos, people showing concern for others more than themselves.

Too bad they cancelled that nice show.
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Giving of itself or just self serving?
keeponwithbrian4 May 2008
I occasionally see some of this show because my wife watches it sometimes. I try to enjoy it for it's basic idea which is helping a needy family, but several factors get in the way for me. Every episode follows the same format where many parts seem totally scripted (which they are) and tears flow seemingly on cue. The attempt to manipulate the viewer with a mixture of emotional breakdowns and sad music is a real turn off for me. The fact that everyone who donates something to the house, be it Sears or whoever, has to plug themselves for being generous is also annoying. Probably the biggest problem I have with it all is that what must be huge amounts of money and a small army of workers are combined to build an amazingly over the top home for a single family. Now I know that this amount of money is nothing but a drop in the bucket for Disney/ABC but how much more could be done for more people with the amount they are putting on one house? Instead of focusing on one family and getting them all to cry during the episode why not help 10 families and show highlights? Isn't life difficult enough for the average person? Why do I need help finding things to feel sad about, why not show something truly inspiring without being manipulative? I know what is being done for these families is good, but they are also being used for ratings. You can't tell me they aren't being coached sometimes on the crying. I guess when I see these people moving into a home that most hard working people in the U.S. could not afford for their children it really bothers me. I can't help but think of what could really be done with a small portion of Disney's money. Instead of giving each member of the family a flat screen TV and or personal shower that tells you the water temperature and shoots out of the ceiling why not help more people afford food, clothes, education and medical insurance? I know so we can be entertained and have a good cry. In terms of money, I feel the same about Oprah. I don't think anyone can actually conceive the amount of money she possesses. Yes her recent reality show did good things, but when she gave $30,000 to each losing "contestant" I'm sitting here thinking...that's a years salary for many, many people...if they're lucky. Don't get me started on game shows. So I realize that Extreme Makeover Home Edition is "doing good", but forgive me if I see it as more self serving than giving of itself. Is there anyone out there that feels similar?
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Extreme Makeover - Home Edition
katy_allen20035 April 2005
I've been addicted to Extreme Makeover since it first aired here in the UK on one of our satellite channels. I confess to having shed a few tears on more than one occasion, the most recent episode being where a son had managed to trace his father who was living rough and bring him home. There wasn't a dry eye in the house that night. Its truly heartwarming stuff in a world where we increasingly don't really care about people who may be less fortunate than ourselves. I suppose thats the not very "secret" secret about this show, it does something positive to help people who are at their lowest ebb. The team of builders, designers etc really seem to care about what they do and of course when they get overly emotional when the job is finished that sets me off too! Its great entertainment whilst doing something extraordinarily worthwhile. I have to say you guys in the US really know how to build houses.
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A beautiful show
tytebben25 August 2023
I remember doing a mini project in 7th grade math thst had measurements The assignment was to "build" a house by using certain measurements We watched an episode of this show for inspiration and I loved it, it was never on cable then when we got YouTube tv I saw it was on there and I made sure it will get recorded Even though only season 7 and 8 are available and I don't think it's the full season, I cry so much during this show because it has so much heart and kindness Ty Pengtion is proof there is still good people in this world I wish that this show would continue.

Every episode I watch it is just so good and emotional.
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I love this show but....
bergesonkelly19 July 2022
This show IS NOT on any of the streaming apps it claims to be on. Not on Pluto, Peacock, fubo, paramount+ or the HGTV app. Absolutely nowhere to be found. I want to watch the original one with Ty along with the new one. I don't have cable.
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So good it's almost too good to be true-and it is true!
cjcody201024 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition has got to be one of the only TV shows out there worth watching. It shows dedicated people with hearts of gold putting the brakes on their own lives and busting their backs to help those in need. It's made a huge difference in my life just by watching it, along with millions of other people around the world.

For those of you who think it's all just "TV Magic", you really don't have the right to say that unless you've seen it in real life. I've seen it, and it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. About a month ago, I drove half-way across the state of Minnesota six times and volunteered to help with the Swenson-Lee Family's house, and it was well worth it. The families they pick are truly deserving, and the reason they build these houses as big as they do is because they want to make it as good as they possibly can. They're working on filming the segments for the show and working on projects for the house. They've earned a lot of respect, and they truly deserve it.

This show is very symbolic of what being an American is all about. It reminds us all that the United states (Emphasis on the word UNITED), we all pitch in to help one another and help one another out. It Rocks!

I heard this in a movie once. There's a train line in Europe that connects Vienna, Austria and Venice, Italy and it runs through a very steep area of the Alps. Those tracks were built long before there was a train that could get up and over those mountains. They built it anyway. They knew one day the train would come. And it did.

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is like the train tracks, and these families that receive the new houses are like the trains. They're all headed towards better futures because of what the show has done for them. Its proof that incredibly good things can happen when you work hard to make them happen, or at least try.
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Help people who have nothing at all!!!!
teresapendleton11 March 2022
I love this show. Although there are some people that would love to have the places that the people start out with. Try to help someone who has nothing, then get the praise.....
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Extreme Makeover Home Edition
sherryoo71 April 2007
Hello!!! How does someone recommend a family for a makeover? I met a friend online about a year ago. She was born with Cystic Fibrosis and was on the list for a new set of lungs. She received her lungs the end of last year and is doing great. She lives in Woonsocket, RI with her Mother and adopted siblings. She just turned 27. She and some of her siblings were adopted when they were little by a wonderful family who had a ton of kids. Birth and adopted children totaled about fifteen I think. The father passed away a couple of years ago of brain cancer, and the mother who is in her late sixties was left to handle everything. She also runs a shelter care that is attached to the side of her house. So she not only has adopted children but helps other children in need on a daily basis. She is an amazing woman. If I ever heard of a family deserving your help it would be this family!! Thanks!!! Sherry 1st Place Carpet P.O. Box 27632 Denver, Co. 80227 1stplacecarpet.com
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An overrated piece of trash...
drew_n_ater13 July 2008
"Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" is yet another 'feel-goody', so-called 'heart warming', and out-for-ratings show that ABC has had the time to put together.

I understand the troubles that these families go through. For that, I am sorry. But wouldn't you think that putting four wide-screen plasma televisions, three flat-screen desktop computers, an inground pool taking up half of a backyard, and closets full of expensive designer clothing is a BIT too excessive for ANY family? Sure, these families have been through a lot. Sure, they deserve nicer things that what they had previously had.

But honestly, the things that Ty Pennington and his crew put into these houses are enough to suit an entire neighborhood.

Another thing that really irks me about this show is how Ty and his crew always have something good to say about every little thing that relates to the family, or the family's condition. Telling a wheelchair-bound person that he or she is 'so strong', or 'very brave' really does get old after a while. That may sound rude, but believe me; watch this show, and you'll see what I mean.

All in all, this show is overrated. If you want to watch it, go ahead. This comment is just a heads-up for what you'd be watching.
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Extreme Makeover Home Edition
erind-25 June 2005
Wow! What an amazing show. I never knew a show where everyone had such great hearts! This show not only has amazing families every week but the design team and crew just keep on working no matter what conditions there under. I also must admit that I really like their spin off series as well to give viewers a behind the scenes look at what they didn't see the night before it's on this show where you can also see the kindness of everyone on it. Way to go ABC you've really hit a Home Run with this show keep it up you're doing a great job so far! I hope that you guys keep it around for a while and I'm sure that in the future they'll still be watching this Wonderful show!

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There's no way you can watch this without smiling
I don't see how anyone could give this show a negative review. The residence of a family who's poor and has experienced numerous hardships is demolished. Led by Ty Pennington, a group of people who specialize in house renovation - designers and workmen (oftentimes neighbors too) - build a new house in its place. When the house is finished there's a gigantic crowd of people outside cheering, and after they all say 'move that bus' at the same time, the reaction from the family is absolutely priceless. I love watching them walk through their house. No two houses are designed the same, but nonetheless, the living room, kitchen, and the kids' bedrooms are amazing!! I love how all of their rooms were made to reflect their hobbies and personality. I'm sure some people might find Ty annoying, because he's always shouting (in a good way) and he has a raspy voice, but I think he's a wonderful person. I usually can't stand loud people, but he doesn't turn me off from watching the show, and to be quite honest he makes me laugh. I think it's because, despite his loudness, I can tell he's a genuine person who's incredibly charitable. His wife lucked out, because it is so hard to find a selfless man. The episodes I was watching on TV were from 2005, but I didn't care. There's so much negativity in this day and age, that I welcome the opportunity to watch something inspirational whenever I can. Whether or not it's recent doesn't matter to me. I enjoy volunteering. I've helped several organizations, mostly within the areas of mental and public health. I have yet to give a lending hand to Habitat for Humanity. This show has inspired me to help build a house for people who are less fortunate. I recommend this program if you need something to brighten your day.
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Vomit inducing ......
welshNick27 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There is a uk edition to this show which is rather less extravagant than the US version. The person concerned will get a new kitchen or perhaps bedroom and bathroom and is wonderfully grateful for what they have got. The US version of this show is everything that reality TV shouldn't be. Instead of making a few improvements to a house which the occupants could not afford or do themselves the entire house gets rebuilt. I do not know if this show is trying to show what a lousy welfare system exists in the US or if you beg hard enough you will receive. The rather vulgar product placement that takes place, particularly by Sears, is also uncalled for. Rsther than turning one family in a deprived area into potential millionaires, it would be far better to help the community as a whole where instead of spending the hundreds of thousands of dollars on one home, build something for the whole community ..... perhaps a place where diy and power tools can be borrowed and returned along with building materials so that everyone can benefit should they want to. Giving it all to one person can cause enormous resentment among the rest of the local community who still live in the same run down houses.
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Some reviewers need an extreme makeover
info-169513 April 2011
I used to love the show, before it became all about coddled celebrities. As for the reviewers, I see two types: Those I would like to have as neighbors, and those I'm glad live far away from me. One more quibble: It's people, not houses, that are made over (although the show started out making over houses). Little actual construction is evident now. Sorry for repeating the obvious, but unless you are a child, there is more satisfaction in giving than in receiving. This show affirms the fact. To those of you who have not become bitter cynics, I remind you: Your time is limited, so give it freely to others, especially your children.
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ThunderKing622 August 2020
Just another show that capitalizes on depressed and sad people.

This show is about transforming run down houses into better ones. When the house is complete they have a street party so the family can get excited over their new house. They give children kiddie rooms forgetting that the children will out grow it in 2 years.

It's a fake sentimental show from the cast because they are paid to be happy all the time as the camera runs.

Then in some cases families grow broke and have to move out.

Verdict: Foreclosure. THE END
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to help make a house a home
elizabethgarner19617 July 2011
I think it is really awesome to do this for so many families in need my dream is to work with children and i would love to be able to help i have had 4 spinal surgery's and suffering from sever nerve damage in my left foot but their is still so much i can do to help make a house a home. if their is anyway i can do anything to help doing this please let me know i can not donate money but i can donate my time. i can also paint do small projects and help a child have his or her dream room my husband can also help out he does know plumbing and heating and air so if your in Georgia than he will be more than willing to donate his time and services.
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Good idea but host (Ty Pennington) is a phony
mjakm28 February 2022
My son worked on one of the extreme home makeovers and we got to see how phony Ty truly is. A couple of little girls wanted his autograph and he basically told them he was too busy....really maybe a minute of your time and you couldn't give them your autograph?! Granted you didn't seem to be around a lot so maybe you had to make up for lost time but still I think this show needs a new host.
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A heart-warming television masterpiece!
isthischaos20 August 2005
What a fantastic show! It makes you laugh, makes you cry, and gives you hope that there are still people out there who are willing to work their socks off to give to other people. It makes one believe that perhaps the world isn't so full of cold, selfish people out to please themselves. It really makes me feel good inside to see how happy the people on the receiving end are, and it's also wonderful to see that the men don't feel they have to be "manly" or "butch", and have no qualms about crying on camera, to be seen by heaven knows how many people.

The fact the team go to such lengths to make the house the best it possibly could be, tailored to the family, is amazing. Imagine if you were on the receiving end, how ecstatic would you feel? Imagine your joy, and then you may be able to imagine just how the families helped by ABC and the EM:HE team feel. Their lives have been turned around, picked up, and there are much fewer things for them to worry about.

I know a lot of people have issues with this show, that they feel it is base and demeaning, and the people on it are undeserving. The people they feature are needy in different ways, and just because they aren't destitute and living on the street doesn't make them any less deserving. The fact the team have worked to make houses safer for residents to live in (such as the girl allergic to sunlight) proves in my mind that this is much more than just a reality TV programme. This is life-changing, and absolutely stunning.

In my opinion, this show is one of the most heart-warming reality TV shows I've come across, and I think there should be more! Helping people who need it, changing their lives in ways they never could have done themselves, I think that's an amazing thing. Kudos to ABC, and to the design team and the contractors who work through the night to get the house done. It's fantastic!
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May God continue blessing this show and all of you guys.
voltymorem20 July 2013
Hi all

we are a family from south Africa and we would like to say that the job that you guys are doing is so wonderful and may you not stop there in your country only we wish your show can reach every people that are doing they best to help others just like you doing, God is doing amazing things through you guys and it really makes my mother and father wanna do more to help out in the community and people who want help from them, watching your show has inspired change in my their life to do better and my mother says through you she can see the works of God and how great God is. We love watching the show and watching how you changing life's of other people around you. the only thing we wish for the show is that may God continue growing the show and blessing the show also to to be one of the most watch shows in the world.
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