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First Contact confirmed ITV 9.25 Saturday Mornings...
philip-prise-126 May 2006
Ignoring the post above, which oddly enough is the same word for word from another show, here is a quick guide to Get Fresh.

Ever since 1976 the BBC and ITV have been locked in a bitter ratings war in of all places Saturday mornings.

While other countries fill the schedules with cartoons and repeats the BBC and ITV have invested large sums of money in big entertainment shows featuring music, the odd cartoon, games, competitions and celebrity guests ranging from soap actors all the way to Queen, Elton John, Duran Duran, Madonna even Mrs Thatcher when she was Prime Minister and members of our Royal family.

Get Fresh was just one in the line of these shows but it was arguably the most unpredictable and anarchic of the lot.

The Host was Gilbert the Alien (green, spotty with an endless stream of snot) who was the pilot of the space ship Millennium Dustbin, along with his two human friends Gaz Top and Charlotte Hindle he would land the ship in a different town each week for two hours of live television.

There were two stars of the show however. Gilbert, who voiced by Phil Cornwell would stream out an endless babble of innuendo and meaningless garbage which often had barbed insults towards the guests.

The other being the Millennium Dustbin itself, which even if you see it now still looks an incredibly sophisticated set.

Sadly in recent years the quality of these shows have gone down markedly as have their ratings. The creative spark that once fuelled Saturday morning TV and led to shows like Get Fresh and its sister programme No. 73 has long been extinguished in favour of cheap by the numbers tat.
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