Inconscientes (2004) Poster


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good comedy
dcldan20 May 2006
When Freud is going to visit Spain, the most known psychiatric doctor disappears and his wife and his brother-in-law start a research in his last cases in order to discover what has happened to him. With a tendency to absurd all the cases presents us a group of crazy people obsessed with something: sex. The research will continue as they both discover things about themselves that they didn't know, all mixed with great and funny jokes and a delicious script that makes the spectator to enjoy himself during all the time of the film. In addition to being funny, actors are very good and they make great parts. This is a great comedy, ideal to laugh a lot as we think about our taboos in our lives; unluckily, this great film has passed by totally undiscovered for most of the Spanish people and it has not had the success it deserves. I highly recommend to see it in order to spend a great, funny time.
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Charming period comedy
newland8027 August 2004
Joaquín Oristrell abandons his usual contemporary urban comedies to write and direct this delightful period comedy that takes place in Barcelona in the early 20th century. With the beginnings of psychoanalysis as a leit-motiv and background, brother and sister-in-law Salvador and Alma get involved in a charming quest for the truth.

Leonor Watling is simply outstanding as nine-months pregnant Alma, a neurotic yet lovable character that lets Watling show her great skill as a comedienne. In his first truly comedic role, Luis Tosar passes the test and confirms himself as one of our greatest actors. The couple show a great chemistry together, almost a rarity in most films today.

Joaquín Oristrell is to be praised for his directorial work, since he's been getting better with each film since his debut with the average "De qué se ríen las mujeres". With "Inconscientes" he has a achieved an entertaining, technically perfect and engaging film.

Overall rating: 8/10
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Clever Farce
ArizWldcat28 January 2005
I saw this at Sundance and enjoyed it very much. It is a clever farce involving physical comedy as well as satire. The main target of the movie appears to be Freud, but there are other psychoanalysis jokes as well. For me, the performances of Luis Tosar and Leonor Watling made the movie sparkle. The two of them have chemistry that transcends language. The dialog was fast paced and the script was smart and crisp. The two leads find themselves in increasingly goofy situations until the final climax where the mystery is solved. I think that this was the best of the 12 films I saw at Sundance this year, and I am hoping that the DVD comes out soon so I can see it again! (This is not a movie for kids; perhaps older teens will enjoy it. It is in Spanish with subtitles, so those who do not like to read subtitles be warned)
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Spanish comedy with an attractive Leonor Watling and a cold Luis Tosar
ma-cortes22 May 2006
This is a Freudian comedy set in Barcelona , 1913 . The picture concerns about Alma (Leonor Watling) and her hubby Doctor Leon Pardo (Alex Brendemuhl) who is a psychiatrist follower of theories about sexuality and hysteria by Sigmund Freud . Her brother-in-law is Salvador (Luis Tosar) and married to Olivia (Nuria Prims), daughter of a famous psychiatrist (Juanjo Puigcorbe) . He is lustfully wishing to Alma . As Leon leaves her about to give birth and both start to investigate . The only tracks they get is a manuscript and going on a successive intrigues where are blended dangers , homosexual ball , brothels and a twisted ending . This is a fun Spanish movie that playfully questions sexual taboos through a Sherlock Holmes-style investigation .

This is a hilarious film and a sexy costumer comedy . Humor is sometimes cheesy and gross-out with numerous naughty and picaresque situations such as sex jokes , adulteries , incest and adult scenes . The plot is ridiculous and embarrassment but has its sympathetic moments here and there and it is formed by some humor set-pieces that divide the action in diverse episodes . The movie is well set on Barcelona 1913 , Art Deco , and modernism epoch , being magnificently reflected in luxurious palaces , houses and rooms . The picture is starred by Leonor Watling (The bad education , Talk to her , Desire) , an Almodovar girl , she gives an enjoyable acting and Luis Tosar (Mondays in the sun , Thirteen chimes) who is miscasting but he is a serious actor no apt for comedy , and even though he earned his best reviews with Celda 211 he considers to be this one of the weakest performances . Both of whom are making an American career , she playing ¨My life without me¨ and Tosar with ¨Miami vice¨ . The motion picture was regularly directed by Joaquin Oristrell (No shame) being more famous as a writer (Love causes seriously damage your health , Off Key , Between your legs , Extasis) than as a filmmaker . The flick will appeal to Spanish cinema buffs . Rating : average but entertaining.
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A clever and engaging comedy/mystery
Hurr7812 September 2004
Unconscious, which just had its international (outside of Spain) premiere at the Toronto Film Festival, is a very good comedy/mystery. The art direction is very convincing, the dialogue is charming and fast paced and the plot twists are satisfyingly unpredictable. The Spanish cinema is blessed with a broad selection of films that focus on early twentieth century Spain, and this is a welcome addition to that group. It also features a strong comedic performance from Leonor Watling (from Almodovar's Talk to Her) who richly deserves an increased amount of recognition on the international cinema scene. Luis Tosar also does a very fine job as Salvador, the somewhat hapless male lead.
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A Classy Little Art Nouveau Look at Turn of the Century Behavior
gradyharp10 November 2007
UNCONSCIOUS (Inconscientes) is a stylish little Spanish film form the minds of writers Dominic Harari and Joaquín Oristrell, a tongue in cheek look at the influence of Sigmund Freud on social behavior at the fin de siecle in Spain. Not only is the story highly entertaining as a comedy, the production values and creative direction by Joaquín Oristrell make this a must-see for lovers of European art films.

The story is a bit convoluted, but then the title suggests that in the first place! If there is a line of continuity it is the effect of Freud as the one who peeped into the privacy of our lives and the strange findings he discovered. Very pregnant Alma (the always beguiling Leonor Watling) is missing her psychiatrist husband and engages the aid of her brother-in-law Salvador (Luis Tosar) to find him. Alma's sister Olivia (Núria Prims) suspects a tryst between Alma and Salvador, adding a bit more mystery to the story. The discoveries made about each of the highly assorted groups of players in the drama are made in the oddest of places - a men's steam room/gym, a transvestite ball (in which many of the characters' form the outside world are found to have very special needs!), and in places throughout the picturesque Barcelona. There is no particular resolution to this quasi-plot: the joy is in the telling of the story, and that is a total pleasure to watch.

The very large cast is uniformly exceptional and the creative aspects of the shifting of the various components of this storybook tale are as fine as have been seen in recent cinema. This is comedy border but not becoming slapstick and it is served up delectably! In Spanish and German with English subtitles. Grady Harp, November 07
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Funny and engaging film. Great pace and well written
Jose Guilherme24 July 2005
I normally reserve 10 out of 10 to films that really mark me. Films that make one think or learn something new. Yet I think this film deserves a 10 for being an excellent comedy, excellent script and having excellent dialogs. Rarely have I seen such a well rounded film. It lacks nothing and delivers much.

I loved the main female character "Alma" and she sweeps us into the story with her unlikely companion, a very stiff and uptight brother in law. One also gets a feel for the time period when many new theories and thinkers were coming of age... of the new revolutions to be, conservative Spain and sexuality of the period. Even if in a comic way.

I highly recommend this film. Have a good laugh at psychology, passion and self analysis.
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one of the best examples that prove what a movie must be!
atlagan19 September 2005
This is the story of a woman (Alma) and a man (Salvador), who are sister&brother in law, who try to find Alma's husband (Leon) through Leon's psychiatry thesis. Firstly the movie has a real great package, it is really great fun to watch all the things to resolve, it does not bore the viewer so one can stay focused easily. the shooting is really great, there is a good consistency among the costumes, settings and other tools. the movie is really successful to create that times environment. Most importantly the package is not empty, it's full of very interesting characters, a very interesting detective story, very sharp criticism for today's world and lot's stuff about psychology and psychiatry; and also there are qualified stuff that makes you laugh sincerely. an unaware viewer about the subject learns really useful stuff about Freud, Jung and etc. Script of the movie is really successful, every minute you find something new to discover. Music is really fantastic. Actors are very successful while creating and playing the characters, it is real fun to watch them fly over the curtain. Through the whole movie you appreciate (or adore) the director (and also screenwriter), but the credits really prove that the director is a genius. The only problem maybe the some mimics and acts of the actors may look strange, but the reason is that Spanish (and also Italian) acting has some differences other than the acting that most viewers got used to. I hope you all watch and understand what i mean. You'll be grateful that such a movie exists after watching 'Inconscientes' (Unconscious). (By the way the love story in the movie is really in its dose and not that kind of cheap love story in 'Pearl Harbor', 'Titanic' or 'SW: Attack of the Clones'. I guarantee you'll be satisfied.) Have Fun!...
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Not funny
stopjen18 June 2011
I saw this film twice, and twice I don't get the fuss. Leonor Watling is so distractingly gorgeous as a pregnant woman there's no way one can pay attention to anything else. Luis Tosar is neither charming nor funny. Actually, that goes for all the characters. The suspense and pursuit of the truth seems such a boring drag. The story is divided into several chapters each unrelated to another and they all contribute to nothing but the obscenity in the hope of making it funny. Since when does one become Freudian simply by ridiculing sexuality, adultery and incest? There are at least 5 occasions when the penis size is the source of the so-called humour.... This is nothing but a Carry-On (which are immensely sillier and funnier) film in disguise.
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Incredibly entertaining satirical take on society..
aftonbelle333513 April 2005
So I got to see this movie at the Sundance Film Festival and I'll admit, I bought tickets to this film because it was in Spanish and I wanted to practice my skills in that language, but, man, was I more than pleasantly surprised by this film. It was hilarious and beautiful and did I mention hilarious and beautiful? The set decoration was amazing, as was the costuming and cinematography, they were all so Art Nouveau and muted with amazing decoration, even if you don't like the story, you'll appreciate the visual beauty of the film. The story itself is so crazy and complicated that I don't think I could explain it, other than it makes fun of Freud, Spanish society pre-WWI and all sorts of other institutions and will make you laugh out loud, even if you don't speak Spanish. I wouldn't recommend this film to younger children, some teenagers might appreciate it, it's engaging enough to hold their attention, but they might not understand all of it. Overall, I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys film and fun.
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A rare jewel
juliensorel25 September 2005
In today's cinema it is rare to find a movie that is balanced; at the same time entertaining and intelligent. Although many will find this film a bit claustrophobic due to its topic and many references on Freud, I believe that its sparkling humor and humanistic moral will come through.

Acting is superb, with two really fantastic leads. Being a fan of Art Nouveau and Barcelona it was a treat to watch it (admittedly, the thing that caught my attention about this movie was its Klimt-esquire poster).

Direction is also great, since it takes loads of talent to keep a film like this from becoming an empty farce.

Infectious as it is, it may cause symptoms such as immense craving for Freudian psychology, increase of interest in Spanish cinema and temporal philanthropy.
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Why do men hang themselves? Because hanging leaves the member rock-hard.
lastliberal8 February 2010
An excellent screenplay by Joaquín Oristrell, Teresa Pelegri, and Dominic Harari; that combines comedy with Holmesian detective work, brilliant direction by Joaquín Oristrell that keeps the story moving along, and a great performance by Juanjo Puigcorbé as Alma's (Leonor Watling) father.

Watling (Chronicas, Talk to Her) was magnificent, and it is a shame her performance was in the same year as Aitana Sánchez-Gijón's in The Machinist, or it would have been more recognized.

This period piece was characterized by great costuming and an excellent score. Fine performances were also turned in by Luis Tosar (Mondays in the Sun, Miami Vice) as Alma's brother-in-law and partner in solving the mystery, and Mercedes Sampietro (Silencio Roto).

Hilarious throughout with some really great lines.
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Original, unique and lovable!
Pingo-228 June 2008
INCONSCIENTES is one of those rare movies that "everyone" will talk about in a few years. Therefor, it's extremely sad that it hasn't received any good distribution outside Spain.

Luckily, I managed to get a DVD of eBay, and even though it wasn't the best DVD I've ever bought, the film itself made up for it.

I won't bore you with a storyline, because this film should be seen with a fresh and open mind. It's a delightful comedy, but yet has some strong drama moments where the story is more important than the jokes. That's nice, and make the fun pieces much more enjoyable.

I was very surprised of the great looking sets, the cool cars, the costumes, performances and almost everything about this film. It's just such a superior movie that I must recommend it.

The only drawback - if it is even a negative point, I'm not really sure - is that it might be a bit slow at parts. But I guess that is needed for it to work and go forward in a steady pace.

Lovely, wonderful and one of the best films I've seen this year.

9/10. Buy it!
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Fun, catchy, beautiful
jiminasabadu27 May 2005
I've just seen "Unconscious" on DVD. Wonderful! I picked it up at the video store just by chance, and I am gratefully surprised. The look is awesome and the story catches you up to the end. The modernist settings in Barcelona are so beautiful, and so the movie has an original look.

The sound, though, was not very good. In part because of the actors (many of them, the young ones, don't vocalize and it gets hard to understand their speeches) or maybe t'was the copy. Don't know.

The only thing I dind't like was the obvious and tiring sex references during all the movie. It's supposed to be 1913, I don't think people would talk about this stuff so naturally in those days in Spain.

Anyhow, very good story, funny gags, a nice look, and suggestive music. Eigth out of ten, to me.
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Unconscious by the Finish
iwalrus17 November 2021
Watched this movie in three sittings whilst deciding whether not to continue viewing.

Should have made that decision.

Not funny, ridiculous script.

The only good thing was the wardrobe and period details.
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Pleasant surprise
terceiro-217 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a pleasant surprise. Spanish movies can often be of quite variable quality, however this movie was excellent in virtually every respect.

The movie is a comedy set amongst a range of characters who are all psychologists. Accordingly, most of the humor relates to psychological issues and characters. A fairly good knowledge of psychology will help in getting a number of the jokes. One of the funniest moments is when one of the characters tries to shoot Dr Freud and Dr Freud asks the would be assassin whether they are a follower of Jung.

I found the plot to be very good, with quite a lot of twists and turns, all the major characters were excellent and the production values were also very good.

Enjoyable fun.
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A Tongue-in-cheek Look at Freudian Psychology
nturner8 November 2008
Spanish writers and filmmakers seem to have a special talent for combining tragedies of life with a special satirical dark humor. This film is a perfect example. It has everything in just the right amounts - mystery, thrills, love, sex, humor, tragedy - all topped off with a pleasurable tongue-in-cheek look at Freudian psychology.

It is 1913 Barcelona, and all the intelligentsia of the city are a titter over the upcoming visit of Sigmund Freud. One who should be leading the excitement is León, a Freudian psychologist who has just been made director of the local medical center, but he is missing. His very pregnant wife, Alma, enlists the help of her brother-in-law, Salvador, to find her missing husband. The only clues that they have are the files on four female patients. Thus begins a very humorous "buddy mystery" with the most unlikely buddies of Alma and Salvador.

To relate the twists and turns of the plot would spoil the film for anyone interested in a viewing. There is no great mystery, and it's fairly easy to figure out the dynamics of what is going on before the characters in the story, but it is all great fun with many, many deliciously sarcastic barbs of Freudian theory.

One of the very interesting extra features on the DVD is a talk by a psychologist in which he discusses - oh, so seriously - the psychological problems of the characters in the film. At first, I thought that this was a humorous parody put on the DVD in order to further entertain the viewers, but then I realized that the doctor was very serious in his assessments. As far as the film was concerned, he just didn't get it.

If you have a strong psyche and love satirical dark humor, I'm sure you'll enjoy Unconscious.
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another delightful film from Spain.
jaybob10 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is from Spain, & is joining a long list of top flight film from Spain. It was nominated for & won many awards, very deservedly so.

This is a comedy farce set in 1913 Barcelona, concerning the various infidelities of 2 families. There is all sorts of sexual hi-jinks (straight,gay & we find out some incest) is or may be involved.

Did I mention that Sigmund Freud is one of the characters.

For a while I thought that the Ghost of Luis Bunel may have had a hand in the crazy goings on. I am sure the writers had his writings in mind.

The acting by all concerned is first rate,

There is some nudity, but no explicit over done sex scenes.

I do not know how accurate the setting or costumes are, they do seem to belong back that far.

I thoroughly enjoyed this & I feel you will as well.

Ratings: ***1/2 (out of 4) 92 points (out of 100) IMDb 9 (out of 10)
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Really fun.
threeJane15 September 2008
It looked like the cast and crew had a great time making this movie, and the fun is infectious. The costumes must have been a lot of fun to work with, particularly for Leonor Watling (playing the lead character) who was extremely flattered by them despite rushing around dressed up as nine months pregnant.

I didn't see this as a period film at all. For me, it was a film about people in love with people outside their own marriage. Hardly an issue confined to early last century, but setting it ninety years ago heightened the comedic aspects of having to cover it up.

I also saw it as a gay movie. My gaydar went off as soon as Olivia started talking about her husband's enormous penis.
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