Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet (2002) Poster

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Great movie!
x-148958 December 2015
Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet His father dying before he was born, and his mother when he was six, he was taken in by his uncle. He became a trader and married well, despite his background as an orphan. At the age of forty, unable to read or write, Muhammad received his first revelation from God. This movie tells the story of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, and his significance to his 1.6 billion followers. Director Omar Al-Qattan used wonderfully ancient paintings and historical sites to walk us through the Prophets life.

What Muhammad was able to do just over two decades is extraordinary. With the perfect soundtrack choice, the glorious moment when Muhammad returns to Mecca made the movie that much more remarkable.

Throughout the movie, we are shown how many Americans lives have changed because of the message Muhammad was sending. Najan Bezzy, a Muslim nurse from Michigan, explains how his word of charity and helping others, influenced her occupation. Kevin James, a Fire Marshal from New York, became a firefighter to help others. This was the idea he got from Islam.

The documentary features several brilliant scholars, such as Karen Armstrong, who together told the amazing story of Muhammad and his life. They were able to tell it with such a passion for it, and confidence that makes the documentary much more fascinating.

Al-Qattan did a wonderful job of illustrating the qualities of the man who influenced so many people today. He did so by constantly reminding us that he was human, just like everyone else. He did make some mistakes, but that's what made everything he did more impressive.

I give the movie a 8/10 for its beautiful scenery and music, and its incredible portrayal of the Prophets life. Several times throughout the movie we were taken to the sites where a lot of these events took place. I think the music tied the whole thing together, by adding a gripping effect to the dialogue. I thought it could have looked at the religions affect on a more global scale, as it was primarily focusing on America. I thought that would have made the movie more powerful. The majority of the followers are located in Asia, and it would have been intriguing to find out what role Muhammad played in their lives.
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great documentary
openforum26 February 2004
this is an excellent documentary,

it approaches its subject matter very nicely.

the story about the life of Muhammad sallallahi aleyhi ve sellem the messenger of Islam is told by eloquent people like karen armstrong. They also show how his life and his example touched the lives of ordinary muslims in the US.

For this part of the documentary there are portraits of a new york city fireman, a nurse etc. They explain what the messenger meant for them How they practice what he preached in their daily lives.

the soundtrack consists of very aptly chosen music as well
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The Most Beautiful Documentary Ever Made on Islam
momin-abdul5 December 2007
The director has really done justice with the title of the movie and has managed to create a filmographic marvel in the history of Islamic documentaries to say the least.

The film not only describes the central character and personality of the prophet of Islam beautifully but depicts the historical sequence of events quite accurately. They have managed to keep the flow real smooth and the entire aura surrounding the movie soothing and calm.

The cast has enacted simply beautifully.

The script is simple story-teller but real powerful. In fact if you're a Muslim there are several instances in the movie where you'll feel like crying and there is a high possibility that your entire perception of Islam changes and you may stop whatever you were doing and might surrender yourself and immediately start repenting for your sins after watching it. Must watch for Muslims and Non-Muslims both.
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A Unique Documentary
nuxvomica009 December 2004
I saw the documentary and I was very pleased with it. It covered the prophet's life in an interesting way that makes you sit still and listen to the analysis which this documentary provided. I like Karen Armstrong, and I read her book (Muhammad: A Biography Of A Prophet)in which she detailed the life of Muhammad. I liked the part of the fireman who helped the injured in 9/11. This showed that Muslims worldwide did not approve what happened, and this was just a sick point of view towards the non-Muslim. In the film they used really fine colorful paints,and really good music.
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the film and its connection to world religions
kingboshra22 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Merghani Elboshra World Religions

Apr. 22, 2014 Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet

Plot Summary

This interesting film portrays the story of the Islamic Prophet, Muhammad, who was born in the seventh century and describes in great detail the ways in which this man changed the history timeline of the world within the period of 23 years. This film also portrays the famous ancient Middle Eastern locations and sites in which the Prophet Mohammed's message was revealed and where his story unraveled. The film also takes us into the mosques, homes and the places of employment of America's quickly growing Muslim population and shows us how the message of Islam is incorporated into everyday life.

"World Religion"

This production relates to world religions chapter on Islam in multiple ways. It is very close in relation of its explanation of the multiple principles that Islam withholds and also describes the major articles of faith (such as the oneness of an Almighty God) in close relation to how it is explained within the book. Within this film, the story of the prophet's social life, family life and struggles are also explained very well similarly to how they were discussed in class lecture. Mohamed had experienced major persecution and suffering from the higher ups within Mecca and much of the persecution of him and his followers continued for a very long time until he received revelation from God to move to the city of Yathrib, now known as Medina ( The Prophet's city). The film also portrays the role that Islam plays in the lives of American Muslims and also how it is mixed in with the dealings of everyday life. This point emphasizes the major effect of globalization that we discussed within class. Because of globalization, we tend to see the major spread of Islam in western countries such as the United States and we also tend to see within the film how Islam impacts the everyday life of these Americans. The film also portrays the role that Muhammad plays in the lives of these American Muslims. Muslims believe that Muhammad was sent by God to Humanity to continue the original faith of Abraham and all of the other prophets. They believe that this original faith was known as Islam (Submission to the will of Allah). He was not only known as a religious leader and Prophet but was also known as an extraordinary man in all respects. He was a religious and political leader and was considered the perfect example for mankind. Therefore, Muslims within the USA and all over the world follow his example to this very day. We see his Islamic example being portrayed majorly throughout the film in the lives of the American Muslims.
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Commercial For Islam
roedyg16 March 2015
This is a commercial for Islam. It puts it in the best possible light. It simply ignores the horror. Further, it just assumes all the supernatural claims of Islam are true, without question. Today if a person had experiences similar to Muhammad's, we would presume schizophrenia, epilepsy or other brain problem. The authors of the film make the same presumptions the people of 1400 years ago made of his visions, completely ignoring modern interpretations.

People unfairly judge Muhammad for not being an 21st century feminist, even though he did more than anyone in his time to advance women's rights. This film sets that right. Unfortunately, Islam froze any advances since Muhammad, missing the point of his teaching. They skirted the 9-year old bride issue.

Karen Armstrong asserts "I am absolutely sure that Muhammad loved his wife Kadija. It was not just a marriage for money or convenience." But she give no evidence of any kind to explain why she thinks that. The whole film works this way, making assertions without telling you why the author holds those assertions.

Karen Armstrong asserts the ineffable beauty of the Arabic poetry of the Qur'an. How could she possibly know that without learning Arabic? What she meant was that Arabic speaking Muslims had told her it was unusually beautiful.
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That is great movie ever made in History!
comsian02210 September 2011
That is great movie,, for the world the personality of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is a role model, He (PBUH) always respected the other religions and bring Peace and Harmony in the world, the people who did not study the life and Personality of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) should do it now and they will realize how Islam is the religion of peace and what is real way of Living a life and kindness to the creatures of the World. From the 100, a ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History : By Michael H. Hart.

My choice of Muhammad (S.A.W.) to lead the list of the world"s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.

Founder of World"s Great Religions:

Of humble origins, Muhammad (S.A.W.) founded and promulgated one of the world"s great religions, and became an immensely effective political leader. Today, thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive. The majority of the persons in this book had the advantage of being born and raised in centers of civilization, highly cultured or politically pivotal nations.
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