Pledge This! (2006) Poster


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No Rating lower than a one
Bettlejuice8 May 2007
I have often used the phrase the worst movie I have ever seen when describing a movie that I did not enjoy. That was until I saw Pledge This. ever since then I have been unable to say worst movie ever because I know that it wasn't as bad as this one. Ill admit I thought I knew what I was getting into when I saw this movie. I knew that it was National Lampoon and how that name no longer means what it did in the 70s and 80s. I knew that it was staring Paris Hilton so that I shouldn't really expect anything majestic. But I thought that it would be a more or less fun 90 minutes if i wanted to watch a simple brainless sex comedy with lots of fart jokes. Boy was I wrong. There is nothing good about this movie. Not the story obviously or the acting. But I was almost stunned to see how bad the rest of the movie was. It was poorly edited, the quality was awful. One whole scene took place in a white room and the walls were so bright that I couldn't even see the characters. (unfortunatly I was still able to hear what was being said.) Now I'm not the type of person to normally go around bashing movies without reason. But I almost feel that I cant review this movie other than to repeat that it was bad bad bad. I planned to end this by saying that you should see it just to put every other movie you ever saw into perspective but I've decided that I couldn't even suggest you do that.
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This movie is so bad its actually find of funny..
emmacampbell13 January 2007
I saw this movie with low expectations and was not disappointed. Its so bad that it is actually funny in a very cringe worthy way.

Paris is absolutely terrible, I mean she just cannot act, period. She should give up now, as acting is clearly not her thing.. And i'm sure that those voice overs weren't even her! Her co-stars are about the same calibre, i'm sure my 5 year old cousin could do a better job than all of them! Simon Rex, although he is hot, nothing can save him from his abysmal performance in this train wreck.. he should stick to porn.

The director should be ashamed to have put his name on something so ridiculous and tacky.. Somehow I don't think an Oscar is on the cards for this guy.

I have never written a comment on IMDb, but this movie was so bad I felt compelled to do so.

If you get the chance to see this film, don't.
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Don't even bother. It makes you stupid.
greeberx25 March 2007
This movie is terrible, in every possible way. Even though I started it with already-low expectations, I was disgusted the entire time by its banality. This movie made me stupid.

The acting is terrible, and Paris Hilton's voice-over is annoying at best, and sometimes ambiguous about whose voice-over it actually is. There is barely any continuity between scenes, and major plot points are often introduced but then mysteriously forgotten forever by the next scene. Gags and jokes are lame; every part of the movie seems to be designed specifically to insult your intelligence as a viewer. Worse, the entire movie is based around the idea of the sorority being "hot", but there wasn't a single part about it that I found hot. Truly, I don't think there's anything in this movie that anyone but a hotel heiress can relate to.

In short, if you think Paris Hilton is beautiful and amazing, then you will love this movie!
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Worse than you can imagine
Rockafeller_Skank6 January 2007
OK, I'm really bad at writing reviews but I just have to warn you.

This movie has gotten reviews with votes around 8/10, since this is obviously some of the cast members voting I'll just have to make that clear! No-one who isn't past puberty can find this funny, I watched this with 3 of my friends. We all like high school movies (we all go to college), especially when we are hung over from last night which we were when we watched this "movie".

First we wanted to shut it off and go watch paint dry, but then some randomly placed (very nice) T&A came in to the picture and we decided to continue watching. We didn't understand anything about the plot and if you do, you have probably written the manuscript. There is no logic at all in this movie.

This is what I believe that the movie is about: Paris Hilton is the head of some girl sorority, her biggest dream is to be on the cover of FHM (soft-playboy) and now she has her chance. FHM have a competition where the most beautiful sorority gets to be on the cover, awesome! But (oh no) the sorority has to have a nerd girl too so now they have to let in a group of nerd-girls in the sorority.

Actually the only thing that kept us watching was that every time one of us started to complain about how bad this movie was one of the girls in movie showed her titties. Kudos to the director who actually saw when the movie sucked so bad that titties was the only thing that could save the movie. There are a LOT of randomly placed tittie-scenes which have nothing to do with the "plot" in this movie. And they're needed.

This movie has no logic, actually not even scenes that fit together, it is for no one that isn't IN puberty, the few laughs you'll get is when the movie makes so little sense that it's actually funny. The girls in this movie are very nice tough, but they don't manage to make it watchable.

Unless if you really-really like tits, then maybe this movie can make you not vomit. If you do like tits (I know I do) rent American Pie 5 instead, it's funnier. Or rent porn, it has better acting.
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Worst film ever
gerardilling15 March 2007
I have never posted a review on here before but this film is so bad that I felt compelled to. If I even stop one person from seeing this film it's been worth while.

There is nothing right with this film. The acting is appalling (even Paula Garces whom I normally like) the script seem to have been written by a bunch of pubescent 14 year old boys and in what film EVER have you seen the "baddie" given an narrative voice-over???

I watch a LOT of films and as a result of this I get to watch a lot of dross, however I honestly think that this is the worst film I've ever seen. I did not see this film as Paris Hilton was in it in fact I saw it despite the fact her name was on the cover,in fact I thought her name was only on the cover for name value as no-one would be stupid enough to put her in a lead role, but yes they did! I cannot stress this strongly enough...DO NOT SEE THIS FILM!
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Absolutely The Worst Film Ever Made in This World
denis88824 April 2007
I thought that Bloodrayne was bad enough. I was wrong. I considered Terminator 3 and Blade 3 to be bad. No, they are really great films in comparison with this scatological, brain-wrenching, gut-tearing, blood-sucking, mind-eating monster of a film. This is not a film, even. There is nothing there - no real script, no good casting, no good music, and finally there is Paris Hilton, an epitome of a bad taste. Man, she doesn't even pretend to play. All she can do, is a set of learned-before poses and smiles, wry and false, as she always was. This is not good, in addition to the "pleasure" of watching her legs and body too too much, which is not the most yummy part, either. I cannot even imagine anyone, except for sex-hungry, 12-years boy, or a little, brainless girl of 10, who could watch this abominable terror. Never allow your kids to ever think of going to watch this. Never recommended, to anyone. Rate - 0. But since here is 1 as the lowest, I give it a 1.
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And you thought American Pie 4 was a waste of time?
michael_b_olesen11 January 2007
"Hi my name is Paris Hilton, and I am the most ego-centric person on the face of the Earth". "Fine lets make a movie about your ever-so-fabulous lifestyle" said the director. That's how "Pledge This!" came to be.

Never before have so many hot women (not including Paris of course, but that's just my opinion) starred in a more lame movie. Bad excuse for showing off skimpy outfits (that's why I gave it a star) and a wide variety of breasts. Holly Valance might have earned the movie a second star, but she wasn't on screen long enough.

Don't waste time on this... No matter what you do...
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My brain tried to strangle me
maddmatt42016 December 2006
If I could give this movie a ratings less than 1 I would. This is coming from someone who LIKES fairly terrible movies. I watched Dorm Daze and thought it was mildly amusing. I watched Britney Spears in Crossroads for gods sake.

This movie made my brain try to jump down my throat and choke me just to save itself from the abject misery. Even the randomly placed T&A shots weren't enough to come CLOSE to making up for the terrible acting and plot. Having one of those girls in my actual LIVING ROOM naked would have made it even, and that's about it.

I would like to personally curse the names of the people who gave this movie a positive review, since I watched it based on those recommendations. I hope they have an extremity crushed by a load of bricks.

Oh, and if you didn't think it was possible to hate that worthless waste of space Paris Hilton any more. . . this movie will prove you wrong.
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maxcottle-130 March 2007
Easily the worst film I have seen since little shop of horrors....

And what Horrors there were in this film.

National Lampoons films up until now had a certain pedigree, they were a bit cheesy but very funny Chevy Chase was always brilliant in them.

This was just a pathetic ego booster for Paris Hilton as far as I can see who obviously is believing her own hype.

Paris should stick to home made porn and shopping that is all she is good for Her parents must be so proud. I think she is a terrible actress in fact it didn't even seem like she was acting to me it was pathetic.

To all of you who watched it just for Paris Hilton and drool over her grow up she is a spoilt slapper who can't act. Get a grip.

As for the producers of this film, hat kind of idiots do you take us for. Do better next time or there wont be too many opportunities for you to produce crap movies because people wont watch them.

If I could mark this film lower I would.
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An ugly-spirited film intended for only the most shallow and stupid viewers.
planktonrules3 November 2009
Some films get a score of 1 because they are ineptly filmed or the acting is terrible due to incredibly low budgets. Given what they had, they couldn't do much better.. This film, technically speaking, isn't that bad--it looks professional. But, it is also the ugliest and most shallow film I have ever seen without a single thing to recommend it.

The film stars Paris Hilton and she also narrates much of the film. The premise is that she's the ultimate hottie and she goes to South Beach to help a sorority become hot enough to win some pointless award. And much of the narration consists of her finding fault with everyone and it abounds with her put-downs, as no one could possibly be "as hot and sexy" as her. She forgot to also add "as narcissistic and pathetic".

Here are a few of the highlights in this uplifting and sublime film: a bathroom where the toilets and sinks become geysers of liquefied human waste and it spews on everyone, an Indian lady who learns about the joys of a vibrator, a lady showing off her horribly scarred breasts following breast surgery, stereotypes as opposed to realistic characters (such as the obligatory fat girl with a suitcase stuffed with snacks and the religious zealot), some anti-lesbian and anti-woman remarks/jokes (I'm not super-sensitive about politically correct stuff and still it clearly offended me to hear women referred to that way), bestiality as well as the crudest language I've ever heard (not funny crude, just classless and crass). Clearly, the film shows all the imagination and grace of a movie written by a 13 year-old--a very nasty and talentless 13 year-old. Currently, this and several other Paris Hilton films are in the hallowed Bottom 100 on IMDb. Considering it consists of Hilton dispensing advice to others on how to be a better person or just her torturing people for fun, I could certainly understand it making the list! It's nasty and cruel--without a hint of grace or cleverness. If you think that Paris does not get enough time in front of the camera and you have absolutely no values (other than to look 'hot'), then this movie is for you. Otherwise, find something else to do...ANYTHING else!
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Not hot
Gordon-1121 October 2007
This film is about a sorority president doing whatever it takes to win the hottest sorority contest held by a popular magazine.

I purely watched this film to see how bad it is. And I was not disappointed! Everything is bad. All the gross toilet jokes makes it bad, and that scene with breast augmentation scars is simply downright insulting and distasteful. The story is completely ridiculous. What's the worst bit though, is that the film keeps on portraying Paris Hilton as the Goddess that everyone worships. The minor characters says "Oh my god she is so hot" once every minute, and Paris Hilton uses every opportunity to degrade and humiliate everyone else to show that she is superior. From the name of her character "Victoria English", one can see that she thinks she is Queen Victoria. Oh she's even got a crown on half the time. Believe me, the film is really not hot!
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richardb_p26 December 2010
this movie is absolutely amazing, its level of sophistication is beyond belief. despite what most people say, this is actually a philosophical film that requires a high level understanding of plato's republic, combined with arthur schopenhauer's thesis on the human condition this is truly a master piece. a hidden gem. It is one of those rear classics that gets better every time. after i watched it the 8th time, its true meaning suddenly hit me like a 10 tonne coconut on my head. a must watch, and must watch repeadtly until it hits you. It is best watched with a bunch of relatives so you can discuss and reflect on your family relationships afterwards. wow. amazing. i'm going to watch it again right now.
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Seriously misunderstood
lolaevergreen6 April 2021
This is a PARODY. It is not meant to be a serious movie. If you enjoy absurd and slightly edgy comedy, you might like this. I certainly got a few good laughs. Do not go into this thinking that it's a regular 2000s Paris Hilton movie about a college sorority, it is meant to be a joke.
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I Pledge To You: Avoid This
crumbworks10 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Pledge this!" is undoubtedly one of the worst movies I have seen to date. It takes a tired concept and manages to make it worse in every possible way. The acting is horrid, the plot makes absolutely no sense, and the execution is dead on arrival. All this and more spells doom in a project that should have been left on the cutting room floor.

It doesn't help that I find Paris Hilton to be extremely annoying and totally unworthy of the screen time she has been given, but to make matters worse, she narrates a movie in which she constantly tries to reaffirm her "character" as better than everyone else, but what was vividly clear (at least, in my eyes) is that she is talking about herself as a person, not the character she so poorly portrays.

You would figure that someone like Paris would be able to handle playing the spoiled rich girl since the role hits so close to home, but unfortunately, even she seems like she doesn't know what is going on. She appears disoriented and dumbfounded as to what exactly she is doing, as do those surrounding her.

This film doesn't have a saving grace. It has nothing to redeem it except for the fact it ends. And the ending is as predictable as anything you will ever find. In a movie where a snobby, rich girl gets all the admiration and respect, one easily expects the ending to knock her down a peg.... and that is exactly what happens. No curveballs here. The screenplay is bland and extremely unoriginal.

Every single aspect from beginning to end was both predictable and poorly executed. It is bad enough to make a movie in which nothing new is attempted, but to do what has already been done and do it in a lackluster manner? That is inexcusable.

If I am to pledge thee one sage drop of advice: Avoid this and you'll be forever better for it.
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What was the writer thinking
phillylilmermaid10 May 2007
This movie was absolutely 100% terrible. I would only recommend watching it in order to make fun of it. The plot made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Whoever wrote this movie had to be on something to actually find it funny. There are dozens of jokes completely miss the mark. All the characters are completely stereotyped but not in a way to make it funny and some don't even fit. The only good part of it was the Yorkie was cute, but they should be charged with animal cruelty for forcing the dog to be in this movie. I don't expect much from the straight to video releases from National Lampoon, but they should be ashamed that years after creating the ultimate Fraternity life college movie they made a Sorority one this pitiful.
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What happened to National Lampoon?
thepeafunk25 June 2007
I have to admit that I rented this movie because Paris Hilton was in it. Now that that's outta the way, the second reason was because it was National Lampoon's. We're talking about the same people that brought us Van Wilder, Animal House and the Vacation series!!! With that said, after the movie was over, I asked myself, "And why was the name National Lampoon's" on this???? I have to admit that I didn't care too much for the Dorm Days series, either, and was even whispering then.......What happened to National Lampoon's??? Anyway, I have seen quite a few Paris Hilton films and enjoyed them all, and to be honest, I didn't think she did a bad job here guys. I've seen her do worse, like her performance in Bottom's Up with Jason Mewes. It almost appeared as if she didn't really want to do that movie, as she was not making an effort to making her character believable. As for the rest of Pledge This? The movie was filled with extremely lame punchlines and a predictable outcome. I watched the Special Features, and one of the actors, I believe it was, actually called it a great script! You could have put, I don't know, Ryan Reynolds and Tara Reid in this movie and it still wouldn't have been a great script! I will give it 3 stars because even though it was predictable, I thought with funnier punchlines, it actually could have been a hilarious movie. All in all, I think Paris has the potential to be a good actress if she'd stop accepting roles that are based on, well....her! Oh, and WHAT HAPPENED TO NATIONAL LAMPOON'S????
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Worst Movie Ever!
Jforberg19 January 2007
As i do about every Tuesday I look to see what new DVDs come out I came across this terrible film. Read the back it sounded interesting. Sounded like Paris wasn't going to be a huge role. Either way its terrible. Not even funny at all. Every scene in the movie was a blatant rip-off of another movie and they failed to even achieve the same effect as gag done in previous movies. The only scene that got a reaction out of me was seeing the scars from the one chicks plastic surgery. It brought nothing new to the table and I am shocked national lampoons would even put their name on this garbage. Paris needs to stick to doing what she does best. Nothing! I actually returned this to the store opened. I told them I didn't want my money back or anything I just don't even want to have the movie in my possession anymore. Do yourself a favor and avoid!
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Horrid does not begin...
lwbroker131 January 2007
to describe how bad this movie is. I didn't expect much more than T&A with mediocre acting, but even that was a let down. The only reason I gave it a 3 was for the few tatas that did make it to the screen, the fairly frequent scantily clad coeds and Poo Poo. Paris is a scanky, stuck up, rich, snobby b-word who looks down on everyone the entire movie and in the end she's still that way and we're supposed to love her for it. Hmmm, could that be because she helped direct the film? She probably gave the director his own private showing of A Night in Paris.

All in all, this movie isn't even worth it if all you're looking for is T&A. Stay away at all costs. I can only hope that the NR version was better than this crappy R version that I saw.
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What in the World???
chicagorob124 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looks like 15 different first year editing students put it together. This would have been better as a Betamax release. Paris Hilton's mommy must have paid someone to get her little princess in this film. Paris just proves that her fame isn't because she can act. In the end Hilton's monster character suddenly redeems herself and becomes one of the good guys? Was that in her contract? "I don't want to be the meanie in the end." Because it made no sense and kicked the legs out from underneath this 'movie.' There was a lot of potential here, with a lot of funny comedic actors, but the editing and directing were so ineptly handled it seemed more like a reject from a dirty version of America's Funniest Home Videos.
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Could Have Been Good
delaserman31 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
1)If the term "HOT" or "Thats Hot" was not used every couple of minutes it would of been bearable. (what did Paris get a fee for every time it was used or was it apart of her contract. Since she has the copyright).

2)The Lead was played by someone who could act.

3)The narration was done by someone else (voice-over) or a Lead that could narrate.

4)If they DIDN'T Count on Paris to bring in the audience but punched up the script (As stated in the extras --Because Paris was in the movie it had to be a success).

I give all movies a fair chance an watch them even if its rating is low, But this movie was definitely pulled down to the bottom by Paris Hilton.

As stated in another review: They wanted Paris to come back and do a nude scene. Only reason - They knew the movie was weak and having a known celeb exposed, it may have drawn a bigger crowd (At least they hoped so). Why would she hesitate at doing this? Her claim to fame is her sex tape (1 Night in Paris) and flashing her crotch and breasts in public. Who knew she could be so modest

  • Not -

Probably didn't get offered enough(in her mind ) to be bothered.
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almost...the worst movie ever....
onceoakley5 May 2007
Paris Hilton is a s***. That was the worst movie i have ever watched in my entire life, that even tops "bring it on again". that wasn't her acting, that was her normally. Apart from she probably thinks she's hotter in real life. if don't even think it desererves a one out of ten, i don't even thinks she deserves this comment it was that f***** bad. most of the lines were irrelevant and hit an all time new low. the hot guy wasn't even that hot, but i think we should be focusing on the fact that Paris sucks. she is not cool. the only thing to stop it from being the worst movie in the entire history of worst movies is if she had sung. thankfully...she did not do this. i don't know what else to say....

Paris is a s***.
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Still Can't Believe How Bad This Film Was!!!
billyh4211 August 2007
Now I've seen bad films, many, many, bad films - but now I'm thinking were they actually that bad? Pledge This has Paula Garces and Holly Valance in it but despite this it is UNBELIEVABLY bad.

Now, don't get me wrong, I watched this film knowing that Paris Hilton could not possibly be involved in any high quality professional production and couldn't really have many (any?) film roles to choose but all I could think for the duration of this film is how on earth Paula Garces and Holly Valance could be persuaded to take part in this rubbish?

This makes American Pie - The Naked Mile seem like a Spielberg production! However, I just know that you're still going to watch this film, refusing to believe that it's so bad. I thought the same - but you'll find out!!!

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bevo-136783 October 2020
Great acting, great plot, wonderful storyline. One of my favourite art house movies
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A Fun Guilty Pleasure
PoisonKeyblade20 February 2007
Pledge This! is a new film from National Lampoon, and this installment follows along the lines of the other films--a simple plot, good actors, a paper-thin love story, plenty of sight gags, and some sort of villain. This film, however, takes the equation one step further with its quirky characters. The film stars Paris Hilton (House of Wax, The Hillz), Simon Rex (Scary Movie 3, Shriek if You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th), Sarah Carter (Final Destination 2), Paula Garces (Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, Clockstoppers), Geoffrey Arend (The Ringer, Bubble Boy) and many other young, up-and-coming actors and actresses.

Victoria English (Paris Hilton) is the wealthy, snobbish president of Gamma Gamma sorority at South Beach University in Miami, Florida. When Victoria learns that FHM Magazine is nominating them for "Best Sorority of the Year", Victoria plots to have more "diversified" co-eds pledge her sorority to integrate her all-blonde and wealthy sorority. One of Victoria's pledges, Kristen Haas (Sarah Carter), suggests they pledge her ex-friend Gloria (Paula Garces) and six of her misfit dorm mates; DJ spinner Monique; an Indian exchange student nicknamed PooPoo; divorcée Kathy, who is seeking to relive her youth by going back to college; fat Southern belle Maxine; weird goth girl Babs; and lesbian chick Tonya. The seven pledges are force to go through the most outrageous initiations to be accepted. But when they learn that it was all an act just to get the front cover of FHM magazine, Gloria teams up with Victoria's boyfriend, Derek (Simon Rex), to settle the score.

Surprisingly, the acting in Pledge This! is quite solid, but the script is pretty lacking. It just does overused clichés one after another until we hit the extremely obvious ending. However, the clichés are actually most of what makes this movie work. If this tried to be some original romantic comedy, I couldn't see it working on any level whatsoever. I wasn't expecting much from Paris Hilton, as I had seen her in House of Wax and her acting was so wooden and boring that, basically, I wanted to throw up. However, Paris Hilton somehow manages to surprise… and this is supposed to be direct-to-video fare! I've never really thought that Paris Hilton was very attractive, but in Pledge This!, the lighting, outfits, and hair style that Paris is given really make her stand out. Simon Rex was great as usual--he has rapidly become one of my favorite actors through the very few films that I have seen him in. His acting style is always hysterically funny, and the movie was worth watching just to see what sort of wacky performance he would appear in next. Paula Garces is perfect as Gloria, and the love story between she and Derek was believable, although, again, quite clichéd. All of the other characters were very creative and fun.

In terms of sight gags and nudity, they're in plentiful supply here. One of my favorite scenes had a dog giving Simon Rex a blow job! Classic! There was a lot of female nudity, and while I'm not one to complain, some scenes just felt thrown in there for the sake of nudity alone. I really liked the story; something new filled with old stuff.

Overall, Pledge This! is a fun movie for what it was--a direct-to-video National Lampoon film that does very little to break from the mold. See this for nudity and laughs, but don't expect a masterpiece.
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Somebody please make it stop
refaelba6 October 2007
This is a real story. This morning I finished my night ship at work, got into the car and drove home. On my way I got a message from one of my coworkers, who seemed really stressed and wanted me to get back to him as soon as possible.

A few minutes later I got home, and called him back after parking. He said that there's a woman there who claims I trashed one of her car doors while leaving the parking lot. That was strange to me, since I didn't hit anything and my car was perfectly clean and whole.

Later today I realized that the woman was trying to get other people to pay her for a new door, by parking next to them and then blaming them for hitting her car, while it was actually hit from before. I called my agency and it took them a while to calm me down. Eventually I did, but my day was ruined.

And then, this evening, I saw Pledge This!, and realized my day wasn't entirely lost until that point, which made it the worst day in my life.

(A stupid girl): "Whoa, that dress must have cost hundreds of dollars!" (Another stupid girl): "You mean thousands." (A stupid girl): "Thousands of dollars?" (Another stupid girl): "Hundreds of thousands." (A stupid girl): "Thousands of thousands. That's what I meant!"

This dialog is a perfect example of how shallow, abominable, idiotic, execrable, and completely abysmal this movie is. The plot is based on a first grader's limerick, the acting is based on porno, and you know what - Paris Hilton is really not that hot. Most of the other girls looked way better than that silicone plastic Barbie, although they all portrayed a similar lack of intelligence and acting abilities.

I saw "Cursed" once and believed it was the worst movie ever, but this movie is not even on the scale. It is a waste of money in the most horrible and angering form you can imagine. And I don't mean YOUR money, I mean the producers' money, who are probably going to slam their heads against random walls to the beat of "What the heck was I thinking" for the rest of their lives.

If your local video store has this movie in stock, discontinue your membership at once.
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