Code Lyoko (TV Series 2003–2007) Poster


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It's awesome!!!
efrainojeda1317 February 2007
You might have read the summary,and might be wondering why i gave it an 7. Well first of all, the show is very romantic when you focus on Yumi Ishiyama and Ulrich Sterns. It's packed with action. But what I don't like is that if it takes place in France, why doesn't the show take place in an obvious place like Paris. I am a Code Lyoko fan myself. Really, ask me any question and I'll answer it. But the show is kind of boring because there are a lot of reused scenes in it. Like when the team is headed towards the factory and the go inside the elevator. They always have that same pose. And i am excited that there are new episodes coming up soon. There is one question I have, how come the team's voices change through out the series? Also their wardrobe in the real world never changes. And the episodes are always rushed. Like in season 3, there were only 15 episodes. There could've been more episodes. And there is only one part of every episode, except the prequel. Even though I give it a 7, I think it deserves something more lower like a 6 or a 5.
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Weird style but fine
stefanozucchelli11 November 2021
A nice mix of traditional and digital animation. Nice, too bad they finished it without an ending due to the bankruptcy of the company that produced it. The heads were drawn in a weird way.
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Decent Enough
smith-3088713 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying that I watched this when I was in elementary/middle school and enjoyed it immensely at the time. Recently I decided to start streaming it to relive the show and nostalgia. There's a lot more that I pick up on this go around than when I watched it on Cartoon Network all those years ago. The story itself is simple enough, a group of friends battle in a virtual world to thwart the plans of a computer program known as X.A.N.A. from destroying the real world. In the process of trying to defeat the program the computer tech, Jeremy, attempts to find a way to free Aelita from being a prisoner of X.A.N.A.'s on Lyoko. As the show goes further into the narrative the viewer learns more about the group and their relationship with each other. This is pretty much where the show agitates me the most. Of all the characters, Odd and Aelita are my favorites of the bunch. Odd being a goof and Aelita being calm, collected, and logical. Every character has their own unique personality which is great, but the way their personality affects the group can be infuriating at times. Take Ulric for example. He's a relaxed person the majority of the time but when anything impacts Yumi in a negative sense he lets his ego and arrogance get the better of him. He'll spend more than half an episode, if not the entire episode, sulking and letting his feelings about Yumi get in the way of his friendship with everyone else. Not to mention his pride plays a big role in his arrogance with his feelings towards Yumi. Everyone knows he has a crush on the girl, to include Yumi herself, but refuses to acknowledge it and gets angry when Yumi gives attention to another boy. This doesn't get Yumi off the hook though, as she's as inconsiderate as most of the other characters. She's guilty of most of the same antics as Ulric. She has the same feelings for Ulric yet doesn't express them to him either. Instead she strings him along and gives attention to the other boys in her class, only to get jealous when Ulric does the same thing. Now no one, and I mean no one, can hold a candle to the king of morons, Jeremy. On his own, Jeremy is tolerable. A regular computer geek looking to excel in academics and be the class genius. However, once Aelita is thrown into the equation one cannot identify the difference between his head and his ass. Aelita is his sweetheart and if anything so much as gets within sneezing distance from her Jeremy has mental breakdown. Even though he cares so much for this girl he is a terrible friend always abandoning her for his own endeavors and giving little to no cares when he's "in pursuit of knowledge." The first episode Aelita is in the real world, he completely abandons the poor girl to search an abandoned house for information about Aelita's familiarity of the place. Instead of taking the time to ensure Aelita adjusts to life at the academy he makes excuses to not take care of her, prompting her to runaway and revirtualize herself onto Lyoko. With the exceptions of the characters I mentioned earlier and a few others, these kids could be "Ordered 66" and I wouldn't shed a tear because of how stupid they are. Luckily these kind of instances are few and far between so it doesn't affect my enjoyance of the program. With the amount of complaining I've done in this review I'm sure the question now is why do I even bother to watch the show if I'm that nitpicky about it. The answer is because without those flaws of the characters, there wouldn't be much of a show. Yes their attitudes can get annoying at times and it can be infuriating seeing how stupid the decisions they make are. That's the point, to get the viewer so connected to these characters that you express these sort of emotions. This show is by no means the greatest cartoon ever, far from it, but it has qualities to it that makes it enjoyable to watch regardless of the negatives.
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americankitty32 December 2005
Personally, I love the animation series. Although most are critical to the show, I believe it is better than most I've seen.

First off, the personalities are great. They seem like everyday kids...unless you dig deeper into their secret lives of heroes... But most say the animation is horrible. I think the huge foreheads are better than having CD-ROM shaped eyes, such as most shows(I do consider this anime/cartoon)

The eyes are normal shaped!

The dubbing is bad, I must admit, but it got a whole of a better within season two, mostly now that it is, supposedly, receiving help from American artists.

Children of all ages can watch it, making it a hit with adults with younger children, as some say.

Also, the plot is very attracting to many people. It has an interesting writing style, and plot line.

No one has yet to create such mixture of strangeness and creativeness. To my friends and I, anyways.

Also, it has been able to forage a DVD, in which cases people would say it has many a fan; it does!

There are plenty of fans, most of which have proved they like the show and are not afraid to say they do.

With more help and merchandising on the way, it'll turn into a better show.

Overall, the show is awesome and an attention grabber for life!
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Flawed to the bone, but...
troy-daniel-bush14 April 2021
There is something wrong with each and every aspect of this show.

  • Reuse of footage
  • Bad superimposition
  • Unnecessary and cheesy dialogue
  • Bad dubbing
  • Stilted acting
  • Awkward 2D and 3D animation
  • A billion things that don't make any sense
  • An anti-climactic ending
  • A villain that does not reach its full potential

But this show really goes to show you how much influence character can have. Every single one of the characters is likeable, memorable, interesting, defined, and fun to watch. And the voice actors can bring a lot of life to them. You care about them and you want to see them win. And even the characters who are bullies you end up really liking because the show takes the time to introduce you to different sides of them in stressful situations.

And to the show's credit, it increases in quality as it goes along.

The creature designs are really cool.

There are scenes that are surprisingly violent.

There are some legitimately tense moments, a result of the strong characterization.

This show is also a nostalgia fest for me. It's one of my favorites of all time and I will never be sick of it no matter how many times I binge watch it.
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Best animated show
booksandlights26 March 2017
First, let me say that I grew up watching this show. Everyday, after school, I sat down in front of the TV and watched the next 23-minute episode. For four years, until the show ended airing in 2011. After a few years, the show was re-aired in 2013-2014, and of course, how could I not re-watch my favorite TV show? I still loved it, although by the time I was already 12 years old.

The thing does not end here, as this year I was scrolling through Youtube and found all the episodes. Once more, I couldn't help it. I watched the whole show in a month. And even at my age, I absolutely loved it.

So the show starts when Jeremie Belpois, a 13-year-old boy attending boarding school at Kadic Academy, discovers a quantum supercomputer in an abandoned factory near his school.

Upon activating it, he discovers a virtual world called Lyoko with a young girl, Aelita, trapped inside it. A series of bizarre events begin to occur at Kadic Academy.

Jeremie learns of X.A.N.A., a malevolent artificial intelligence multi-agent system who also dwells within the supercomputer. X.A.N.A.'s goal is to conquer the real world and all human beings. Throughout Season 1, Jeremie works to materialize Aelita into the real world and stop X.A.N.A.

Jeremie is aided by his three friends Ulrich Stern, Odd Della Robbia, Yumi Ishiyama as they, along with Aelita, are virtualized into Lyoko in order to save both worlds from the sinister virtual entity. In "Code Earth" Aelita is finally materialized, but the group discovers that X.A.N.A. had planted a virus inside Aelita, which prevents them from shutting down the supercomputer.

The second season focuses on the group as Aelita adjusts to life in the real world while Jeremie searches for an anti-virus for Aelita. In Lyoko, a fifth sector is discovered and the group explores more of Lyoko's secrets and mysteries, while X.A.N.A. attempts to steal Aelita's memory in order to gain the keys to Lyoko and free itself.

In the third-season finale, the group is joined by William Dunbar. Once virtualized in Lyoko, William is possessed by X.A.N.A. He remains under X.A.N.A.'s possession for majority of the season, but is saved later on.

While the show's target is young people, the plot contains enough to satisfy any viewer. There is a constant subplot of romance, Aelita's past is amazing and the character evolution is brilliant. The animation is really good, considering when the show was made, and I truly recommend watching the show. Lyoko is a magical place, and the plot is so well-made... You don't see these shows anymore, do you?

Also, if you were enchanted by the show, as I was, you'll probably like to read the books that continue the show. They're even better, although I would say that they're 9+ because of some subplots of terrorism, although very mild and absolutely for kids. They made a continuation of the show (CL Evolution) but it lost its magic due to it being non-animated.

It also has important messages, and it's appropriate for all ages. Give it a shot.
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A Great show! With heavy atmosphere an believable characters!
morganleedame29 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Code Lyoko is one of my favorite shows of all time!!! I decided to re-visit it as an adult recently and the show really proves it can interest a multitude of age groups. The show follows five kids, Ulrich, Odd, Yumi, Jeramy, and Aelita. (plot summery) Jeramy finds a supercomputer one day in a abandoned factory(shown in Xana Awakens). When he turns it on he find Aelita, who is held prisoner by the "bad guy' virus Xana. so Jeramy and the rest of the "lyoko warriors" band together to fight the virus. Xana can effect both the computer and the real world. in the real world by, possessing people, animals, or things powered by electricity. (this can become more complicated in later seasons) However in Lyoko, he "activates" a tower and has monsters Ulrich, Odd, and Yumi fight. (if they are not stuck in the real world)- this premise is repeated every episode.

First I want to mention some of the shows problems. Although mainly in the first season, the animation can be clunky, and voice acting a little off. (over-acting or just weird readings) the show also has a look/animation that takes some getting used to. However, when this show does something well, it does it great! the three things I really think make this show one of the best are as followed. First off, this show feels "lived in", in most shows where the kids go to school, you barely see it. that's not the case here, the show goes out of its way to make sure we get a taste for each of the main characters everyday life. even Lyoko feels "lived in", the show doesn't over complicate the plot for each episode and really lets the environment soak in. each episode is repetitive, but I always felt it was repetitive the same way real life can be.

second, I really believe the relationship of the five friends, sure they are archetypes (like the smart character has glasses). However the way each character works off each other, feels like friend groups I had when I was there age. They aren't all equally best friends, which is believable, such as Ulrich and Odd, Jeramy and Aelita, and Ulrich and Yumi are the closest pairings. Also the romantic relationship between Ulrich and Yumi is all over the place, but still feels true to the age of the characters. it is just freaking adorable at times, but is smartly played for laughs (which is how most adults remember middle school love)

And thirdly, Each character is layered and feels real, also matching their age. (this is more true in later seasons) for instance Ulrich is arguably the best fighter, and stays silent about most hardships in his life, and in the episode "vertigo". we find out he has Vertigo (a complicated fear of heights). And has kept this hidden from his friends, when they find out, he's distant, embarrassed and angry. I find it incredibly believable that the cool, well liked,and athletically confident character would react this way. and I also believe that he would have the condition in the first place. although i used this episode as an example, most episodes of the show take time with each character to layer them.

This was a admittedly a long winded review, however I felt it was worth mentioning. Id say if your looking for a plot heavy, constantly on your toes show with perfect episodes/animation. you'll probably be disappointed. however if your curios or feeling nostalgic for a show with memorable characters and a great sense of atmosphere- check it out!!
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A mediocre animated series with an interesting premise
a-gordon-237411 October 2020
Code Lyoko could have been a really great show, but for many reasons it's not. I loved this as a kid, but now after watching it again as an adult, I realize it's best as an "episode now and again on TV" kind of show, not one you want to watch from start to finish.

Let's start with the good. The premise of the show is unique and interesting. The theme song (and the music in general) is catchy and well done.

Now for the bad. The show is very repetitive. Once you see the first episode, you've seen most of them, because it's the same thing over and over again. The show is one big "filler episode". The animation is not very good. 2D is okay, but still a bit simplistic with weird looking characters who have gigantic foreheads and sulky eyes. 3D is disturbing with its jarring, uneven feel. The characters themselves are all poorly written with boring or bizarre personalities. The main villain is probably the best character, and the best thing about the show in general. Action scenes inside Lyoko are not exciting or tense, they are repetitive and dull with little suspense. Lyoko itself is barren and empty, and overall is a missed opportunity.

Overall, it's not a bad show, but it's well below most good animated series.
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A GREAT series!
Xagonix10 December 2005
It's an excellent episode! When I first started watching it didn't seem very great, but after watching an entire episode I was hooked.

The show is mainly about these group of kids and this "Virtual" girl named Aelita fighting this evil computer genius named XANA.

Some of the scenes are hard to know, because the episodes I watch are cut off because obviously Cartoon Network doesn't want to show some of the content. Also, I think there has been previous episodes than the first episode shown on Cartoon Network. (Episode 1, Holiday in the Fog) Some days, I see weird episodes that I've never seen before. (Ive seen all episodes). I think Cartoon Network is hiding something.....(lost episode maybe?) Sorry about the rambling on up top. Also, Jeremy's voice goes from alright, to DEEP DEEP, to kiddy, to DEEP DEEP. Puberty? Also, in some episodes, Odd's voice seems serious, and then in most episodes he seems like the class clown! Code Lyoko is a GREAT/EXCELLENT show! It's not fully excellent because of all the cut scenes and voice changes. but the plot and the life of a boarding school person raises it up! I would suggest this show to EVERYONE!
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Couldn't get into it
mitsubishizero23 August 2020
It's not a bad show but it's not one i'd recommend. The animation's not bad though I never cared for the textures. They seemed blocky and rigid. The characters weren't that interesting to me. They seemed very one note. The world though was interesting but at the same time it wasn't enough to really pull me in.

If you like it that's fine. I'm just the minority who didn't care for it. I will say this though, the theme song was cool.
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plaidphantom28 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
There may be a spoiler or two...

When I first glanced at Code Lyoko, I thought it was going to be just another action cartoon. Once I actually started watching it, I realized that it showed real promise. Although there are points that do need improvement, I see this show having a solid run.

Four kids (Jeremie, Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi) find an abandon factory with a secret underground lab that gives them access to a virtual world called Lyoko. There lives Aelita, a virtual lifeform, who spends her time guarding the world from X.A.N.A., a virus-infected computer that wants to destroy the world. In the real world, they have to deal with Sissi, the stuck-up daughter of the principal. This may sound like your average stock show, and to an extent, it is. However, the direction the writers take this is very interesting. The relationships between the characters are refreshingly real, and the romance between Ulrich and Yumi develops nicely over the course of the episodes. Also, Odd's insulting of Sissi is perfectly timed.

There are some points to the show that could use improvement, but there is nothing that is a fatal weakness of the show. The plots are a bit formulaic at times. Sometimes the stock footage used can be distracting, especially when it is inconsistent with the rest of the scene. Also, the dubbing contains a few errors. These problems, however, are to be expected in a show's first season. Once you look past them you see that the main characters are surprisingly three-dimensional.

Code Lyoko has very good ratings, being the second highest rated show in its target demographic, 6-11 year olds, and has attracted a number of older viewers as well.

In my opinion, Code Lyoko could turn out to be one of the better action cartoons to come out, and I look forward to see how it improves once season two comes out.
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zakahanix21 March 2019
I think that Code Lyoko is a brilliant idea never seen it somewhere else original and so catchy you should watch it
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Amazing, yet repetitive, Show....
soulangel987 March 2008
Code Lyoko is French, just to clarify the situation, not Japanese. Meaning it can't be Japanese ANIME. I find the show repetitive but still amazing. Fortunately for me, Cartoon Network has started to play the episodes from Season 1 Epi 1 - to the end? at 6 in the morning weekdays. Since I wake up at about 5.50am i get to see the show i missed for so long. I can't necessarily say what kinds of people would like it. Especially since i like a variety of things. At times when watching it, it gets a little 'intense' but there are still also funny (possibly cheesy) parts. I highly recommend at least watching it once just to get you own opinion, but just to full warn you the first episode doesn't explain much about what you'll more than likely want to find out about, if you've heard about it from friends, or somewhere online OR offline.
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Awesome show, few flaws
asteria_2416 November 2006
I have watched this show ever since it started three years ago, and I can safely say that it was (and still is) my favorite show. I love the drama between Sissi, Ulrich, Yumi, and William. This, coupled with action and fight scenes in Lyoko, make for a great show that will please everybody.

Even though the storyline is wonderful, the show has a few flaws. The dubbing is awkward - they keep saying "mobile" instead of the customary "cell". The heads are way too big - it seems like everybody has a six-head!!! There are also a couple of discrepancies in continuity, as mentioned in the "goofs" section.

Just because the show is mainly for the 6-11 set, it will not disappoint older viewers, because the plots are often complicated and riddled with twists and turns.
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Amazing don't miss it
enricoshapka28 February 2021
Now this is a show that is mega underrated. It's one of the best I've seen in my childhood and up to now. It has both cartoon and cg graphics, interesting story and very likeable characters. Music are amazing too. Definitely recommend
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Cool Show
Drafonis28 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Code Lyoko is a French anime-style cartoon with CGI about four kids who discover a virtual world known as Lyoko.


I would say that the animation is comparative with such shows as "The New Adventures of Johnny Quest". The 2D characters are drawn interestingly, with many sections unrealistically expanded. The 3D versions are brilliantly made, and are on the level of such video games as the early "Delta Force" titles.

I would rate the graphics as 6 out of 10 because of minor problems.


The plot is similar to such movies as "The Matrix". It deals with virtual worlds. However, the handling of the plot is superbly done.

The plot is rated 10 out of 10.


This is the worst part of the show. The characters either change spontaneously or not at all. For example, one of the characters has been the same since episode 1. On the other hand, one character changed his whole outlook on the main characters in three seconds!

I rate character development with a 4 out of 10.


Code Lyoko is an interesting show with elements of such hits as "The Matrix" and "Reboot". Despite the often subpar voice acting, poor character development, and confusing story progression (the episodes usually end with them going back in time to the day's start), I would say that this show has the potential to be remembered as a classic on the level of "Dragonball".

Code Lyoko is given a 9 out of 10 because of minor problems.
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Pure absolute awesomeness!
DanTheHumanBeing28 November 2018
As one of the main shows that influenced my imagination as a kid, and even as a teenager growing up, this show is just overall greatness, amazing, and intricate story/plot, interesting and unique characters, cool scenarios, and by far my most favorite villain in a cartoon/animated show. I to this day still re-watch this show over and over again. I love this show man.
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The wonderful world of Lyoko
CAHH0311 June 2024
It seems like just yesterday I was turning on the TV and tuning into Jetix, ready to watch my virtual reality heroes battle XANA. Finally, after more than a decade, I decide to watch this again with low expectations... Man... what a great show. Let's see, let's go in parts:

GRAPHICALLY IT AGED BADLY, I KNOW Most notably, the animation and art style may be uncomfortable for anyone watching the show today, especially the first season, it's completely normal. However, taking into account the time in which it was created and its country of origin, I can understand it. I mean, back then that's what CGI cartoons looked like. It's Moonscoop, not Pixar. In addition, I highlight the fact that the animation improves considerably as the seasons go by.

ENDEARING CHARACTERS Perhaps what I liked most about the series. You like the characters in a short time and it is easy to empathize with them when they are having a hard time, even the typical bullies know how to win your affection when they show a better side of themselves (I love you Sissi). Kids are human, they have their successes and mistakes. The only thing that might bother you is that the whole gang is a jealous bunch.

THE BACKSTORY The most surprising thing when rewatching this show was finding myself surprised that this told you a more or less linear story from the second season onwards. I don't want to go into too many details due to spoilers, but the whole mystery behind the secret project that gave rise to the supercomputer is intriguing and the past of certain characters makes it even more interesting.

MOMENTS OF AUTHENTIC TENSION Due to the animation, the battles can be a bit archaic. But the surprising thing is that despite this shortcoming, the show is able to create truly edge-of-your-seat moments.

SOUNDTRACK This is very personal, but I loved the soundtrack. The opening is a great song, the XANA theme is full of intrigue, the techno used in the battles is pleasant, the tension tracks make you feel the terror of the moment and the sweet moments feel emotional.

In short, recommended. A great series from the 2000s.
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Great Show, but should stick with animated version
lpelevate9 September 2013
Growing up I saw a few episodes of this and I loved them. Outside of that, that's all that had been introduced in my childhood. However, recently I came across a youtube channel that had the episodes of this. I had a few hours to kill so I watched some episodes on my phone. I was 15 when I watched code lyoko again, and I'm not afraid to say that I still loved it. In two months I watched all 95 episodes of it, I guess it was 4 or 5 seasons. It was great, even better than what I remembered from when I was much younger. My critique, then, comes with the new series of code lyoko evolution. Most people do not like the idea of change, but I kept an open mind in watching it. That being said code lyoko evolution was awful. It was good idea, and usually I would rather have a show that has real characters as opposed to animated characters. However, there was just something about this show that I loved so much better in the animated version. I guess it might be the kid inside of me that like the cartoon aspect of it, I don't know. But one thing is for sure, code lyoko evolution is no where near the status that code lyoko was. In my opinion, code lyoko was flawless. It had great plot lines, and a great balance of action (although unrealistic and kind of predictable) and also did a good job on the relationships and personalities of the characters. Maybe the casting for evolution was not as good, I'm not sure. Now, I'm only a viewer, but I'm pretty sure that it would be all around easier to revert back to the animated version, that seemed to be working just fine. For the most part, viewer feedback is that evolution is not nearly as good as the animated version. The original version, although not that popular in the US, received amazing like-to-dislike ratios. I mean like 200-400 likes compared to usually 10-50 dislikes. It's sad to see such a great show have a sequel that ruins its name. I just want them to revert back to the animated version. It will probably cost less and will be easier to do both English and French dubbed versions. In my opinion, nothing was wrong with the original. It was a nice thought to use a real cast and what not, but it's time to admit that it was a failure and go back to what was working.
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A masterpiece
andrewbrowncloud10 July 2020
Outstanding show. It can be compared to more popular shows like Gravity Falls. It's amazing. It is the only show I have seen in my life that mixes CGI and HANDDRAWN 2D animation. Check it out and you will see about what I am talking about.
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Has goofs, but an awesome show
aw199517 December 2005
Code lyoko is one of my personal favorite shows. I do know a lot of people who hate it, but I'm not afraid to say I like it! Okay, it does have a lot of goofs. They need to work on that, and try to avoid those. But I still think that it's worth watching. Some people think the animation is a little blah - the big heads, and the eyes. But it's better than the stuff they draw in like, Danny Phantom.You know, the circle-eyes, square's just another cruddy action cartoon. It's unique. Speaking of which, I do think that people need to think of something other than save-the-world-group-of-good guys type of show. There are just too many of those, and all the plot outlines are the same (now I'm not saying I have anything against all shows like that). But Code lyoko is different. There's actually a story to it, you know what I mean? and one main bad guy, not a hundred. I definitely think you should give this show a try. You just might like what you see!
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he died from laughing too much
leohashikurapoop11 February 2018
This show scared me as a kid expesially the 3d animation it was weird and crazy like anime but not rly anime :( also my friend is from panda village
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absolutely wonderful
honolulu-510 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
this show is amazing i watch it every Saturday at 10:30a.m the story is great the weapons are cool my favorite person is Yumi because she can throw those energy fan that always come back to her and how she can lift up stuff with her mind and Ulrich his samurai sword is pretty cool odd is not really that great i think just a bunch of arrow heads is not all that great but he can climb like a cat so i guess he is OK and the computer chick is kinda lame because she has powers to but she rarely uses them to help her friends instead she rather have them get hurt i know that is the hole idea but still kinda lame i would give the show 8/10 because of the goofs it has over all it is a coll show and worth watching and i can't wait for the game to come out
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Amazing past the first season
andreibotofan11 May 2024
I think the show is unbelievably good after the first season. It only becomes better and better.

It does suffer from DIRE lack of funds for that first season. There are a lot of reused animations but ONLY in the first season. I couldn't really spot them during the 2nd season and going on, i forgot they ever even reused scenes.

But watching that fitst season gives me a feeling simmilar to JoJo, where you feel pride from watching it and being along for the entire ride.

The show managed to build characters up so well that the old, dated 3D animated "threatening" moments actually raise the stakes high up!

The action looks amazing for its time, and the story still holds up very well.

Too bad the studio went bankrupt, otherwise we could have gotten another season tying up loose ends in this format. There's the live action show but it doesn't feel "right"
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Really good!
unknown132119 October 2020
I watched this as a kid from 2010-2011 or 2012 i dont remember exactly and then they just stopped airing. So evolution arrived without me knowing (probably cuz I was a kid who didnt have a phone and internet at that time). So about a month ago I was scrolling through YouTube recommended page and I saw it-The 1st episode of this show. I immediately saw my favourite character from the show when I was a kid (it was Odd) and I immediately started rewatching the series again. After about 4-5 days of watching the 4 seasons and the evolution (which the ending was btw trash; when you watch it you will relate) I finished it. Loved the 2D animation but the 3D was kinda not what I remembered when I was a kid (probably cuz for my age back then was sick), but there was only 1 thing that was kinda bad. It was that every episode was kinda repetitive. But the plot was kinda in clutch. Overall, the show is amazing, and i recommend to anyone reading this to watch this no matter how bad the 3D animation is.
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