Big Love (TV Series 2006–2011) Poster


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Surprisingly good
jollieewok23 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I will admit I didn't think that I would be at all interested in watching a show about polygamy because I find it bizarre and degrading but I was pleasantly surprised by how good this show is. I love the cast. Bill Paxton as "Bill Hendrickson" is the head of this crazy household and he makes you sympathize with him more than criticize him for the lifestyle he chose. His life is so stressful trying to run an expanding business, 3 households, appeasing 3 wives, hiding the fact that he is a polygamist from his neighbors and employees, dealing with the constant stress brought on by a man called the "prophet" who runs the polygamist compound Bill grew up in (his parents still live on this compound)who is trying to extort money out of his business and recently blocked it's expansion,and dealing with the stress that his brother and parents cause(i.e.his father played by Bruce Dern is a complete jerk and loves to pee in Bill's kitchen sink and his mother allegedly poisoned his father). I also love that he has a favorite wife,his 1st and only legal wife played by Jeanne Tripplehorn, because I love her character (she tries hard to be a good wife, mother, and support to the other wives) and the jealousy that the other wives feel make it that much more dramatic. His conniving 2nd wife played by Chloe Sevigny is so much fun to hate, not to mention she is the prophet's daughter and is loyal to him. And Gennifer Goodwin as his young 3rd wife is so cute and lovable. Though this show is chocked full of jealousy and emotion,you really get the sense that this family of 3 wives, 1 husband, and 7 children (with another 1 on the way)really do love each other. They're just having a hard time dealing with the stress that arises from this very unique lifestyle. Each week I wonder if the prophet is going to win his battle with Bill, if one of the wives are going to say forget it and leave, if this family is going to be exposed for what they are (a few characters have gotten close to discovering their secret), or if Bill is going to have a nervous break down. This show is jam packed with good actors and good acting with such interesting plots that you don't get caught up in feeling conflicted over liking this show because you think polygamy is wrong. You get caught up in the chaos that is this family's life and it is so much fun to watch. I highly recommend giving it a shot.
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A wild ride
Calicodreamin17 July 2020
Big Love is a wild ride from beginning to end. The acting is amazing, the storylines captivating and always just shy of outlandish. The characters were well cast, well developed, and it's so easy to get invested in their lives. A show for the ages.
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A tricky premise, handled with charm
Rogue-3230 April 2006
I was curious about this series because I like Paxton, Sevigny and Tina Majorino in particular, and also Harry Dean Stanton (whom I got to see play blues at the Mint, in L.A., a couple of years ago - got his autograph that night as well, which was very cool). I don't agree with 'the principle', but I do like the series.

They've taken a potentially combustible premise and managed to make it charming and almost 'normal' - after a few episodes, it didn't seem odd at all that Bill has more than one wife. I like the interaction between the characters, the women in particular, and the side-story involving Bruce Dern is hilarious and tragic at the same time. They're walking a fine line here, and I would say, after viewing 2 seasons' worth of episodes now, they're pulling it off magnificently.
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Unfreakinbelievable-- MUST SEE
Brownitus12 September 2007
A friend of mine asked me if I had seen "The show about the guy with three wives," and I had no clue which show he was talking about. He told me it was called "Big Love" and I should catch it. Well, now having watched the first two seasons, I can confidently say this is the best television show I've seen in years. The polygamy is not even close to what the show's all about-- even though that part is extremely interesting.

First off, Bill Paxton is charged with a tough duty-- he's really the backbone of the show, and he is flawless scene after scene after scene. The same can be said of Tripplehorn, Sevigny and Goodwin. Amanda Seyfriend also really shines in a quiet but emotionally conflicted role as the teenage daughter battling religious self-esteem and monogamy vs polygamy for a life path. Douglas Smith demonstrates great promise as a young actor whose character is in a state of constant awkwardness and whose introverted nature is taken to the backseat when a great personal challenge for him begins to arise in the second season.

The stories are fantastic, with wonderful characters at every level. Harry Dean Stanton as Roman Grant is an absolute masterclass in acting; his tiny, shriveled exterior does nothing to prevent us from fearing his powerful, commanding leadership role as the so-called prophet of the compound.

Boasting plot lines consistently intriguing and aiding in character development rather than mere shock value, it refuses to make overt caricatures out of characters easy to keep one-dimensional. For me personally as an atheist who is fascinated with the study of theology, it's rousing fun to cheer for the polygamist and his loving family. The part that sucks me in the most is definitely the "right" decisions characters make, albeit justified with religious convictions. Don't just "give it a chance"-- watch it and you will love it. It's smart, funny, emotionally impacting and extremely well-written.
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Amazing show
zachbaritone15 December 2019
As a Mormon, I gotta say this show gets a lot of things right, at least cultural living in Utah County. While mainstream members do not practice polygamy, there are many similarities in belief and jargon here that are portrayed quite accurately. HBO clearly did their research. All in all, first-rate acting and writing and hardly a dull moment. Highly recommended for those who like to be challenged by their entertainment and perhaps even made a bit uncomfortable.
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Excellent Drama
blackeyedsuzy23 May 2006
I cannot honestly remember when I enjoyed a television show quite so much. There are so many well developed characters in this show, yet there is still so much we do not know about them. We get a few hints each episode. I love the complex relationships these intriguing characters are involved in. The plot is intricate and moves at a fast pace without sacrificing believability.

There are a lot of insider references made to Mormon culture and religion. But you do not have to know a lot about the LDS church to enjoy the show.

Bill and his family live in nice suburban style Salt Lake City neighborhood. In many ways they seem so normal, they make polygamy seem normal. But when the story takes place in the polygamous compound things seem anything but normal. Two sides of polygamy, as different as night and day.

Bill and his family have a difficult time keeping their lifestyle a secret, this creates moral dilemmas as well as making the average nosy neighbor or coworker a very real threat. But Bill's biggest antagonist is Roman, the leader and prophet of the polygamist compound he was raised in.

Bill's wives are very different in about every way. His first wife is really the typical Mormon wife and mom, very down to earth, modestly dressed but fashionable and very kind. His second wife, Nicki, is from the compound. She dresses in the prairie style of the compound, she is very manipulative and self centered. She is the daughter of Roman and her allegiance to her husband is questionable. The third wife, Margie, is the youngest. She is ditsy and insecure. By the way she dresses it appears that she may not be Mormon. She also provides the comic relief for the program.

This show is definitely thought provoking as well as entertaining. I can hardly wait till next season. It is definitely worth catching up on the episodes if you haven't seen it, you won't regret it.
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Big Love is another HBO Home Run!
sydgallaher3 June 2006
When I first saw the ads for this show I said, "huh. Really weird premise to base a show on. Not to mention towing the line on being patently offensive. How good can it possibly be?" Well not only is it good, it's beyond wonderful. This is a series of many layers. It is at different turns screamingly hilarious, poignant to the point of tears and thought-provoking. Most of all though, it is just... human.

Think it's easy to be Poly?

How do you satisfy three wives without taking viagra? What are the risks of losing your eyesight - especially if you're taking a teensy bit more than prescribed. Is it really cheating if you're meeting one of the wives on the side in a hotel room without the knowledge of the others? Is the prairie skirt still a fashion statement? Who gets the kids if one of the wives dies? How long will your neighbors believe that your "babysitter" never has a boyfriend and conveniently has a house bordering your backyard? Who controls the money?

This show takes a subject which many of us have often wondered about, polygamy, and looks at both the bad and the good. It turns it around and examines all of the angles. Then very quickly it twists it into a Rubik's Cube of a puzzle and let's us watch a very talented cast including Jeanne Tripplehorn and Bill Paxton as they try to work it out under a very unconventional set of circumstances.

A MUST WATCH of a new series and definitely another home run for HBO!
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Perhaps the best show on TV
milesjohnson-4585517 May 2020
I don't want to spoil anything. This is one amazing show. There aren't many of any shows out there they are better done than this.
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A new approach of the family concept by HBO
gharbinour23 October 2006
"The Sopranos", "Six feet under", and now "Big Love". Hbo offers us a totally new outlook of family, this time by describing the harsh quotidian of a successful polygamist. The family according to Hbo is always subject of greater afflictions than the regular family. In "The sopranos", the father's profession was the issue (the mafia), in "Six feet under", the father's profession was once again the issue (death itself), and in "Big love", the father chose to live against the rules of society, he chose to be a polygamist and that's a big problem because it takes a lots of responsibilities to have three houses, three wives and plenty of children. Somehow, in all these TV series, everything rotates around the problematic of being a father and in a larger sense HBO talks to us about MORALITY. The way of life of these men is really the main idea. "Big Love" is a really great and profound show. As always, HBO prefers the realistic treatment of his subject rather than the inner and comical sense of polygamy. The cast is unbelievable, and the score is great. In spite of the dramatic aspect of this show, I find it really entertaining. Anyway, if you like HBO's shows, you will love "Big Love".
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Starts Off Very Well
mcsheehey17 January 2010
"Big Love" begins as a gripping exploration of a family that attempts to walk the tightrope between polygamy and normalcy. Bill Paxton stars as Bill Henrickson, a straitlaced family man with three wives: Barb (Jeanne Tripplehorn), Marge (Ginnifer Goodwin), and Nicolette (Chloe Sevigny).

Season 1 allows the audience to step inside the Henrickson homes (there are three, right next to one another). We see Bill struggle to please all three wives as he faces problems at work. We see Barb struggle to rise to her duty as "First Wife." We see Marge struggle to find her place in the family. We see Nikki struggle to cling to her conservative roots. At the same time, the show hints at doubts and serious questions concerning Sara and Ben, Barb's children. Season 1 works as a compelling dysfunctional family drama: 10/10 Season 2 doesn't flow quite as well. It picks up just as Season 1 ends, and it doesn't bring much new content to the table. Conflicts with Nikki's father, Roman Grant (Harry Dean Stanton) escalate, which pushes the show out of the house and into Roman's compound. The compound scenes are repetitive and bland, as well as over-the-top. Season 2 gets a 6/10.

Season 3 is a huge step up from Season 2. The show returns more to its roots at the Henrickson household, and it introduces new conflicts of exposure, family ties, and possible expansion. 8/10.

On the whole, "Big Love" is a solid show with one very weak season. It would do best to abandon the compound scenes altogether. Still, each character and performer gets his/her due. Paxton is solid as the patriarch, Tripplehorn shines throughout as the questioning mother, Goodwin shines in Season 2 as she finally gains some responsibility, and Sevigny carries the show in its third season.
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Surprised to be interested
ElessarAndurilS11 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I read the summary for the story for Big Love I was not interested at all. Took a year and a half to get through the first few episodes. Finally though somewhere approaching the middle of season 1 it started to catch my interest as I became familiar with the characters and the serious dysfunction that they had and evolved quite interestingly throughout the series. Bill P. as the lead was very good. It was easy to see why his love for his first wife Barb remained the strongest throughout the show as they were the only ones not so damaged and immature that he could have an intellectual relationship with her as well as physical. Nicki just made me want to smack her about every third show as she started out self centered, mean, and always criticizing others for her faults. How Bill forgave her for repeatedly breaking basic vows was beyond me, but hating her was part of the fun of the show. Margene was a kid and never seemed to grow up until the final when they shocked me by wrapping things up by offing Bill by a emotional neighbor. All in all the show was much better than I expected and did bring to my attention some things I wasn't aware of. Bottom line, if you can get by some of the ludicrous oversights in the story's gaps, it is an entertaining show even if I wanted to slap every character at some point for being so self centered and blind to the hypocrisy of their actions at the time.
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An alltimer, for sure
PolandSue24 April 2019
My favorite TV series all-time! Excellent character development, plots and subplots. Constant tension but also great spots of levity. A very believable, enjoyable drama.
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The original organized crime
estathena26 February 2023
There's no business like the religion business and the hypocrisy and hubris it oscillates between, and this series highlights and exposes it brilliantly.

Artfully acted in its not-too-suble dramatized exposé of the extremism, misogyny, and greed-fueled corruption that is as the core of all organized religions.

The writing wanes here and there but conveys strength, character commitment, and story arc that aims, hits, & bullseyes toward its obvious end - tragedy and those left broken in its wake.

An enjoyable binge-watch that enthralls as much as it shocks and repulses. Don't let the "happy" tune intro fool you; there's little to no happy endings & that is the message, the lesson, the moral.
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A show about the biggest bunch of screw ups you'll ever meet
skay_baltimore17 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This show suffers from the most fundamental flaw imaginable -- not a single main character is worth caring about. Why? Because their flaws range from pure evil to raging arrogance, lying, lust, greed, jealousy, pettiness, delusional thinking, hypocrisy, and sheer, utter stupidity. I'm not kidding. These characters lack even the most basic fundamental human qualities. The men are misogynist, and the women are portrayed in a variety of negative lights -- take your pick.

There are two main groups. The first group consists of a suburbanite polygamous husband and his 3 wives and 7 children who are self-styled adherents to an outlawed variation of Mormonism called Fundamental Latter Day Saint (FLDS), many of whom have broken away from "the compound", an even more extreme version/full-on polygamous community which constitutes the second group.

The head of the FLDS household is Bill, a former member of the compound who was exiled when he was 14 years old (supposedly a common practice to eliminate younger males, leaving more teenage female brides for the older pedophile leader types). He's the "American Dream" come true. He's built up a prosperous home improvement business in the Utah suburbs, where he lives with his three wives (Barb, Nicki, and Margene) and 7 children. (NOTE: Bill's solution to the impotence that is confounding his ability to have continual sex with his 3 wives (they have a schedule) is: Viagra.)

To make a long story short, his first wife Barb is a cancer survivor. They have 3 children. While Barb was going through cancer treatment Bill had a "revelation" that he was supposed to start practicing "The Principle" (the doctrine that some select men are told by G-d that they should take on more wives in a holy mission to get to heaven). So he married Nicki, the daughter of Roman Grant, the self-proclaimed prophet and leader of the compound group, and she bore him two children. Then later on Bill met Margene, a young waitress with whom he fathered two children.

In the process of attempting to expand his one home improvement store, Bill finagles a way to eliminate the 15% due his father-in-law, Roman Grant. (Since Roman fronted Bill the money for the first store for an agreed-upon 15% of the profits, he (Roman) believes he is legally entitled to 15% of the profits from the second store as well. Bill disagrees. Thus begins "The Dysfunctional Family Feud" in earnest.)

Tangentially, since polygamy is illegal, everyone in the suburban clan lies -- to neighbors, co-workers, classmates, etc. As indicated above, all the business dealings are sketchy at best, and situational ethics is putting it mildly when it comes to how this group lives their lives.

As far as the compound group nut case runs around poisoning those she dislikes. Another nut case (Bill's father) goes around peeing in the sink instead of the bathroom. Bill's mother and Bill's father are at odds and can't be in the same room together. And on...and on...and on.

If there are people in this world who are more lost than these miscreants, I'd sure hate to meet them. They seem to have NO IDEA what they are doing, or why. They claim to be spiritual, yet they constantly obsess about money, each other, and their rivals/enemies. There isn't a single healthy relationship in the bunch -- especially at the compound. (That place is such a total mess it's impossible to even get into it here. One lurid example: Roman Grant can "reassign" any woman/wife to another man whenever he feels like it.) Everyone is constantly lying to one another and cheating on each other and basically just making a total mess out of their lives and the lives of their children.

In short...if you have a lot of patience for stupid, shallow, pompous hypocrites who have no insight into their own behaviors and/or motivations, then this is the show for you. Otherwise, do yourselves a Big Favor and pass on Big Love. The acting is amateurish (Ginnifer Goodwin really SHOULD quit her day job; she's a train wreck in everything she's ever done. And Bill Paxton isn't much better. Heck...even Chloe Sevigny, who I like a lot, is totally wasted here.) The dialogs range from witty and funny to just plain ridiculous. And the story lines are all over the place. The first season was kind of interesting. After that it really went off the rails.
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Very original and well done
craigman26 April 2006
I'm surprised no one has written about this great show yet! I've always liked HBO's original programming, from Video Jukebox back in the early 80's (before Mtv!), to Taxicab Confessions, OZ, Sopranos, and Six Feet Under. I really had little interest in watching a show about Mormons and polygamy in Utah, but I knew HBO would make it interesting. I love the cast! Bill Paxton is perfectly cast as the lead. He was always an underrated actor. Same goes with Jeanne Tripplehorn as his first (and favorite) wife. Chloe Sevigney is almost unrecognizable as the manipulative second wife, with her long hair and prairie outfits. I first noticed her in Kids. Newcomer Gennifer Goodwyn is quite good as the overwhelmed and lonely youngest third wife. She reminds me of a young Sherilyn Fenn. It doesn't hurt that all of the wives and eldest daughter are quite attractive!

One would think Bill's character would be envied, but the more we see into his everyday life, the more I say "No thanks!" Imagine dealing with three moody wives and children coming out of the woodwork! Everything has to be written in a daily planner, otherwise things get extremely chaotic. On top of dealing with his huge family, living in three adjacent houses with one back yard, he also has to run a growing chain of Home Depot-type stores, deal with the rest of his oddball family (parents and brother) still living on a polygamist compound run by an evil Harry Dean Stanton who keeps extorting money from Bill and harassing him and his family. Oh, and they also try to keep their polygamy secret from the nosy neighbors, and one of the wives has run up huge credit card debts! Plus almost everyone the family deals with is an over-religious meddler! I also like the relationship with the eldest daughter and her straight laced but good hearted friend, who played Napolean Dynamite's love interest. Overall, I really like this show and hope it becomes as popular as the other great HBO series.
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Actually 8.5/10
arnav_13 February 2021
Great writing. Stellar performances. One of the best dramas by HBO, thanks to the amazing cast. Coincidentally finished watching the last episode on Bill Paxton's fourth death anniversary.
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Love this series
dunning9619 May 2006
I find myself rushing to put the kids to bed on Sunday nights so that I can watch all of Big Love without interruption. I love how some of the characters struggle with being a polygamist and come to terms in their own way. Also, Nicki's character is one of those you love to hate. She drives me crazy most weeks with her behavior and then makes me really respect her in others. My experience in life is that most people are this way, where they do really dumb or selfish things majority of the times and then they surprise you with something wonderful, which is why you keep them in your life. Although the main theme of polygamy is not something I deal with in my life a lot of the other issues they face are things that can happen to any of us.
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What I truly LOVE about BIG LOVE!
hobbyhob18 June 2007
Yes, it has a nice complexity of characters, who are ever being revealed to us. Yes, you really don't need to know much about the Mormons to get this show. But what I really love is how it points out how very few people in our supposedly "free society" are truly free to be who they are without fear of judgment, or worse, legal hassles and entanglements. Little by little, our freedoms have been whittled down by those among us who think they know best for ALL of us. If you don't believe me, go find a cancer patient who wants to smoke pot for their nausea and pain. Go ask the Californian who adores their pet ferrets but must hide them from the dept of fish and game. Ask the person who exclusively prefers the company of someone of their own sex yet fears losing their job if the wrong people find out.

This show is for anyone who enjoys great television, but it is mostly for those of us who know what its like to not be truly free to be who and what we are without fear.
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Just Like All Other Marriages, Only More So
B2430 December 2008
This engaging series is one of the zaniest soap operas yet offered by HBO -- which is saying something given their record to date. It adds plural marriage to a list of subjects including whimsical vampires (True Blood), dysfunctional funeral directors (Six Feet Under), and narcissistic Hollywood groupies (Entourage). What's next? Fundamentalist cross-dressers? The paucity of genuine drama on cable television is nowhere as evident as in these recurrently fun but trite exercises in topical one-up-man-ship. Each episode strains for originality only to sink under the weight of multiple off-beat characters and subplots that ultimately carry the classic message of theater: no matter how bizarre the overall concept, we always recognize parts of ourselves to the extent that it's hard to hit the "off" button. So we continue to look for and appreciate the really excellent work of veteran actors like Harry Dean Stanton and Mary Kay Place and the novel or nuanced interpretations offered by younger ones like Chloe Sevigny.

There are in fact no good guys or bad guys in soap opera, only conflicted protagonists and misunderstood foils. If there is a political message, it is that any virtue or vice carried to extreme lengths turns on itself and destroys the perpetrator. Serious theater on the other hand magnifies good and evil pitted against one another, often within the same character, employing a dramatic structure with finite limits.

In Big Love we have just an ongoing feast of delectable and endless possibilities involving sort-of good guys and sort-of bad guys that cause us alternately to boo or applaud with gusto. A real treat.
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Good, but...
JohnSelf4 July 2007
This show is very well written (to an extent), executed and acted. I appreciate the complexities of the dialogue and plot lines, but there is an inherent creepiness that I have trouble with. All the religious mumbo jumbo is hard to watch - especially against the hypocrisy of religious fanatics who have multiple wives. I know that's part of the point - part of the dynamic of the show, but still. One thing I don't get and I don't think is adequately explained is why would someone want more than one wife. The financial and other burdens are enormous, as the show illustrates. There are allusions to religious reasons, but that's about as far as it goes.

What is the upside? What would compel someone to do this? What is the motivation? What is the motivation for these women to enter into such an arrangement? These things go largely unexplored. What sane person would say I would like to buy three houses all in a row, make them a compound, have three wives (and then find three women willing to do this), have a bus load of children, and then spend most of my life trying to cover this up?? There certainly must be some serious mental disorders that accompany such behavior, but this is never addressed.

Ultimately, the "good" guys on the show are as despicable as the bad guys. With the Sopranos there is some acknowledgment of the hypocrisy they are living, here there isn't. It's incredulous.

I suppose that's part of the point - inject audacity - but even though the show is extremely well done because of the strange life style it is often difficult to identify with the characters. And it's not just because it's an "alternative" lifestyle, it's the hypocrisy of it.

On a completely different note, how could someone (the flaneuer post below) mistake this for a movie with an ending!
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LOVE Big Love!
Bohosoulsister18 March 2019
I love pretty much everything about this show and every actor in it. Watched it many times and I enjoy it just as much each time.
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Very Unique Series
larry-mcfarlane22 July 2022
I just watched this older series. Boy, did it start out strong. Such controversial issues. Such strong characters. You won't see this nowadays where everything is sanitized. Unfortunately, in seasons 4 and 5, I felt I was spammed with micro-dramas where the characters' personalities dramatically changed to something else. I still give it a strong score, though.

For season 4 & 5, It was kind of like The Walking Dead. You know, everything bad that can happen HAPPENS when you're running from a zombie just to provide additional suspense which gets old after awhile. Same thing happens with these seasons. Except you can replace walker with drama.

I really really REALLY did not like Nikki. That means Chloë Sevigny did an outstanding job portraying her character. I hope she received an Emmy nomination back then.

God bless Bill Paxton.
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Compelling, But Not Realistic
Spoon-529 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am a lifelong, practicing member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I served a LDS Mission and was married in the Salt Lake Temple. I lived in Utah from my infancy until I moved to the East Coast at age 27. The Church is absolutely integral to who I am. I love being a member and I try (with varying success) to follow its precepts.

After finishing the series, I was struck by the difference between how most people describe practicing members of the LDS Church (happy, friendly, hard-working, self-sufficient); and how they are portrayed here. I counted twenty characters in the show who are (or were) clearly LDS, and who had a sufficient role in the series to form an opinion on their character, and it's not positive: Naïve (Heather), Nosy (Pam), Disillusioned (Scott), Homicidal (Carl), Intolerant (Cindi), Clintonian (Ray), Calculating (Sen. Dwyer), Blackmailing (Ted), Pedophilic (Greg), Vindictive (Wendy), Ostracizing (Nancy), Suicidal (Dale), Puritanical (Bishop Devery), Arrogant (Michael Sainte), Conniving (State Rep. Roy Colburn), Incompetent (Salty), Compromising (Emma Smith), Tyrannical (Stake President Kennedy), and Pushy (LDS Missionary Companionship).

Does the above accurately portray a representative sample of LDS members? Not really. Further, the LDS Church as an organization is consistently portrayed in the show as sinister and all-powerful. In one episode, Cara Lynn is scolded for walking home by herself because of the fear that a Church member would inflict physical harm. Nicki then refers to a letter regarding polygamy read in LDS Church Meetings as a "fatwa." How nice. Little LDS digs like this abound throughout the series.

Olsen and Scheffer spent three years researching for the show before its creation. Given how unfavorably LDS members are portrayed, I often wondered if they had a specific grievance against the Church. I was unable to find any evidence of that, so my theory is simply that their intention was to create an entertaining television show; rather than an accurate picture of how real people in these situations would act and interact. As such, where reality and juicy storytelling conflict, they favor storytelling.

I hesitate to comment on other reviews of the show, but I was somewhat surprised at two common threads in the other reviews: (1) the number of reviews submitted in 2006 when the show was still in its infancy, and (2) the number of reviews that mentioned the quality of the writing. This made me wonder what people consider "good writing." Is it "good" if it's interesting? Or compelling? Or complex? Or funny? "Good" by itself seems to be just specific enough to persuade people to watch, but just vague enough that it doesn't really have to mean anything at all.

I could list numerous inaccuracies portrayed as given truths in the series (major ones have been submitted as goofs on each episode's page), but suffice it to say that I was not particularly impressed by the writing. It may be because I was watching episodes of a weekly television show in rapid succession; but it seemed like the characters fell in and out of each other's favor with breakneck frequency. Nicky accrues tens of thousands in credit card debt? No problem—wait an episode or two and it will blow over. Alby attempts to kill his mother with a pipe bomb at a motel? Don't worry—she'll soon publicly protest his incarceration (for a different crime). Ben has premarital sex and wants to hold the Aaronic Priesthood? Sure—we'll give him a pass. Frank and Lois try to kill each other? No sweat—they'll make up soon. Dozens of story lines like this—major, harrowing life events—seem to resolve themselves effortlessly with no further mention or consequences. Additionally, I was mildly disappointed on several occasions when the writers seemed to go out of their way to dredge up old anti-Mormon canards such as Blood Atonement, Danites, and the number, age, and marital status of Joseph Smith's wives. Three years of research didn't necessarily seem to shine through in the show—unless, perhaps, the three years was spent researching anti-Mormon material.

The series also explores the use of the word "Mormon" itself. Many people use it synonymously with "LDS." Others use it for ANY organization or belief that accepts Joseph Smith as a prophet. Under this definition, the FLDS Church, the Community of Christ, the LDS Church, and numerous other smaller groups could accurately be called "Mormon." I'm not advocating the correctness of any one definition, but I urge viewers of the show to keep in mind that "Mormon" doesn't always mean what people assume it means.

Some of the show's reviews asked why someone would ever practice plural marriage. While I don't (/wouldn't want to) practice it, it all boils down to a question of putting faith into action. When you commit to follow God's commandments no matter what, and when you believe that God still speaks through a prophet as he did in former times, the logical progression of this syllogism (for us) is that you do what the prophet says, even if it is inconvenient, or expensive, or tiring, or (in extremely rare cases) illegal. THAT is the logic behind the practice of plural marriage. Clearly, it can (and does) get twisted by some who prey on the faithful, but that was never the purpose. Similarly, if you can you think of something you value in your life above upholding the law, something that you consider moral and necessary that you would do even if it were illegal, you can now begin to understand their mentality.

Believe it or not, my main purpose here is NOT to steer anyone away from the show. I heartily enjoyed the series. It's extremely entertaining. I would simply request of anyone who watches, however, to please remember that this is fiction, and that the majority of what you see is a heavily distorted caricature of deeply held beliefs and sincere people who are trying to follow Jesus Christ and help their fellow man.
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Polygamy or Pedophiles?
dafswife22 May 2006
I have a HUGE problem with the show. Put the Hollywood gloss on it and try to make it seem OK. They have problems just like you and me, right? Only trouble is, polygamy was outlawed a long time ago and the only people still practicing it are fanatics using it as an excuse for being a pedophile.

Even in the show, the old guy has a very young wife and Bill Paxtons youngest wife "seems" to have married very young.

What they fail to mention is that the young "wives" are married sometimes at ages 12-14 by no choice of their own to some older man whose current wife is no longer young enough to feed his sickness.

By the time they are old enough to realize what they are in for, they have children to take care of and no where to run. They have to hide in fear of the law while their "husband" basically owns them.

I have no problems with consenting adults doing what they want behind closed doors as long as they do no harm to others. This is not the case with polygamy.

Saying this show is good even though it glamorizes pedophiles is like saying "Joe is a great guy except he molests children."
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Another great show by HBO
Ryu_Darkwood11 August 2007
Big Love is in my opinion a strong exploration on polygamy and how this form of marriage is negatively influencing the individuality of the people involved. Isn't it hard enough to have one wife, let alone having three totally different characters in one marriage? It also explores religious fundamentalism in the United States. But HBO wouldn't be HBO if they just made fun of their protagonists. All of the characters are humans of flesh and blood with their own flawed characters and morally ambiguous nature towards making choices in life. They are treated with the respect that they deserve.

Although Bill Paxton really shines as ''pater familias'' of the polygamist family, it are his three wives that definitely steal the show. I really love all three of them: wise and worldly control freak Barb, manipulative yet strong-willed Nicky and the innocent and youthful Margene. You start to love them during the first season, and hope that they can maintain their dubious relationship with Bill ( no matter what your personal views are about polygamous in general ).

I consider this show as being amongst HBO's best. Worth the watch!
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