Floored by Love (TV Movie 2005) Poster

(2005 TV Movie)

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a short, sweet film
countymd28 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Floored by Love is actually a nice, short, and sweet film. The plot of the movie was quite interesting and good. It did hit a few good, realistic points in gay and lesbian lives- the ultimate difficult task- how to come out to your own family and ask them to accept you as who you are!! The story involves 2 different plots, which intervene with each other at the end. Overall, the acting is a little weak. Most characters are monotonous as if reading out their lines. The actress, Sky, was pretty good and promising. She was quite natural. The others were not so convincing. The film is about 60 min. Overall, the theme was interesting and the topic was real. The end although unrealistic but warm hearted. Worthy of watching.
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endearing, but not convincing
rayemoon18 July 2005
Saw it at the Philadelphia Gay and Lesbian Film Fest.

What can I say? Against my better judgment, I liked it, but it seemed to me that that acting was a little...weak (mostly I noticed this from the family of the teen boy). I mean, the script wasn't stellar to begin with, but the actors didn't make me believe the relationships.

The plot is also predictable.

Nonethelss, I liked it. The characters are likable, and the plot is not challenging or upsetting. It's sweet, the characters care about each other, and I don't count it as fifty minutes ill-spent.

But I don't recommend it.
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Floored by Love
CIMC16 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Watching Floored by Love one thought comes almost immediately to mind, "My god this looks like a really bad sitcom." Sure enough, it turns out that FBL is a pilot for a series that may start this fall in Canada, poor poor Canada.

Cara (Shirley Ng) and Janet (Natalie Sky) are a lesbian couple living in Vancouver. Janet has come out to her mother already but Cara's parents are still in the dark about their daughter's homosexuality. The pressure is on to out herself though when the parents come from Malaysia for her younger brother's wedding. That same week British Columbia legalizes gay marriage. With Janet wanting to wed, Cara has to decide whether or not to tell her conservative Chinese parents that's she's gay. Will she? Would she? Could she? Cara's situation is contrasted with that of Jesse (Trent Millar). Jesse has just declared his homosexuality to the world at the age of fourteen. His biological father Daniel (Andrew McIlroy) is coming for a visit soon. His stepfather Norman (Michael Robinson) fears that his chances of finally being fully accepted by Jesse are harmed by the fact that Daniel is gay and he is not. Will dialing 1-800-Makeover help?

The dialogue and delivery come straight out of a lesser 1950's program along with the overdone physical emoting. The Full House-style melodrama is enough to make you wince from time to time and the attempts at comedy largely fail. McIlroy, Millar & Sky are the only performers that approach competency in this miscalculation but given the material they have to work with, it's no surprise that none impress. It's possible that the campiness was purposeful. It often seems like there is no way the performers are really that bad, that they must be trying to mimic the inferior sitcoms of days yore. If this is indeed the case than this review should probably be rewritten. The rewrite would focus on Floored by Love being a poor and ineffective send-up of old sitcoms.

Writer/director Desiree Lim has put together a by-the-numbers bland-fest that's entirely forgettable. There was a time when merely having an openly homosexual protagonist was enough to make a mark on the screen. That time is gone. In this day we need quality as well.
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So Awkward
jolieryoko2 November 2006
I will say that at least the movie makes sense, but it's bad. The acting for the most part is not good (I think only Sky showed any promise) and you feel awkward watching it. All of the scenes that should be meaningful are really shallow, like when Ng comes out to her parents. There are a lot of corny details, like the kanji tattoo on the Sky's shoulder, the magnets on the girls' refrigerator and the god awful decor at the sets...and the music...and clothes..and everything. Real life has never been like this movie. The boy says at one point "I'm gay, not corny." And not aware. Even the commentary is awful, I turned it off after Ng talks about how she was weirded out playing a lesbian.
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Highly recommended feel good film!!!
bruceburkett25 November 2006
I saw this film on T.V. initially and enjoyed it so much I decided to purchase the DVD. I must say I was astonished to find out while watching the special features that the actor that portrayed Kara was actually heterosexual. Her performance of a lesbian women was that convincing.

Along with the convincing acting I found the plot and story line was extremely well thought out and moved along at a pleasant pace. I must say whether you are gay or straight the scene with Janet and Mrs.Nakano is sure to make you well up with tears of joy. I am quickly becoming a Natalie Sky fan as this is the second film I have seen with her in it.

I applaud the director for making such a moving and powerful film. I hope people from all around the world who are struggling with their sexuality see this film and have an easier transition when revealing their true selves to their families.
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Lighthearted and Sweet!
jenpants3 December 2006
I personally enjoyed this show.I liked the chemistry between Janet and Cara. Janet (Natalie Sky )was my most favorite character,I enjoyed her acting.I have seen her in other shows and seems to have a promising career ahead of her. None of the characters rubbed me the wrong way.They came across as friendly and believable.My opinion of the show is that it's very original and important for all to see no matter what anyone's sexual preference is.This is a positive show for the younger audience who are struggling with their sexuality, and also the older audience(their families )that don't know how to deal or understand what their loved one is going through.Both can benefit from watching Floored By Love.It was smart that the cast was racially diverse.It shows us all that these problems affect everyone.I believe the show was done in a tasteful manner without being too dark or inappropriate. Slightly campy ,yet sweet and lighthearted.Truly worth watching again.
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This show is definitely worth watching and sharing—in fact, there should be more shows like this.
simplex-227 November 2006
When I saw this show, I immediately thought—what a story! The writer should start a whole series of shows that supports the gay and lesbian community and their families. Most families do have a tough time when dealing with this subject. This show really shows them they're not alone. It shows them it's more common nowadays and it's nothing to be ashamed of. It doesn't make families bad or good, right or wrong if they or a family member is gay or a lesbian. As in the show, they were all good people—who happen to want a relationship with people of the same sex. Being able to love and be loved is so important--so why does it matter who you love as long as they make you happy? This show really inspires that.

This show was well written in a way that it took a controversial and difficult topic of discussion feel supported, yet without loosing the truth—the hardships of the matter. It was entertaining to watch--subtly sexy, witty, cute, serious, but also funny at the same time. Desiree (the writer) was able to balance the hardships of the matter with the characters showing love, compassion, support, growth, acceptance and appreciation—all the key ingredients families and friends need to have in time of controversy, in order to stay together and grow stronger as a team, rather than apart.

There's not a lot of shows out there supporting families of gay and lesbian couples—especially of different ethnicity. This show is very well written in a way that it was able to show the lighter side of the situation to break from just concentrating on the "serious" side—as if the topic matter wasn't serious or heart-breaking enough for some families to handle. Good work to the writer!

As for the acting, the two main characters were great, well-casted—Cara played by Sheryl Ng and Janet played by Natalie Sky. They were very cute, sweet and funny together. But overall, Natalie Sky left an impression on me. I've seen her acting before and I've always enjoyed watching her on TV. Hopefully we'll see more of her. She's mesmerizing to watch, a natural actress and always plays her roles well. She has great on screen presence. She's stunning and brilliant!

This show is definitely worth watching and sharing--You'd be amazed how many families are facing situations like these and need the support. Besides, the main characters are great to watch!
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the movie was educational and moving.
annakalina28 November 2006
I saw this film while visiting LA at "outfest" and loved it! Especially the actress who played Janet(Sky) and the actor that played Norman (Robinson). Their acting made the film so watchable and moving... The story line was sweet and I felt drawn in throughout the entire film... this film reminds us that love will always prevail no matter what the situation and it reminds us to appreciate those around us that DO love and support us. I was impressed that the cast was so multi-cultural and diverse..which made it so much more interesting to watch. I have seen a few of Desiree Lim's other films in the past and have always been impressed and can't wait to see more of her work!
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