Shock-O-Rama (Video 2005) Poster

(2005 Video)

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Stupid, but enjoyable B-movie anthology
The_Void18 May 2009
Shock-O-Rama is a low budget horror film split into three segments. Anyone that has seen a Brett Piper film will have some idea what to expect; a silly plot line and some cheap, but imaginative, special effects are the order of the day; and the director duly delivers. My main reason for seeing this film was the inclusion of Seduction Cinema queen Misty Mundae, and while the actress keeps her clothes on in this film; she still delivers an amusing performance. The film is basically an anthology; although it toys with that idea somewhat with regards to the wrap-around story. We focus on low budget trash actress Rebecca Raven. She gets fired from her Production Company and goes to stay in some isolated old house. Meanwhile, her replacement gets thrown in jail; leaving her ex-producers with the task of trying to find another lead actress. Julia Roberts apparently won't take her clothes off; so they set off watching bad low budget movies, meanwhile Rebecca Raven is having trouble of her own in the form of a flesh eating zombie.

The film is light and fun throughout, and while not brilliant by any stretch of the imagination; at least remains entertaining for the duration. Clearly the film does not take itself seriously and the jokes come by way of the dialogue, and simply how stupid the film is. The first of the two tales that stem from the producers watching low budget films is the best, and features a layabout good-for-nothing junkyard owner that stumbles on a downed alien spaceship. The aliens then proceed to attack, leaving him and his estranged girlfriend to try and fight them off. The best thing about this segment is the lead performance from Rob Monkiewicz. Not a great actor, but he is entertaining and seems at home with the ridiculous plot. The second tale is more inventive, but not as good; and focuses on something to do with dreams. There's a role for Julian Wells and there's a good idea at the climax. The wrap-around is the only part that stars Misty Mundae, and the highlights include an F-word rant at her producer and seeing her wield a chainsaw. Overall, this is certainly good enough for a single viewing and Misty Mundae fans should enjoy it.
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A Weed Wacker
nogodnomasters30 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the opening with Misty seemingly playing herself complaining about the roles that she gets. Eventually she combats a zombie with a movie chain saw (one that makes a noise and the chain never moves). There are two other tales with the second tale being an anthology within an anthology with girl-girl dream sequences.

"Screaming Dead" poster in background and also playing on TV.

Guide: F-word. Nudity.
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Pleasant Surprise, Delivers the good stuff
danthewrestlingmanorigin9 October 2006
Excellent send up of sci-fi, horror and exploitation films, that also cleverly parodies Hollywood movie studios and sleazy executives. If you've ever wanted to see Misty Mundae take a page out of Bruce Campbell's book, and go postal on a zombie with a chainsaw, then this is a movie for you. The effects work was quite good, and Brett Piper has shown serious growth as a filmmaker. All the genre musts are here including naked babes, and gore, but this film also featured some genuinely funny moments, such as Misty Mundae's character who was basically playing herself, getting frustrated with horny fans, and being cast in soft core B movies. Great for a Halloween watch, if you don't want anything to serious. I was pleasantly surprised by Shock-O-Rama, and I believe fans of campy movies, and The Seduction Cinema girls will be as well. Be warned though, this isn't soft core porn.
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badly acted padded talkathon
HEFILM10 September 2006
Brett Piper is always at his best with FX sequences and not as his best with actors or story. This film being a series of short stories, the script never really polishes any idea before moving on to the next half backed story and most of the time it's up to the actors to fill the time until we reach feature length. Bulk of the characters are the type you fear you'll be stuck next to on a long flight somewhere. FX are few and far between.

Yes they shot on film but it has a flat Saturday morning TV series, and not a good one, for kids in the 1970's look.

The performers all try to overact and the words are just padding here. It looks like every first take was printed and the only direction was make it more over the top. When you have actors who don't really have over the top to give what you get is shrill non actor yelling at each other or mugging like they are funny. They aren't.

Talk talk talk, oh here's a cute special FX shot, talk talk talk talk.

That's pretty much the way the movie goes. It seems a lazy effort from Piper who may well be exhausted from doing all those FX on most of his films himself. There just aren't enough of his charming hand made retro FX to forgive the flat talky nature of the rest of the movie. And the way the script is written, so talk heavy, that seems to have been the intention all along.

There are films of Pipers that are worth watching, I just can't put this one in that pile. Main title music by Jon Greathouse is great fun but then there is almost no score to the rest of the film. Another Piper decision? A function of no post production time? More music please especially in a drag-a-thon like this one.
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An immensely funny and entertaining tongue-in-cheek low-budget horror anthology movie send-up
Woodyanders17 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Fed-up B-horror scream queen Rebecca Raven (a winningly spirited and self-deprecating performance by the adorable Misty Mundae) gets sacked by the low-rent studio that regularly employs her. Raven goes to a remote house in the country to rest while sleazeball hack director Frank (a deliciously smarmy Michael R. Thomas) looks for a new starlet to replace her. First and most amusing yarn, "Mecharachnia" - A couple of mischievous tiny aliens terrorize down-on-his-luck junkyard owner Jed Callahan (amiable Rob Monkiewicz) and his feisty ex-girlfriend Linda (foxy brunette spitfire Caitlin Ross). This segment boasts some very funky old school-style stop-motion animation special effects, with a towering makeshift monster made out of spare car parts rating as the definite highlight. Second and most inspired story, "Zombie This" - Raven has to tap into her experience as a veteran schlock horror actress after she accidentally resurrects a shambling zombie (Duane Polcou in nifty make-up). It's a real treat to watch Mondae parody her trash pic goddess persona (she even takes an obligatory nude bath) and get tough as she kicks some pesky undead butt. Third and most outrageous story, "Lonely Are the Brain" - Crazy mad scientist Dr. Carruthers (nicely played by the luscious Julian Wells) uses a handful of lovely young ladies in a home for wayward women as guinea pigs in dangerous experiments conducted for an evil giant brain with an insatiable hunger for erotic pleasure. It's up to brassy take-charge lass Naomi (a strong and sympathetic turn by the yummy AJ Khan) to stop Carruthers. This wonderfully warped affair offers a deliriously intoxicating mix of tasty female nudity, kinky soft-core sex, and trippy, surreal, nightmarish visuals. Writer/director Brett Piper maintains a brisk pace throughout and does a fine job of creating a playfully macabre atmosphere. Moreover, the enthusiastic cast have an absolute ball with their juicy roles and Jon Greathouse supplies a delightfully campy Danny Elfmanesque rollicking ooga-booga score. A great deal of blithely goofy fun.
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A highly entertaining ride with the b-movie roller-coaster.
JJohnny_Cool4 October 2008
Ever since I won a copy of the haunted house shocker "Drainiac" about two months ago, I consider myself a fan of the New Hampshire based cult filmmaker Brett Piper.

And since "Drainiac" was not enough to quench my hunger for spectacular low budget horror, I didn't hesitate to send a couple of bucks to Shock-O-Rama/EI Cinema to order Brett Piper's flicks "Shock-O-Rama" and "Bacterium" on DVD. And since I was especially excited to see "Shock-O-Rama"—which Brett Piper himself had already introduced to me as his best movie so far—I put the disc in the player right after I got it. And what shall I say, after I've been watching "Shock-O-Rama" for hardly more than a few minutes, it already appeared to me that this flick would indeed turn out to be a highly entertaining horror comedy with real cult potential.

Just like classics such as "Creepshow" or "Tales From The Crypt", "Shock-O-Rama" is also divided into three individual episodes, that are tied together by a funny, tongue-in-the-cheek background story. In the first episode called "Mecharachnia", a group of tiny little aliens shipwrecks on a run-down junkyard and terrorizes the macho yard keeper Jedd Callahan and his bitchy ex-wife Linda. Things get even worse when the uninvited guests from outer space build a giant killer robot out of scratch metal overnight and henceforth try to blow the quarrelsome ex-couple to pieces.

In "Zombie This" we'll then get to see scream queen Rebecca Raven (played by Misty Mundae) being attacked by a bloodthirsty zombie, who has just risen from the grave and now wants to feast on the sexy actress' soft and tasty flesh. At first it doesn't look too good for Mrs. Raven, but then she finds a chainsaw in an old tool shed and all of a sudden the situation takes an unexpected turn and now it's the zombie who's gotta run for his rotten life.

And last but not least there's also an episode called "Lonely Are The Brain". This freaky and visually very appealing sequence is about a giant brain from the future, which controls the naughty dreams and sexual desires of a whole bunch of scantly clad hotties, who henceforth find themselves right in the middle of the weirdest fantasy scenarios. But be aware, what might look like the kinky product of a naughty girl's imagination at first, may turn into a bloody nightmare just a couple of moments later...

As a devoted b-movie maniac you will most likely have realized by now, that there's hardly a horror- and science fiction cliché which Brett Piper does not use in "Shock-O-Rama". From start to finish, this flick is nothing but a wonderful homage to the long forgotten monster movies of the past, especially the drive-in classics of the 50s and 60s.

To keep "Shock-O-Rama" in proper old-school style, Brett Piper has almost completely abstained from using CGI and instead unleashed a true feast of cool, handmade effects. Throughout the course of this movie you'll find tons of awesome stop motion monsters, latex masks, horror makeups and miniatures, as well as beautiful sets and locations occupied by hilariously over-the-top characters, who deliver one funny line after the other... and, as the icing on the cake, "Shock-O-Rama" does also offer lots and lots of bloodshed and nudity for our greedy 'lil eyeballs to behold.

To keep a long story short: "Shock-O-Rama" is a wild, colorful and highly entertaining ride with the b-movie roller-coaster, which every scifi-, horror- and cult film fan will surely enjoy a lot. Fans of trash icons such as Roger Corman, Frank Hennenlotter and Lloyd Kaufman will definitely get their money's worth with this DVD, especially since not only the film itself, but also the package with lots of cool specials such as interviews, behind-the-scenes footage and an informative audio commentary do hardly leave anything to be desired.
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A great old fashioned sci-fi/horror b movie!
brian-14835 August 2006
Shock O Rama is basically a 'twilight zone-ish' b movie. There's two stories connected by one transitional story. The connecting story stars Misty Mundae, who plays an actress trapped doing bad b movies (sound like typecasting?!?) who just wants to get away from the grind of making these b movies. She travels to an old house where she's attacked by an evil zombie. The other stories involve an evil giant brain who's trying to take over the world from a home for wayward women (sort of) and an attack on a junk yard by tiny aliens.

This movie is a great drive in movie...even if you don't know or have never been to a drive in! It's just good old fashioned fun, and well worth your money!
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Amazing for what it is
grghull4 September 2006
I almost caught this movie at a convention is Chicago. Then I read many glowing reviews of it on the net and decided to hunt it down. For what it is (that is a very low budget film shot in New Jersey) it's pretty remarkable. The production design and overall look of the film is excellent, the cast is good, and the story fast paced and inventive (and frequently very funny!). Although I liked the last episode least it ironically had my favorite scenes: one a sort of take-off on Poe's PIT AND THE PENDULEM and the other a wacky dream sequence that reminded me of Tim Burton. If you're a fan of off-beat entertainment I can certainly recommend this.
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Guilty pleasure of the highest order
slayrrr66610 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Shock-O-Rama" is a very entertaining anthology film with a lot to like about it.


Tired of being in low-budget horror films, Rebecca Raven, (Erin Brown) decides to take a break at a summer home, forcing studio bosses Frank, (Michael R. Thomas) and Gaylord, (David Fine) to find a replacement. One tape of an actress they consider features aliens crashing into a scrap-yard owned by Jedd Callahan, (Rob Monkiewicz) when his girlfriend Linda, (Caitlin Ross) arrives to collect her payment. Constantly being under attack by the creatures, the two hole up together in the scrap-yard until the aliens unleash a gigantic robot at them. Unimpressed, Frank still wants Rebecca back, who has accidentally unleashed a killer zombie that relentlessly attacks her at the house. As she battles the creature, the other tape shown features Dr. Carruthers, (Julian Wells) a doctor experimenting on a group of sorority sisters having trouble sleeping, and a gigantic brain starts to attack them and forcing them to take a stand against the experiments and the creature.

The Good News: This one really surprised me with how much fun it was. That sense of fun is most apparent than in the comedy. There's a lot of really humorous lines in here, from the rant at the beginning that takes on all comers of the business to the throwaway joke before a character enters a bathtub, there's a lot of pretty great lines that do come off as funny. The lines during the chase around the farm-house contains some amusing lines as well, and the second segment is full of campy lines and situations that recall the old science fiction classics of the past very easily. The cheesy effects, the nod to the makers of the past, and a great feel and tone make it a really fun watch. The fact that the main creation in the segment is a wonder of stop-motion, and it fits in rather than sticking out like a sore thumb. The other special effects aren't all that bad either. The zombie make-up looks really great. The gray skin on the face, the welts, the scarred appearance and the slow, stumbling walk create a really effective monster. The mood created during it's segment is also really great. The concept of the creatures resurrection is pretty believable and clever, the house for the main action is nicely designed with plenty of shock opportunities, and the fact that there's a couple of decent stalking scenes gives it a higher degree of suspense. The sequence in the bedroom is the best, being a great twist on a classic convention and really being the film's best sequence. Rivaling it for sheer fun is the cabin sequence, as it features a ton of gore, chainsaw dueling, dismembering, and a wild hallucination sequence that mix together so many elements that it really takes a life of it's own. The special effects in the final sequence are quite nicely designed, featuring some really graphic body melt-downs, scaring, hearts ripped out and much, much more in a really impressive sequence. The dream-like quality of the images is really effective, adding bizarre shots and ideas into the mix with the traditional horror elements present in the rest of the film. This is a really impressive film with lots to like about it.

The Bad News: There isn't a lot here that doesn't work in the film. The only thing that really seems off is the final segment, which is a little too dark for the rest of the film. The others are a light and cheesy, while it is a much more serious one with far less jokes and corn-ball attitude. It's also the most sluggishly paced, feeling a little too padded out and full of scenes there to increase running time. There's too much talking about possible scenarios without really doing anything about them. But other than those two minor affairs, this was really enjoyable.

The Final Verdict: This one was a really entertaining and very enjoyable film that really couldn't have been any better. The fact that this features so much entertaining and worthwhile scenes and ideas makes it an easy recommendation for just about any occasion or genre-fan, as something here will please everyone.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Full Nudity, Violence and a mild sex scene
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Finally out on video and worth the wait
horrorfilmx4 October 2006
This is an excellent low budget sci-fi/spoof shot in the wilds of New Jersey. Actually, many of the settings look quite opulent for such an inexpensive picture. It's very well shot on film (a rare thing among lower budgeted movies now that most are being shot on digital video) and acting, photography, and dialog are of a very high caliber. Mostly it's fun because of the retro effects (which fill the movie almost from start to finish) and imaginative production designs. Also unusual is the fact that many scenes feature almost no dialog at all, notably the opening scene (with the great Erin Brown, aka Misty Mundae) and several extended and surreal dream sequences. All in all very colorful and well worth a look.
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This was amazing. Bitter sweet right ! ?
darkoneskip10 March 2019
Tell you all roads were great and then we came on to an amazing END very funny how life imates art as art imates life. To see such a great film and to know how Misty was calling it quits. All the films they came from factory...days to shockorama ,video outlaw ,seduction. Was an amazing film. But ended a Alternative cinema era . Sad in retrospect So see this film to me wss one of the best . Cheers
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