Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) Poster

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A Delightfully Offbeat Comic Book Comedy
williampsamuel15 January 2015
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is probably as close as we'll come to having an experimental film released in theaters nationwide. This is one of the most innovative, original movies to come out in years. It's unlike anything I'd seen before. And yes, it is good, very good. I could not stop laughing the whole time.

Onto the plot. Scott is something of a loser. He's socially awkward. He shares a mattress in a bunker-like apartment in Toronto with a sarcastic gossip king. He's in a band called the Sex Bob-Ombs, but they're really not that great. He also has a clinging, hyperactive girlfriend, "Knives" who's only 17- kind of a big deal when he's 22. All this changes when he dreams of a purple haired girl on roller blades. The very next day he finds out that she's real; that her name is Ramona flowers and she's the cool new girl in town. His first attempt to hook up fails miserably. His second attempt, although even more lamed brained, actually works, and they're soon an item. But now comes the bad news; to win her love, Scott must defeat her seven evil ex's. He also has an evil ex of his own. Plus, there's the matter of breaking up with Knives, and the battle of the bands is coming up!

That's the setup, what follows is a hilarious romantic comedy punctuated by a series of completely over-the-top video game style fight scenes. Stylistically, I'd have to call them a cross between Sin City, Street Fighter and Viewtiful Joe. Each of the ex's has their own unique fighting style and their own super powers, such as vegan-powered telekinesis or summoning an army of stunt doubles. Often you hear martial arts movies criticized because the action is obviously computer aided. Here, that's the whole point.

The movie's humor comes not only from the sheer ridiculousness of the situations, but also from the characters' reactions to them. After one of the ex's has flown in through a brick wall and battled Scott in the middle of a concert, everyone is just kind of weirded out. They don't act like nothing has happened, which would make it hard for the audience to suspend their disbelief, nor do they run screaming for the police, which would only complicate matters.

Comedic effect is also generated through the use of deadpan dialog. For instance, when Knives confesses that she's never kissed a boy before, Scott replies, with a straight face "It's okay, neither have I." Or the band's self-introduction, "We're the Sex Bob-Ombs and we're here to make you all sad and depressed and stuff.

The movie also pokes gentle fun at hipster subculture with the way that Ramona has thirty plus flavors of tea, or how Scott's roommate is always texting. There are also quirky touches like one girl who can bleep herself out, much to Scott's amazement, and a scene when the intro from Seinfeld plays after the characters enter the apartment, and canned laughter follows every line.

The editing and structure are highly non-traditional, with heavy use of dreams, daydreams, montages, animated flashbacks and asides, and chapter titles introducing segments. The visuals are impressive and very imaginative, such as the way that flashes of color accompany the playing of any musical instrument, allowing you to see the sound. Speaking of which, the sound is another high point, not only the energetic, rock fueled sound track, but also the sound effects taken from classic games like Mario and Zelda.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World succeeds in telling an offbeat story, providing interesting characters, and in producing lots of laughs. Other than a couple of too-obvious puns, I honestly can't think of anything wrong with this movie. I would highly recommend it to anyone in their teens or twenties. Four stars.
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Wildly creative and fun...but probably NOT for all tastes...
planktonrules13 August 2010
"Scott Pilgrim" is one of the most creative, fresh and original films I have seen in ages, and because of that I was in absolute awe of the film. However, despite being a terrific film, I also understand that this is NOT a film that will appeal to everyone--in fact, it's probably one of the more polarizing films I have ever seen--you'll probably either love it or hate it. While I am NOT in the target demographic group (aged 15-30 and predisposed to loving graphic novels AND video games), I did enjoy it--and am probably the rare 40-something person who loved the film. What was different about me is that I am a geek (a definite plus), enjoy video games and have a rabid comic book fan for a daughter--so I understood many of the pop culture references throughout the film. But, if you are NOT a geek, hate video games and see graphic novels more as comic books, then the movie might be a chore to watch. Plus you might just feel ooky hanging out with geeks. Don't worry, they are almost all very nice people!

So what, other than originality, did I love about this film? Well, just about everything--and I seriously considered giving the film a 10--I liked it that much. Perhaps the best thing for me was casting of Michael Cera in the lead. Unlike the traditional super-hero, he is by far the geekiest and most likable main character I have seen. Seeing such a wimpy and unassuming guy become, out of no where, like a character from Mortal Combat was a wonderful juxtaposition--you just couldn't help but smile. And, despite his nerdy looks, he was winning as Scott Pilgram...and actually played the music his on-screen band played--now that's talent. Additionally, I loved the film's gentle sense of humor---I laughed harder at this film than any film I've seen in the theater in some time. I could try to describe these moments--you just need to see them for yourself. Odd references to games like DOA, Mortal Combat, Marvel Vs. Capcom and Zelda II were great--I caught on to those due to my own geeky background. And, my familiarity with anime/manga also made me laugh--as the hair, love for girls in school uniforms and style were often straight out of Japanese comics. And, I loved how the film made me love video games and was simply much, much more fun that the original "Tron" (which I always felt was too dry--perhaps the new version will correct this).

Clever, wonderful and strange, this film is the geek's dream come true...and not a film to be missed. However, if you aren't a geek or are perhaps too old to get the pop references, I say take along an interpreter--many comic book nerds and couch potatoes would be glad to go with you and help explain things...provided you pay for the tickets.

Among the nearly 9000 reviews I have now done on IMDb, this ranks in the hallowed ranks of a very small group of movies that transcended the pack due to its utter weirdness. It's surreal and weird--and I think this makes it very special. For other films that fall into this category, try "The Happiness of the Katikuris", "Delicatessen", "Yes Nurse, No Nurse", "Tatie Danielle" and "Tampopo"--all truly unique, surreal and fabulous films.
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Edgar Wright vs the World
questl-185923 January 2020
There is no other movie quite like Scott Pilgrim. It's like watching a comic book video game put to screen. The action is insane, over the top and super high energy with wonderfully creative framing and visual cues.

Going back and watching it again, it's amazing how many people are in this before they were huge. Brie Larson, Chris Evans, Anna Kendrick just to name a few. The visuals still hold up, as does the pointed commentary on hipsters.

Great music, great action, great performances. It's all around a fantastic experience. The only real downside to me is that it's based on something with a lot of content and in an effort to put a lot in here there are some moments that feel... Off. Areas where the graphic novel likely went into great detail yet the movie has to just sort of pop it in and run with it. These are mostly minor but it still prevents this from being absolutely perfect.
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Imdbidia15 April 2011
Scott Pilgrim versus the World is a Canadian romantic comedy and musical based on the comic books by Bryan Lee O'Malley. Scott Pilgrim is a 22y.o teen-age-looking insecure guy and guitarist who plays in a rock band called Sex Bom-omb and is going out with a minor high-school Chinese girl, Knives. He seems content until he has a dream about a girl. She happens to appear in his real world in the form of Ramona, the ever-changing-hair-colour American recently moved to Toronto. Scott is over the moon, but he has to face his own personal demons, break up with sweet Knives and fight for Ramona's love against her seven exes.

Scott Pilgrim is one of the most refreshing teen-sophomore movies produced in the last years, and one the best movies of 2010. The movie is cute, funny, entertaining, has great characters, a terrific soundtrack and stunning visuals. The story is presented as in a video-game in which the main characters are the players, and their lives is the game. The issues regarding relationships are masqueraded by the video-game approach, but they have depth. Unlike many other movies focusing on the emotional challenges of very young people, sex is not the focus, although it does not avoid it either. The movie focus on how difficult is to make a relationship work when you fall in love whit people who already have an emotional baggage and you are insecure about yourself. Scott's fights against Ramona's exes are just a metaphoric way of putting it. Moreover, the emotions of the girl are not the focus here, but the emotions of a young man who is not obsessed with sex. How do you get a girl who has an emotional baggage when you are not an over-confident guy, your dream girl is uber-cool, and her exes were brilliant guys? The good thing is that any of this is boringly presented. On the contrary, the movie is lots of fun and does not take itself seriously.

All the actors are great in their roles: Michael Cera as Scott, Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona Flowers, Ellen Wong as Knives Chau; Mark Webber, Johnny Simmons and Alison Pill as the other band members Stephen, Young and Kim. Kieran Culkin is Scott's confident grounded gay Wallace Wells, Anna Kendrick as the know it all Scott's sister Stacey, and Jason Schwartzman as the revolting Gideon Graves. However, Cera really shines in this movie, in part because his physique really portraits the character from the start.

The visuals of the movie are stunning, the camera's movement, the video-game and comic use of the screen adding to the freshness and originality of the film. The fights wit the exes are extremely funny and witty. I specially liked the fight with the Vegan ex-boyfriend, which is hilarious. Also visually stunning is the musical competition between Scott's rock band and the techno Asian twins band.

The music is truly terrific. An extra bonus to a great script.

Scott Pilgrim vs the Wold movie is not only well done but done with passion, a project cherished by the whole team and by director Edgar Wright.

The movie has freshness, soul and a special something that stays with you longer after you've seen it! It is miles away from any other young people romantic comedy lately made.
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Great style
SnoopyStyle14 October 2013
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) is a slacker hipster in a garage band who's dating high school girl Knives Chau (Ellen Wong). He is self-absorbed and willing to abandon Knives as soon as he meets Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Before Scott can date Ramona, he must defeat her seven exes.

Scott is a douche. The biggest problem for me is his unlikeability. It runs counter to Cera's usual good guy persona. Everybody is blasé and sarcastic which get some good laughs.

The best thing about this is the 80s video game visual motif. Edgar Wright brings a fresh hip-without-the-irony sensibility. It also uses Toronto not as New York or as anything other than Toronto. It's refreshing and unique in a world where almost everything is a sequel.
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Epic indeed
Crys383-324 July 2010
The tagline for this film is "An Epic of Epic Epicness" and I couldn't agree more. After waiting in line for 3 hours after last night's Comic-Con and finally being sat in the gorgeous Balboa Theater, I didn't know what to expect. I loved the comics and the previews looked faithful. The moment the movie starts (literally; the Universal logo and theme are 8-bit) you are thrown into a comic book atmosphere with video game references aplenty.

The plot revolves around Scott Pilgrim needing to defeat the 7 Evil Exes of Ramona Flowers in order to date her and it is a harrowing sequence of battles. Each fight is crazier than the last and some are used purely for comedy, not excitement. Almost every other line is a punchline and they all work. References to TV shows, video games and comics (just like a 20-something's life would include) are everywhere and if you accept the concept of the plot, it all feels natural.

While the audience might've been biased (we held a 10-minute standing ovation for Edgar Wright when the movie finished) there's no denying that it's an excellent film. Edgar Wright has an uncanny sense of comic timing with edits and sound cues to make the picture tight and focused when it's looking for laughs.

I can't imagine a mainstream theater erupting in applause and laughter like ours did but make no mistake; this a crowd pleaser and the MOST enjoyable film I've seen in years. Don't hesitate to watch this masterpiece in a theater near you.
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Scott should had stuck with Knives
Prismark1015 August 2015
I guess I am not the age demographic that this film is based at but I liked it. My daughter loves it, she even made me by her the DVD.

Scott Pilgrim is a magical realism/fantasy teen comedy with pop art video game visuals. Deep in its heart its just a hip, flashy teen romantic comedy.

Edgar Wright better known as the director of the Cornetto Trilogy adapts this comic book series like it was an edgy fast paced pseudo Japanese video game.

Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) plays bass in his garage rock band Sex Bob-omb who meets his dream girl Ramona Flowers (Elizabeth Mary Winstead) who is new in town. However he is soon pursued by Ramona's seven evil exes who all challenge Scott Pilgrim to a duel and Scott needs to keep them in check with his zaps and zingers Streetfighter style.

Cera has the right balance of geeky, slacker dude, Canadian hipster charm as Scott Pilgrim who is very likable even though he quickly ditched High School student Knives for Ramona.

The Evil Exes are a colourful bunch with some star names amongst them. Chris Evans is a skateboarding movie star whose entrance is accompanied with the Universal Pictures theme tune. Jason Schwartzman is a megalomaniac record producer. Brandon Routh is a pretentious vegan rock star with the ability to fly just like Superman.

There is a lot of scene stealing in this film like Kieran Culkin as Scott's sneaky gay roommate, Anna Kendrick as Scott's sister and particularly Ellen Wong as Knives the slightly too young ditched girlfriend who is still loyal to Scott.

I actually found this to be a fast moving, quirky, rocking, enjoyable comedy drama.
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Something unusually great
wilderblue20059 December 2010
I came to this films with no preconceptions of it as a movie and I have to say I am glad. I guess I was expecting another Michael Cera movie about some dopey kid in love. And thats what it is ... but done in a unusually great way. For anyone under 25 brought up on gaming (I am 30 and not) this will be just brilliant. The style of the movie with its "end of level baddies", game-play set-up and visuals are a welcome and refreshing twist on what could have been a hum-drum movie. The music rocked, the comedy was fast, slick and laugh out loud ... I'd definitely recommend this to my friends looking for something that little bit special.
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I didn't even know there was good music until like two months ago!
sharky_5515 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The extent of the comic book influence in Ang Lee's Hulk were lines intersecting and dividing the frame into panels just like the source material would. Not exactly a novel or inspired idea, and it added exactly zero to an already mediocre film. Scott Pilgrim is another one of those rare occasions where merely adapting a comic's story is not enough; the essence of comic books and their unique elements must be integrated into the film itself. Are these decisions fully justified? Many of the effects, while pretty and neat, don't contribute a whole lot, but are there to satiate the fans of the source material and those familiar with comic book tropes; flashy visualisations of sound effects (the crash bangs, bells ringing, bass notes), presenting conversations by splitting the frame instead of your conventional shot reverse shot, text boxes with introductory information, and so on. There are a few instances of Wright's innovation with these elements - a powered up Todd demonstrating his strength by smashing Scott through the panel's barrier comes to mind. But most of it is just unnecessary nonsense.

The film also lifts liberally from video-game mechanics. The plot itself is positioned like a game's plot; seven exes, or bosses, each with their own special abilities and backstories, needing to be defeated to gain the final prize. The action sequences are delightfully exaggerated as they would be if you were controlling Scott as the protagonist and hero; appropriately timed speed ramping, flashy power-up effects, the aspect ratio shrinking and enlarging to capture the intensity of a critical hit. But to what extent do flashy effects cover up the lacklustre narrative that indulges them? I guess it's cool to add a glowing sword and tell us Scott's stat increases at a crucial part of his growth; he gains the powers of love, and then later self-respect. What this does, however, is make his characterisation almost entirely reliant on these gimmicks and prevent the film from truly getting to the heart of its characters and motivations. Could you ever imagine Citizen Kane with a little bar at the bottom of the screen that indicated Kane's level of regret?

What Wright does is cover almost every facet of his film with a visual gimmick or effect so that the actual characters are scarcely allowed to breathe. Much of the humour comes from the script rather than the characters; when Scott breathlessly indicates his willingness to do "all of the drugs" to impress Ramona, all it sounds like is an actor reciting a line. Cera taps into his usual persona; the quiet, unassuming teenager who speaks almost exclusively in deadpan, so it seems baffling that so many girls could ever be attracted to him. The same applies to Ramona Flowers, the self-described Manic Pixie Dream Girl: she claims "I change my hair every week and a half, dude. Get used to it." as if this is a substitute for an actual personality. Winstead is pretty and has an air of vague vulnerability to her, but Ramona is nothing more than an airy plot device to serve Scott's coming-of-age story.

The worst offender is the seventeen year old Chinese schoolgirl named 'Knives Chau', who speaks and acts like she has jumped straight out of a nerd's wet-dream. Wong does a brilliant job, nevertheless - Knives is ever smiling, bouncing and on Scott's arm, like a girlfriend created in a lab (or a video-game), and conveniently does not ever seem to notice or address any of his flaws. In the end, she is tossed aside for the happy hopeful ending, and the film cares more about their synchronised jump-kicks than Scott's quick apology. This is the crux of the film's problem; there is clearly an arc written for Scott's redemption, to realise the error of his ways, his selfishness and the self-doubt that comes with the constant comparison and clashing with Ramona's exes. But it is all hidden under intentional silliness and camp, and when we try to closely scrutinise his actions, they don't make any sense. Scott finally gains enough self-respect to stop measuring himself next to the exes, and meaninglessly chase a pretty enigma. But it turns out that his dickishness didn't have any consequences at all; Knives is still the bouncing stereotype that is more than happy to endorse the dream pair, and Ramona is there to welcome him with open arms. It goes for the cool ending, instead of one bound by common sense.
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I really wanted to love it. But I can barely even bring myself to like it.
jaysilentbob3729 August 2010
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World has made me question just how well I fit in with my generation. According to other members of my generation, it is the movie to end all movies, and the best movie... I'm sorry... most EPIC movie ever. I'm partial to The Godfather myself. Scott Pilgrim is a film that I was looking forward to as Michael Cera has made me laugh numerous times in the past, and Edgar Wright is easily one of the more talented newer directors working today. Combined with the eye-popping visual effects, I couldn't see how these things could add up to anything less than a fun and entertaining film. Fun, to a point. Entertaining? Well...

Scott Pilgrim's first problem is the plot. The plot is self-conscious and repetitive, as well as overly laid back and easygoing. Scott Pilgrim has to defeat his new girlfriend's seven evil ex's. That's the whole plot, and at no point do we get the sense that anything is at stake for these characters. I know that probably shouldn't matter in an effects-driven popcorn movie, but with nothing to root for, or no suspense of any kind, I found the film to get boring after the first thirty minutes. That is approximately when the first evil ex shows up. They fight. He defeats him easily. Too easily. The fight isn't all that exciting as a result. And with six of these to go, the movie became a tedious experience before it was even halfway over.

Not to say the film doesn't have it's good points. Michael Cera, though not as witty as he can be, is still somewhat likable. And while the script lacks structure of any kind, it is jam- packed with hilariously quirky dialogue and brilliant sight gags. The filmmaking is generally good throughout, and as a director Edgar Wright hasn't lost his talent. Unfortunately, the poor storyline ultimately overshadowed these elements for me.

Maybe it's because I don't play video games. Maybe I just need to read the comics. Or maybe I'm just becoming less fun of a person as I mature. I want to like this movie and take the same joy from it that my generation does, but I simply can't. I'll stick to films with stories and social relevance and enjoy being the outcast. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World gets a generous 5/10 because I feel giving it anything lower would just make me look bitter.
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Edgar Wright's precious little movie
DonFishies28 July 2010
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) is a twenty-something slacker living in Toronto, who basically leeches off his friends. Despite being in a "relationship" with Knives Chau (Ellen Wong), he keeps dreaming about another girl. He quickly finds out this dream girl, Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), is actually quite real, and decides to pursue her. But before they can truly become the couple Scott hopes for, he has to defeat her seven evil exes.

I did not think it was possible, but Edgar Wright has fairly successfully brought Bryan Lee O'Malley's epic graphic novel series to the big screen in the most uniquely entertaining way possible. It is his first adapted work, but it feels every bit as fresh (I use that word very loosely) as Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz did upon their initial releases. It deviates from the books a bit (much like Matthew Vaughn's excellent adaptation of Kick-Ass earlier this year), but the majority of the film stays true to the series and gives the fans everything they might expect from a Scott Pilgrim film. Right after the film opening with an 8-bit Universal logo and score, you know you are in for a treat.

What propels Wright's epic and inspired vision is the editing style. All of the little idiosyncrasies, background/foreground items and ideas, everything that made O'Malley's books so revered in the graphic novel community are all in full force here. Some shots in the trailers suggest the comic book-style feel of the film, with the sounds of the actions appearing as words on-screen and the video game-related pop-ups appearing the same way they would in the game. But that is only the start. The entire film is filled with them, and with references to numerous pop culture entities (specifically video games), to the point that it looks and sounds like a ridiculously enhanced motion comic or game. Add to that the quick cuts and multiple panel style of the format, and you have the closest film representation of a comic since Robert Rodriguez attacked Frank Miller's Sin City.

Even with all the nods and references to the original work, Wright's film still feels very much his own work. He makes Scott Pilgrim's epic quest to defeat Ramona's exes into an understated work you will likely not see replicated too soon. After seeing Christopher Nolan's Inception just under a week ago, I did not think that mainstream Hollywood would release something so blazingly original and something so astonishly unique so close together. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is not nearly as strong a film as Nolan's masterpiece is, but Wright has clearly given it his all here. He has sidestepped away from following the lead of other comic book/graphic novel-style films, and has created something he can truly be proud of. The visuals on display are simply remarkable, and are worth the price of a ticket all on their own. The musical choices are even better. If you have seen the trailers, you are merely only getting a hint for what Wright has in store for you here.

If I do have an issue, it is that the film is a little too exposition-heavy in the first half, and way too jumpy in the second. It never loses its tone or its style, but it becomes all too blatantly obvious where the books stop and the deviation begins. The pacing here is also a touch off, and on further research, thoroughly suggests there is material missing or altered from the final cut of the film. I understand that Wright and his co-writer Michael Bacall wanted to set-up the story and where it plans on going for the few who venture into the film without having read a single issue, but there is too much detail given in those early scenes, and not enough to pivotal moments later in the film.

Another gripe, although it is one I hope will be less bothersome on repeat viewings, is that a good chunk of the characters feel incredibly underused. The books are stacked to the brim with an eclectic mix of supporting characters, who are present in the film, but they feel very stunted and get absolutely no development. Kim Pine (Alison Pill) is a very important character in the books, but she merely appears in the background here and delivers some of the best dialogue. Wallace Wells (the absolutely incredible scene-stealer Kieran Culkin) is the moral centre and source of an incredible amount of exposition, but he is barely in the film after the first half. Envy Adams (Brie Larson) almost feels like an extended cameo as opposed to an indispensible figure in Scott's character development. But then, Chris Evans, Brandon Routh and especially Jason Schwartzman all deliver stunning performances as three of Ramona's exes, despite the lack of time on-screen.

Cera on the other hand, is perfect as Pilgrim. The character plays a little too close to his stereotypical neurotic and off-centre archetype, but it works out beautifully here. He makes the character real, and brings a depth to Scott Pilgrim that no other young actor could. He has the right look and the right sound down pat. It was a little weird to see him get so physical in some sequences, but this is a vintage fit for Cera. Although they are downplayed more than I liked, Winstead and Wong are great as Ramona and Knives. They both have a certain edge throughout the film, and even at its most ridiculous, deliver strong performances. It helps too that they have insanely good chemistry with Cera.

I jumped at the idea of an advanced screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and I do not regret seeing the film in the slightest. It is a bit of a niche movie, but it is one that is lovingly made through and through.


(An extended review also appeared on
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One of Edgar Wrights finest
morganqwerty22 June 2010
I was lucky enough too see this film during a test preview to an audience that weren't told what we were about too see. I was honestly expecting some odd film that really needed a lot of help but i was pleasantly surprised with how great this movie was.

The movie had everyone laughing, and i mean everyone, I've been too almost every Wright film and somehow the audience wasn't as amused as i was, but this time everyone loved it. I've never heard so much laughter in one cinema.

The jokes were fast and although silly, they weren't stupid which made for quite an enjoyable film. Wright's trademark quick cuts, and simple comedy made this film, i personally think if it were directed by anyone else it wouldn't have had the same effect.

The characters were well written and performed, every individual character fitted perfectly. The film had many scenes that were quite pointless but still quite funny for example the Seinfeld scene.

Apparently its based on a comic book series? I've never heard of them before but i certainly will look out for them now. If you're a fan of Edgar Wrights films or just good silly humour you will love this film.

Great comedy, definitely the best of 2010 8/10 Morgan
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Visually impressive, though lacking in its script
Wizard-826 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have a feeling that many young people would go ape for "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World". It involves both young people, and its video game elements will be greatly appealing to youths. However, I think older people (like myself) will be somewhat let down by the movie.

Before I get to criticizing the movie, let me say that I did feel the movie had SOME positive elements. The visual effects are top notch, successfully crossing live action with what you might see in a video game. There are also a lot of small touches here and there that are amusing, like defeated opponents transforming into coins.

The visual look of the movie combined with those small touches ALMOST makes up for the flaws in the movie. The source of all the flaws is the same: the script. The script is really inadequate in a number of areas. The biggest flaw is that except for the character of Knives, NONE of the characters are sympathetic or appealing. They come across as thoughtless and kind of dumb, especially the title figure. Another script problem is that much of the movie consists of it repeating several times stuff that has already happened. The movie becomes monotonous after a while. Also, the ending is very frustrating, with Scott (in my opinion) choosing the wrong person to be with.

I have not read the graphic novel series this movie is based on, but my guess is based on its length, a LOT of character development and story was cut out in order to make the movie last a little under two hours. So if you have a choice, I would advise you read the multi-part graphic novel instead of seeing this movie.
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Horrible morals, cool execution
Vartiainen5 December 2012
I recognize and admit that this is a good film, arguably even a great one. It has a very unique sense of humour, a visual style that's one of the few I've seen that manages to capture the essence of comic books and a character cast that's certainly memorable if not identifiable. That being said, I still loath this film. I do not like it. However, I have given it seven out of ten, because I can admit that the reason I don't like this film has nothing to do with its quality. Rather I hate its roster of characters, especially the main cast, and its morals.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a movie about a young man. The youngster in question isn't even that interesting. He's in a band, sure, but otherwise he's kind of a wimp. The kind of a nerd that other nerds will feel superior towards. Plus he's kind of an asshole, cheating behind the backs of his girlfriends just because he's too much of a coward or perhaps just too lazy to break up with them. He's not an admirable man, yet the whole movie revolves around him and his decisions. His "heroics". Now, some might claim that Scott is a perfect main character because of this, because he's the perfect everyman. Perhaps a bit of a pessimistic version of one, but still, he's very bland and normal, only the circumstances into which he is thrust upon are extraordinary. I however argue that a) he's an asshole and not at all likable, and b) movie's are supposed to inspire us, to show us something that we don't see in our everyday life.

At this point someone will argue that not every film has to be all about moral triumph and the nobleness of human mind. And that person would be right. I'm not claiming that my viewpoints have any kind of superiority here, they're only my personal take on this film. But I think that my viewpoints have relevance as they're one way to look at this film, a rather rare way from what I've gathered, but a way nonetheless. And sometimes the more extreme opinions, the rarer ones, are the ones worth sharing.

But as I've said, this is not a bad film. It has style, its actions scenes are some of the best there are, its dialogue is very fast-paced and brimmed with jokes and double meanings. And while I think that most characters in this film aren't pretty loathsome human beings, I cannot claim that they do not feel realistic. Their behaviour is sometimes very outlandish and caricature-like, but beneath all that they're still just like people that I've met and known in real life. The morals and worldviews of this film are pretty horrible, but perhaps the reason I hate the film so much is because the message hits so close to home. It's quite possible that I just don't want to face the truth.

So yeah, in the end I feel that I have to recommend this film to you. I personally don't like it, but it's just me. Love it or hate it, you at least owe it to yourselves to see this film and form your own opinions.
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7,000,000 points for this movie: comic KO!
Quinoa198412 August 2010
Edgar Wright just keeps getting better as a director, and his latest offering after the good Shaun of the Dead and better Hot Fuzz is a kind of super-speed-surrealist take on young love and imagined video-game battles. It's a geek-storm of comedy, the kind of effort that we don't get too often in movies that are dictated down by committee and tested so much for laugh ratios. There are so many things that go on in a scene in this film that some of it will pass by your head. Or maybe not; maybe it's just the right tone for a combo platter of comic-book/anime/manga/8-bit-to-PS3-video-game movie that knows itself and knows its intended audience so well that it can be so POP in its sensibility. This is a super-comedy, suffused in melodramatic romance and fiery action, for people who still wonder what it's like to be surprised at the movies.

I wish I could contain my enthusiasm for the movie enough, but it's hard to do. Wright pulls off such a high-wire act, the likes of which take me back several years ago to Kill Bill Vol. 1, or to comedy masters like Mel Brooks. The filmmaker just *gets* it, how to pull off material that is nothing too new but with an original eye and perspective for what's funny. And in this story- of Scott Pilgrim, a "hipster" with a band (of course) dating a 17 year-old Catholic high school Asian girl named Knives (of course) and who falls for another hipster girl, Ramona Flowers (beautiful Mary Winstead) who dyes her hair every several days and has seven (give or take one or two) evil ex- boyfriends (and a girlfriend) to fight to the death- the intensity and energy goes hand-in-OMFG-hand with the subject matter.

But what's even more impressive, as it was also with Hot Fuzz, is how much affection Wright really has for not just his source material, but how people who dig the culture and nature of it so much. He clearly does enjoy what's hip in music, video games, clothes, hair, action movies and kung-fu fights, but also knows how to satirize it until it bleeds its own blood. And boy does he get some juicy satire here, always in the name of good fun and, indeed, some melodrama. As Scott (Michael Cera in a kind of amalgam of his on-screen persona to a perfect nth degree) goes through these evil ex's, each with their own "quirks" and super-powers, such as one being an egotistical movie-star jerk and mega- Vegan (Chris Evans and Brandon Routh respectively, also both brilliant), we see how his character does go through an arc, that it's not all just fun and games. If a video game like No More Heroes took the perfectly- confused love tale of (500) Days of Summer, it might look like this... kinda.

What it comes down to is that for everything that is familiar, even down to the coins doing their EXPLOSION on the ground after a baddie dies, or how rock bands awesomely suck so much that they become awesome again, this is shot and scored and performed like nothing else you've seen this year, or most years. Wright keeps throwing things at the audience, and knows (or hopes) they'll keep up. At the same time it never bores with its (::I snap fingers::) rhythm, and, and if a joke doesn't fly to the sky it still gives some chuckles or belly laughs. Lines are instantly quotable, and one can't wait to tell friends and others about this character or this shot or punch, or how Jason Schwartzman reacts when he swallows his gum. It's a radioactive treasure trove of romantic comedy, blazing action, random beats, well-timed reactions and physical gestures, awkward longing, and lots of kick-ass rock songs.

In other words, if you dig it, it will be the cult movie of your time. If not... move along, or FIGHT in the arena! A+
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"Vegon! Be gone!!!"
Mash-the-stampede17 August 2010
"Scott pilgrim vs The World"...or more suitably "Scott Pilgrim vs The 7 super-powered evil Ex's" (doesn't quite have the same ring to it) is a hyper-active action comedy extravaganza perfect for today's A.D.D. generation of short attention spans! The fast-paced action-packed visual style of the film and it's humorous, witty and catchy one-liner dialogue will keep anyone with a Goldfish's attention span up-right in their seats, drool leaking from their mouths and eyes firmly planted on the screen for the full duration of the film!

Geeks, nerds or just anyone with too much time on their hands and lack of social-life will delight in the many video game and pop-culture references spliced throughout the film. The films slick editing and cartoon/comic book visual style is superbly executed and despite the film being outlandishly random, it all seems to make perfect sense in the fictional world it is weaved in.

Michael Cera plays a slight variant on his "Arrested Development" persona as the title character, Scott Pilgrim - a nerdy, awkward bass player and video game enthusiast who's had his fair share of bad luck with the ladies. Yet the real star of the film has to be Kieran Culkin as 'Wallace Wells', Scott's gay room-mate. He is hilarious and gets all the films best lines. I couldn't help think throughout the film just how much he resembles Mike Patton! If they ever do a film on 'FNM' - they should most definitely cast Kieran as Patton!!! The music is also pretty good and all the tracks performed by Scott's band; "Sex Bob-Omb" were suitably composed and arranged by the genre bending artist 'Beck'.

Though it may not be everyone's cup of tea (herbal/green/sleep, etc) - the film never ceases to entertain and it's humour, stylised visuals and fight scenes pack more punch than most films out this year (excluding 'Expendables' which I have not yet seen). There are also some amusing cameos thrown in as a bonus in an amusing scene involving 'Vegans'!
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Most enjoyable film I've seen (so far) this year!
ajs-1028 August 2010
I heard many good things about this movie before I went to see it. Even so, I didn't go in with too many expectations… I wasn't disappointed. This was probably the most enjoyable movie I've seen so far this year. I walked out of the cinema with a smile on my face and there was even a spring in my step as I went over the preceding 112 minutes in my mind.

Scott Pilgrim is a 22 year-old living in Toronto, Canada with his gay flatmate, Wallace Wells. Scott plays bass in a band called Sex Bob-Omb which consists of Scott (of course), Kim Pine on drums, Stephen Stills on lead vocals and guitar and Young Neil as hanger-on. The band has ambitions to be famous and so have a gig coming up at a Battle of the Bands show. At the start of the film he is dating a seventeen year old schoolgirl called Knives Chau. Things seem to be going along quite well until Scott has a vision of a girl called Ramona Flowers. He becomes besotted by her and they end up hanging out together and eventually dating. Unfortunately Scott soon learns that if he wants to date Ramona he must first defeat her seven evil exe's! Can Scott defeat these evil exe's and win Ramona? What will Knives think of his infidelity? All these questions and many more remain to be answered… until you've seen the film of course.

As I said at the beginning, this was probably the most enjoyable film I've watched so far this year. I found the quirky mix of live action with comic book elements quite refreshing and it gave the film an interesting look and feel that I liked a lot! Great performances all round, especially from Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim, Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona Flowers, Kieran Culkin as Wallace Wells, Mark Webber as Stephen Stills, Alison Pill as Kim Pine and Ellen Wong as Knives Chau.

This will most certainly feature in my best of the year awards in December. It did start to lose me a bit towards the end, but I won't hold that against it. A really well made film which deserves the praise it has got (IMO). Well worth the entrance fee and very highly recommended.

My score: 8.3/10
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Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
auuwws7 February 2021
A very interesting movie I really enjoyed watching, my best character in the movie was Wallace, while the worst character was the Chinese girl, it was very annoying, the fights were fun, I felt that the movie was directed at me, I recommend watching it
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Pretty Good Comic Book/Videogame Film!
gwnightscream13 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Ellen Wong and Kieran Culkin star in this 2010 action-comedy based on the comics/graphic novels. Cera (Superbad) plays the title role of Scott, a nerdy, American teen who plays in a band with his pals and is trying to get over a recent break-up with a girl. He starts dating Asian girl, Knives (Wong), but eventually falls for other girl, Ramona (Winstead) and tries to break it off with knives. Scott learns that Ramona has 7 ex-lovers he must battle with if he wants to stay with her. Culkin (Home Alone) plays Scott's gay roommate, Wallace. Chris Evans (Captain America), Brandon Routh (Superman Returns), Brie Larson (21 Jump Street) and Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect) also appear. This is a pretty good film that pokes fun/pays tribute to comic books and videogames. The cast is decent and there's neat effects. Check this one out at least once.
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It's so intent on being hipster cool that it forgets about keeping it real
Likes_Ninjas9029 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) is in his early twenties and has started dating a girl named Knives Chau (Ellen Wong) who is still in high school. The news circulates around all of his friends including his gay roommate Wallace (Kieran Culkin) and his nosey sister Stacey (Anna Kendrick). At first Scott enjoys the company of Knives. She watches his band play during their practice sessions. At a party though Scott meets who he believes is the girl of his dreams in Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). He opts to go out with Ramona instead and decides to breakup with Knives. Yet when his band is performing at a gig, Scott is confronted by one of Ramona's seven ex-boyfriends. This leads to a series of video game style fight sequences where Scott must take on each of Ramona's exes, many of which have superhuman powers of their own and defeat them so he can date her properly.

Although Scott Pilgrim vs. the World has been adapted from a 2004 graphic novel series, it is to a fault like a computer game. It's been directed by Edgar Wright, who previously worked on Shaun of the Dead (2004) and Hot Fuzz (2007). He has chosen to shoot the film with an overwhelming number of visual tricks that look to have come straight from the graphic novel source and the arcades machines. When someone knocks on Scott's door the onomatopoeic words appear on the screen. When Scott kisses Ramona tiny hearts trickle out between them. During the fight scenes icons popup to reveal Scott's high scores, like an arcade game. But Wright seems too excited by these gimmicks and they are used too frequently. Rather than being charming little treats for the audience, they quickly become excessive. The film's rapid pacing is also problematic. As the director and one of the film's screenwriters Wright seems highly intent on moving through the film's opening quarter as quickly as possible, with rapid cutting hurling the audience from one scene to another. Given the speed of the first act and the array of video game aesthetics thrown in, the rest of the film desperately lacks urgency. It fires all its shots at once and then there is no momentum to build upon with any of the fight scenes, leaving the movie at a monotone rate. Scott Pilgrim already knows how to fight too so there is no character development or exposition here either. Each fight sequence feels no more significant than the last. It makes for extremely repetitive viewing, with at least three exes too many and just not enough substance.

Michael Cera has potential as a comic actor but the script here does not allow him to develop anything new beyond his trademark dopey persona. Given how engaging he has been in films like Juno (2007), it is surprising how dislikeable he is here. The way that he treats Knives and gets away with it makes him less appealing as a protagonist. It does not help that Cera is forced to deliver dialogue that is entirely self- conscious in its attempts to be hip. No one has anything interesting or funny to say here. When his sister Stacey asks him if he really thought that he had a future with Ramona he replies thickly: "Like with jetpacks?" There is an overdose of style here and not an ounce of sincerity. A lot of the other performers are wasted too. Anna Kendrick, a talented actress from films like Twilight and Up in the Air (2009), is barely seen and no matter how cool and alternative Winstead's hair looks her character is still underwritten. It's disappointing that the exes fail to reveal anything about her past. Jason Schwartzman has only a small role as the film's central baddie and it would have been nice to see more of him in the film because he is a regularly enjoyable talent on-screen.

Despite the efforts of director Edgar Wright to bombard the audience with an array of visual tricks, there is little by way of substance to be found in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Its computer game counterpart probably soars on its artistic flair but this film disregards too many of the basics of screen writing. It's pacing runs on a single, exhausting note and does not give enough urgency to the repetitive fight sequences. The lack of a substantial narrative here diminishes any possible depth the performances might have had too. It's so intent on being hipster cool that it forgets about keeping it real. Exit game.
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Excellent, Brilliant !!!!!!! REFRESHING
guapog18 August 2010
This is truly a brilliant, refreshing movie. I must say that I didn't quite know what to expect but except that I thought this movie was for teenagers and I was terribly wrong.

I am 40 years old and I TRULY enjoyed this movie and it had a clear story line that targeted more than just teenagers. In addition, I saw every age group, race, gender in the screening that I attended which was impressive and we all were jumping and laughing at every scene as if we were all teenagers.

I truly left the movie saying that " I cant wait to see more films put out by "Oni Productions/Closed on Mondays ". Well done !!!!!
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One of the best video game movies ever made... and it's based on a graphic novel!
bobscott28 July 2010
For starters, I'll say that I have read the first few graphic novels in the Scott Pilgrim series by Bryan Lee O'Malley and had seen a couple of trailers, so I thought that I had some idea what to expect as I went to a pre-release screening in Omaha. Still, my expectations were blown away. To bring such content to the big screen from a graphic novel is always a challenge, and with the content being so video-game centric, perhaps even more so. However, Edgar Wright clearly overcame the challenge with great casting, good pacing, and what I can only call appropriate special effects.

From the appearance of the Universal logo and music at the beginning all the way to the end (well, the start of the credits, at least), I found the movie an incredibly fun experience, with many laughs at sight gags, one-liners, and the random geekery that the people who made the film obviously knew that their target audience would be looking for. Additionally, a good soundtrack surrounds much of the on-screen action.

I know that there are people who just think that Michael Cera is the worst thing since unsliced bread, and these are people who should clearly avoid this film for the sole reason that it contains Michael Cera. I think he works well in this role. There are times where the actor can make or break a film, but I don't see Cera breaking this film.

Scott Pilgrim probably won't be breaking any box office records, but I'd like to think that word of mouth can help this film get the attention it deserves from the audiences that would most appreciate it, which would be those who enjoy classic video game culture and the interesting characters in this film who live in a world which many a Nintendo Power subscriber could only dream of.

Just don't go in thinking you're going to see Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz, as you'll likely be disappointed. This is a very different film, but I would say that it's trying to have as much fun as either of Wright's other two most popular films.
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Supernerd strikes again
Chris Knipp14 August 2010
The premise is this: Scott is a 22-year-old bass player in a terrible Toronto band. He falls for a "dangerously fashionable, roller blading delivery girl" with punk hair called Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), an American transplant who "starts cruising through his dreams and sailing by him at parties." He's smitten. His cheery band-groupie high school girlfriend ("and she's Chinese") Knives Chau (Ellen Wong) becomes irrelevant. The cool Ramona likes Scott too. But it turns out he must fight off Ramona's seven "evil exes." This iron-clad, if inexplicable, rule is going to shape all the reels to come.

The dialogue is witty and smart, especially at first. A lot of cartoonish, video game captions in the air ("Pow," "thunk," etc.) and other devices like scores and labels for new characters increase the feeling that this is a lively and quick-witted movie for and about the video game, texting, Facebook generation. Scott's intro line with Ramona is a silly factoid about the origins of the name Pac-Man, a bit of gaucherie he later denies. Cera has cool, quick delivery and good timing, which also help. So does the presence of Kieran Culkin (also a child star, from a child star family) as Scott's sarky, more mature gay roommate Wallace.

Kieran Culkin is aging convincingly. But Cera, what of him? The androgynous, squeaky-voiced Canadian has been acting since he was eleven: he's a pro. Paradoxically, he projects his insecure young men roles with utter ease and confidence: there's got to be an element of the passive-aggressive in this whole nerd-superman concept. Though Cera's character is 22, and seems to have had a string of girlfriends, it's logical that Scott's dating a high school girl. Cera seemed fresh and charming in his first big roles. He can project a wistful, romantic quality that came through nicely in 'Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.' Now he seems to be playing roles tailored exclusively for him, like 'Youth in Revolt,

based on a not-very-profound series of young adult novels (contrast the tougher, more honest writing of S.E. Hinton that produced a quartet of classic Eighties youth pictures). Youth in Revolt wound up rather limp as a movie -- and began to show Cera's lack of range, which is not disguised by the massive use of loud fast CGI for his duels with ex-boyfriends of his girlfriend here.

Actually in 'Scott Pilgrim' Ramona is the character who seems most real. Winstead's speech sounds more sincere and less arch than anybody else's. Her character perhaps is so cool she need not put spin on her words.

"They make movies in Toronto?" So goes one of many cute throwaway lines in a movie that before it's burned up its cred brings many smiles, and plenty of full-on laughs too.

But then 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World's' fortunes go south. Strangely, this little indie comedy turns into a noisy CGI-ridden feast of pointless violence that makes you want to hold your ears and look at your watch. Why does this happen? One reason is that Edgar Wright, the director, hitherto renowned for the already classic zombie comedy 'Shaun of the Dead' and the charming, energetic cop comedy 'Hot Fuzz,' is English. Both films are deeply rooted in Englishness. If Toronto has a native spirit, Wright isn't tuned in to it. 'Scott Pilgrim' tries to be about so many things and the fault is in the writing. Why should Scott have to battle all these exes to begin with?

Scott's forced battles become repetitious. The theme of repetition itself is forced on us. Not only is one of the exes actually twins. Scott himself is doubled at one point, and a movie star ex (occasion for that Toronto joke) turns out to have half a dozen stunt doubles who fight for him while he goes out for coffee. The climactic scene where Scott confronts rock impresario ex Brendan, played by Jason Schwartzman, another actor not aging well, seems heavy-handed. It's run twice, once with Scott's fighting strength empowered by love, the second by his need for self-respect. It's frankly hard to see much difference between these two versions. You may just wanted it to end. But it has to end twice, and the closing credits are very drab.

The fight sequences have flashy moments and it's droll to have an androgynous nerd battling Superman (Brandon Routh) and, as the movie star, a champion skateboarder (Lucas Lee). Music for Scott's band, Sex-Bob-Omb, was written by Beck. A lot is going on, and many of the invasive visual tricks work because they speed up the action (all very youth-ADD-text messaging friendly). Nothing here is for slow people. If anything the trouble is not that Wright is a slouch, for he is anything but. It's that he tries too hard. That was true to some extent in 'Hot Fuzz.' And most of the characters introduced at the beginning who contributed to the feeling of being in a real place are thrown away, ceasing to matter, except for brief visual recognition, toward the end.

At moments the wintry exteriors of Scott Pilgrim's Toronto and his too-cool, geeky, slightly depressed young friends will bring to mind Terry Zwigoff's 2001 'Ghost World,' also made from a graphic novel, also populated by slackers. Probably 'Scott Pilgrim' could have got by with a measure of its Pow! and Thunk! labels and cyber-world air battles, and still created something of the atmosphere and feel of real young lives as 'Ghost World' quite hauntingly does. But that didn't happen, and all I got was a metaphorical lousy T shirt saying I've seen another Michael Cera movie.
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Beautiful from start to finish
chelano15 August 2010
It has been along time since I enjoyed a movie from start to finish. This was that movie. This film was jam packed with action, laughs and just lovable characters you want to see more and more of. Michael Cera was a pretty good choice for Scott. I mean usually Cera only has one type of way to act and somehow it really did fit for Pilgrim. It will take me forever to explain how much I liked the cast, so I will only pick a choice few. Mary Elizabeth Winstead was great as Ramona. She had the look you could picture from the comic itself. Then you have Ellen Wong as Knives. The way Ellen acted in this film really brought out have Knives really was in the comic. Out of the evil Ex's, I really enjoyed Jason Schwartzman. He just had an overall cool yet kept feeling and at a point you really wanted him to fight more against Pilgrim. The other Ex would have to be Brandon Routh. I really cannot stand him as Superman, but this role he got to act more like his personality. I mean every actor has a dream to act as a crazy character, because then they can be more comfortable. I think Brandon was very comfortable in the role. The movie had a beautiful look to it with great nerdy CG throughout. The movie did have two problems though. The fight scenes were not long enough. This is because the movie was almost two hours and it is hard to fit seven fight scenes in to seven Ex's. But even though they were short, the look, feel and graphics to them still really made them exciting. The other problem is that I know this film will never has a perfect rating overall because it really only fits to a certain type of people. Luckily there is a lot of people who will love this movie like I did, but in the world today, this film will probably not win an academy award; and that is sad.
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