(2001 TV Movie)

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Exposes Benny Hinn and his ilk for the hacks that they are.
lju311 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is a very well-researched and in-depth look at the world of televangelists and "faith-healers". It takes a unique approach in that there is equal time given to a breakdown of the psychological, neurological, sociological, and other scientific gimmicks used by these vampires and the business end of it that makes swindling millions such a lucrative business.

The viewer is taken from "crusades" in America to Europe to Africa, witnessing heartbreaking stories that would make the hardest heart melt with compassion. To see people who are terminally ill, crippled, or have family members in need of a miracle open their checkbooks or take out their credit cards for donations in the thousands (one family of recent converts from Hinduism gave $2,000 in the hopes their son's brain tumour would be healed. He died nine months later) is as heart-wrenching a moment of real drama as one is likely to see for a long time. The answers these frauds give to the documentarian's questions, which are quite good and well put, always revert back to "one must have faith, or this shall not work".

I especially recommend that people of faith, Christians the most, watch this. It is necessary to see how one's religion has been perverted and distorted so that one may rail against such destructive elements and bring their faith back to doing what it ought: help people, not swindle them.
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Hinn's as representative of Christianity as...
mendezjb29 May 2006
...as Hitler is for Atheism. Furthermore, the fact that Hinn calls himself a Christian doesn't make it so. If I called myself a Muslim it wouldn't be true regardless of what I claimed to be (and what TV show I had).

We can take my analogy on infinitum. Does a corrupt cop give cops a bad name? Does a corrupt politician?

on the movie, it was entertaining because on the whole I enjoy watching fools being separated from their money. For those who died however it is very tragic and a shame they were taken advantage of. Especially if money given to Hinn was at the expense of real treatment. Hinn will have his day, and it may take until his dying day, but he will get it.
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