Invasion (TV Series 2005–2006) Poster


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Invasion: an allegoric sci-fi drama
eugenia_loli16 February 2006
'Invasion' is not a traditional sci-fi show with aliens, monsters and lazer guns. It is a drama of two families, built on top of an allegoric plot, that of bad (and good) parenting. You can completely replace the "alien" part of the show with a "disease" and still make sense out of it.

Truth told, Invasion is not well received by all viewers, mostly because viewers expect to really "get" Invasion just by watching a few episodes here and there. Big mistake. To truly understand and enjoy the show, you have to sit down week after week and watch all episodes in order. Failure to do so will result in confusion on the viewer's part.

Another problem with the show --which is now fixed-- is that the first 5-6 episodes that were setting up the huge storyline arc, were slow. Viewers were driven off Invasion because of that (even myself at some early point I had to push myself to sit down and watch it), but thankfully, the pace is now much faster and Invasion starts getting back that viewership. Especially after episode 9, the show has been captivating and keeps the viewer at the edge of his/her seat. Really!

Fichtner is doing an excellent job as the creepy sheriff who is both good and bad. Sheriff's assistant, Deputy Lewis Sirk (played by ultra-convincing Nathan Baesel), has emerged as a great character too in the later episodes. The rest of the cast delivers pretty well too.
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Invasion is a Great Show! Keep it on the Lineup!
Gypsybelle17 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am so tired of Network 'Execs' (virtual dumb heads) deciding to take off a great show due to what they perceive to be 'low ratings' without taking a really good look at the number of people who watch. No one polled me! I am one who loves the Sci Fi and fantasy shows. I am so tired of all the cloned sitcoms and spin offs of things like Law and Order (how many clones are there of that one?). It is especially irritating when they yank a show that many of us really love, without at least giving it a grand finale! Invasion is a really interesting show. Okay, the first season got a bit lame here and there, but the writers and creative staff needed some time to build a good storyline and character development for shows that are complicated. I just watched what was supposed to be the 2nd Season Finale. It turns out that it may be the Series Finale. Way too premature! The characters and plot were just starting to get really interesting. We also have lost Surface - which also gained so many possibilities from the 'season finale'. Dang it all! I want to know if Larkin and her baby became hybrids or perhaps the alien just healed them and put them back on shore!

My favorite shows are Charmed, Lost, Invasion, Surface, Ghost Whisperer (thought I detest Jennifer Love-Hewitt as an actress), Supernatural etc. Those are the shows I love because they are fantasy and NOT 6 O-Clock Newsy or stupid-don't-think-sitcoms. We have way too many 'Reality Shows'; cop n robber shows; animated and live sitcoms etc. We need fantasy shows that give us that escapist thrill to think! I am at the point now where I may just refuse to watch ANY TV and go back to the good ole book reading. I'm done with network politics! How do such self-serving idiots get to control the airwaves?
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Not Sure What People We're Expecting
bpolhemus12 December 2021
Must be a bunch of Michael Bay Millennials here. They're only happy with nonstop action. Rational plot development just isn't their thing. How they must've hated Spielberg films like "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

This show is superb. Yes, the pacing is slow. And there is human drama; every subplot has its "thing" going on. Just like real life.

The thing most of the negative reviewers prefer according to their words, is exactly what I hate about modern action/superhero movies. No verismo whatsoever, just one video-game cutscene after another.

This show represents how something like this really WOULD occur and how it would affect the lives of real people. Very well done.
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Bring back Invasion!
Violalee754 August 2006
I am so disappointed about the cancellation of Invasion. I really think another network should reconsider picking it up. I understand that the production costs are significant, but they could be compromised without affecting the plot & script. I really didn't care about actually "seeing" the orange lights or any of the other fancy sci-fi stuff. I am much more interested in the plot and characters. The relationships are so complex,as is each individual character. As a viewer, I am sometimes conflicted as to who to "root" for, and I think that's excellent! This show really should have been given a better time-slot. A lot of people don't watch TV past 10:00, and especially right after Lost (which keeps you thinking about their show long after the credits are rolling. How can you commit to a completely different story when your mind is still reeling?) Even now, with Fitchner having joined the cast of Lost (at least that's what I hear), I still think it's worth another network's while to pick up Invasion where it left of, reduce the production costs, and write off "Tom" (Fitchner). After all, we last saw him at the ocean with an unconscious Larkin in his arms. It would be easy for Russell to kill him for that, even though intentions were good. BRING BACK INVASION!!
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Unique Television That Takes Unexpected Turns
boogann21 February 2006
I'm not sure what show Charles Hall was watching but it wasn't Invasion. This is purely eerie, original television. Each twist and turn of the plot takes you to places you weren't expecting but are eager to follow. The writing, acting and entire production are first-rate and refreshing. The reviews out there (including magazines such as Entertainment Weekly) agree with me. The problem with this show isn't the show, its cast, crew or anything other than the network. The "powers that be" at the network have done an abysmal job promoting it and keep yanking it from the line-up every time it gets momentum going. So just as fans are getting into the story and are anticipating the next week, they are disappointed with either a rerun or another show that they did not want to see. ABC needs to give the show a real chance. If they did, they would be pleasantly surprised at the audience it would build.
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If this series had been assigned a budget it would have rocked
penrosevans6 March 2020
The only thing wrong with this series is it has no reveal. No monsters, nothing to see, no real effects. Great writing, great cast, great direction and they all trooped valiantly on episode after episode putting everything they had into it... just like Flashforward and other exquisite series killed off in infancy for lack of vision. And silly shallow stuff marches to the top of the ratings. Where's the imagination? No wonder everyone is into creating mini drama in their lives, it's what they see on TV, then vice versa.
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Really good show cut short
ronbell-2398427 May 2020
I was gutted this show was scrapped. They shot 22 episodes of excellent suspense without any s*** special effects, relying on solid acting and script. This deserved a second season but sadly was axed.

It's definitely worth a watch.
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Deserved at least another season
diligentdrool19 January 2013
Let me tell this right off the bat. 'Invasion' is not a GREAT show. Rather, it was the "almost" great show that could have been a lot more if the writing had been a bit tighter and ABC had managed the show better.

Secondly, Invasion is not your normal sci-fic show. It focuses on how people's lives are affected by a calamity and not the calamity itself; which kind of suits my taste so there you for sci-fi fans: this may not really be your cup of tea.

Writer/Creator Shaun Cassidy really had something going here. I liked the premise of this show and the fact that it concentrated on the human angle rather than the science part of it all. Popular opinion is that it took off a little slow but I think otherwise. Sure, it was not a LOUD beginning, but it was not exactly boring and for sure, it was not misleading: it set the tone perfectly well. For me, it was in the middle that the writers lost their way a little (but the episode "Redemption" which if I remember was bang in the middle of the season was wonderful), but they managed to get the juice back in it towards the end. Although I am in the camp of those reviewers who felt the characters sometimes spend too much time talking! The scrip of many episodes could have been tighter and a little more action would have helped.

As for the acting - this one is a mixed bag. Eddie Cibrian as the 'nominal' lead Russel Varon - the all American good guy - was well, good but boring. There wasn't a lot more that he could do though his scenes with William Fichtner often left his acting skills less than flattered. But this is television and the acting meter is never expected to go to the red zone.

There was a lot of good in this show. Tyler Labine as Dave Groves and Alexis Dziena as Kira Underlay were pretty convincing in their roles. While Nathan Baesel as the lovable Lewis Sirk was surprisingly delightful.

There was some bad acting as well. Lisa Sheridan as Larkin Groves was just irritating for the most part. Elizabeth Moss as the crazy Christina wasn't very good either. But it is Evan Peters who plays the incredibly stupid and ill-written character Jesse Varon who takes the cake when it comes to the worst thing about the show. Terrible character; terrible acting.

Saving the best for the last, Kari Matchett as Dr. Mariel Underlay was simply brilliant. I have never seen her before but I sure will look forward to seeing more of her work; as the confused, loving but strong- willed mother of three married to the most creepy guy in town, Matchett shines. She brings a lot of mystery but a whole lot more of sympathy to her character.

However, the best thing about Invasion was without doubt, William Fichtner as the Tom Underlay. He was the reason I started watching Invasion and the mysterious Sheriff is the biggest reason to watch this show and trust me, Fichtner delivers big time - like he does pretty much every time in front of a camera, be it a film or TV series. I don't get tired of saying this: this guy is one hell of an actor and he stands out so much when he acts with TV actors who are so much inferior (look up Prison Break for example). Somehow, Fichtner gets the best roles even if they aren't the regular, normal leads - the guy who intrigues you and doesn't fall into the 'good' or the 'bad'. Don't we all love those morally ambiguous characters!

He has a terrific on-screen personality, a crookedly attractive face that is not conventionally handsome but gives him a unique edge on screen. Plus, he is exceptionally expressive and very skilled an actor of course. Underlay carried this show on his shoulders and they really had a great character going here, one that could have become a cult figure in modern day TV had they given it more time/seasons.

A special mention about the extraordinary background score by Jon Ehrlich and Jason Derlatka. Fichtner apart, the bes thing about the series. I would pay to buy that music disk.

All said and done, Invasion was a good enough show to deserve that and from what I hear, in spite of ABC's catastrophic management of its airing time, it still averaged almost 10mil viewers! ABC really dropped a ball here; to think they had silly shows running on 4 mil after dropping this one! I would have watched season two of Invasion for sure, if they had made it.

That said, often season 2 is the big problem for most dramas. With Invasion, we will never know and at least we were spared of a possible disappointment. But still, that cliff-hanger ending was a real turn-off.

Not a must-watch unless you are a Fichtner fan (and you haven't seen nothing if u are one but hasn't seen this show). But for everyone else, give it a try still; it is a good show that really could have been a lot more.
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Belatedly Admirer of INVASION // Disappointed with interruption.
amadeu-macedo13 November 2013
While I agree with the previous comment (whereby this series could have been GREAT, if some aspects of the production had been superior), and although I have only recently watched all the episodes via, I was tremendously disappointed with the fact that INVASION was discontinued after the end of Season-1. There was a great deal of potential for the development of additional episodes...

Bearing in mind that I am a major fan of SCI-FI movies & series, I am poised to provide a contribution to these reviews, by placing INVASION among the top 10 science fictions plots I have ever watched. Indeed, because of its unique story line, INVASION WAS truly original, for it is not only unlike any sci-fi story I've seen or read before, but it was also NOT predictable, such as most of the other shows of this genre which I have watched for the past 20 years.

Too bad ABC elected to terminate it.
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Interesting Premise, but first 5 episodes Glacially Slow
curtis-830 May 2010
I've just watched this show on DVD. The premise is interesting, but this show's first few episodes moved as slow as a crippled tortoise. It is no wonder the show didn't catch on. The first five episodes only had a hour's worth of story. On the positive side there is an interesting premise, some good performances, a few very effective moments, a story that got better as it went, and the lead actresses are very hot, which never hurts. In fact all the actors are good. The only one that rubs me the wrong way is the woman who plays Larkin. Her performance as the reporter and 2nd wife of the main character is very hyper and perky. And it's not only that she acts like she's in a story that's moving three times as fast as it actually is--it's that she's accurately portraying a really annoying woman. Also, though the acting is of a high quality, and the plot, slow as it is, is interesting, the dialog in the first few episodes is very weak. There's very little of the kind of wit or character tics that would carry an audience from week to week. (Dave, the UFO freak, was a poor attempt at injecting some humor). But it gets better.

So basically, the producers wasted what could have been a great success by starting the series with its most boring, poorly written episodes. And with a "story arc" series like this one, that is a fatal mistake.
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What's not to like?
SPCFan92725 February 2006
What's not to like about this show? It has everything you could want. Mystery, intrigue, wonderment, family drama. Not to mention this show is well written, well acted, well directed and produced. It gives you just enough to leave you begging for more every week (too bad the network doesn't realize that!). The characters are well fleshed out, the scenery and set designs are wonderful and the special effects are awesome. Anyone who "gave up" on this show because of a slow pace in the beginning, should definitely come back. The show is moving at a lightning pace and there's nothing better on TV! A lot of credit goes to the superb cast led by the wonderful William Fichtner as Tom Underlay. With only a few episodes left to air, we still don't know if he's good or bad. Kudos also to Kari Matchett who plays Mariel, she is a very true-to-life character and Matchett plays her conflicting emotions wonderfully. I'd also like to acknowledge a new actor who has totally enthralled me...Nathan Baesel. His portrayal of Deputy Lewis Sirk has been wonderfully engaging and I find myself looking forward to seeing more of him.
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Headturner113 January 2024
An 8. I watched a few episodes of this a while ago and just went back to it because I finished the last series I was watching so I blindly scrolled and came to this. I like William Fitchner in many things. Seems like he's always the misunderstood villain. At first the logic in me kept going over every aspect of these beings and why and how did an alien species that needs water to live do this and how did they get their from space? I fell asleep a bit but I think I missed any ship? That part bothered me a lot until it was over and it was dark and I started seeing glowing orange things every time I glimpsed out the window and then I stood there and though about them falling from a raining sky and it gave me chills and the creepiest feeling. Eddie Sibrion is the classic annoying guy running around all reckless and out of control thinking he knew everything and his way was the right way. All and all it was pretty good but wish there was another season.
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It's watchable, but not much more
unbreakable1615 May 2006
(I'm not sure anything I've written could be considered a "spoiler", but just in case I marked that)

I'm absolutely amazed by the support on here for this. Of the three "alien invasion" shows this season, the only good one was Threshold, and that got canned first. Figures.

For all the incredible hype behind Invasion, and the great lead-in from Lost, it just wasn't a very good show. Virtually nothing happened for 3/4 of the show's run. The entire season wouldn't have enough material for a single episode of Buffy or Lost. It isn't a "mind game". It isn't a matter of "not being able to follow along". It just isn't very well written, and there isn't much content. They're trying to string a single concept out into an entire season-think about it; this could have been done (better) as a single episode of the X-Files.

Also, the characters don't work. Most of them are still one dimensional. Sheriff Underlay has been a huge problem from the start. He's been one of the "good guys" here at the end of the season, and they've been playing him that way most of the time…yet from the very start he's clearly a TERRIBLE person. We're supposed to relate to a monster? We're supposed to forget everything he's done all season long? They keep brining up threads, entire characters, only to dump them without going anywhere with them. They arbitrarily turn Tom from monster to "good guy" and back again, etc. and we're supposed to shut off our brains and pretend it's okay? It just…doesn't work.

While I agree that there's a LOT of potential to deal with hybrids, their dealing with what they are, etc., we're not seeing it (outside of some occasional stuff with Mariel).

I for one would MUCH rather take a chance on a new sci-fiy show than support one we already know isn't very good.

EDIT: Just watched the season/series finale, and it was really quite good. Glad it got to go out on a high note. They cheated with Underlay's character-completely changed him, but he was pretty interesting in the last few episodes.
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Not up for Renewal-Invasion
robandsonja26 March 2006
We LOVE this show!!! It's different, very interesting and very suspenseful!!! That one hour goes by too quickly! However, we have just been informed (by a cast member, who will remain anonymous) that this show has NOT been picked up for the new Fall Season 2006-2007. We must do everything we can to prevent this from happening!!! Contact Ex. Producer, Timothy Marks!! I will provide contact info. has soon as I get it! Please pass this would be ashame to let this show be gone forever! We have WAY too many CSI's and Law and Order. Invasion breaks up the monotony and provides a new and different kind of show that appeals to so many of us!!!
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ABC Needs To Start Selling Socks
criticman20005 August 2006
You don't often hear me say this, but this was a fine program from the get-go. Producer/ writer Shaun Cassidy did a wonderful job here. It was a series that was balanced and interesting from the start, and the tension never let up. ABC, however, messed with the scheduling, ignored ratings then finally, in what I'm assuming HAD TO BE a close decision, canceled this little gem. ABC needs to get out of television and sell socks. Last night I watched a horrendous episode of their "Primetime" which is running a special series detailing 'medical mysteries' and FEATURING a segment where the audience is encouraged to make a diagnosis. Now what end does this serve? Aren't there already enough morons out there that think they can diagnose themselves and others? Not to mention that the "medical mysteries" segments themselves are an embarrassment. Reporter John Quinones needs to quit being a sideshow barker. I mention this only because this garbage is flameproof. "20/ 20" & "Primetime"- they've been on for decades, simply because they're cheap to produce. This is what motivates television schedules, now: money. Now, a lot of people yak about how sci-fi gets no respect, how shows that are great get tossed out too quickly, but seriously, where? "Star Trek: Enterprise" was flawed from the start. They had four seasons to work the kinks out and in the last 3 shows, they were still making the same mistakes. "Threshold", on CBS was another one that got the boot after 8 airings. To the extent that it was bounced around the schedule they've got a point, but in reality, the series took a long time to get started and the cast needed to be comfortable with each other. It didn't gel. The last few episodes, which CBS refused to air, were better, but hey, you snooze, you lose. Same with ABC horror series "The Night Stalker". For some reason, the producers thought that reviving this old chestnut with no humor whatsoever, was the way to go. And again, the cast were gnashing gears for the first 4 episodes. By the time the right people figured this out and moved on it, ABC refused to air the series' best 3 episodes. "Invasion" didn't have problems. It was a complete thought when it began. This should have meant something. They just didn't give it a fair shot, simple as that. At the end, the fledgling CW Network was interested, but balked at the production costs; money again. Go sell socks, or door-to-door toilet brushes, but get out of television.
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Why would you do that???
dacrontoke_4204 November 2009
There are very few shows that are as complex and thrilling as invasion. Somehow i entirely missed this shows television life, noticing it on the shelf of a local pawn shop i picked it up thinking, "meh... something to watch when I'm board" little did i know i would have the entire series done in the next two days. Overall i thought the show was perfect it isn't just a sci-fi about an alien invasion, it's more than that there are so many contributing factors to the story line. ANyways my point is invasion is a unique gem that should never have been cancelled. The show was just going in such a good direction and the note they leave us on is unfair..... This show needs to come back to at least conclude the story, i mean like come on i know for a fact there are a million angry fans out there. Someone should definitely write the producers of this show because i don't know how much longer i can go with out the answers...... PLEASE JUST FINNISH THE SHOW!!!! even with a different cast as long as you kept Tom, Mirial, Russel and Larkin... it just doesn't make sense to have such a unique and powerfully interesting plot and not conclude it. PLEASE SOMEBODY
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Too little, too late
sarastro729 September 2005
Okay, I've only seen the pilot episode, but it's all I have patience for. This "sci-fi" show joins a long-standing tradition of shows that are allegedly about aliens, but you never see any. Allegedly a sci-fi show, but there's just no actual sci-fi content. What medium do the creators think this is? Do they not understand the meaning of the word "visual"? No slight to the actors, which are all good and attractive and do a nice job. But this is another show in which nothing happens. In other words, the plot is so ridiculously slow and drawn-out that sitting through it is a waste of life. Waaay too little happens. Sure, there is action and angst and darkness and suggestive camera work, but the plot doesn't progress! No story gets going! We are not shown anything about what the deal is! Sure, this is a TV series, but to have so little going on as this pilot did is to abuse the medium and the audience. Teach networks to stop making this crap: boycott it. This is not the way to tell a story, and it is most certainly not the way to make sci-fi.

I can rate this pilot no more than 3 out of 10, and the only reason it doesn't score even lower is the actors.

Edit, June 2006: I have seen more of it now, and although I still think the show moves enormously too slowly, I must say the actors are extraordinarily good. Overall I'm going to have to rate the show a 6 out of 10, because of the actors.
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Got to love it ! ****1/5 out of *****
Strangeache20 March 2006
Truly one of the best new sci-fi shows that i have seen ! the stunning Kari Matchett excels as Dr. Mariel Underlay, accompanied by Eddie Cibrian (Jimmy Doherty from Third watch) in a gr8 role and William Fichtner (who at last gets a role that does him justice as Sheriff Tom Underlay)..

the plot moves a little bit slowly in the first few episodes but then gets a boost that keeps you on the edge of your sit ! i was surprised that the first comment dealt only with that fact(which is only half true and only relevant to the first few episodes, and is nothing like Carnivàle !!)

I really hope Invasion is here to stay as it is a great show in a swamp of mediocre TV shows and reality leftover sequel shows...

i give it 4.5 out of five
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primacag-219-47778214 December 2011
The story is good, its just too bad that the script has to resort to all the soap opera tricks to get it over. Invasion is full of the following....

"I need to talk to you....." "I don't have time right now"...

This is a tired plot device. Also features....

"I don't trust you" "We can't tell anyone just yet" " I need you to come with me right now" "I'm not sure that this strange thing is really strange" "I just want my kids to be protected" "I don't want my kids bothered by this" "Daddy doesn't really love me" "Wow you've changed since the event"

This kind of writing treats the audience as stupid. Real people don't distrust each other like this. Real people know each other much better than this. People don't get off work like this. Real people don't go in the water if they know it can change them. Real people don't ignore what is going on around them.

The story is interesting from a science point of view, but assumes so low a level of social and mental development in the characters that it is difficult to listen to, let alone watch some of the episodes.
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Network execs. are too often the worst enemy of good programming.
mcain-214 June 2006
I couldn't believe it when I read that this well done, exciting TV show was not coming back in the fall. A friend said it had not been "canceled," but wouldn't start in Sept. I must agree with other reviewers when they talk about the lack of vision and sense of the network execs.when deciding the fate of excellent shows. Invasion had very little press by the network compared to others (Housewives, etc).Even critics loved this show, but the network didn't play it up in advertising.

It seems their answer to a show not doing well in the ratings is to put it up against one that is well established...a sure fire death knoll for many. One major thing the network did wrong was to take it off the air mid season (for whatever reason) long enough for viewers to go somewhere else rather than watch the lame substitutes they DID air in that time slot. Some of us HATE so-called reality shows and are looking for well written fiction...drama, comedy, sci-fi, romance....

We're looking for quality stories and superb acting. Watching people make fools of themselves for money and their 15 minutes of fame is only food for the mindless, not quality TV.

Invasion is entertaining and the characters are well developed. This past season was the was going somewhere, and, darn it, I want to see where Cassidy is taking us!! If they are looking for a night to run it, there are several nights during the week void of good programing. Keep it away from the "new show spoilers" and advertise, advertise, advertise. With the right promotions and some faith in Mr. Cassidy's abilities, this could be a great boon for the network. In case it's lost on anyone, I find Invasion one of the best sci-fi offerings to come along on television in a long time.
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A slow soap opera
okpilak8 April 2023
There is a lot of enjoy about this series. Interesting challenges, and lots of twists and turns. It proceeded slowly, so one got to really understand the main roles, and the complexity of what they were dealing with. When one thought they had one thing figured out, a curve ball was thrown to cause one to pause about what they thought was what. It did not get renewed for a second season, and I wonder if the writers found that out late and really botched the ending, as they had to wrap things up. Because especially the last episode, was terrible. In a way, that is sad, as it seemed too abrupt to fit in with the rest of the episodes.
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Did You See The Lights?
buckikris27 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In the aftermath of Hurricane Eve, strange things start happing in Homestead, Florida. The people who went missing come back, but they are different. They are stronger, reanimated into an extraterrestrial life form. The series mainly centers around three families The Varon , The Underlay's, and Grove's who live in the Homestead area. Sheriff Underlay( William Fichtner) Is the key. In 1996, he was in the Air Force returning home; when his plane crashed into the Everglades. He was the only survivor, and he is left to raise his daughter Kira( Alexa Dziena). It's almost 10 years later. He has a new wife, Mariel( Kari Matchett), who took care of him back in 96. The kids, Jesse( Evan Peters) and Rose( Ariel Gade)are with Russell Varon their father, and Larkin Groves( Lisa Sheridan). Russ is with The Florida Department of Fish and Wildlife, and is close to Dave( Tyler Labine). Dave is a UFO enthusiast, who has his own blog, and lives with Russ/Larkin. When Dave notices people are not acting normal, especially after Tom finds Mariel in the Cove. Rose asks Dave if he saw the lights when the hurricane hit? At first, he doesn't know what she's talking about until Russ and him go on a boat ride in the cove. That night, Dave gets pulled under by some entity; but it let's him go. He is convinced that it's something extraterrestrial, but nobody will believe him at first. When Dave and Russ find a skeleton with an alien like fossil around it, both are suspicious. In a few days it comes up missing, and Dave wondering why?

As each day moves on suspensions arise, Larkin gets too involved getting the Air Force after her. The people start an Us Vs. Them attitude. It seems not everyone was changed the night of the hurricane, or can be changed. If you have any medical conditions you are rejected. The key to the survival of the people of Homestead, is Sheriff Underlay.

I can't believe this series was canceled, it was such a great show. To those who gave it poor ratings you must have enjoyed something about it. Why would you waste your time writing a review. The finale was so strong, but we are left with questions, does Larkin survive, does Hurricane Miranda have an impact like Eve did, and do the 3 families relationships with each other grow stronger afterwards. I loved this series and it deserved more than one season.

William Fichtner ROX :)!
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Interesting Sci-fi Series
Freedom06028620 March 2021
This is an interesting sci-fi series that didn't quite live up to it's potential. The basic plot from creator Cassidy is very good, but there were too many screenwriters and some were better than others. I noticed inconsistencies in the personalities of the characters which I attribute to the changes in screenwriters.

It was annoying that some of the characters foolishly put themselves in danger, and did so repeatedly. It would have been more sensible to leave the town with the children sooner, but sometimes they behaved as it there was no serious threat at all and took their time leaving, only to put themselves in harm's way.

On the positive side, the acting was very good for the most part. There's a lot of suspense, with the truth about what's going on being revealed gradually.
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I can understand why this was pulled
Stuey-414 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst not completely a waste of time, I think that what took 21 episodes and a pilot was pretty poor. It could have been put into 12 episodes. It was dragged out like Lost, Desperate Housewives and other series that seem to crowbar in story lines in an attempt to keep us viewing. Pointless no-directional story lines slowed down what was a very promising premise of an alien takeover. Perhaps it's best if it isn't picked up for a second series because from the majority of the comments posted here, it was a very popular show which could end up with cult status. Besides, there doesn't have to be a happy ending to every show turfed out. Maybe now, after the the loss of this programme, will the makers of TV shows decide to go for quality and not quantity.
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I love invasion
stacy_hurley2 August 2006
I am very happy to see that I am not the only one angry that Invasion will not be on anymore. The season finale was so good and now we get nothing. I couldn't wait for the next season to start. Then I found out it will not be on next season. I was so very disappointed. This is a wonderful show. I looked forward to watching it every single week. I worked on Wednesdays, but lucky for me I had a TV there and as soon as I got there I would turn it on. My coworkers even started watching it. I loved all of the actors. An excellent job by all of them. I sure will be buying the DVD of this show. It would be nice there were some extra episodes. Just to leave everyone hanging after the season finale is terrible. This is a huge mistake canceling Invasion.
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