In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007) Poster

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Not gut-wrenchingly awful
imdb-584920 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Watched it tonight at the After Dark Horror Fest. It was all right, if you're in an undemanding mood. The dialogue was awful. Scenes where a mother was told her child and parents had just been killed and the death of the King in particular produced howls of laughter, which I don't believe was the intended effect. Burt Reynolds comments on seaweed seemed singularly bizarre and produced heckling. That being said, it had a few nice action bits and Michael Lillard was very funny (probably on purpose).

Way too long (and in the QA afterwards Boll said there is a longer director's cut coming on DVD) but if you're in the mood for fantasy, have seen Lord of the rings recently so you don't want to watch it right now, and don't mind actors hamming it up (hello Ray Liotta) you could do worse, I suppose. No where near as bad as Bloodrayne, if that means anything to you.
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Friday night Hoot
tprewitt12 January 2008
We went to this film intentionally (knowing its reputation) as a means of escaping a really busy and stressful Friday. We don't recommend the film to anyone with serious cinematic intentions, However, as kitsch this film almost succeeds. So, OK, we tried to come home and convince our "knowing" kids that "In the name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale" was worth the Friday opener vote, but broke down laughing about five minutes into our rave when they just were not having any of it.

So let me add a few cogent notes. For 'entertainment' value, given what we were looking for after a long Friday, we were very satisfied, though we worried at times that our guffaws and groans, and open commentary, might have disturbed some of the other 30 or so people in the theater (but for their own laughing). King Burt Reynolds? Oh well. We have to admit that Ray Liotta's "Goodfellas" reprise as an evil mage was the most amazing thing we've seen since Jack Lemmon's service as Horatio in Branagh's "Hamlet." Of course, this mention of Uwe Boll's effort alongside Kenneth Branagh is totally appropriate, except that Branagh's "Hamlet" had little entertainment value of any kind. School is still out on which of these two can make the worst film of a decade.

If Matthew Lillard's over-the-top contributions to "In the name o..." (which is all of the title that fits on the ticket marquee at the theater) served well in a film with vine dangling amazons, synchronized ninja archers, prolonged out-of-focus long shots, granular irrational close-ups, and some of the most inane dialog in the history of film, one wondered in that case why Scooby Doo didn't put in a cameo in one of the dungeon or castle scenes.

Nonetheless, many of the second tier characters were convincing and well acted, amidst all the mish-mosh of incongruous effects and disaffects. So there were moments when one, though not entirely forgetting how bad this film was, felt sorry for many of those who found themselves in it. Or should they all have known better?

But laugh! Oh my, did we laugh, to the extent that it became uncomfortable laughing at a screen strewn with dead bodies and actors struggling for motivation. Oh, we could have seen high drama or thought-provoking art, but this way our Friday night was pure poetry...

the dungeon it was dark and dank the bodies in a pile and there atop the smelly heap was Ray Liotta's smile.

his polyester wizard suit bespoke a man with guile but then behind a squeaky line was Ray Liotta's smile

when Uwe Boll directs a film the casting's done with style that's why for evil, nothing's like sweet Ray Liotta's smile

and though we hoot and holler at such feckless goofy bile now laughing all the way to bank is Ray Liotta's smile
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terrible, but entertaining
tedster_9819 January 2008
I saw this in the theater because it looked interesting, but I was disappointed. Terrible acting, terrible plot, terrible editing. It was basically just a rehashed made for TV fantasy that wound up in the movie theater. The plot line was like a super condensed version of lord of the rings without the magic, story, and allegories. The film starts and leaves the viewers wondering and doesn't explain the plot well. The editing is VERY choppy and amateurish. The actors looked bored and unexcited. The krugs were basically ORCs stolen from Lord of the Rings.

I should have waited until it was dollar night. But for a couple of hours, it did fill some time. Overall grade - D
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Who is Uwe Boll and what did we do to him to deserve this?
matt-soulliere11 January 2008
I went into this expecting a bad movie, you could say I was hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I'm a fan of Jason Statham which made me want to see it despite my expectations, plus I work at a theatre and see movies for free which makes me less picky about the movies I watch.

Now I don't typically leave reviews for movies, but after seeing this I felt that I needed to warn people. Up until tonight, I'd never seen a movie directed/produced by this Uwe Boll guy and believe me, as I write this I wish that was still the case. There are no redeeming qualities to this movie and you realize it within the first ten minutes. The cast is brutal, Statham, Liota and Reynolds are all laughable as the main characters. The evil army of 'Krug' reminded me of the dudes in monkey suits in the early Planet of the Apes movies. During action scenes you see the same shot over and over again as if they only had one shot of 'bad guy hit by arrow'. Even the props were bad, Stathams sword looked like something you'd give a six year old on Halloween.

I don't even know if I can accurately put into words how bad this movie is. The best way to describe this pile is to piture you and your friends trying to remake 'lord of the rings' in your backyard, because what you ended up with would be of similar quality.

If you read this review, don't make the same mistake I did. Don't watch it to see if it is as bad as the guy on the IMDb said it was. This movie should only be shown to criminals in jail as further punishment for their crimes.
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Wow this was bad!
tpaladino9 January 2008
OK, first off, all of the glowing, gushing reviews here were obviously (OBVIOUSLY) planted by someone doing PR for the film (which is shameful in and of itself). There is no way that anyone sane would think this movie was anything more than laughable tripe.

I saw it at a preview, and have to say that I was expecting much more. I didn't realize that Ewe Boll was directing, otherwise I would have skipped it altogether (he should never be allowed near a camera, ever). However, I like nearly every star, enjoy the genre and have been a big fan of the video games for years now, so I figured that this would be worth seeing (nothing will ever compare to LOTR, but it sounded promising).

So yeah, there's not much I can say that hasn't been said here already. Horrible dialog, two-dimensional characters, lousy cinematography, cheesy effects and a plot which is nearly impossible to care about makes this one worth skipping.

Seriously, don't pay to see this. It will only encourage them to give Ewe more projects.
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I rarely walk on out movies...
juliadinct20 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
but unfortunately this was one of the rare ones. I love epic fantasy, but this movie relates to LOTR and Gladiator as a bottle rocket relates to the Starship Enterprise, and to mention them in the same breath is a monumental insult to those fine films. I really wanted to like it, honestly. I love Jason Statham and Ron Perlman, and the rest of the cast (yes, even Burt Reynolds, who didn't deserve the audience's derisive laughter every time he appeared) were fine, although Ray Liotta was comically miscast and mis-costumed as Liberace. The British Columbia scenery was nice. The storyline, scriptwriting and editing, however, were absolutely abysmal. Just awful. The attempts at mid-battle banter were incredibly inept - they actually stop fighting to say things like "What took you so long?" and "They don't scare easily!". Jason Statham fights off big monsters who are armed with broadswords with what looks like a flimsy machete, while Ron Perlman uses a pickaxe(!). The opening scenes are amazingly clumsy, they just dump you randomly into the story with no preamble. And I am so tired of the overused Chinese martial arts film cliché of showing the audience a plain shot of mysterious badguys who suddenly aren't there as soon as the movie characters look - it's so cheaply manipulative. Lame, predictable line follows lame predictable line. When John Rhys-Davies comes to the bedside of the (unbeknownst to him) just-poisoned king (Burt Reynolds) I said to myself "If he says "The king has been poisoned!" I'm outta here... and guess what he said?
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Uwe Boll does it again.....
redserpent78 December 2007
Don't really know how he gets great actors in his movies. Uwe Boll does it again, a cast of some of the best actors in one of the worst movies ever made. The story is bad, really really bad, the acting wasn't good either even with the presence of Burt Reynolds, Ron Perlman and ray Liotta.

I have sworn that I won't watch a Boll movie again, they've proved to be a waste of time and money even if it comes in the shape of a 1$ pirated DVD. Never buy,rent, download or even think of borrowing it from a friend. Its a waste, and a huge one too. And be advised never to watch a Boll movie again, its enough already.

EDIT: I've posted this a while back and I just wanted to add something.

If you're reading this and you happen to work at a store where you sell video games, please and I beg you memorize the name and face of Uwe Boll and if you see him crossing the street immediately shut your doors and windows and put that close sign. Please never sell a video game to Uwe Boll ever again.
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JA_Japster11 January 2008
The movie is garbage. If you've seen ANY Uwe Boll flicks in the past, you know exactly what to expect. It's not that the actors are bad per say (most do what they can given the limitations of the terrible script) but the whole film just reeks of bad editing and worst direction. It's bad. Really bad. Almost bad enough to be considered a guilty pleasure just so you can writhe and cringe at how awful it is. Granted, it's not as bad as last year's Eragon, but don't expect anything close to what Lord of the Rings offered us in terms of epic fantasy adventure.

Oh, and those ten star reviews you keep reading? Uwe Boll has to be paying them. I can't imagine anyone out there (even on the internet) is THAT stupid to consider this a good movie.
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Cheesy Fun
kkmwills12 January 2008
First: Burt Reynolds is the king! :) Cool and cheesy like a Shatner marathon.

Secondly, there is enough eye candy for everyone.

I didn't think I'd find a hidden Oscar-worthy film, but I knew I might have a great time hootin' at bad lines of overwrought dialogue. I did, but I also found myself following a nice B movie story with various nits to argue with friends(Why the women are mostly wasted in their roles, another talky villain?, mostly dropped plots suddenly found, but only for fight scenes), but still? I'd recommend this for a weekend matinée or a dollar movie selection.
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I did not enjoy this movie!
rcothren196913 January 2008
I was SO disappointed in this movie. My husband wanted to leave about 45 minutes into the movie. I convinced him to stay. I just knew there would be some redeeming quality to it. Seriously, Burt Reynolds, Leelee Sobieski, Ray Liotta, and John Rhys-Davies, I thought with all these well-known actors it would be good. Boy was I wrong. It must have been a slow week in Hollywood for them to sign on. I should have known when I hadn't seen any press or reviews for it that it was going to be a stinker. As we sat through the entire movie, we watched others leave and never come back, listened to the boys behind us comment on how bad it sucked, and I was wondering if there was a money back policy for bad movies. I could have done something better with that $16 and 2 1/2 hours of my life. Watch this only if you have nothing else to do.
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Did I watch a different movie?
The Non-Hip10 March 2008
After reading a lot of the comments about this movie, I have to wonder if I saw the same movie as everyone seems to have watched.

I like Statham as an actor, the man has amazing charisma as an action hero, so I decided to watch this despite what I had read about it. I was very pleasantly surprised.

The movie I saw was very entertaining fantasy story with a great cast, great scenic locations, engaging battles, outstanding costumes, that kept me thoroughly entertained for it's entire running time.

I would describe the acting as "adequate". Some of the characters seemed over the top and the worst by far was Ray Liotta (I've never been a great fan of his), but overall they got the job done.

I liked the magic in this movie. It seemed very "physical" and hands-on. The fight near the end with the floating swords was very nicely done, and all the magical effects seemed "believable" as far as magic goes.

The scenery and costumes were fantastic, it gave "dark ages" feel to it, dirty and gritty.

All in all, I really enjoyed this movie. I'd give it a 7, maybe an 8, but I'm giving it a little extra considering how pleasantly surprised I was due to all the negativity, ending up at a 9.
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This film is at least a 6!
jonnyreggay111 June 2008
I really don't know how people can be so harsh. The movie is entertaining, and good fun for most of it. Nearly all of the actors in it are good, and well known. The CGI is very impressive and i was surprised. The fight scenes are good and fun to watch. I actually enjoyed it.

Things that let it down are: 1) Matthew Lillard is a joke - he really cant act, and makes you cringe when he speaks its so bad. 2) A terrible music score - people talk about how music can make a movie - imagine Jaws without the theme, and Halloween without the tense music!! Well the music is so bad in this film it spoils it. I wonder how well it would have done with Hans Zimmer or the late John Williams behind the music 3) Nothing particularly new in the story, very similar to parts of LOTR and Eragon

Overall i liked it, and people who gave it such bad scores must not be into this sort of genre, or are being too picky, as its an enjoyable movie to watch.
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saw it...
fonque-18 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, this Sunday i went to one of those fox-sneak previews here in Austria and saw the movie. First of all I thought.. nice.. a good fantasy movie... (you know.. just like anyone else, i just love the lord of the rings) but as soon as it started....

The whole movie theatre was cracking up because of the unintended funny dialogs in this movie. This is really amazing! Those writes should really quit their job! My absolute favourite scene was when they said to farmer that the king is his father... I was laughing so hard that I even started crying... if it was not for that, i would have cried because of the wasted time in this film.

Anyway.. if you like bad movies and stupid dialogs, you will love this one.. (think about it as an unintended parody of lord of the rings). If you expect a serious good and solid fantasy movie - forget it. Of course nothing can be compared to the lord of the rings but this one is just hilarious funny.

I just don't understand how actors like Mr. Liotta, Davies and Reynolds could ever sign up for this... but oh well... it might have been a chance.

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A real mess of a film
TheLittleSongbird21 June 2011
I have seen several bad films, but I haven't seen one this bad in quite some time. Apart from Matthew Lillard, well sort of, nothing whatsoever works. The way the film is shot is in an incredibly shoddy and repetitive manner, and the film is one of the most ineptly directed films I have seen in years. And if that wasn't any worse, just listen to the dialogue, which is so clunky and juvenile. The story is too thin for the running time and the pacing is constantly on and off, while the characters are clichéd and I felt indifferent to every single one of them. The scenery is gaudy, likewise with the costumes, while the props look like fancy dress items more than anything else. The acting is also dreadful, Burt Reynolds and Ron Perlman can't do anything with their roles, Jason Statham is handsome and charismatic but his acting range is limited here and I have never seen Ray Liotta overact so embarrassingly than he did here. Overall, a mess. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Longer than Lord of the Rings (well not really, but it felt like it)
phileeguy915 January 2008
I went to see this movie because I needed some time to kill, and at over 2 hours in length, this seemed like a decent candidate. Boy, I was wrong.

Like previous reviewers that have posted before me, I would say that this movie was "choppy," in that you never are watching one scene/actor for more than 5 minutes at a time. The back and forth between all the characters makes you feel a bit overwhelmed at first, but after a while when you get to grasp the plot it just becomes annoying. It's like the Director is saying "Okay, now we've got to show you what's going on with these characters right this second," even if what they're cutting to is inconsequential.

The acting itself is underwhelming, as is the script. The script calls for the cast to sound noble or poetic at times, but it just comes off as cheesy. The plot was a bit outlandish, but I cannot complain here as I knew it could be as this was a Fantasy. So you'd think that the special effects would redeem this as it's a big Action/Adventure/Fantasy type? Sorry, the monsters didn't look more than a pile of mud wearing mud colored armor, the battle scenes weren't anything special, and the magic special effects weren't anything we haven't seen before with a few twists.

Pros: Jason Statham finally shows that a Boomerang can be a deadly weapon. Much Better than Paul Hogan in Crocodile Dundee. Cons: "Choppy," too long, bad acting, bad script, sub-par effects.
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Absolute trash.
MightyNeonFraa11 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I just went to check out this movie tonight. I had never seen a movie by Uwe Boll prior to this and, honestly, had barely even heard of him except maybe in passing but certainly not enough to have an preconceptions about his work.

That said, this movie was definitely one of the top ten worst films I've ever seen in my 22 years of life. No, scratch that... top five. The dialog is awful, the writing is boring, the action scenes are jerky and stupid and the characters are one-dimensional and phenomenally uninteresting. This movie's got it all: the humble farmer who just wants to be left alone, the noble king who knows about seaweed and a villain who seems to have picked up his "bad guy speak" by following Skeletor around and taking notes.

So, with storytelling and writing in general being somewhere between incomprehensible and grating let's look at the fight scenes. The choreography was bad, the same shots were used over and over again and I got the impression that nobody working on the movie knew how to actually USE a sword (you do not fight with a longsword like you would with a rapier, you simply do not), nor did they have any comprehension on battlefield tactics. A few gems including why the Krugs are bringing siege engines to a battle in a forest and exactly where the human army traveling on foot with no wagons or ships managed to acquire boulders huge enough to roll down a hill and crush the enemy.

So... pretty much this is the first and last Uwe Boll movie I'll ever see, there is nothing good in this film and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone at anytime. Even if you ABSOLUTELY MUST rid yourself of eight dollars you'll have more fun converting it into pennies, putting it in a bag and tossing it off a bridge to watch the splash.
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A fantasy movie with nothing new
no_vampires_here23 February 2008
and is true, if you want something new in a fantasy movie then expect some good story. If you expect new creatures and new settings then you don't know what this genre is about. For example you cannot take the cowboys and the horses out from a western - is not going to be a western in the end no?

This movie is OK i think. The bad guys and the good ones. Is true that the details are a little bad and is true that seems everything is too rushed but just don't think like the herd. I can find many errors in The Gladiator but that doesn't mean is BAD. If you like fantasy movies you should see this movie.

(comments here need a little more objectivity - i'm really not interested to come on IMDb and read 30 comments with phrases like "i think this director is so bad - he should stop hurting people!". be mature and serious when comment please.)
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Not THAT bad. Have seen worse, have seen a lot better.
after-hour_dvd_collector8 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Just coming back from a double feature (In the Name of the King + The Golden Compass). All in all, ITNOTK felt just like an overlong TV feature. Some weird choices when it comes to editing (especially three locations at once in the final battle scenes, with a cut at about every ten seconds - so much for developing any kind of tension...). Image quality was uneven, especially when it came to "souped-up" scenery with the castles or the evil's lair, which seemed blurred or coarse compared to the close-ups of the characters. Some laughable ideas (using catapults in a forest? Suuuure...). Dialoge was really weird at times (at least in the German version), just short of holding up signs saying "LISTEN UP! THIS IS MEANT TO BE PROFOUND AND/OR MOVING!" (of course, being neither - just talking slowly and incoherently is most likely not character development...), while at other times it was ... like something straight from a certain group of New Zealand TV fantasy series of the nineties ;)

Impressive list of cast members, though their characters are all a bit flat. Like, "slide through beneath the door" flat. Not even cardboard. The combat scenes are fast-paced, almost all the time in close-up (aka "what's-going-on" mode), except for the final fight, which was along the lines of "who can spot the most MATRIX imitations". The evil wizard (Ray Liotta? who cares...) somehow lacks any qualities of being someone you love to hate, *spoiler?* combined with evil's usual incompetence when dealing with the almost defeated good guys. */spoiler* The good king (Burt Reynolds) seems more bored than bothered by the events throughout the whole film. Ron Perlman is seen without a ton of make-up. Camera knows of two color tints for the film: brown for all the outside scenes, and reddish brown for all the dungeon scenes. Sky is generally either blaring white or pitch black, image contrast is harsh, and on some occasions when the camera sweeps across the (rather nice) landscape, the results are blurry blotches. Some nice stunts and fight choreography (while the camera does it's best to hide that by shaking and moving), but that's about it.

All in all, slightly below-average fantasy fare. Feels like two hours of a role playing game cut-scene, and not in a really good way.
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not bad but it is Jason statham
stephenlasmith1 March 2023
Jason statham is not Shakespeare or to be taken seriously - this is just a good old fashioned fantasy action adventure film - yes it's weak but it's entertaining and predictable but good fun. And a bit different to his London underworld crime dramas - the battles are good and yes the Krug creatures are a bit odd but overall it's a family film too . Little bit of love and magic. I dont know why people expect so much - it's basically a made for TV movie and if you dont expect too much then you wont be disappointed. Just ignore the bad reviews and negativity and enjoy it for what it is ! Entertainment.
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A Real Joke
sfrappier11 January 2008
Please do not waste your money on this movie at the theatre. Rent it if you must. Ray L. & Jason S. are the only good things in the movie. Jason is always good to watch in his fight scenes. Burt R. & Matthew L. are both big jokes. They should stick to comedy. Claire F. has "one" moving scene which I'm pretty sure she brought with her from her Harlequin Romance days. This strange mix of TV actors with A & B list movie actors just doesn't work. There were too many characters, too many plot lines. The fake backgrounds were too obvious and made you forget the beautiful scenery in other shots. The ripoffs of matrix scenes and Lord of the Rings make you laugh. Hopefully Jason S. will do a Transporter 3 soon.
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I liked it and would watch it again!
lacey0073 September 2018
Ok I don't understand why this movie is rated so poorly. I saw the rating and read a lot of the reviews before watching so I was expecting the worst. I just finished it now and I can honestly say I enjoyed it! Is it of the same caliber as Lord of the Rings? No. But it was still a great fun movie! It kept me interested from start to finish. The locations were beautiful, costumes were good and the story was interesting. I'd recommend this movie to a friend. Just don't go in expecting Academy Awards and you should be fine. The only real complaint that I had with it was Matthew Lillards character... I felt like I was watching Stu from Scream try to recite Shakespeare or something. Everyone else played it quite well, but Lillard was a bit too quirky and pulled me out of the moment quite often. Aside from that, lots of good action and Jason Statham kicking some ass! All good in my opinion!
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With an all star cast I couldn't avoid watching this.
paul-ayres-6078412 October 2020
Let me state firstly that this is not the kind of movie I generally watch. I've never been attracted to Dungeons & Dragons style fantasy. With Burt Reynolds as a noble King, Ray Liotta as the evil magician, Jason Statham as the orphan farmer/hero and Leelee Sobieski as the fly in the ointment I felt obliged to give it a try. All of these, and more, actors gave a splendid performance.

The overall production is excellent and the movie flows along at a good pace. The story is nothing new but interesting enough none the less. It provided me with 2.5+ hours of entertainment so I give it 7/10.
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totally awful, or totally AWESOME!!??!
geekmeat-129 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so bad, but I couldn't stop watching! I was entranced by the bad acting, and marveled at how so many good actors could be fooled into thinking it a good idea to do this movie. I feel bad for Ray Liotta and Burt Reynolds in particular. Ray Liotta looked like a cross between a dark wizard and a fully pompadoured gangster Liberace. And Burt Reynolds as the king with that southern accent was hilarious. And while we're talking about accents, could we throw in a few more? Everyone just talked in their normal voice, except for Matthew Lillard, who put one on, and none of them matched. Dee-lightful. I really can't stand how Claire Forlani pouts her lips and squints her eyes all the time, and I can't get past that to really judge whether she's a good actress or not. Her face just bugs me. And the guy that played her brother, in the scene where they where in the wagon cage, was another delight for me... did you notice that he was really cross-eyed? It was a really dramatic moment, but I have no idea what happened because I sat there snickering to myself through that whole part. The best thing about this movie is that these are really good actors. Almost all of them have been in other movies that I really love. The fact that they all got together and made this little gem is amazing. The list of awful/wonderful moments in this movie could go on and on. If you sometimes enjoy sitting around with your friends Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ing movies, you'll love this beautiful piece of crap!
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sgtericarzuagas4 February 2008
Well compared to bloodrayne, alone in the dark and house of the dead, at least this one was watchable.The acting was actually decent. The story seemed lacking, but I just watched because I thought it would be fun/funny st the same time. But I was rather surprised that I actually enjoyed it....a little. The special effects were ractually really good. Sound kind of sucked. It is actually his best work to date. That I've seen anyway. It looks to me that a lot of his movies are rushed though. So it take away from the final cut. I would like to know how he has private financers for his other piles of crap, and how he gets distribution through American theaters for other awful pieces.
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Uwe Boll
firephoenixan12 January 2008
This movie isn't as bad as Space Mutiny; I'll give Uwe Boll that. I'd just have to say that its only downfall is that it really doesn't have anything to do with the game besides include similar characters and locations. Beside that, it's your basic mediocre fantasy movie. Not "good," not the absolute worst, but in between somewhere.

The movie also tends to skip around plenty, but the plot was at least easy to follow as well amidst all the battles and dialog. It may be cheesy, and it may be clichéd, but at least it has some decent effects here and there and alright fight moves.

If you have to see this, and you played the Dungeon Siege game, go with a friend, as I did. It should make for a good laugh.

All-in-all, despite it being a pretty average movie, it's Uwe Boll's best so far.
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