Delirium (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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Do-it-yourself slasher in the open desert of Southern California (The Shadow knows)
Wuchakk15 August 2016
Released in 2007 and written/directed by Mark Allen, "Delirium" is a slasher flick about six bickering college youths in Southern California who breakdown in the desert on their way to San Diego for Spring Break. As they try walking to the nearest town a mad slasher attacks.

This movie was shot in 8.5 days and reportedly cost a little less than $9000; I'm sure most of that was spent on wages, lodging & catering for the cast/crew. In light of this, you have to be braced for no-budget quality, like hand-held digital cams, inconsistent sound quality, lame & redundant non-score, dubious acting, tedious pacing, eye-rolling dialogue and so on. If you can handle these weaknesses, there are some rewarding elements to "Delirium."

Some of the dialogue between the youths is bad and unrealistic, like when the group arrives at the diner and the following conversation at the table. This, generally speaking, shows that the characters are slasher archetypes rather than real people. You have the rash alpha male who thinks with his fists, the promiscuous (supposed) hottie, the geek, the token black dude, the man-hating lesbian and the semi-virginal female protagonist. Most of these archetypes were later showcased in the satirical "The Cabin in the Woods" (2012). While most of these characters are also stereotypes, two of them definitely aren't. Both the female protagonist (Tallia Cuellar) and the black guy (Donovan Smith) are fleshed-out quite well by the end and have some good dialogues, particularly a well-done conversation in the last act. Both are actually pretty decent actors. The Sheriff (Mike Burnell) is even better and is obviously a professional actor. Burnell had to pull-off numerous solo scenes and does so convincingly.

The opening & ending credits song by Splitfinger is heavy, raw, primal and excellent (in fact, it's almost worth the price of admission) whereas the non-score is, at best, serviceable, albeit redundant (I'm sure Allen was shooting for a "Jaws"-like musical motif). Unfortunately, most of the happenings during the first hour are uneventful and tedious, but I suppose it could be argued that the movie DOES put you where the kids are – stuck in the open desert, bored, frustrated, and trying to find a way out.

As hinted above, I didn't find the blond hottie hot, but you might find her appealing if you like tall, thin women. The lesbian character is a turn-off because she's so hateful and one-dimensional, but then I found myself having compassion for her by the climax because it becomes clear what brought her to where she is. Tallia Cuellar is, by far, the best of the women. She's not blow-your-mind ravishing or anything, but she's a quality actress and her character is likable and unique.

The action/gore sequences are nothing to write home about, but they're not bad either considering the non-budget. I laughed at a couple of the slayings or near-slayings, particularly the meat cleaver and kitchen knife episodes. The reason my title blurb says "The Shadow knows" is because that's curiously who the murderer looks like, The Shadow. By the way, you'll suspect who the killer is before the first act is over.

Micro-budget films can be quite good, as 2006' "The Lonely Ones" and 2013's "Another Kind" attest, but those flicks cost $100,000 and $120,000 respectively. "Delirium had less than a tenth of that to work with (!). I've seen do-it-yourself flicks that cost around what "Delirium" cost and they totally sucked. "Delirium" doesn't suck as bad and has a good message at the end that's almost enlightening (notice I said "almost"). If I were to rate it in comparison to other independent flicks that cost about the same amount I'd give it a solid grade of B. My lower grade below is in relation to slasher flicks in general and overall entertainment value.

To get anything good from "Delirium" you have to be able to acclimate to its almost-no budget style and limitations. I did and therefore did.

The film runs 80 minutes and was shot in the Ocotillo, California, region.

GRADE: Borderline C- or D+ (3.5 out of 10)
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Completely unwatchable
k012957-12 August 2007
This movie is completely unwatchable. I'm a fan of low-budget horror, but, this appears to have been shot with a home-grade video camera. Everything is out of focus. On medium shots, you cannot make out the expressions on the actors' faces.

Oh, that's right, the actors *cannot* act. The pacing is slow (to tedious). The "fight" scene looks choreographed, rather than looking like a fight. The bad editing makes it obvious that you're watching a movie, rather than bringing you into the story. The ending was obvious more than halfway through. The makeup effects were so badly done that they were not believable.

I would suggest that you don't waste your time on this.
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Words can not describe how bad this is
Justin-9485 April 2009
I am really at a loss for words in describing this peace of crap film. So I will get technical on it. The acting was sub par at best, it was not believable or could draw anyone into the story. The cinematography looks like something that would be cutting edge for armature porn stars in the 1980's. The sound was inconsistent at best. The special effects were also lacking any gravity. I am not sure how or why someone made this film like they did, but I hope that no matter what they have learned from it so that no one is subjected to something like this again. I also noticed that the writer, director and editor are the same person so I am assuming that this was an ultra low budget film. I have been a big fan of independent films for a long time, as well as horror films. This movie has changed my mind in that respect and I am glad that this film did not get a theatrical release. Otherwise I would have been really upset.
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not for me
parental_advisory20043 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
personally i was not at all impressed with he film. its very slow paced, the cuts in the edit are appalling, sound effects leave a lot to be desired and a lot is out of sync. the dialogue... is appalling! it follows the four functions but is so unrealistic and uncomfortably delivered. the music is extremely repetitive, it evident they are trying to create a tag for it like the exorcist has or any for the Freddie films, but it just doesn't work. the actual quality of the footage, doent even bear speaking of. the ADR sounds like ADR. plot holes like when the main arsehole character talks to the sheriff in the café, he speaks to him on his own when the other people have walked out, the sheriff warns him about the roads. later when the car breaks down, one of the friends comments on the sheriff's is this so? she wasn't in the café when the main guy and the sheriff were talking!? the night lighting, obviously there were lighting problems on set, the colour has been fiddled with in the edit, and made to bright creating a fog. a good attempt for low budget but personally i feel my fellow students and i ,have and, can do better.
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Ultra-low budget slasher flick
forsakenfilms21 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a "small" movie, a completely independent production, essentially a one-location shoot in the desert. It was shot in 9 days. The story is something we've all seen before, a bunch of college kids on their way to party and their car breaks down.

Then, when no one comes to help and the sun goes down, they start getting killed off.

While the basic premise isn't very original, and has been used hundreds of times in the past 50 years, the gore associated with the killings was actually not bad for such an ultra-low budget movie. And each death is more brutal, more violent, and bloodier than the one that preceded it.

Also, the killer actually has a reason for doing what he's doing. Of course he's completely insane, that's obvious. The twist in the plot is what made him the way he was.

A lot of people have bashed it because it doesn't stand up to other movies like THE HILLS HAVE EYES 2 which came out about the same time. But that is faulty logic - you can't compare apples and oranges. The THHE2 had a budget of $20 million, and this movie was done for less than $10K. They're not even in the same league, so you have to judge the film based on its own merits and limitations, not what the Hollywood studios can do.

Give the film a chance.
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better than expected
abmediagrp28 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is something I saw by chance, an advance private screening, and it was actually quite good, considering it is a very low budget movie with unknown actors. The story is solid, and makes sense once you think about it. The acting is good, and everyone gives their best effort.

The guy that plays the cop, Mike Burnell, is a very good actor, and has to spend most of his time alone on camera, trying to figure out what has happened to these kids who have disappeared in the desert.

The violence and gore is good without being over the top, and the story moves along at a fast pace. At a mere 80 minutes running time, they don't have time to slow down.

Writer/Director Mark Allen has made the best of what he had to work with. He has made a movie that is believable, has moments of true horror, and explains why things happen the way they do. That's part of the horror of it all - finding out WHY. And mostly, this is a film that leaves us with a message, and makes you truly think about how you should treat other people.
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Great no frills film.
davidfio-788033 November 2018
An actress that has real promise, Wren, was really good in this. Overall none of the acting was that bad. This film really entertains on an obviously low budget. Good sexual chemistry.
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