Crossing the Line (2006) Poster

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Crossing the Line (2006)
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain27 December 2011
A fascinating story about a man that did the unthinkable. He crossed over into North Korea and surrendered to their ideals and way of life. We are offered a look inside North Korea, one of the most isolated and intriguing places in the world. Dresnok is obviously a supporter of where he lives, and rarely says a bad word against it. The film does give us some interesting tidbits, such as Dresnok's troubled home life and youth, but the main focus is on a man and how he can live in a place most westerners would consider inhospitable. Their is a great emotional weight to the film, as Dresnok talks about his first failed marriage, and both of his marriages + children in North Korea. Underneath the surface is also the complex goings on between Dresnok and 3 other American GI's that defected. Dresnok may be the only one left, but the continuing battle of words between himself and Jenkins makes for one of cinemas great rivalries. It would be easy to call Dresnok brainwashed, if he didn't seem so down to earth and in control. Insightful, emotional, and never judging, this is how a documentary should be made.
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Stranger in a Strange Land
merylmatt6 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this to get a glimpse of what life in North Korea was like - anything at all - as with much history, when you start off with one journey, you find another. I did not know 4 US Army soldiers defected to North Korea in 1962-63. That was a huge embarrassment to the US and a propaganda windfall for the DPK, who not surprisingly, exploited these four soldiers. They made speeches denouncing the US, were wined and dined by the North Koreans and even starred in North Korean movies (as the bad guys, of course).

This documentary centers on the one of first to cross the border - James "Comrade Joe" Dresnok. The story is told from his perspective. Since 2 of the others died and 1 escaped to Japan, only Joe is left in North Korea. Does he have regrets? Does he wish to return to the west? Has he been brain washed? How did he enjoy his life in a gilded cage? He learned the language, culture and to say the words, but does he mean them? About the only thing you can be sure of is that Joe does not like fellow defector Charles Jenkins who managed to get to Japan in 2004.

**Possible spoilers**

One suspects that Joe is saying literally, the party line. He knows in order to eat in a land where natives are starving; he must continue to defend his decision and North Korea. Since the four defectors tried to escape North Korea in the late 1960's (by going to the Soviet Embassy - duh!) and spent the next 10 years being're-educated', Joe's statements of loyalty to the North Koreans rings hollow.

This is a good documentary, not excellent - it can be slow at times, and one tires of hearing Joe defend himself and his actions. He comes off as disingenuous at best, not someone worthy of hate, but pity. 6.5 stars
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fascinating what people can adapt to
filmalamosa27 January 2012
This film was another job for Dreslock to perform for his North Korean masters.

Clearly he was a troubled and insubordinate soldier who defected rather than get in trouble for leaving his post with a document he forged. But what an interesting and different life he then had.

North Koreans live in perpetual fear under such circumstances it is just easiest to believe the state line. Dreslock is a typical example.

He also shows how you can take someone who would have amounted to nothing in the US and turn him into something quite interesting. Someone who speaks Korean fluently lectures at Universities etc etc....

What would be really interesting is for him to show up now in the US and do a second film.

To judge him from this film is unfair...utter the wrong word and he or his family would face death or worse.

The real losers in all this was the North Koreans no one believes their propaganda in the West. Think millions starved while this dufus was swigging down Johnny Walker Black Label. It is still fascinating.
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Solid documentary that is interesting despite the limited appeal of the material
bob the moo12 May 2007
In 1962, the 20 year old PFC James Dresnok was serving in the demilitarised zone between North Korea and South Korea when he just headed across in the northern side of the border. Captured by the North Koreans, Dresnok became the first of several American GI's to "defect" to the communist North and went on to be enormous propaganda tools to the regime of the time. This film looks back on the life of Dresnok in North Korea and his importance within that regime.

It is hard to deny that this film will have limited appeal as one does have to wonder how well known the Dresnok defection is outside of those from the US who were at a certain age in the early 1960's. I certainly knew nothing of him but was drawn to the film by the chance of learning more about the mostly inward and secretive North Korea. As such the film is quite interesting because it does give an insider's view while also having that insider being a westerner. However the film does not just use Dresnok as the way in to the country but he is the focus of the film and this is both a strength and a weakness.

It is a strength in the way that he is a complex but likable character who is an interesting focus but it is a weakness in the way that my interest was not really with him in the first instance. This does leave us with an interesting film but one with a rather limited appeal, meaning that I did find it to be rather too long and occasionally hard work when it is focusing totally on people who I have no knowledge of or vested interest in.

Overall then a solid documentary that is reasonably interesting despite the material having a limited appeal whenever it moves into specific territory (which is the majority).
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A fascinating film about a guy who is easy to dislike....
planktonrules8 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Crossing the Line" is one of the strangest films I've seen in a long time. It's the story about an American soldier who, inexplicably, crossed the Demilitarized Zone INTO North Korea. What makes it all the more surprising is that three others also did the same! And, even more surprising, is that the very, very closed North Korean society actually allowed filmmakers into their country to film these interviews.

James Dresnok's life before crossing this line was explored in the first portion of the film. He had a pretty sad and loveless childhood. Even worse, after serving a hitch in the US Army, he returned to find that his wife had left him. At this point, you kind of feel sorry for him--life had dealt him quite a few lemons. However, Dresnok's reaction made it easier not to feel for him. He re-enlisted and was sent to serve in South Korea--along the DMZ. There, he was an insubordinate jerk and was about to be either reprimanded or dishonorably discharged for his actions. Instead, he chose to run the heavily mined border into North Korea. His defection was not politically motivated--more the actions of a malcontent.

Now in North Korea, he and three other Americans with rather similar backgrounds were minor celebrities. They willingly let themselves be used for propaganda purposes and even later starred as evil Americans in a television mini-series! If the men truly believed in this communist paradise, I could empathize--to a degree. But what bothered me is that these men lived well--and continued living well through the famine in recent years. So, even when their countrymen were starving to death, they had plenty. And, when huge numbers were being sent to concentration camps in this most repressive of countries, they lived fairly well. In fact, it turned out that the marriages that followed for one of them was to a woman the country had kidnapped! And, it appeared that this was also probably the case in at least one or two other occasions. In other words, Dresnok lived well and the government provided a kidnapped wife (or possibly wives) to make him happy. This truly made Dresnok and his 'friends' come off as jerks.

What also made me thoroughly dislike Dresnok was his reaction to the other defectors. One died relatively early and I can't recall exactly what happened to one of the others. But the final defector was an odd case, as Dresnok truly hated the guy and talked in a manner that made this VERY clear. The bitterness of Dresnok was interesting. And, when this other defector defected back to the West, he told stories about how Dresnok (who is a huge man) beat him and mistreated him. This is all pretty weird and impossible to prove--but Dresnok's emotional reaction sure was easy to notice! His coldness and anger were striking.

The film makers managed to do something pretty interesting. They took a somewhat neutral position on Dresnok and his defection--at least in the first 3/4 of the film. This is NOT a bad thing, as they simply allowed Dresnok to talk without criticism of any sort. Towards the end, the film makers did spring a few things on Dresnok (such as the allegations from his former 'friend') but still managed to keep some objectivity. Overall, a truly fascinating film. My only reservation is that the viewer should also watch some of the other recent films about North Korean society. That's because the North Korea you see in "Crossing the Line" was all filtered and is the view of the country the government wants to promote. In other words, Dresnok and those around him were presented by North Korea in the best possible light and the city you see looks pretty nice. Films such as "Kidnapped!", "Seoul Train", "Children of the Secret State" and "National Geographic: Inside North Korea" give a much, much more harrowing view of the nation.

Well worth seeing and never dull.
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Harrowing Portrait
valis194914 February 2009
In my experience, the best bio-pics are those in which I identify, or at the very least, sympathize with the subject of the film. CROSSING THE LINE is the very opposite of this. James Dresnok is a most reprehensible character. His decision to defect has little or nothing to do with the large moral defects in his character. He comes across as a thug and a bully. I suppose one could overlook some of this due to his unfortunate background, however many have had personal histories such as this, and not sunk to his tragic fate. The excessive smoking and drinking almost seem like a personal vendetta by his 'better' self against the 'evil' that is in him. He is really in the process of self-destruction, and rightly so. In spite of this, however, I think that CROSSING THE LINE is a fine film. After viewing the movie, I could not empathize with Dresnok, or even make a case as to why he took the path that he did. But, Daniel Gordon did a superior job illuminating this disreputable individual. We are allowed to see this man 'warts and all', and the film-maker goes out of his way to be evenhanded. It would have been so easy, and probably tempting, to just cast Dresnok as a two-bit villain.
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A Bizarre Defection
gavin694221 January 2015
A British documentary about US Army defector James Joseph Dresnok (born 1941) currently living in North Korea after having defected during the 60s.

This is a very strange story. Americans defecting to Nazi Germany is strange, but somewhat understandable. Americans sympathizing with terrorists and moving to Afghanistan is hard to understand, but it makes sense on a certain level. This one is stranger still... defecting to a country that not only speaks a foreign tongue and has different views, but restricts freedom? Who purposely wants to live in a prison? And the man does not comes across as mistreated or brainwashed in any way. Clearly something very odd happened, and he may not be completely truthful (the tale of his first wife being a kidnap victim is a story in itself)... who is James Dresnok?
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At least he's honest
peter0726 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed this documentary, but couldn't come away thinking the protagonist is your typical piece of trailer trash who happened to defect to North Korea. At least he admits he is one and doesn't try to make himself something he isn't.

All four of the defectors did not graduate high school yet became heroes and celebs in a totalitarian country. Goes to show you how losers from the West can succeed in Asia (and this ain't a good thing).

I do recommend this movie for the wealth of information it provides on North Korea, but well, I'm sorry but I think Dresnok is a loser PERIOD. I'm also sure I'm FAR from alone in my opinion.
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Pfc James Dresnok, Fascinating Account of his Life after Defecting to North Korea
lynnetom2004200330 January 2010
'Crossing the Line' is a brilliant documentary of the life of Pfc James Dresnok since he defected as a young US soldier to North Korea in the mid-Sixties. He is said to be the only such living defector left in that country today. The two British men who made this film, it seems, were only given permission to do so as they had previously made a popular film about the North Korean football (i.e. soccer) team who as tremendous underdogs beat the mighty Italian team in the late stages of the 1966 World Cup. This documentary provides a fascinating portrait of James Dresnok's unique life. Whilst doing so, it allows the viewer to see a little of what is life in North Korea. I strongly recommend that others buy this DVD.
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A Loathsome Individual Reaping What He Sowed
Uriah4330 June 2024
Unwilling to accept responsibility for his actions, an American soldier in South Korea named "James Joseph Dresnok" abandons his post and walks across the demilitarized zone into North Korea--with no intention of ever returning. After a brief interrogation, he was sent to Pyongyang and was essentially confined to a small house with a couple of other deserters pending a decision on what to do with them. Used primarily for propaganda purposes, after four years in this communist paradise, all four of them seek asylum in the nearby Soviet Union embassy. Apparently, not wanting these poor specimens of mankind all that much, they are quickly returned back to their North Korean captors to live out their days in a manner they so richly deserve--with some living longer than others. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that, even though James Dresnok was given every opportunity to make himself look somewhat presentable to polite society, I found nothing about him that was admirable or worthy of respect. Neither, apparently, did one of his colleagues who had nothing good to say about him after spending more than 30 years with him. Be that as it may, although the main character was rather loathsome, the documentary itself turned out to be quite informative, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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