Starter for 10 (2006) Poster

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Some young British up and comings in a pleasant film
blanche-222 December 2012
"Starter for 10" is a 2006 British film set in 1985 about a working class young man, Brian Jackson (James McAvoy) who attends Bristol University on scholarship and is accepted on the team of "University Challenge," a televised college quiz show. He's crazy for a hot blonde on the team, Alice (Alice Eve). After a disastrous post-Christmas visit to her house when his penchant for movie quotes gets him in trouble, he spends New Year's Eve with another girl, the more grounded and politically active Rebecca Epstein (Rebecca Hall) -- but when he wishes her Happy New Year, he calls her Alice. He has a habit of blowing it, and the best is yet to come.

I actually sought out this film because I am a huge fan of Benedict Cumberbatch. Here, Cumberbatch plays the fastidious nerdy head of the College Quiz team (even though they keep losing), and he's hilarious. When he gets into a fight with one of Brian's friends from home, the guy punches him, and Cumberbatch's response is to start flapping his hands on him as if he's shaking out a dishtowel.

The acting in this film is very good, and it's interesting to see that all these young people have come up together. Cumberbatch and Eve are in the upcoming Star Trek; Rebecca Hall and Cumberbatch starred in the miniseries "Parade's End," and McAvoy, of course, has had a marvelous career, making a splash in films right around the time this film was released. The supporting cast is led by the wonderful Lindsay Duncan and Charles Dance as Alice's parents, and Catherine Tate as Brian's mother.

While "Starter for 10" is a little predictable, it has a nice quality about it and gives one a feel for university life, leaving home, meeting new people, and the adjustments that need to be made.
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University Challenged - A love song to the other British Eighties...
intelearts20 April 2007
Tom Hanks knows what he's doing when he puts his ha'penny's worth in as an executive producer - this has had sleeper hit written all over it from day one.

Lovingly made, with a nicely observed, but still sweet, story of social and socialist morals in the Eighties, it is evocative and rings (mostly) true. The performances are solid, the director gets the era right; but, and here it scores great points: it also has some real soul, and though in places an exercise in capturing its time it has a real wit, and intelligence as well as deprecating humour that serve it well.

Funny, intelligent, and definitely deeply romantic - it is also an amazing nostalgia trip for those of us who were around in Britain at that time. The production design has obviously been at great odds to make this work; from the posters in the student bedsit to the clothing it is very well thought through. Aided by a very competent script, that is just too worked through and lacks some real teeth to be really outstanding - it is much better than most American romantic comedies as it is so much more than boy meets (two) girls (and well you know the rest) actually touches a much wider world, and questions some values that are worth remembering. Moreover, even at its most manipulative it still somehow has real heart, and just carries you along.

It would have been great to have balanced the many laughs with some more complex dilemmas - but this is a surprisingly rounded comedy - a definite must for those who remember Britain in 1985 - without bashing at the politics endlessly - but it is just as enjoyable as a great romantic drama-comedy in its right... the Wedding Singer with much bigger brains...

Overall, impressive for its evocation of a lost age - before brands and spending took over the world - and it is guaranteed to make you grin - especially if you were there - and to sing - along. The theme of University Challenge alone will reduce a whole generation to wobbly nostalgic has beens. Excellent stuff, and one to be simply enjoyed.
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Entertaining no-brainer
Chris_Docker14 November 2006
Starter For Ten (three stars)

Director Tom Vaughan Writer David Nicholls Stars Ian Bonar, Alice Eve, Rebecca Hall, Catherine Tate Certificate 12A Running time 96 minutes Country UK / USA Year 2006

Don't let the pathetically weak opening scene - a flashback of a university applicant as a boy, watching University Challenge and guessing the answers - put you off. Starter For Ten actually manages to get better. Although nominally about qualifying to be on the TV famous game show, the film is really a light-hearted coming-of-age drama set in the 80s. It has convincing performances and a lovingly recreated period of Thatcher Britain, when corduroy was cool and Kate Bush was for intellectuals.

Working class Brian was not born clever - he has to work at it. Gaining entry to a posh university, he meanders through undergraduate days with a classic dilemma: do you fall in love with the intellectually attractive brunette or the blonde goddess? Karl Marx, Freud and John Lennon, like smoking hash and learning how to do blowbacks, are all part of the social landscape of what is trendy and what isn't. Half way in, the film subject matter allows plenty of social commentary on the irksome British class divisions that penetrate romance, friendship and the University Challenge team.

Versatile Catherine Tate puts in an amiable performance as Brian's ever supportive and cooing mother: she's having an affair with the ice-cream van man ("you can hear him coming"). This enjoyable no-brainer of a movie is aided and abetted by a blistering 80s soundtrack with bands such as The Cure, Psychedelic Furs, Buzzcocks, Yazoo, The Smiths, Tears for Fears, The Undertones - and Kate Bush.

Starter for Ten is not searing drama, but it does make a pleasant and worthwhile trip down nostalgia lane. The characters are ones we can love and care about and the movie mostly avoids predictability and cheese. If "the most important questions in life are the ones we already know the answer to," and are not exactly rocket science, the subject matter of Starter For Ten is a welcome and unpretentious antidote to the plethora of similar American teen comedies. If you like the music, it's worth going for that alone.
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British and beautiful
NukedaFridge11 September 2006
I just seen this film at a surprise screening in Glasgow and I would recommend it to all. For one it features the amazing talents of James macavoy who doesn't disappoint in this slightly coming of age, slightly romance, slightly comedy drama which turns the world of relationships inside education upside down from deep crushes to background influences. The main appeal of this film was its ability to assault the viewer with pieces of hilarious wit that seemingly come from nowhere and features an amazing 80's soundtrack including the cure, undertones and new order. Its main downers however is a host of other actors that don't really get the attention they deserve such as the room mates that seemed to be quite interesting characters and even the female lead was given less of a personality and more of a distant "that girl you view from afar who you may or may not get at the end of the movie" and she wasn't necessarily poorly acted I just felt there could have been more development to her. But other than that the film was filled with witty and somewhat realistic situations that you could compare with to some extent which added to that air of authenticity that the good ol' British movie is good for. 8 stars for acting, writing, great soundtrack and well shot. -2 stars for less character development and being somewhat predictable near the climax.
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An Entertaining Piffle
dhlough-13 November 2006
Though he's been acting since 1995, young James McAvoy is poised to become the next great European import based on his kindly faun Mr. Tumnus in The Chronicles of Narnia and his wide-eyed work in The Last King of Scotland alongside Forest Whittaker's fierce Idi Amin. Yet sometimes a performer's measure isn't in their solid ensemble acting, but how they carry a minor work with the sheer force of talent or personality.

McAvoy's turn in Starter for Ten as frosh geek Brian Jackson, at University in 1985, is wondrously physical and inspired. He's graced with an infinitely pliable, benevolent face that's both plain and handsome. As a smart, shy working class boy, still reeling from the loss of his father years ago, McAvoy wields Jackson's intelligence as both sword and shield – he draws you to him with his wit, and keeps you at arm's length with the same. For all his smarts, he's at a loss when drawn to both the enigmatic Julie (the piercingly funny Catherine Tate) – a partner on the school's quiz team – and the politically active Rebecca (the gangly beauty Rebecca Hall who hits low vocal notes reminiscent of Emma Thompson).

Directed by Tom Vaughan from an agile screenplay by David Nicholls, Starter for Ten is the best movie John Hughes would have made if he was English and set his comedies in college instead of high school. Though predictable and erratically paced, there's a real suggestion of university life in it. And McAvoy's creation wrings true emotion. He has a showcase scene in a restaurant where he goes from laughter to tears within the same sentence – you're with him all the way. The movie is an entertaining piffle, but it serves notice that you just might be watching the birth of a star.
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The Age of Thatcher
JamesHitchcock8 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"University Challenge" is a long-running quiz show on British television, featuring contests between teams from different universities. The title of this film is taken from the catch phrase "your starter for ten…..", much used by the programme's original presenter, Bamber Gascoigne. I have an interest to declare as in the early eighties I myself appeared on the programme as a member of the team from Magdalene College, Cambridge. I am also familiar with Bristol University as, during the mid-eighties (the film is set in 1985/6), my then girlfriend Melissa was a student there.

There has been a long literary tradition in Britain of novels about university life, although this has not always been reflected by the British cinema. There seem to be more films set in public schools; "Goodbye Mr Chips", "The Guinea Pig", "If….." and the two "Browning Versions" are all examples. The opening scenes of "Chariots of Fire" were set in Cambridge and those of the recent "Brideshead Revisited" in Oxford, although in neither case is academic life the real subject of the film. "Starter for Ten" is one of the few British films ("Lucky Jim" is another) to take university life as its main subject matter. (The subject has been much more extensively treated in American films).

In form the film is a romantic comedy. The main character is Brian Jackson, a working-class boy from Clacton (a seaside resort in Essex) who wins a place at the prestigious Bristol University. From his childhood Brian has had a passion for knowledge and learning for its own sake, and this earns him a slot on Bristol's "University Challenge" team. The romance element is provided by the two girls in Brian's life, Alice and Rebecca, who have very different personalities. The blonde Alice (a fellow-member of the quiz team) is sexy and glamorous but also shallow and fickle and wildly promiscuous. Or at least she claims to be wildly promiscuous; there is perhaps a hint that her stories of having slept with just about every man who has ever crossed her path were invented to impress the easily-impressed Brian. The brunette Rebecca is less obviously glamorous (although the actress who plays her is in fact very attractive) but more sincere and genuine than Alice; like Brian, she has an interest in left-wing politics.

Politics, in fact, play an important role in this film. Brian and Rebecca are seen demonstrating in favour of various fashionable eighties causes (anti-apartheid, nuclear disarmament, etc.), but even more important are the politics of social class. The working-class Brian often feels out of his depth among the more affluent students at Bristol such as Alice and Patrick, the captain of the quiz team who is played as a stuffy, pompous snob. Brian feels the need to remain in touch with his proletarian roots, especially his old school friend, Spencer, who cautions him not to become a "w*nker", by which he presumably means someone like Patrick. This, however, was one of the weakest aspects of the film. It is Spencer who is the real w*nker- an unpleasant and dishonest character, who sleeps with his mate's girlfriend and shamelessly confesses to benefit fraud and embezzling from his employer. Indeed, in the first scene in which he appears he throws a tape belonging to another boy into the sea, for no reason other than sheer devilment. I therefore found it rather disquieting, and patronising to all those who had to struggle with the problem of being unemployed during the eighties, that the scriptwriters seemed to treat Spencer as a working-class hero and the voice of Brian's social conscience.

Some of the characters- Alice, Spencer and above all Patrick- were rather clichéd and one-dimensional, but James McAvoy was good as Brian, an engaging and very believable mixture of intellectual precocity and naivety, even though, at twenty-seven, he seemed physically too mature to be playing an eighteen-year-old. This was not, however, his best performance- that must be either "Atonement" or "The Last King of Scotland". The comedienne Catherine Tate gave a nicely judged performance as Brian's widowed mother and Rebecca Hall made Rebecca a likable heroine, even though she was a bit too intense for my tastes. Mark Gatiss gave a pitch-perfect imitation of Bamber Gascoigne, even though in real life there is no physical resemblance between them. There were some very comic moments, especially Brian's disastrous visit to Alice and her seriously weird parents, the sort of people who walk round naked in front of guests but can be surprisingly uptight in other ways.

Much of the appeal of the film, at least for me, lies in its nostalgic recreation of the eighties, featuring not only the political causes of the era but also its fashions and hairstyles and, above all, its pop music, (even if some of the songs we hear were not released until after the date when the film is set). There are some similarities with "The History Boys", another film made in 2006 and also set in an educational establishment (in that case a grammar school) during the mid-eighties. (Dominic Cooper, who plays Spencer here, also appeared in "The History Boys"). I don't think "Starter for Ten" is quite as good as "The History Boys", in which scriptwriter Alan Bennett combined an often brilliant wit with some serious themes and sharp social observation, but it is an often amusing and generally enjoyable look at the Age of Thatcher. 6/10
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Pleasant undemanding Brit-flick comedy
chriskylie16 August 2020
Starter For 10 is a pleasant addition to the typical gentle Brit-com genre; perfect for a rainy Sunday afternoon. Nothing too demanding is expected of the viewer, but the plot trots along effortlessly. There are moments of humour, a few English cringe moments that'll send most of us reminiscing back to our uni follies, and of course a sentimental ending. Nostalgia abounds for anyone who remembers Britain in the 80s, University Challenge or Nicholls' original novel - the essence of which has been successfully captured on screen. There's added pleasure in watching a multitude of early career performances from now household names - all of which are perfectly cast - from James McAvoy, Rebecca Hall, Benedict Cumberbatch and James Cordon.
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appealing cast
SnoopyStyle20 May 2016
It's 1985. Brian Jackson (James McAvoy) lives with his widower mother Julie (Catherine Tate) at a seaside town and spends his days with his slacker friends Tone (James Corden) and Spencer (Dominic Cooper). His memory of his late father consists of watching the TV show University Challenge. At Bristol University, he befriends politically active Rebecca Epstein (Rebecca Hall) in his first party. He signs up for the Challenge and helps Alice Harbinson (Alice Eve) cheat her way onto the team. The team is led by the twitchy obsessive Patrick Watts (Benedict Cumberbatch). Brian starts dating the sexy Alice.

This is a very appealing young cast. It's got good 80's Brit music. The story has plenty of love-lorn hormonal young people. It's got fun bits. It's great that Alice Eve isn't an airhead or a villain. However, Rebecca Hall needs a lot more screen time in the first half of the film. The tone does careen around sometimes. It's a nice movie and great to see some funny early Cumberbatch.
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Gently enjoyable - with one standout performance
concraig28 May 2007
This is not a great film by any means, but a gently enjoyable comedy. There are some very funny moments, most of them involving Benedict Cumberbatch's pompous Patrick. The shaky period sense is a bit distracting - the music is all over the place, and surely no one in the mid-80s used the expression 'we'll just hang out', for instance? The acting is fine, with one really exceptional performance from Rebecca Hall. She has that rare quality of seeming completely spontaneous; her lines don't seem rehearsed but completely natural. She has huge charm and if there is any justice she will be a big star, and not just because of her family connections - this girl acts everyone else off the screen.
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Leaves a smile on your face - plain and simple.
SprngsEternal27 March 2007
Surveying the wreckage of numerous other such films - burdened at their outset with flimsy premises, one-dimensional characters, stale gimmicks that coast on the fumes of pop cultural trends, and implausible "meet-cute" situations - which could not be sustained even with big-name talent, inestimable budgets, and plague-like advertising campaigns, I was understandably sceptical as to how the "romantic comedy" aspect of this film might play out when I first sat down to watch it. In retrospect, I honestly couldn't have been more pleased. Rare indeed is the occasion when I have walked out of a theatre feeling unambiguously good about what I saw, believing that it was well worth the time and money I spent to watch it.

The story forming the basis of "Starter for 10" is handled with a great deal of humour, sensitivity, and intelligence. At no time did any part of it feel forced or contrived, nor was it condescending. Testament to this film's openness and accessibility, the emotional connection that I formed with the primary character (James MacEvoy - may he have a long and distinguished career ahead of him) was subtly cultivated throughout, reinforced by simple - yet heartachingly truthful - moments of confusion, awkwardness, uncertainty, and disappointment of the kind anyone might experience (and probably has) in similar circumstances. "Starter for 10" masterfully captures the spirit of that time in one's life wherein a person fully enters the world and begins to establish her- or himself as an individual.

So often, and unfortunately, it is the case that I see people on the screen with whom I cannot identify, in situations to which I cannot relate (this is typically due in part to the performers' overblown celebrity status and the general "Hollywood" gloss that is spread thickly over the top of everything). Not so where "Starter for 10" is concerned.

Perhaps it's no coincidence that "Starter for 10" references "The Graduate," since I believe it shall, in time, prove itself a worthy descendant of that film's legacy and subsequently receive the higher profile that it deserves.
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gambleuk12 January 2007
I went last night to see Starter For Ten a British based film with the excellent young up and coming actor James McVoy.

Not an awful film but not as clever as it would like to be, I did like it, I just felt it was trying to be more than it was. It felt like the writers were trying to be Richard Curtis but failing with the actual cleverness of his writing, timing and general script play.

The title is taken from the well known, in the UK, University Challenge and a young lad who always wants more knowledge and generally dreams of better things for himself, an opening gambit:

"Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to be clever. Some people are born clever, same way some people are born beautiful. I'm not one of those people" The problem I had with it is I felt the jokes coming before they did, you could almost script it yourself around the usual 'My Family' style sitcom, which in it's place has it's very funny moments but wouldn't hold up on the silver screen.

The parts I actually liked more were when it seemed to ad lib slightly, a little turn of phrase, but overall underwhelmed.

It's not a nasty film by any stroke of the imagination, it's got a certain warmth, it's probably trying to hard and that's it ultimate downfall.

I'd recommend but on DVD when you have time to catch up on recent movies.

-------- Reading other entries I can now understand why it was a certain way as I've discovered the American backing...that explains a Lot! I have however included my original opinion.
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Sweet, moving, emotional winner
larry-41121 September 2006
I attended the world premiere of "Starter for Ten" at the Toronto International Film Festival. First things first. Just as director Tom Vaughan did in introducing the film, let's get the explanation of the title out of the way. The plot centers around a group of university students competing on "University Challenge," a popular UK quiz show in which the host begins by announcing, "Starter for Ten..." The American equivalent would be, "I'll take Famous Armadillos for 20, Alex." Now that we're set in place, let's get set in time.

This is a period piece -- 1985, to be exact. And make no mistake about it -- the filmmakers went all out to recreate the mid-80's -- sets, costumes, hair and, most importantly (for this writer, anyway) the music. And oh, what great songs. That had me from the word "go." Finally, we need a protagonist. One who is captivating enough to command 90 minutes of our time. And this is, perhaps, the crowning achievement of this film. His name is James McAvoy, and he had no less than three films screening in Toronto this year. Talk about prolific. Though a bit older than the character Brian Jackson, he's convincing as a teenager off to discover himself and of what he is capable, in school, life, and affairs of the heart. He wins us over because he commands the screen and the script, and has the eyes of innocence and vulnerability with which we can all identify. He is everyman -- every boy/man -- and no doubt we see our own coming-of-age through his eyes. Throw all those elements together with a compelling love story and you have a formula for success. I asked McAvoy after the screening what his most difficult scene was. Without giving anything away, I'll just say that he becomes emotional at times, and quite convincingly. He told me that he had to keep reminding himself that it was Brian who was sad, not James. That's powerful stuff. This is a sweet, moving film which left me wanting more. I'll take "Starter for Ten," and I think you will, too.
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OK, but why change the book ?
Jam_Man28 September 2010
Just read the book of this film and then immediately watched the movie, and have to say the old cliché is right, the films isn't as good as the book.

SPOILERS!!!! There are some key changes in the storyline which change the dynamics of some of the relationships.

In the book Spencer is a good friend of his who tries to get him and Alice together and Brian unfairly shuns him after the fight thinking he was hitting on Alice. In the film Spencer is a slime ball who betrays him, when in the book she sleeps with Jackson and then sees another guy at university. Why David Nicholls felt he had to change the characters I don't know, pacing of the film I guess.

Movie version Jackson really doesn't match up to the book version, he is painfully embarrassing in the book and much funnier than in the film, although I wonder how that would have looked on film.
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Learning to fly
Prismark101 September 2014
Starter for 10 is a coming of age tale with a lot of 1980s music but a slight and bland story.

Brian Jackson (James McAvoy) loved facts ever since he was a wee nipper and has enrolled at Bristol University where he has a chance to enter University Challenge then a long running ITV show with Bamber Gascoigne.

He also falls for lively, flirty, posh and good looking blonde Alice Harbinson (Alice Eve) but also gets entangled with lovely, lively, left wing activist and good looking brunette, Rebecca Epstein (Rebecca Hall).

When it comes to the television quiz he has a testy relationship with captain of the team Patrick Watts (Benedict Cumberbatch) and things get worse when one of Brian's hometown friends gets involved in a fight with Patrick.

The film has a cast of youngsters who have gone on to become famous such Cumberbatch, McAvoy as well as Dominic Cooper and James Corden. Mark Gatiss is a convincing Bamber Gascoigne and the recreation of University Challenge is very good but that is a very small part of the film despite the title of the movie.

The rest of the film about a young teenager discovering a romantic awakening in Thatcher's Britain is rather humdrum. The film is an adaptation of the book which may be more spiky than this.
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A brilliant feel-good movie
chucknorrisrules16 July 2010
This film has to be one of my favourites since I was forced to watch it by cultural people. Luckily I was not disappointed.

The general story is of a Brian (McAvoy), an intelligent and clever young man who after going to university in Bristol, joins the University Challenge team. During this time, he falls for an attractive blonde on the team called Alice (Eve) while being completely oblivious to the affections of the beautiful intellectual, Rebecca Epstein (Hall).

The film has a great cast and some good comedy moments. A great cast, and some good dialogue. There's not much else to say about it, but that if you ever feel unhappy and depressed, watch this gem, it will not disappoint in cheering you up.
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Entertaining piffle but passes the time
hatefilms29 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Like any film its relationship to reality is limited - and having been at Bristol just before the time the film is set (left in 1984) some stuff was not what I remembered - but my main pernickety gripes are that:

1. Music - not what I remember from Epicurean/Dug out/Architects apart from Smiths/Cure/New Order - was much more punky/new wave/left field among students 2. Clothes/Style likewise - no-one I knew apart from posh people (though there were lots in Bristol) had any money, though I do remember one female student wearing white stilettos - and even the posh students didn't have new cars (even 2 CVs) or even any car 3. Not enough rain - it rained all the time

There was one very accurate bit though - slightly intimidating tutor mugging wayward student and helping them realise they could grow up and learn - almost exactly the same thing happened to me (on Whiteladies Road). It would be interesting to know if this was a common experience as I always thought it was unique to me (I am fairly sure tutor pursuing me across the road was almost unique). Apparently now students don't have tutors in most universities, sadly
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The Old College Try
writers_reign10 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Nice to be able to write something positive about a British film for a change. Okay, it owes more than a little to Le Chignon d'Olga - a likable leading man lusting after the wrong girl when the right one is under his nose - but it passes a pleasant ninety minutes. James McAvoy captures the right combination of nerd and charm, Eve Hall has just the right amount of casual shrewdness to make Anyone an ideal wife and/or girlfriend and Rebecca Hall knows just how much of the character's natural warmth to conceal under a mask of indifference. The word play in the title may be a tad twee - university IS a challenge for young people away from home for the first time, geddit - but the ultimate effect is just about spot on - for one viewing.
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I would definitely remake it.
rapsody_200013 October 2013
Starting with the script. I was surprised to find hat it was written by the author of the book himself; I was sure that it was written by someone else and actually was thinking that Nicholls must be really upset with the way it turned out. It simply flies over the entire book and gives a sense of superficiality. It gives me the impression that it has been made unwillingly, in a "oh, let's just get it done" way.

And continuing with the actors. I like James McAvoy, but not in this role. Someone said that he was maybe too mature for an 18-year old and I think that might be right. But, aside that, I didn't see in him the combination of shyness, nerdiness and intelligence of the young man trying to get the girl he was hopelessly in love with AND win the University Challenge to make his dead dad proud. I didn't see it. Oh, let's not forget about the skin problems and the "dead seagull" on his head, seen that in the book they were such a big deal. I would replace McAvoy with Michael Cera. In my opinion, he would impersonate that awkwardness much better, which, exactly!, McAvoy lacks.

I would replace Rebecca Hall with Ellen Page or Mae Whitman. I find them much more appropriate for the role. Hall was indeed a little too intense... And a little too obviously in love. Or Emma Roberts or Jane Levy. Of course, all brunettes.

I would definitely replace Alice with... I don't know who, but someone more profound. I think that Alice is beautiful, yes, but also surprisingly intelligent and sort of bohemian in her being a popular girl. Maybe Britt Robertson or Gillian Zinser or maybe Alyson Michalka or Amber Heard or Brit Marling.

I know that I just transformed it in an all American movie, but they would all speak in a British accent.

Maybe if I hadn't read the book I would've liked the film better... But now I know that it can be better!
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OK adaptation of the book
steffy_852 November 2006
I thought this film was very funny, as I was only born in the year it was set (1985) I would not know what university was like then but it had a good representation of the grotty student flat the pompous house mates and fellow students.

However I didn't think this film fulfilled the full potential of the book as they missed a lot of the thoughts that Brain Jackson (James Macvoy) has. The fact they changed small things annoyed me like in the book Spencer worked in a garage and in the film it was an arcade. Also Rebecca was Scottish in the book. The film also missed the dancing Brian does in the book which i was looking forward to seeing as it was one of my fave bits of the book! I would recommend this film as it does have some very funny moments in it but I wouldn't see it if you really enjoyed the book as you could be disappointed.

Also you can see the sound-mans boom in a lot of scenes which my mum kept pointing out to me!
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McAvoy is great in this
pawebster28 December 2008
I did not find the film quite as predictable as some of the reviewers have claimed (I expect they just mean the love story).

It has its faults, especially the fact that the two girls are far too beautiful to have gone for a nerd. Also, apart from their hair colour, they are somewhat interchangeable. Surely Rebecca should be more ordinary looking, a political firebrand who cares little for her appearance? The plot is also not without problems. In particular, we never know what happens after the recording of University Challenge is broken off and how it is that, after weeks of absence, Brian can so easily return to his studies, as if nothing has happened.

I also do not agree that Benedict Cumberbatch is good in this. He overacts terribly in my opinion, and his character is a cardboard cliché.

These defects are all compensated for by other characters, but mainly by the fantastic performance of James McAvoy. Although much older than the character he portrays, he is entirely convincing. He has the accent perfectly (without overdoing it, which must be a temptation) and he manages to show Brian as something of a nerd, but also as a real human being. (He is not a complete nerd, by the way, otherwise he would be unlikely to have the friends he has back home in Essex).

It is a minor gem and well worth watching.
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Genuinely fun comedy, with a heart of gold....!
hannah-22621 May 2007
I really really enjoyed this film. No, it wasn't an in-depth "gritty" drama, probing the dark side of the mundane, nor did it hold any strong political or social message. But this is a sweet, touching and, most of all, funny film.

Starter for Ten relies heavily on the charm and comedy of the characters in the film to carry it over a fairly weak plot, but seeing as the outcome is such a cheerful and good natured film, i have no complaints! My own favourite character was Patrick, the oh-so serious leader of the team, but all of the cast were strong and the characters all likable in their own ways.

S.for.Ten left me with a big smile on my face- a silly, feel good British comedy which doesn't take itself too seriously. Enjoy!
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Fun Movie
mccabegabe3 November 2008
This James McAvoy (who plays Brian in this) seems to be in everything these days, but I'll admit that he's deserving. He's a likable guy that pulls me into the story. There was plenty of humor and dramatic suspense in the form of rooting for Brian in not only the "University Challenge" but in his life.

The one thing I didn't buy was the "romance" between Brian (James McAvoy) and Rebecca. I guess I was supposed to feel some build-up between the two, but I mostly just found her to be okay at best, irritating at times. The irritating won out over "okay" when she got so furious with him one night. I did like that she was a go-getter with passions, but I could've used a little more sparks between them throughout.

Funny competition scenes.
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Starter for Ten is a 10
witthayu30 April 2007
If you don't like this movie, you just don't have a heart. I read some of the reviews here and they claim it's an American movie with an American budget and it does not portray england as it is/was. give me a break. It's a wonderful movie. I suppose you can say something like that about every movie. I live in Bangkok, do I think 'the beach' is the real Thailand? Hollywood has done far worse. Movies are movies, and thanks god this one is a great movie, with a great leading man/boy. He is probably a bit too old for the role, but he plays so well, that you forget about his age and you will enjoy this movie. Don't believe the negative reviews.
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good university movie with great cast and slightly disappointing ending
maximenigma23 February 2012
This movie reminded me a lot of my own student times. I could very much relate to the main character, Brian, even though I studied in the 2000s and I am female. James McAvoy perfectly shows the curiosity, insecurity and naivety many feel when they first move out from home and study at university. You can see how Brian is torn between trying to fit in (going to parties where he knows no one, smoking pot), but also how he pursues the things he likes, no matter if others think he is cool (making it to a TV quiz show and being the most eager student in his favourite class). Brian could very well be the guy living next door in your student house, and probably you would become friends with him. Many of us will be able to remember scenes of our own student life depicted in this movie: feeling lost on a party, constantly sipping from your glass to keep yourself busy and trying hard to have a casual conversation with complete strangers; how your mother keeps asking you if you packed everything you need for the weekend and you don't know how to explain her that you're not a child any more ("Do you have towels? Yes? Then at least take some ham with you..."); or when you can't believe your luck because you see that the girl or boy you really like is interested in you as well. This movie just feels very real. My favourite scenes were those of the first kiss(es), full of anxiety, and played more realistically than in most movies I've seen. And the awkwardly misunderstood quote from "the graduate". The credit goes to James McAvoy who is perfectly believable as a first- year student and keeps this movie together even in its weaker scenes. He is supported by a strong cast, especially his two love interests and the leader of the university quiz team. Unfortunately, in its last 20 minutes (which is when the actual climax was supposed to take place, during the quiz show) the movie feels a bit rushed, becomes predictable and some scenes are a bit too much (e.g. how Cumberbatch looks... you'll know what I mean when you'll see it). It also takes the easy (and safe) way out in the final scenes. I give this movie 7 stars out of 10. If it wasn't for the last 20 minutes, I would have given it 9 stars. As it is, this is still a very entertaining and excellently acted movie which you will certainly enjoy watching.
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Everything that's wrong with British cinema
jeremy-liebster-129 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Why oh why does British cinema persist time and time again with the same formula? 1. Grab a handful of ubiquitous British actors/comedians -in this case James McAvoy, Catherine Tate, Charles Dance, Mark Gatiss and more. 2. Find a 'quirky' subject on which to hang a romantic comedy, in this case that great British favourite University Challenge. 3. Add every kind of possible cliché you can - gawky student falls for pretty girl but ends up with nice one, said student neglects his studies, acts like a prat in rejecting his true mates from back home but ends up coming to his senses in a life-affirming finale. 4. Add a very unsubtle theme about either race or class. In this film our 'hero' is the Essex son of a single mother and his friend back home is unemployed, in trouble with the police but is still rooting for him to succeed at Uni. How sweet. 5. Add an awkward sex scene for light relief. 6. Set it in the past. Any decade is fine, with a particular penchant for the 70s, 80s (as in this film and countless others where Thatcherism looms in the background) or the 19th century.

What I find extraordinary is that British critics berate Hollywood for coming up with clichéd blockbusters yet our film industry persists in churning out the same bittersweet feel-good romantic comedies. James McAvoy (as always) makes a horribly conceited, unappealing lead character but I have to say that my reason for despising every second of this atrocious film had less to do with him and more to do with the comatosed script and direction which contained not an ounce of either soul or originality.
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