Suburban Sasquatch (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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Just all around bad
sepr825 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Bigfoot movies can be fun. This one is terrible. The acting is atrocious (except for Sue Lynn Sanchez), and the script is a mess. Probably the most absurd scene takes place in a "newspaper office" (obviously a high school), where an editor patiently explains to a young reporter why mass killings by an unknown animal are of no interest to readers. We're to also believe that this thing is running around, abducting women and ripping people apart, and the state police never arrive and no media circus ensues. Apparently, the families of the women abducted and the people killed just forget the whole thing. The ending is also absurd. Why would a babe like Talla want to spend any time with a loser like the reporter? I won't even get in to how absurd the sasquatch looks, except to point out that the monster is supposed to be a male, since he sexually assaults women -- so why does the costume have breasts? I've given this mess two stars only because of Sue Lynn Sanchez, who is gorgeous and puts in a spirited performance despite her horrible lines. Hopefully she'll get some real roles soon.

Stay away from this film. It's not a fun B-movie. It's just a typical, low-budget blood fest with no new ideas. It's terrible.
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Way overboard with the FX...
KobraPower1 February 2008
I could not finish watching the entire movie, I got about 3/4's of the way. First of all, the movie is way too long(100 minutes), and the blood effects are just way too fake, I mean I know low budget is low budget, but the killing scenes are just too comical. The ape looks like a retard making comical grunts, and posturing, and the costume is just plain lame. I did love the opening credits, great job there. The acting was very bad, and when the ape lifts the cop car, that was just too ridiculous, it looked so fake, I think this film would have been better if a different approach to the ape was used, and they limited the blood and gore, the movie had potential and that's why I give it a three. Finishing a film is an accomplishment and these film makers did just that.
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What did I just watch?
mdf-8793628 September 2021
Why do low budget Bigfoot movies always have a man in a cheap gorilla costume? Why not just tweak a few things in the script and make it a movie about a serial killer that wears a gorilla suit? Anyhow, I'm not sure if this was made as a joke or if it is a genuinely terrible movie created and acted by incompetent people.
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So bad it's wonderful
walk_wild77724 May 2007
Fans of questionable cinema will adore "Suburban Sasquatch". This movie is so bad that it's a joy to watch, and it's that way in part because the film makers knew they weren't making Citizen Cane.

I truly question people who would write a review of this and declare it a waste of time.If you're buying or renting a DVD set called "Depraved Degenerates" that has no stills from the movie anywhere on the packaging, and you're getting 6 movies for $10, what are you truly expecting to see? The Godfather? Terminator 2? The Sasquatch featured in this film is a fellow in a cheap store bought gorilla suit, complete with fuzzy slippers for feet, who offs unsuspecting suburbanites by pulling out their hearts kung-fu style and beating people with their own bloody stumps. If that doesn't make you want to see this, you aren't a true fan of bad cinema, so you probably should just run down to Blockbuster instead.

The only criticism I have for the film, is that it's a bit overly long, and the bland, odd love interest between our star and starlet gets in the way of a truly fun no-budget romp.

Pick this one up, call over a couple of like minded friends and break out the snacks.
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"Hey! Do You Smell Something?!"...
azathothpwiggins1 September 2020
Personal note: When I was a kid, there was a local teenager who made his own movies. He would invite the neighborhood kids over to his house, put a bed sheet on the wall, load up the projector, and... his latest horror "masterpiece" would work its magic. Mostly, it was kids from the same street, running around, falling, pretending to be dead, etc. There was also a lot of ketchup utilized.

Fast forward to 2004, and SUBURBAN SASQUATCH is unleashed. It uses the very same aforementioned filming techniques, only now it's adults running around instead of children. Horrendous CGI "effects" have replaced most of the ketchup, especially for the fire hose-like, blood spraying shots.

There are no production values per se, as this isn't really a production of any sort. Just wait until you see the "cops"! Don't even get me started on the whole "native American" angle! As for Sasquatch / Footy himself, well, let's just say that it was half off day at the used costume shop!

Oh my goodness!

Shot on what appears to have been a cell phone, it still managed to cost over $10,000.00 to make! Someone must have eaten an awful lot of pizza!

Now, in spite of everything stated, make no mistake, this "movie" is extremely entertaining. So, gather your friends, amass the appropriate intoxicants, and be prepared to howl until your lungs burn...
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Nipplecentric Z Grade Trash Cinema
Idiot-Deluxe3 May 2020
The tagline for this one should read something like this: C-list non-actors accosted by roving hair-suit idiot with massive Sasquatchian pepperoni nipples!

Well that was quite terrible.....having seen "Suburban Sasquatch" the other day gang, I can confidently tell you all that it's easily among the worst films ever made - and dare I say it, in it's most charming of moments this stinking, low-budget, crapfest of a movie has something of a Birdemic-quality to it. So that's something in it's favor, I guess. Of obvious amateur make Suburban Sasquatch is profoundly sub-par in all possible aspects and that's especially true when speaking of the acting that's seen throughout the film. But worse yet are the horrifically bad (sub-Birdemic quality) CGI effects which very frequently stain and smear the screen with copious amounts of computer-generated gore; the films CGI effects are simply among the worst ever seen anywhere. Combine those terrible effects with the fact that this movie was shot on video and you have one of the most visually cringeworthy collision of pixels ever assimilated in the form of a movie.

The films cast is simply beyond terrible and all have day jobs, this is especially true for "Rick" the films scrappy and "quick-witted" reporter. This-shlub-has-absolutely-no-business-being-in-movies! And then there's "John" the sheriff whose just as inept, but he just doesn't have as much screen time to show off his pitifully pathetic acting talents. But perhaps the most pathetic part of this movie is the Sasquatch itself...or rather the Sasquatch's suit; for starters the fur on the hands does not match the rest of it's fur and the mask looks as phony as can be. BUT best (worst?) of all are those massive-inverted-Sasquatchian-pepperoni-nipples!!! Just who was the perv who made that obscene suit?

And so as this most heavy-handed of hack-jobs neared conclusion I found myself cataloging all the usual amateurish mistakes, and let me tell you along the way I checked-off virtually all the mistakes typically made by amateur film crews (continuities EVERYWHERE, bad lighting, inconsistent sound, etc) though surprisingly enough I don't recall ever seeing the boom-mike in frame, so good job there guys! All in all this film really does have a Birdemic feel to it, BUT it's even worse and has an even lower budget. I can say that Suburban Sasquatch does get off to a much faster start, because after all there's murder in the air.

And on the matter of memorable director cameos just forget about Sorcese in Taxi Driver or any of Hitchcock's trademark pop-ins, this film has the absolute best one AND at the same time we also get one of the best reaction shots ever "Dave...".

So wrapping things up Suburban Sasquatch is bad on all counts, BUT it also has many moments of purely nonsensical fun. But I warn you to only watch it once - your brain will thank you for that later on.

Very, very, few movies are worse than Suburban Sasquatch and on that note - Sasquatch Nipples over and out!
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Still dont know if this film was made as a joke?
jmc196924 August 2020
Film was made by high schoolers as a class project. F minus. Seriously, was this movie made as a real movie or is someone still snickering about how people really thought this was a real movie?
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Should not be available to the public, it is so bad...
Aaron13759 May 2020
Let me say this right now and get it out of the way to any other potential filmmakers out there...if you can't put your movie on film, just don't bother! The only films that should be done on video are adult films, that is it! Even they suffer at times due to the fact you see every blemish if you have a HD television. A movie, forget it, it automatically screams bad to the tenth power and I have never seen one that can be classified as good. This film cost 12,000 apparently, that is 12,000 wasted! Do you know how many of us could pay bills with that money, but someone decided to take it and make a film that makes Manos: The Hands of Fate seem totally professional by comparison!

The story has a Sasquatch going crazy and killing people left and right. An Indian girl is tasked with killing it and for some reason a cop calls this reporter to come look at the crime scene while a fatter cop does not want the reporter snooping. Fat cop apparently ran afoul of this beast before, but forget that backstory as it really does not play out in any sort of way, but budding romance between chubby, pale and balding dude and very attractive girl playing Indian does!

The film is listed here as a comedy, but I found nothing remotely humorous about it. Just people doing stuff that they find funny and thinking others will too, like a class clown making fart noises and thinking he is a laugh riot and continuing to do it because one or two of his friends are laughing. The gore usually consists of computer blood, and if you are a low budget film and don't use practical blood effects another strike against you. There is nothing redeeming about this film except for the attractive 'Indian' girl!

So, if you have 12,000 to burn, put down a down payment on a house, donate to charity or heck, make an adult film; however, do not make a movie of any other kind shot with a video recorder. If you can do it on film, go for it, but not this, never this! Once again, it just seems like a film where they did intend it to be an adult film, but all the girls except one quit when they saw who they had to sleep with so they decided to make a film last minute so they could at least keep the 'Indian' girl. The film takes itself deadly serious too, they did a Rifftrax of it and to me it was weak because this is just too bad to even make fun off...
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Deserves a Poolitzer
thobilly19 January 2021
One of the greatest nights I've had in a while was watching this with some friends on Zoom. So hang up some tarp, put on an Arby's uniform and give this a watch. You'll have some good laughs.
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Once upon a time...
tonygallucci8 August 2022
If you go into this movie thinking it's going to be a well polished movie with a good'll be let down. But if you like cult classics like "The Room" or "Ben & Arthur" then you'll enjoy this movie from start to finish. I was on the edge of my seat wondering how ridiculous it could get or what low budget trope would they over do in the next scene. Everything from the directing, camera work and costume design are enjoyable to watch because it's unpredictable in the best way.

It's a low budget movie that took itself so serious that it's a blast to watch!
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Enjoyably Awful
Vvardenfell_Man19 May 2024
Every single element of the production is flawed, incompetent, and ill-conceived. Why, just now, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that in the scene where the journalist is asking his boss to let him do research, outside the window is a day-for-night social gathering in some kind of big housing or athletics development. Really, really strange. It makes the natural light in the scene that immediately follows seem...well, unnatural. But I guess that's just what happens when you decide nobody needs to know how lighting works and press on with your awful movie anyway. If you like bad movies--I mean if you like being confused by odd decisions and rushed productions--this is for you.
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This film is so funny!!
ashleywincer18 February 2012
This film is so funny. You will laugh at this film, no doubt.

The acting is terrible, the sound is lousy and the special effects - Holly crap..

You really need to make an effort to see this film. You have to see it to believe it. You will be entertained!

This is 1 hour and 39 minutes of pure funny film making.

Until now, it has been reported 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' by Ed Wood was the worst film ever made. Not anymore! The worst film ever made is now Officially 'Suburban Sasquatch' by Dave Wascavage.

The full feature film can be found for free online on Youtube. Listed under Horror films.

Have fun watching B-Grade films..

B-Grade Film Geek. e-mail:
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Holy hell
dave-heberer14 September 2019
I saw this at a bad movie birthday party. I don't even know where it came from. This is flat out amazingly bad. I think they bought someone with a computer and some skillz a bag of weed and then went down to Target and got the rest of the props for the movie.

This seems like it was filmed in people's front yard and like the neighborhood field. The actors seem like they are mostly trying. The story is crazy as hell, Sasquatch can teleport and I think the main character is kinda portrayed in a racially insensitive way. I literally laughed so hard a couple times I cried.

I wanted the hero to be a deranged homeless person living in a tent in the woods and hunting the people of the town believing they were Sasquatch. But alas, they played the teleporting, dimension shifting Sasquatch straight.
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Still waiting for that ZERO rating...
mhorg20182 May 2024
Which this absolute trash and total waste of time, would certainly deserve. Not only does this have some of the worst (and I hate to use this word) ACTING ever put on tape (yes it was done with a video recorder, not film) the most tepid pacing in film history (even the CREEPING TERROR, universally hailed as one of the worst movies ever made is better). Add in the ABSOLUTE WORST, MOST HORRIBLE, USELESS Bigfoot costume ever committed to celluloid, as well as the worst SFX ever put on tape, a director who must have been asleep at the wheel... and you get this worthless piece of garbage. Films like this are why IMDB really needs to break down and give us a zero rating. Every copy of this should be put in a rocket and fired into the sun.
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Who else is here because of RLM?
xeo-289-38070212 March 2019
Best film ever. Tanks to Red Letter Media was able to find this diamond.
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Astronomically Outstanding Classic!!!
Tub_Sauce11 April 2018
Don't believe the ratings!!!!!!!!!! An amazing take on the legendary BIGFOOT mythology. This is an absolute superb motion picture and a astonishing work of art. It really takes a great look on Mother Nature's method of retaliating against the invasive tendencies of suburban expansion and its toll on the natural environment. This is all I will say as I do not want to spoil this monumental experience. I highly recommend contacting local theatres to view this masterpiece in ULTRA AVX 3D.
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Beware of the man in the gorilla suit!
Humdinger6925 October 2013
Suburban Sasquatch is one of those movies that is so cheesy and stupid that you doubt whether the creators meant for it to be taken seriously or not. Actually, director Dave Wascavage has said in an interview that Suburban Sasquatch really wasn't meant to be taken all that serious. Sure some scenes were meant to be serious, but the director knows it's a B-movie, and just has fun with it.

This one has all the usual SOV problems, questionable acting, dialog that, while not bad most of the time, occasionally ventures into downright terrible (check the scene where the news editor must have said the word "sell" at least 20 times), cheap special effects, continuity errors, etc. If you can get past all that, you should have a lot of fun with this one.

Hapless victims stand there and scream for their lives as Bigfoot tears them apart piece by piece. Bigfoot himself gets shot countless times, he bleeds profusely, but is never hurt. For those of you studying Bigfoot, the legend is true, the blood of Bigfoot is made of terrible CGI. In one scene, the main girl is getting ready to shoot him with a bow-and-arrow, and Bigfoot leaves himself wide open, spreading his arms wide as if to say "shoot me, go ahead, I don't mind". In another scene, Bigfoot tears up a girl, an arm and some blood go flying, then in the next shot the arm is right back on her, completely unharmed.

There is also a good amount of gore, that ranges from some good prosthetic effects to laughably bad CGI.

While maybe a bit long (this one lasts about 100 minutes), it really didn't bother me all that much because I had a pretty good time with this one.

Suggested MPAA: R for violence and gore
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This is what campy fun/good storytelling is about!
funkypeas1 July 2006
I thought this was a blast! No it's not a major Hollywood movie - its a fun film made with people who are clearly doing their best and having a great time doing it! I enjoyed watching a home made bigfoot costume and enjoying the homages to 70s horror films. Lots of site gags and hysterical scenes (someone gets knocked into a river and i wont say how but it is great). Throw that in with a really hot looking female lead who does a great job, and the lead guy is really believable. The cops are a great matched pair and i just thought the campiness was through the roof. This is a movie for people who want to have fun. If you like this, check out Fungicide (also by Troubled Moon Films), and other films in this genre include Monsturd, Evil Dead, etc....
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Suburban Sasquatch (2004)
jonahstewartvaughan20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
NOctoberween #10 (The Week of Gutter Trash 1): Suburban Sasquatch (2004)

(7/10): So to start this week off I'm going to be marathoning the remaining Visual Vengeance releases in my collection that I have yet to see so you can expect at least 4 more films released by them to be coming, but with that being said this was pretty fun.

Suburban Sasquatch is pretty simple, there's a mysterious string of murders occurring that two park rangers are investigating, a writer is pursuing in hopes of his big break and also a strange girl with a bow and arrow is also hunting down the killer, which happens to be Bigfoot, but only her tools can defeat it and it has the ability to disappear into thin air if near any rural forests or other areas of that type.

Now this sounds pretty stupid and that's because it is, but it's charming in its incredibly flawed form and it's independent spirit of making a movie because you just love movies.

It's also incredibly, I guess cute, in its effects as they are either the highlight or the lowlight depending on what you're looking for.

They are so so so bad, there's a scratch that's just the titular beast with fake blood on his fingers lightly wiping it across someone's shirt, which doesn't even tear by the way. However the film actually has digital effects, and oh my god they are atrocious in the best way possible. They look worse than poorly aged cgi from the nineties, to give you an idea of how bad it is, if I were to take a freeze frame of a digital effect from this movie, it would look like something done on Microsoft Paint.

The noises of the Sasquatch also are pretty freaking hilarious, they're obviously groans but they sound also like he's constipated.

This is low budget as hell but it's obviously not meant to be an award winner, it's meant to be a drunk movie enjoyed with some buddies.

So sit back, relax and revel in the sheer absurdity and lunacy.
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Fun, campy, entertaining horror film
claymonster243 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Suburban Sasquatch was the first film I saw from writer/director/producer/editor/actor Dave Wascavage and I was immediately impressed with his passion and vision for creating films unlike any you have ever seen. He takes a mystical, supernatural approach to a popular urban legend and throws in some comedic dialogue, memorable characters, and some truly memorable moments. To take this film seriously is to completely miss the point. Wascavage's goal was to create a fun, campy, entertaining horror film and he succeeded. Everyone involved in this film seems to be having fun making it and the lead actress, an Indian warrior played by Sue Lynn Sanchez, delivers a very good performance. The director's mother, Loretta Wascavage, delivers the films very best line (after being attacked by a supernatural Bigfoot, mind you): "I've been through worse."
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Suburban Sasquatch is a great B Film!
nobtis54 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Suburban Sasquatch" is a great B film and anyone who loves this genre should give it a try. It is by Dave Wascavage of Troubled Moon Films who also brought to us "Fungicide" and soon "Zombies By Design" in Spring, 2006. This isn't your ordinary "sasquatch" story. Bigfoot is back and meaner than ever with never before seen powers and origins. There's a reluctant hero looking for a story, a warrior female Native American, 2 gun-ho cops and a lot more interesting characters throughout this film. This movie is a real beast with a lot of bite and there's no stopping the Bigfoot! Without any spoilers nor giving anything away, all I have to say is go see this film! It's a fun, wild ride that you won't soon forget! ~~Nobtis5

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Embrace the Squatch
BandSAboutMovies9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Most bigfeet, bigfoots, skunk apes and otherwise hominoid cryptids tend to stay in the woods or far away from the eyes of man. Yet in Dave Wascavage's $550 wonder Suburban Sasquatch, the creature has no issues in attacking human beings right in the small bedroom communities where they believe that they're safe.

A lot of folks through the word auteur around like it means only doing one or two things on your movie. Dave earned this distinction by being the director, writer, editor, producer, cinematographer, composer, art, video effects, costume, sound, firearms, the voice of the sasquatch and playing the following roles: Dave the Fisherman, Hunter Victim 2, Waiter, Guest and, of course, the Suburban Sasquatch itself.

He's also smart. Most of the budget went to the food for the wrap party.

Wascavage also knows how to talk about his movies, saying that this " a movie about famil, A statement about life as humanity presses onward into nature. The creature is a mystical creature seeking to change humanity."

So many lives are touched by the madness that is the creature. Rick Harlan (Bill Ushler) is a directionless man who sleeps on the box springs and a mattress with no need for a bed frame. He may dream of being an investigative reporter beyond just covering local community events, but even his best friends tell him that his dreams are, frankly, stupid.

John Rush (Dave Bovavita) is a cop who moved to town after losing his wife in a sasquatch attack, thinking that the suburbs would be a place to rest and heal. He's wrong.

Talla (Sue Lynn Sanchez) is a Native American warrior who must fulfill the destiny of her family and hunt the beast as her ancestors have done since before we even measured time. She's also where most of the film's budget went, as Dave took Sanchez to a mall and found sound boots and fringed clothing that said "Native American warrior."

As for the sasquatch itself - played by Bonavita, Juan Fernandez, Wes Miller and, as we said before, Wascavage who also created the beast's distinctive vocalization by growling into a microphone, dropping the pitch and deciding that after three minutes, he had achieved perfection.

Perhaps the most charming thing is that this movie was a family affair, as Wascavage wrote it with his wife Mary, who also has that auteur gene, as she was also the caterer, screenplay editor, assistant propmaster and wrote the songs "Trust In Thee" and "Collision Force," performing the latter. Dave's mom Loretta also appears as Rick's mom - owning every moment she's on screen with lines like "And remember, I don't like you. I love you." - and his father and brother are also in the cast.

There are real estate women devouring hot dogs, a child being menaced by a bigfoot and then watching their mother get eviscerated, said bigfoot launching a cop car into the air in a feat of low grade CGI mayhem, bloody human limbs being used as weapons and a black garbage bag crafted lair filled with body parts that reminds me of the best parts of Don't Go Into the Woods. Actually, that movie feels like the absent father of this film, drunkenly calling it on its birthday and awkwardly explaining why it can't come to its birthday party.

Also: the sasquatch can teleport.

The best shot on video bigfoot movie ever made in West Chester, PA - home of CKY, some of the Jackass crew, Matisyahu, Amy Steel from Friday the 13th Part 2 and Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mother's Day - this is a movie with a heart - a bloody and gore-covered one - that makes it so much better than it has any right to be. For all the famous directors that bemoan what is and what is not cinema, they could do more for the art form by picking up a camera and finding a bigfoot suit with some prominent titties.
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bigfoot on a rampage
buddyreperton18 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
the cast give their greatest and most entertaining performance to date.This is a zinger filled crowd pleaser. From writer-directer Dave Wascavage {Tartarus} the screams never stop' you will be on the edge of you seat , you will never feel safe in the woods again !!

Dave Wascavage has a way of bringing out the best in his cast and crew he also has an eye for discovering talent taking people from horror conventions and turning them into award winning actors Some people say this movie is the best thing they have ever seen. A friend of mine said this Movie got him off crack. Personly speaking I think this is a great movie .The effects are great if you don't like white dogs you will love this movie just watch and you will agree. to sum it all up this movie ranks up there with fungicide
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mikej-246-7954136 May 2020
Can't decide which is more awesome, the acting, the writing, or the effects? Anyway, the Rifftrax take this Jewel of a movie is great
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A fresh take on the legendary Sasquatch
harryplinkett1417 January 2014
Yes, he is now menacing the suburbs. Although it is unclear whether it's the regular Sasquatch who has decided to focus on suburban areas or if it's an entirely new subspecies of Sasquatch that resides mainly in suburban areas.

In any event, this Sasquatch is not to be messed with as he has the power to regenerate and can flip drawings of cars into the air and far off screen.

This is a great film with some awesome special effects and a cast of future stars. The direction is confident and the editing really gives the action scenes the relentless rhythm that reminds me of the movie 'Aliens'.

Looking forward to a sequel, presumably one that takes it up a notch and is called 'Urban Sasquatch'. Maybe they could even get the director of 'Birdemic' to cooperate on the project and have Sasquatch fight birds on top of the Empire State. Anything is possible with a talented team of special effects experts.

Joking aside, even 'Suburban Sasquatch' never descends to the depths of 'Birdemic'. It's a home-made flick with a miniature budget. It has its funny moments, but to be fair, as most other similar films it is mostly awful. That doesn't stop me from giving it ten stars, though.
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