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Incredible Performances
bullettoothtaz9 May 2006
Pretty is the story of a disturbed woman who plans a whole twist of events around her sexually inactive husband and her new lesbian lover. The best part about this movie is an incredible performance by Guenia Lemos. I watch this movie over and over again, and she is super believable every time. Before this movie went into production, I went over the script with the director over and over again and the dialogue, even though it was incredibly well written, had to be delivered with utmost believability for it to work. Guenia, Jennifer and Don, brought the dialogue to life. You can see it all in their performances. Good going Emon.
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A very good story idea
planktonrules15 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is an interesting story that is told in 22 minutes. Currently, it is one of the featured shorts on IMDb--hopefully you'll get a chance to see it.

The story begins with two women meeting and striking up a friendship. However, as the story is told in a convoluted sequence (going back and forth again and again in time), you already know much of what is going to occur. They will commit a horrific act together, though fortunately there are some other twists and turns that help make this a good film.

I am don't think that filming PRETTY in this back and forth way is best for telling the story. It seems that this is a pretty recent trend, as I've seen quite a few shorts that have this non-traditional narrative style. Just making it from start to finish would have, in my opinion, been stronger. As it, it's a great idea that is diluted by using this gimmicky style.

Also, since this is a short and usually shorts are made in order to pitch an idea for a feature-length film, I'd love to see this occur with PRETTY--allowing more buildup and more exploration of what seem to be lesbian undertones (especially by the one lady) as well as understanding more about the psychological issues involved. Still, it's a very professional looking film and if they do get financing, I'd love to see the final product.

By the way, this is a pretty adult film. Because of the language and violent content, it's best seen by an older audience.
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Disturbing in its production, not in its story.
youarenotworthmyrealemai15 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is undoubtedly one of the worst films I have ever seen. Aside from the mediocre acting and poorly written dialogue, the filming and editing of this movie couldn't be worse if my two year old daughter did it. The camera is wobbly, the editing is atrocious. Scenes cut in and out with no explanation, in the middle of sentences even, the story jumps back and forth between present and past without any warning or explanation, people appear in the middle of scenes, such as the kitchen scene near the beginning, it's ridiculous. The plot is filled with back story that is neither shown nor explained such as the husband's "Voodoo" ties or Stacy's supposed illness that the Voodoo is supposed to fix. The characters are underdeveloped and change moods like my grandmother going through menopause, one minute happy and fine, the next arguing and calling each other names, the next engulfed in the heat of passion, the next slapping and fighting again. It's a emotional roller-coaster without any rails, they're up and down so fast you would think it was the slingshot ride at the county fair. The acting, though not the worst I've seen, is far from convincing. I understand that in a twenty minute film, there is not a lot of room for back story or character development, but there are strategies for working such details in. This film does not employ those strategies. I wonder if the only strategy used by the director was to get this tragedy over with and move on to something better. Don't waste twenty minutes of your life with this film, it's just not worth it.
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