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sbarshow30 May 2006
This movie certainly does not live up to my expectations. POor acting, Confusing storyline, Terrible makeup. I mean seriously who are we fooling? Decent but not what everyone makes it out to be.

Story moves slow and never really picks up until its too late to redeem itself. At this point I'm Looking for the remote and a roll of toilet paper. Horror is supposed to be fast, not 2 second in your face clicks with a mediocre, if not half assed ending? I want storyline, action, plot ( very important ) and good FX. The effects in this film were laughable at times. Well laughable at all times. The whole last ten minutes are an fx nightmare. (not a good one )

So if you want to see something that will pass your time and make you laugh, see this one. Otherwise use your time better and watch something a little quicker, and better put together. There's always the classics.
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Love of a Story
new_hammer20 September 2007
If you want one crazy twisted Horror film, this is right for you. If you want a Slaher, go check out something different It's really slow in the beginning so you just have to be patient. You have to watch all of it unfortunately before you can get to the last little bit which is what you really want to see. The acting sucks, it's low budget too so you don't get very many good effects or make-up, it even feels like the same car keeps driving around town. This looks like the work of a College Student done with his friends for class.

The reason why to check it out is for the story. I believe this would have been much more effective as a novel because the story is great. I gave this a 4 because of Story alone. The rest was crap.

I suggest you look for a friend to rent/buy this for you. Don't waste your money on it. Only pay for it if you're looking for a good story.
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Poor, poor movie...
thobald19 July 2006
I love horror films, mostly low-budget ones which are generally more creative and more fun, but I definitely wouldn't recommend this one : the acting is very poor, the main character as expressive as my goldfish. The plot is very interesting, hence the disappointment. The intrigue could have been used in a great way, but here the good idea is wasted. At no point is it scary, the "spinning camera" scenes are laughable, only the main character's girlfriend is credible as a scared woman. Each time you start getting a feeling of entering the movie's atmosphere, the scene is cut and out goes the feeling : the small town atmosphere is just well rendered but the fast forward to the cop/friend ringing at the door messes it up. The cop's attitude was worth a Scary Movie plot. My advice : walk away and go watch Wolf Creek, Salvage or even House of the Dead 2, at least you get a laugh.
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Great Concept, Bad Story
mikegrot7 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I first became aware of "Joshua" on the IMDb message board for "Blair Witch Project" when a user mistook it for a sequel to the ailing franchise. Out of curiosity I scouted out the website for the indie venture and found the following proclamation:

"Our mission is clear: reinventing one of the oldest film genres known to man: the horror movie.

Horror is the release for the everyday person who needs an outlet into the dark and twisted. Fear is the most honest emotion anyone can experience, which is the reason we all enjoy a good scare now and then. That's why Drexel Box Productions is hard at work on its first feature film, joshua.

In the last few years, horror has suffered from an onslaught of bad scripts, poor acting and unimaginative directing. We at Drexel Box are committed to resurrecting truly terrifying movies. Our hope is that even adults will once again check under their beds, close their closet doors and plug in the nightlight before going to bed. We want to reach into the audience members' soul and hold it for the duration of the film, so that every breath they take in the darkened theatre feels like their last.

Joshua, promises to exercise the dark corners of your mind, and tap into fears you never knew you had. You have two options:

1. Run away from this movie as fast as your fear-engulfed legs will allow. 2. Live the nightmare."

I thought the statement was pretentious and, well, boring. It's one long, misinformed boast, that is just begging to be proved wrong. The fact is, innovative horror is nowhere near as extinct as these guys suggest; one need only look outside of Hollywood -- and often the US market -- to find well written, well acted, well directed, and well crafted horror.

So, are they as good as they think they are?

Joshua has a great underlying concept. Some kids find an abandoned baby and raise it in an abandoned cabin. As time goes on, the baby becomes their play-thing and their sadistic natures begin to evolve. As years of torturing and abusing the child pass, they begin to form a plan for their subject: he will become a soldier of Satan. The story is told by flash-back as one of the kids, Kelby, returns to town to face down the remnants of his actions, and the people he left behind.

"Joshua" is at its best when dealing the tortured souls captive to the memories of their actions. How could you live with the horror of what has happened? What has become of those who stayed put in the town? Close to the core of insanity, reminded day after day of what they did.

Technically, "Joshua" is severely lacking visually and mechanically. Lighting is often over-bearing with little aural quality. The camera work, while sometimes unique, is text book at best. The looping is a painful mix of onset sound and punch ins with no normalization and no attention to consistency. The editing, well, therein lays the problem. If I were to guess, I'd bet that "Joshua" has an outstanding screenplay. The dialogue, at times, is laughably pretentious and could have used a polish, but broken down to its elements there is a good story here; lacking are the skills to tell it well.

For all it promised as a departure from the cookie-cutter mentality dominant on the big screen of today, "Joshua" emulates the same old "spiraling towards revelation" twist-based formula that is SO overdone today. In the end, that revelation is really not powerful enough to close a story with as much potential as "Joshua".

Technically immature. Poorly executed. "Joshua" is not the reinvention of the horror genre.
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helenlevey18 March 2006
I loved this film,OK. its made by fangoria but don't let this put you off. I believe the budget for the film wasn't very much but you would not think so. The acting and direction are all above standard, and the camera work is cleverly done. The gore factor although not prolific is well done and impressive. The story at first is a little slow and could be a little confusing at times, but that all changes as this movies then turns into a roller-coaster ride, with enough twists, shocks and turns to keep you glued to your seat. If your looking for a horror film thats different and were you actually want your brain to work for a change and think, then this could be the film for you, check it out, you won't be disappointed.
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Not entirely horrible
naexus624 June 2006
Not the worst movie I've ever seen, but definitely in the same ballpark. Being from Indiana (where the film was shot "on location"), I was hoping for much more. What some might call "creative, kinetic camera work" is really just a complete lack of understanding about what goes into composing a shot. I can't say how many times you will see the backs of people's heads while they are talking, or their knees as the enter a room, or huge chunks of wall or ceiling instead of characters, or characters moving on and off camera while we get a good loooooooooong look at the freaking lamp in the background. Some of the actors do a decent job - I just wish that I was offered the chance to care about them. The lighting... well, I could go on and on, so I'm going to switch gears and discuss the movie itself. It wasn't scary, which is a bad thing for a horror film. It was confusing. The idea was okay, but it seemed like the best parts were stolen from other horror films. There's a Leatherface scene, a People Under the Stairs scene, a Silence of the Lambs theme, heck - there was a scene from Bring It On that they ended up cutting from the film. I will end by saying that if the director (Travis Betz, I believe) gets a chance to make a film with the help of a cinematographer and a lighting tech (a sound tech wouldn't hurt either), that he seems capable of doing much, much better work. Here's hoping it works out for him.
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The Essence of Evil in a Future Classic
claudio_carvalho25 March 2008
Kelby Unger (Ward Roberts) is a young man from a dysfunctional family that lives with his girlfriend Amelia Gates (Christy Jackson) and has sleeping problems with dreadful nightmares. When he proposes Amelia, he coincidently receives a phone call from the warden of the prison of his hometown telling that his father had just died from heart attack. He decides to return to Bisbee for the funeral and Amelia goes with him. Kelby and Amelia lodge at his mother's house and he meets his slut sister Trish (Alexa Havins), his former friends James Lilly (Aaron Gaffey) and the policeman Wally (Jeremiah Jordan) and his unknown uncle Tom (John Coffman). When Wally has a nervous breakdown with the name of Joshua, Kelby is haunted by the evil past in Bisbee.

Yesterday I saw "Joshua" and I am still impressed with this disturbing and sick movie. The director and writer Travis Betz has been well-succeeded in capturing the essence of evil and horror, creating a very original low-budget movie that confronts the innocence of a baby with the twisted and mean minds of three very bad boys. I dare to compare the importance and originality "Joshua" in the horror genre to George A. Romero's "Night of the Living Dead", Sam Raimi's "The Evil Dead" or Tobe Hooper's "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", just to mention a few of movies that became the basis for many rip-offs. Further, with an appropriate distribution and marketing, I believe "Joshua" has potential to be a future classic in the genre. The story is very simple but credible, with a fantastic camera that explores unusual angles, great acting of unknown actors and actresses and I must confess that I had trouble to sleep after watching "Joshua". My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "Joshua"
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Impressive low-budget horror film
chuck-reilly19 April 2006
Writer-Director Travis Best's "Joshua" is a skillful low-budget horror movie with more than its share of gore and frightening scenes. Although the plot is a bit muddled in the beginning and the motivation of the main character isn't made all that clear, it doesn't stop the movie from being what it is: a well-done horror film made on the cheap. Of special note is Ward Roberts (Kelby) who does a fine job as one really screwed-up fellow. Christy Jackson, the movie's love interest, provides a fine rational balance to Roberts' over-the-top behavior. She's an excellent professional actress who will go places if given the right opportunity. All in all, "Joshua" is worth the money for the rental as long as the popcorn's for free.
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the horror is -people have been exposed to this crap
mags2215 August 2006
I simply can't believe how bad this movie was, but what really irritated me was that friends, family members, cast and crew were obviously the only people commenting on this flick in the guise of the "unbiased masses". I (used to) come to IMDb in order to be better informed when choosing a film to see, rent or buy – but I think it's high time IMDb started ensuring, at least one or two, unbiased and intelligent reviews. Perhaps an on-staff or free lance reviewer – maybe a link to responsible reviewers. The "reviews" of this film were clearly written by people involved with the film and or its cast and crew. Due to the bias, I wasted an hour and a half of my life, not to mention the spondole needed to pay for this ka ka. The premise actually had promise, unfortunately this film was execrable! The director should be fed to the protagonist piecemeal. The actors were quite clearly "acting". The camera people, in no way to be confused with "cinematographers", should be forced (clockwork orange style) to view the frames from 42:23 – 42:50 mins ad infinitum, the camera stays focused center but James moves to the left and we are all left staring at a dung orange colored wall and James's "evil eye". As for the make-up, I've seen better on crack whores. The script "writers" should be forced to renounce their membership in the Writers Guild of America (WGA), if, for no other reason than writing such drivel as: when Kelby walks into James' home for the first time James: "I'm afraid the life of an accountant isn't as glamorous as you might have thought" Having said all that, I'd like to say this: I am one of the most easily frightened people on the planet… this flick didn't frighten me a bit!
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Horror at its low-budget best!
zooropa3916 March 2006
"Joshua" is a break from the formulaic hog-wash major studios have put out in the genre of horror. This piece has the added bonus of being an original, something that is recently on short supply in the age of remake the remake. The sets and direction are beautiful in their simplicity. This story is based in OurTown, USA, surely identifiable to anyone. I was particularly pleased with the acting and casting. Characters are consistent as much as the story allows and at times, creepy as hell. This story deals with both current and past events, leaving little down time between the audience learning where the characters are and how they arrived in their place. A real breath of fresh air. With blood.
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mmusicman-114 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
i have just finished watching the biggest load of rubbish i have ever had the misfortune to view. the acting was terrible..and as for the policeman....enough said. and as for the film being scary..ll my electric bills are scarier. if you have to watch this load of crap,take a magazine or comic to read..this film is definitely the worst film i have ever seen,i know its a low budget film..but hey..they could have spent a bit more than my kids pocket money on this pile of crap.the story..(what story) was nonsense and the so called twist at the end i could tell after just a few minutes of this rubbish..and where o where did the cop learn to act...if it was a quick act course for beginners..please ,-please go back and finish your course..
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Disturbing, exceptionally well-done
FrightMeter15 November 2006
Joshua is a rare treat for horror flick fans such as myself. Here is a film that exceeds any expectation I had for it, and was truly disturbing in every sense of the word. I can't give away too much of the plot, because the twists are what make this film disturbing. In a nutshell, it is about a man who decides to go back to his hometown for a funeral, accompanied by his girlfriend. Needless to say, his family is pretty strange (a nymph sister who has sex with family members) and his friends are not much better (a serial killer who slaughters women he picks up in bars). It doesn't take long before things get a little fishy and creepy and we realize that something is definitely up. Kelby (the main character) seems to have something in his past that is pretty bad, as his serial-killer friend begins pressuring him to "not forget about what we did." And it is what the two boys did when they were younger that will truly shocken and disgust anyone with a conscience and sense of morals. I wouldn't have seen the plot twists coming a mile away, and the last 5 minutes of this film are more disturbing that anything I have seen in quite sometime.

It's apparent why this film never made it to theaters: its low budget. But let me assure you that this film is more disturbing and original than any horror flick that has been put into theaters in awhile. Keep an open mind when watching it, and remember that it is a low budget DTV film. The pace is a little slow at the beginning, but the last half hour are exceptionally. If you are a fan of horror, pick this little gem up and enjoy. 9 out of 10
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A Creepy Little Film...
AcidLoser6928 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After not being able to find really ANY information on this film, I was rather curious to see it. Well, it finally came out today, and I was very glad I picked it up!

The film tells the story of Kelby, a man whom after proposing to his girlfriend receives a strange phone call. It seems his (abusive) father just passed away, so Kelby will need to return back home to arrange the funeral and such. He brings his girlfriend with him, in order to help him "put his past to rest". Thing is, we really have NO IDEA what happened to him in the past other than vague clues through terrifying nightmares.

After Kelby and his girl arrive back in his hometown, everything begins to unravel and fall apart. We discover that Kelby's entire family is missing more than a few brain cells, and this leads to the discovery of "what happened".

Without ruining the whole twist, the basic story goes as follows: One day Kelby and his best friend (at about age 10) are walking home from school and they take a shortcut through an alley way. There, they discover an abandoned baby in a box thrown away like trash. Together, they decide they will take it to their "clubhouse" and raise it themselves. Of course they are not even CLOSE to mature so they don't do the best job. After about a year they begin to mistreat the child and they begin feeding it dead animals. Eventually they move on to torturing and modifying the child's body. All this is done it seems to create an "evil child", one that will do all of their bad doings for them. They get too carried away with the idea and eventually Kelby can't take the insanity anymore. SO, Kelby and another friend set the "clubhouse" on fire and burn it to the ground, leaving the "monster" child there to burn with it. At least, that's what they MEANT to do...

Jump to today, it seems Kelby's two friends haven't got over the whole scenario and they want Kelby to remember and suffer with them. The rest of the film plays out with lots of suspense, filled with twists and turns. Kelby is kidnapped by his now psychotic old friend and forced to relive everything in front of his girlfriend, drug-addict sister, and clueless mother. Kelby then breaks down to their level and is forced to either save his family, or join his crazy ex buddies and continue to raise and abuse children for "the devil".

The entire climax (although it drags just a tad) is really well-done and NOT what you see coming. I was surprised by this film, as it's been a while a movie really made me happy I'm a "normal" person, living a nice, "normal" life. It's very depressing, and not for the faint of heart. However, for indie horror fans, this is a welcomed treat not to be missed!
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sbarshow is on crack when he/she says it's over-hyped
whereisthebody-112 August 2006
This is one of the most psychologically disturbing movie I've seen. If you're only into FX like sbarshow whose mental faculty does not allow an iota of imagination and cannot comprehend even a slightly complicated plot line, sure, then forget watching this movie. However, if you want to explore the dark side of your own psyche and meet the demons in the far recesses of your own mind, I highly recommend it.

It's a travesty that IMDb's first-come-first-served policy will deter many people from watching this movie because of an inbred degenerate like sbarshow claimed his/her "rightful" place through the sheer luck of being the first one to post his/her comment. I usually don't do ad hominem attacks but this time it's appropriate.
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Twisted Low-Budget "Shocker"...
EVOL6662 June 2006
First off - JOSHUA is not a great film in the "traditional" sense. The acting is pretty weak, the make-up and gore FX (when used) were not very believable, and it's all-around a painfully obvious low-budget film. That said - what made JOSHUA a stand out film to me was the story - period. The storyline (though lacking in a few areas) is twisted and original, and I can't say that from a lot of the crap that is out there currently...

Kelby, with fiancée in tow, reluctantly comes back to his hometown after the death of his father, who was in prison for murder. It's alluded to that Pops was a child murderer/possibly molester, but it's never made very clear. Back in town, Kelby is confronted by two former friends - and it's obvious that the three share a dark secret dating back to their childhood. As the film goes on, the audience is let in on the group's nasty secret and it becomes VERY apparent why Kelby was not too thrilled about his little "homecoming". Exactly WHAT the "revelation" is, I leave you to find out, as it's a good one and I'd hate to ruin it for a first-time viewer...

JOSHUA is another film where the "whole" is much better than it's individual parts. Again, the acting is mediocre at best from most involved (though not bad enough to ruin the film), and the way the film is directed often draws unneeded attention to the fact that it is a very low budget feature. There's little gore and no nudity (which are typically prerequisites for me enjoying a film...) - but again, the originality and dark nature of the storyline and concept are enough to carry this one. I do feel that it could have been pulled off better with more emphasis being put on the group's "secret" - unfortunately, very little actual screen-time was allotted for this. I would have liked to see more of the "development" of this aspect. Regardless, definitely recommended for those that dig more twisted and "disturbing" subject matter and would like to see something different. JOSHUA is the type of film that is helping to restore my faith in low-budget horror...8.5/10
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An unpredictable and impressive low-budget horror treat.
BA_Harrison30 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The same day that Kelby (Ward Roberts) proposes to his girlfriend Amelia (Christy Jackson), he receives a phone call to inform him that his father has died. Kelby returns to his home town for the first time in thirteen years, where he is forced to confront the demons of his past.

Released on Fangoria's Gorezone label, Joshua is proof that bags of talent and enthusiasm, and a strong story are worth a whole heap more than a good looking cast, a glut of Hollywood style special effects, and an overpaid music-video director looking to break into feature films. Writer/director Travis Betz's twisted debut is truly the stuff of nightmares and, even though it might lack the sheen and gloss of your 'Saws' and 'Hostels', it is a damn sight more disturbing and a lot more memorable.

Opening with the brutal murder of a young woman by a man with obvious mental health issues, Joshua quickly establishes the fact that it's not suitable viewing for the whole family. The rest of the film, however, employs a slow burn approach, with Betz gradually revealing pieces of information that slot together to gradually reveal the true nature of the story. And what a warped tale it turns out to be, with the deliberate, prolonged physical and mental torture of a child forming the core of the ingenious and prevocative plot, and plenty of other weirdness and depravity littered throughout (including tons of violence and even a dab of incest!).

If you're bored of big budget 'torture porn' or glossy remakes of Asian ghost stories, and are able to see beyond the occasional iffy bit of acting, check out Joshua: it's got the makings of a classic.
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Tight, juicy, and crazy.
thrillerent9 April 2006
What a twisted delight. JOSHUA delivers. If you want an intelligent story with horrifying broadsides every 10 minutes, great acting, chiseled directing, with a maddeningly dean-on score, this is the one for you...if you're legally sick enough to enjoy it! I did. Travis is the edgy director of the future, Ward was believable and poignant (and nice abs), and Aaron Gaffey, well... that Aaron... he terrifies and arouses at the same time...what an actor...see him in Jackhammer Massacre and The Revolting Dead. We want more Aaron...on a silver platter. See JOSHUA...YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED (though you might lose some sleep, especially if you're with a friend).
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good film if you can stand some bad acting
honestly apart from the acting from some of the cast the rest of this movie is great, the final moments are outstanding, the direction the soundtrack and the dialog are great, evan if it comes from some very bad actors, i am not surprised this movie isn't well known the budget gives a new meaning to the word shoestring, but this movie really does deserve attention, give travis betz a bigger budget and let him remake this movie it would be an instant classic honestly the story, the characters, the dialog, and especially the direct are outstanding this guy deserves a bigger budget and he deserves to be congratulated on coming up with something truly original, this is truly a great film, watch it
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disturbingly brilliant...
aquariuswomyn24 March 2006
now i'm not a horror flick junkie and quite frankly i'm not really a fan but this movie caught my attention... within in the first five minutes of the movie my girlfriend threw the remote at me and said, "this is sick!"... completely true...but addictive...the draw for myself could have been partly because i'm from a small town in indiana...on top of that i now live on the west coast and this movies stays so real in terms of the portrayal of "midwest small town"...kudos to the prop person becky arney and the production manager sara womer...good job girls... Great story (travis betz is the next twisted, cult followed, movie maker), good acting (minus the girl who plays kelby's girlfriend), and although a wee bit slow in spots, very much worth it... i can't believe this was a "low-budget" film...i've seen gabillion dollar movies that sucked so's shocking and refreshing that this kind of quality can actually be done w/o breaking the bank... Cheers!
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Much better than I expected
iarepacman3 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was very pleasantly surprised by this little gem. I was expecting another super low budget attempt at horror with a camcorder in place and fake blood splattered against the wall every 5 minutes. Not at all what i got. Instead, I watched a very creepy little film, with a very interesting, and for once original (aside from the resemblance to Frankenstein)indie film. On a technical level, the film was shot well, very different, and interesting camera choices, but only once or twice do those odd choices detract from the film. The special effects are decent enough (the face ripping scenes were achieved very nicely) but the make-up on our stories heroine was a bit too "make-upy". I couldn't quite understand how this guy could make a small girl look like that in a realistic mannor, but thats the only failing. A more naturalistic approach to her look may have been more believable. The skin suit as well was a bit cheesy looking, but again, it never detracted from the film. All in all, I picked this one up for some entertaining background noise, but wound up rather immersed in the movie. A very nice surprise, and I highly recommend it to any and all genre fans out there!
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What horror movies are supposed to be like
kechupydeath23 July 2006
I would like to start by saying that this is a very original movie. Usually when I watch a horror flick I sit back and relax admiring the heroine. But this is nothing like the "horror" movies that we all know. It keeps you on the edge right until the very end. The main characteristic would be the plot twists, the story's kept a secret the whole time. The camera movement and the music add to the psychotic feeling of, quite frankly, all the scenes. It's not the sort of movie you would want watching a second time. There are a lot of disturbing scenes and about all the characters are demented, this leading to a very upsetting outtake on reality. So go see it if you want to watch something original but keep in mind that it's, hopefully, just a movie.
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