Psych (TV Series 2006–2014) Poster


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Love This Show!
Rob133129 September 2022
There have been plenty psychic and detective shows over the years but Psych is absolutely one of the best of them. It's just a flat out fun show! Shawn (James Roday Rodriguez) and Gus (Dule Hill) have such great chemistry that keeps the show fresh every episode and the supporting cast are all perfect! As great as the cast is the writing is just as good. It's a smart and quick witted written show. Even though I loved every episode of every season I have to say that the first season is the weakest and the show really hits its stride in season two. There are so many laugh out loud moments and a good murder mystery every episode. By reading through most of these reviews it looks like most people agree that they had a good time watching this show and really like it!
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Such a fun show!
Supermanfan-1315 October 2021
Psych is just a flat out fun show! Shawn (James Roday Rodriguez) and Gus (Dule Hill) have such great chemistry that keeps the show fresh every episode and the supporting cast are all perfect! We've seen plenty of psychic and detective shows over the years but this is absolutely one of the best of them! The writing is clever and the acting really good. By reading most of these reviews it looks like most people agree that they had a good time watching this show and really like it!
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Clever and absolute fun to watch!
Merang08 July 2006
The first episode was a delight and so much fun to watch. They have managed to pick a fantastic buddy team that has perfect timing. Plenty of hearty laughs with this one.

It's unusual for a pilot to have well developed characters, but Psych does dispose of this stereotype.

The series does give us (the audience) a chance to think for ourselves and allows us to figure out "who dun it?" before Sean does. There are even little kinks here and there to throw us off. I like that.

I can't wait to see more episodes, and I'm setting up a season pass on the DVR.

Good job USA!
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Great Comedy-Mystery Writing
Enrique-Sanchez-567 July 2006
Great comedy-writing characters continue on USA! What a wonderful first episode! I am hooked. Shawn Spencer is my new hero-sleuth! The first episode managed to mix the introduction of all the characters into a deftly woven plot full of fun.

I enjoyed James Roday's timing. He's got a character down pat on the first try. Dulé Hill is wonderful as Roday's partner in crimes. The rest of the cast is very good. The dating cops and the female interim Chief of Police round out a good cast that will welcome Corbin Bernsen as Spencer's ex-cop dad.

Once again, there is a reason to stay home on Friday nights!
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AnnaPagrati27 August 2021
Could be on my top two favorite TV shows ever made! Seriously, it combines comedy with mystery sooo beautifully, it's just makes me so happy!
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Well done
dmitrirlc20 July 2006
It is unusual to find an intelligent comedy out there in the TV wasteland, but 'Psych' is unusual in many aspects. The writing is quick, intelligent and witty plus the acting is fast-paced and done in an almost believable way even though the premise would be considered far-fetched by some. The storyline does cause the watcher to look at the clues that are given and try to figure out who did what and to whom. James Roday is perfect for the part that he plays, bringing to the part some of the comic timing and zaniness that he showed in 'Repli-Kate', one of his earlier movies. This series shows that he has refined his craft since then. I hope that this series is given the respect and audience that it deserves
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A Star is Born
robert-head-123 December 2006
Where did James Roday come from? Wow. I haven't seen anyone with this much star potential since Tom Cruise came onto the scene.

The show's premise is refreshingly plausible, despite the seemingly dozens of shows in recent years in which detectives with 'special powers' solve crimes. The twist is that he *doesn't* have special powers beyond excellent training by a dad with burdensome expectations.

Somehow it manages to combine youthful thirty-ish banter between buddies (Friends-style) with Monk-ish sleuthing and to charm our pants off at the same time.

The only weakness may be the cartoonish antagonism of officer Carlton Lassiter, who hates Shawn Spencer and denies his results beyond all reason. Hopefully, the writers will find a more comfortable space for the character to occupy.

Can't wait for the next season.
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Thumbs up!
WinBear8 July 2006
I thought this was a pretty good pilot. I was laughing pretty consistently throughout. I also enjoyed his observational skills and the way the special effects team highlighted them. The buddy relationship between Shawn and Gus was fun and I liked the dramatic tension between Shawn and his Dad, especially considering dad's feelings on psychics and private investigators. The supporting cast at the police station was adequate with the chief really shining compared to the two detectives having an affair.

I also liked how they used Gus' very focused vocation-based observation skills to give Shawn a hand at solving the crime at the end. The whole conversation about Shawn needing Gus to take notes because Shawn zones out really rang true for me, plus Shawn occasionally needs the 'everyman view' for something he hadn't considered.

I give this a thumbs up. It's one of the few summer shows I've picked up and so far, it is clearly the winner.
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Best Detective Comedy Since Monk
mikeridges8 August 2006
Psych is one of the most interesting and comedic series to come out this year. After watching the pilot episodes with one of my friends we were both hooked. James Roday brings his character, Shawn Spencer, a laid back cynical sleuth to life. The witty dialogue is enough to keep anyone entertained for the duration of every episode so far. The character of Gus played by Dule Hill is a brilliant contrast to Raday's character, creating excellent chemistry showcasing how opposites make great television. Over all Psych is a clever, interesting, and hilarious show. Although its not completely original and some concepts are a little far fetched, I think it will entertain anyone who takes the time to tune in Friday evenings.
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gergodxs19 August 2021
It's a mix of a comedy with Sherlock Holmes. The friendship between Shawn and Gus is elite, and the quality of episode remain throughout. Movies are also available after the show comes to its end. And the best part is the ending isn't appalling - for SPN & GOT fans :)
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Nearly flawless bit of organized chaos, funnier than most comedies and more thrilling than most mysteries
liquidcelluloid-117 February 2008
Network: USA; Genre: Comedy, Crime/Mystery; Content Rating: TV-PG (occasional mild language and violence); Available: DVD; Perspective: Contemporary (star range: 1 - 4);

Seasons Reviewed: 2 seasons

Friends since childhood, Shawn Spencer (James Roday) and Gus (Dule Hill) quite literally get a chance to play detectives when Shawn's keen eye for details (taught by his cop father Corbin Bernsen) and a colossal lie in which he masquerades as a psychic detective gets them in the inner circle of the Santa Barbra police. This gets him close to beautiful detective Juliet (Maggie Lawson) and raises the ire of her by-the-books partner Lassiter (Timothy Omudson).

If you're asking you're self the question "if he's got such a keen eye for details then why does he have to pose as a psychic detective?" with confusion, snarky skepticism and anger, abandon this review now and surf over to the closest "CSI" rerun. Steve Frank's "Psych" is not for you. But if you asked that same question with a knowing laugh at how much fun a show can be when it is so loony from the get-go that it doesn't care that the fundamental premise about collapses on itself, sit back and enjoy.

"Psych" is a loony funhouse ride through the crime series, a perfect compliment to USA's other irreverent crime comedy "Monk". A live-action cartoon with a perfectly manic performance from Roday and a perfectly straight-laced foil in Hill. There are a lot of odd elements that work for "Psych" - the clever mysteries, a buried unrequited crush story for Shawn and Juliet, the endless obscure pop culture references (random name dropping hasn't been this much fun since the second season of "Family Guy"), a complete lack of any self importance - but the blood that courses through the show's veins is the Shawn and Gus relationship.

Roday and Hill play off each other beautifully. If these two don't have real chemistry then they are brilliant at faking it. Roday and Hill don't miss a beat. Shawn and Gus's banter is a tennis match of whip-fast sibling-like short-hand that nobody in the room gets but them. Roday chews the scenery like a rabid dog. He's got the one-liners, Shawn's breathless rants and physical comedy nailed. His psychically-induced spastic summations play like a much less annoying Jim Carrey - back when Jim Carrey was the big thing. Dule Hill, however, is a comic revelation. Hill bursts out of the wallflower he played for years on "The West Wing", and uses all that bent up comic energy to give the thankless, uptight, side-kick role an unparalleled enthusiasm with a firecracker delivery that makes the tiniest reaction shots hilarious. Gus' horrified reactions to Shawn's behavior make for some of the show's biggest laughs.

Another great strength to "Psych" is that it feels so fresh and free-wheeling, but at the same time is backed by a solid and cohesive story. Shawn and Gus "Columbo" their way through the crime scenes, seemingly more concerned with making 80s movie references or bickering over fashion than solving the case, and yet, in true TV style are always able to beat the cops to the arrest. Consciously trying to one-up the cop series wrap-ups of his childhood, Shawn can't just tell everyone who did it. "Psych's" episode formula ends with TV's freshest and most invigorating wrap-up scenes as Roday can't unmask the killer without an elaborate bit of theatrics or in front of a huge group of people. It is a nearly flawless piece of organized chaos - and one of th most purely entertaining shows on TV.

Tired of the self-contained, self-important crime dramas that chronicle interviewing witnesses, making legal deals and pouring over microscopic evidence? No? Really? Seriously, Not yet? My God. Well, I am and even with "Monk" slowly loosing interest in itself, "Psych" is just the breezy, colorful, thirst-quenching antidote I've been looking for. Much like Shawn and Gus, "Psych" is quickly laughing it's care-free way right past all the TV mystery-solving competition. Beating them fair and square with wit, charm, character and an infectious puppy dog desire to entertain. Funnier than most comedies, more thrilling than most crime mysteries.

* * * ½ /4
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Easy entertainment
faber-1117 February 2009
Psych is easy, unassuming entertainment. By an accident of self preservation Shawn Spencer (played by James Roday) is contracted by the police to help solve crimes with his non-existent psychic abilities. With his compulsive behaviour he bamboozles his best friend, Burton 'Gus' Guster (Dulé Hill) into a psychic P.I. partnerships called PSYCH. Shawn then fakes his way through every episode solving crimes with old fashioned legwork and his amazing powers of observation (check that Pink Floyd line thrown in so casually), while dodging suspicion from recurring antagonist, police detective Carlton Lassiter. There is a cheesy sideline story between Shawn, his dad and the clichéd alienation between father and son that forms the emotional staple of so many shows. Fortunately this time they get it right between sentimentality and humour.
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Good writing, actors, idea... Just too silly.
BradZachland29 January 2014
I really wanted to like this show. I really did. But it just wasn't that great for me. I loved the idea. It was like a mix of Dexter (Where the super-cop dad taught the kid everything), Lie To Me (He notices the littlest things and can put a puzzle together quickly) and Suits (where he has a very photographic memory). I love all those shows. But this just didn't keep my interest.

It was just silly to me. I know this is a small thing to complain about, but I really didn't enjoy how he had his "Psychic visions" It really took me out of their word when he acted so cartoony. Its awesome when he just holds his fingers to his head and says what he sees. Thats fine. But when he starts flailing around the room making weird noises. Thats what I don't enjoy. I wish it took itself seriously. I don't need shows to be very serious like breaking bad or anything. But I would have liked it to be more serious, but not take itself as serious? I don't know how to explain it. But shows like Chuck and Suits. They are serious shows, but don't take themselves seriously.

I know there is definitely an audience out there for it, im just not part of it. I recommend that people give the show a try, but don't have as high of hopes I had going into the show. I gave it a 4 star rating because I like the idea, the writing is clever, and the actors are perfect for their roles. But its repetitive, cartoony, and frequently takes you out of their "world"
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A Show for Everyone!
eba1213 July 2006
Psych truly is a show for everyone. It's use of sarcasm and witty repartee is hilarious which obviously shows that USA Network knows how to define characters. I love the fact that they rely more on character performance rather than the solving of the crime, because it allows you to know the character and relate to him or her. Knowing a character really gets you involved in their life, whether it be your best friend, or someone on television Friday nights. If you want to fall out of your seat laughing, this show is definitely for you. Next weeks episode "Spellingg Bee" looks more promising than the premiere, if that's even a possibility. All else we can really do is welcome Psych, because it's obviously here to stay!
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Really good!
crazyegyptiandancer7 July 2006
I thought that this show was really good and entertaining. A lot are saying that its like Monk, but I honestly don't see any real similarities, the story lines are completely different, and Psych adds a new kind of humor which I found hilarious. The only real likeness is that they are both detective shows. The main characters work very well together, and there was enough going on to make me want to keep watching, without being overwhelmed. The man playing Shawn Spencer (whose name I forgot) I thought was great and adorable, and I'm looking forward to watching him every week. I think it is a perfect companion show for Monk, a show I admire also. I gave it a 9 out of 10.
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Smart, Funny, and Unique New Show
nineiningz13 August 2006
A funny CSI? The return of Moonlighting? PSYCH has great fun combining crime show and buddy picture. James Roday and Dule Hill are well-cast as best friends and hesitant investigation partners, and it is fun to see Corbin Bernsen in the role of gruff and demanding father - in stark contrast to his early "pretty-boy" work on L.A. Law. Very well written, with a fast-pace through the story and humor throughout, it is smart enough to keep you thinking and accessible (and appropriate) enough for younger family members. PSYCH has become our new "must-TiVo" show because it draws the entire family - middle school, high school, and parents - to the TV.
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I love this show!
dbarr12316 July 2022
I almost never rate shows with 10 stars! There are several LoL moments in every episode. Every episode has a unique crime scene with with different ways to solve each one. I am retired law enforcement, and while I know this show isn't exactly true to law practices, I still find it exceedingly enjoyable to watch. I am never dissatisfied while watching this show. One of the fantastic things about the show is that it's pure comedy. You don't have worry much about the plot.
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Psyched about Psyched
SkidMcCormick21 August 2006
What can I say about Psych? A great, great TV series that has class written all over it! I've been a big fan of Dule Hill's since She's All That and he compliments James Roday's equally fine comedic talents.

The series doesn't depend on punch-ups and curse words to get its point across (sorry HBO!)Instead you have top-notch people like Tim Omundson (Carlton Lassiter), Maggie Lawson (the ever so hot Juliet O'Hara!) and Corbin Bernsen that make up such a wonderful ensemble. Plus, the stories are inventive & fresh.

I love the banter between Shawn Spencer (Roday) & Burton "Gus" Guster (Hill) and then Shawn vs Lassiter! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time and one can only hope this will get a much deserved DVD release in the future (with blooper reels guys!) The only gripe I have is that they could make the opening theme tune longer, have more of Corbin Bernsen as Henry Spencer and get Shawn a decent girlfriend who's not connected to the crime he's investigating! Love this show and it gets 10/10 from me! PS: Why is the color green associated with the show?
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Underrated comedy
mgicnick16 September 2022
The two main protagonists, James Rodday and Dule Hill that operate a psychic detective agency, "Psych", are a match made in heaven.

They are one of those unique comedy duos that appear once or twice in a decade and even though they didn't find the same amount of fame other comedy duos did, their show successfully run for eight seasons based on their amazing comedic chemistry that was perfectly complimented by the rest of the cast and the excellent writing. A very funny, feel good show from beginning to end, it is guaranteed to lift anyone's spirits up. It's only been eight years since the show ended and it already feels like an eternity. Thank you for a great, very funny show!
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irreverent detective procedural
SnoopyStyle2 August 2015
In Santa Barbara, Shawn Spencer (James Roday) is a slacker who was trained rigorously by his police detective father Henry Spencer (Corbin Bernsen). He solves a few crimes by watching TV. However police head detective Carlton Lassiter (Timothy Omundson) arrests him for somehow having inside information. To escape spending time in lockup, he pretends to be a psychic. Police chief Karen Vick (Kirsten Nelson) threatens him with jail if he's lying. He pushes childhood friend Gus Guster (Dulé Hill) into starting a psychic detective agency. Juliet O'Hara (Maggie Lawson) is assigned to be Lassiter's partner but she's mostly dismissed by him.

This show is a simple detective procedural with an interesting twist in the premise. It relies on the irreverent relationship between Shawn and Gus. Lassiter is the butt of the jokes. Juliet is the plucky love interest. Corbin Bernsen is a little wrong as the hard nosed dad but he's aged enough to play that part. Kirsten Nelson is probably the weakest element in the main cast. She needs to be somebody who has a fun time getting angry. The gold standard is always Gilbert R. Hill in Beverly Hills Cop. The visual cues of his observations work very well. The show is irreverent fun and as a procedural, one can drop in every once in awhile. The show is always fun and never really changes.
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Actually very funny
doomedmac14 February 2021
This is, very simply, a funny show. The characters are funny, and the jokes are funny. Haha funny jokes!
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Now I remember.
brainwerx-130 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this show when it first came out. I loved it, but after a while I became disenchanted with it. I couldn't put my finger on it. Until I realised that what bothered me was that Sean is a real narcissist. If something doesn't revolve around him he makes it about himself. Everything he does is for self promotion. Yes, he helps people, and there is some level of growth. But, in the end his narcissistic behaviour is not endearing. It's disturbing. How so many miss that in the comments is beyond me. Once I realised that about the main character, I couldn't unsee it in all of his behaviours.

I've tried to watch it again. But the same thoughts came back.
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I don't get it
foghorn_clj6 September 2019
Now don't get me wrong I am a classic for loving shows that are niche, cable offerings (Burn Notice was the bomb) but I genuinely don't understand the appeal here.

Even if we put aside the fact that these have to be the most GULLIBLE COPS EVER the main character's antics aren't funny. They're just juvenile.
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I might not be a true psychic but I know you'll have a laugh with this show.
kenycsh28 February 2022
Irreverent, funny, impulsive, but really intelligent and attendant, Shawn Spencer, and organized, funny, cautious Gus, will make you have a laugh. They have an incredible dynamic in the show, and in the backstage, so you'll notice a great chemistry in the acting. You'll love the dumb repeating gags in psych, and you'll fall in love with the characters as they evolve, and fall in love too. If you like a police drama that's serious this isn't for you, but if you are looking to see something that will make you think, but at the same time laugh out loud.
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funny, witty, smart and kind
hacks-5663523 June 2021
I don't give tens often... in fact, there are maybe a handful of shows that qualify. This here is one of them. It's got it all. Great actors, great writing, great sets, character progression.

I often laugh out loud, usually at/with Gus. Lassider is perfect and required, and a great actor to boot. Shawn and Juliette interacting is cute and believable. The dad is a great actor and spot on in his role. Shawn can get a little "much" sometimes, but that's kinda the point...

I don't know, if you're some kind of freak of nature that doesn't like pineapples, maybe this show isn't for you. For anyone else, worth a quick check. You will know if you are hooked fast enough.
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