Bratz Rock Angelz (Video Game 2005) Poster

(2005 Video Game)

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Good for young children, but has numerous flaws.
Spraay27 June 2007
This is a good movie for children, but it does have numerous flaws, however.

If you're over the age of 8 you most likely won't enjoy it.

As previously mentioned, at the beginning of the movie they just whip out guitars from out of nowhere and start playing like pros. Without amps or anything.

Then there's the whole magazine thing. Seriously, it costs money to start running a magazine. But they got it done by the end of the day...? Then, when they go to London, they cam't get into the concert because what's her face stole the tickets. So they decide to form a band in under an hour and get in. But before doing the most logical thing, like you know, writing a song, they go and shop for "punkalicious" outfits. Then when they get there they go up on stage and play like pros. And all of them play guitar. But I can hear various other instruments.

Then after the concert everyone is happy, and guess what? Their song is number one on the charts! That leaves me to ask further questions like, how'd they get a contract so fast? How come hoards of fans don't follow them around int he episodes that follow the movie? Those questions and various others will go unanswered.
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It's good for Bratz fans
sarad2726 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Oh grow up! The films aimed at children. For the children who love playing with Bratz dolls, and who love the characters of Bratz. You're obviously not a Bratz fan, so keep comments like that to yourself.

I think the film's good for the children who like Bratz. The storyline is paced well, and describes to the viewers, how Bratz started their own magazine in the TV series. It also introduces us to the characters of Bratz who weren't produced as dolls. The film also shows some of the stories, which are frequently featured in the Bratz TV series, when the girls have flashbacks or whatever. My younger sister loves the characters of Kirstee and Kaycee, and I must admit, the way Kaycee reacts whenever she hits her nose is amusing! Although I'm not a particular fan of them, I won't deny I liked it. If you like Bratz, watch it. If you don't, then stay away from it.
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There are Worse
kieraemca15 May 2016
I look back on watching the film and playing the PC game with fond memories, but now... Makes me majorly face palm. Plot holes, inconsistency, and poor writing abound in this animated film. However, despite all the flaws, there are worse things to show your children.

All of the characters, although poorly written, at least had impact on the story. None were really just there to sell dolls, and I appreciated that. The animation was decent enough, despite me occasionally asking "Do you even Physics?"

While most of the music was bland and forgettable, one or two songs I'll admit I'll sing along with. (So Good anyone?)

While the drama was forced and the writing was bland, there are some lines here and there that were very quotable. There are even some good jokes and visual gags here and there, although I found all of the forth wall breaks forced and painful.

Overall, not a good movie, but not the worst I've seen. In the end, I believe that is how you properly describe this movie: There are worse. 4/10
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It gave me the worst nightmares
beauty-mark27 June 2006
The movie 'Bratz: Rock Angelz', is disgusting. Plainly, simply, stomach churning. The plot-line was nearly non-existent, the goofs were to numerous to count, the music they called 'rock, would be rejected as 'something terrible', by a three year old. It was completely unrealistic, and very stereotypical about England, and the states. It was actually bizarre, and gave me nightmares. I would be sleeping peacefully, dreaming of bananas when suddenly a giant Bratz doll wielding a swinging guitar bursts in and begins to sing. The terrible music kills me, and I wake up, drenched in a cold sweat. Unless you want to see something terrible, I would suggest with all my heart not to not see this movie.
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This film brings me so much nostalgia. It is a bit silly in places but it's for kids so who cares? I doubt kids are going to think how can they afford to start a magazine and how did they get a record deal etc. The Bratz are always so stylish throughout and it shows true friendship and how to have fun.
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airheads attempt to make a magazine, a band, and unfortunately, end up succeeding. stupid, unrealistic, airhead-ish.
panache200517 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, well, this is the kind of movie that turns little kids into teenage playboy wannabes. This movie was offensive, stereotypical, and flat out stupid and unrealistic. In the beginning, the "Bratz" airheads are washing their car. OK, well, if they're famous and rich, then wouldn't it be a bit more realistic if they were paying someone else to wash their car? Second, they randomly pull out guitars and start playing a song. First of all, you need speakers and acoustics in order to play a song and make it sound good and professional, which they don't have. Second, where the heck did the guitars come from?! Their pockets?!! Third is when they're at the mall and the guys show up. Since when do guys where lipstick? And also, none of them are wearing helmets. Of course, that's not a bad thing, but it shows little kids that to be cool and to look good, don't listen to safety precautions!!! And the twins gig is even dumber. OK, so one of them has a nose job. What kind of kid even knows what that is? Also, what message is it sending out? Then there's Jade working at a magazine place. OK. Well, if the boss hated her so much in the beginning, wouldn't it have been a bit more realistic if she just fired her right then and there? And so what if a hamburger has carbs and makes you fat? There's another negative message being sent out to little kids! Finally, is when the "Bratz" are making an office. Last I checked, teenagers weren't that rich. In fact, making their own magazine would be a lot harder than just saying, "Oh, girlfriends, let's make our own magazine!" Also, the paint job is professional looking and there are no paint drips on the carpeting. And, even more unrealistic, they make a nice preppy office in like, two hours. In real life, it usually takes a couple months. Then there's when they're flying to London. OK, well 1) Parents would never let a bunch of teens fly that distance unchaperoned and 2) One of the "Bratz" starts saying that flying to London for a concert is loads funner than sitting around a campfire singing songs on a camping trip. Well, I don't know about you, but camping is awesome. In fact, it's loads funner than flying on a plane with a bunch of brainless, stupid, idiotic, brainless, stupid teenagers. Then is when they have to make a band in order to get into the concert. Well, first of all, no teen would be able to afford a bunch of instruments. Second of all, they put shopping for band clothes before getting the instruments and writing a song. Third, they write a song in, like, half an hour, and also play like a professional band in that time as well. Fourth, at the concert, the guards just let them in, no questions asked. Fifth, the logo for their band (also named, coincidentally, "Bratz") is already up and made when they arrive. Sixth, the only instruments in the band are electric guitars, but when the airheads start playing, you can hear other instruments, such as drums and accordion. Pretty moronic, eh? Also, some miscellaneous goofs: All of the brats are shaped the same. They have a two inch torso, gargantuan boobs, big butt, longish legs, hair that reaches their knees, fish lips, big eyes with makeup, the same eyebrows and eyelashes. Also, all are stick thin. Another bad message. This movie was bad, and more of a how-to-turn-your-kid-into-a- slut than something for entertainment. It fails on all levels there are on the topic of movies.
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Great movie
josiemortean-114 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The girls for the passion for fashion are back for there own ultimate teen movie. This time, Jade was hired as an intern from "Your Thing" Magazine. After she has been fired, Jade and her friends decided to start their own teen magazine. They travel to London with their two friends, Cameron, and Dylan for article opportunities, with six tickets Jade found at her old job, and an invite to the whole new punk-club, Pinz and to the Save the Universe Benefit Concert. However, at the night of the benefit concert, the tickets were stolen by the so-called "Tweevils" Kirsty and Kacey, and Burdine Maxwell of "Your Thing" magazine. But that won't stop the Bratz! Instead, they form the Bratz Rock Angelz rock band to save the show, and their magazine.
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Not Right For Young Girls?
spethalness28 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
i think i had my expectations set a little too high for this movie. i assumed it would have a sensible plot line and maybe even just the teeniest tiniest bit of character development. but it just wasn't meant to be. instead of going through the plot ( which is totally lame anyway ) i'll point out the flaws.

1. the way they talk. most teenagers don't talk like that. and anyone who does deserves to be stoned to death. also i think it might be hard for some little girls to understand. my cousin, who is seven, got very confused and even a little annoyed after hearing words like ' funkalicious ' or ' punkalicious ' whatever the heck it was.

2. the way they dress. what parent would let their daughter dress the way the bratz do!? my parents would disown me if i walked around in such tiny things! should we really be letting young girls watch other girls prance around in such tacky clothes?

3. the way they look. the big heads, the fish lips, the hooker make-up, the tiny waist, massive feet. seriously wtf!? it sounds like i'm describing an alien. they really do look freaky in the movie but i must admit i actually think the dolls look quite nice.

4. the way they think. when the ' tweevils 'steal the concert tickets the bratz decide that the best way to get in without tickets is to suddenly form a rock band with clothes taking priority over practice, getting instruments, etc.

i think maybe the bratz girls are into things that most little girls aren't interested in.
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A Movie For The Sleepovers
kalendra27425 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I thought Bratz Rock Angelz was surprisingly good, even though some parts were a little dodgy and stupid like if you want to run a magazine you have to pay for it and how can they become rock-stars after a concert and if they are rock-stars, what about their magazine?! Will they have time for it? This movie is just another movie aimed for little kids aged 3-9 and not for anyone over, and I was about 9 when I watched it and if I watch it now, it would be super boring, so if you're a Bratz fan and you're aged 3-9, then the price is right, you can watch it and I can say their will be a 75% chance that you might like it! But if you're any age older, like me, and no fan of Bratz, I see no point of watching it, since you're much too old to watch it and again there will be a 75% chance that you might hate it. But if you are a Bratz fan and you're aged 10 or over, you might like it, I don't know, maybe a 50% chance. But I definitely recommend this movie for the sleepovers, you know, if you're getting bored pillow-fighting and hair-doing, whatever, you can always rent this movie on DVD and watch it at the sleepover. Maybe you may like it, maybe you wont, who knows, it's your opinion.This movie was made after the Bratz dolls were invented and in nowadays I can see little girls playing with one of their Bratz dolls, either Cleo, Yasmin, Jade or Sasha. And we all know those dolls were hugely popular, and hundreds of people swam in the stores to buy one for their little girls and in my opinion, I think this is a fantastic Christmas/birthday present for little girls, that way you can keep them entertained, rather than them just having to be bored and nagging you for one of dolls, so only if you're daughter is a Bratz fan, buy one, it will save you from keeping them entertained. Enough about the dolls, let's talk about the movie, the animation is very bright, when you watch it's like a rainbow, a mixture of different colours, so that is excellent because I can't stand movies that are not bright. And thankfully, this one came to the rescue and did. The voice animation was great too, all the cast done their voice loud and clear, and the best part is each actor was the perfect choice for the characters, I mean who else has be a more Drama Queen than Cloe? So the choices for the characters were perfect. But I'm a bit disappointed at the running time length, it's about an hour long, which for me I feel it's quite boring, if it were 30 minutes longer it would have been perfect! It needs a bit more adventure to it rather than girls rocking out and having fun. The beginning was excellent. We come to Modern Day America, at the mall where the girls are reading "You're Thing Magazine". This is fantastic because it builds an effect that they are just normal teenage girls hanging at the mall with their friends. Then we hear from their friend Jade saying she got a fashion intern at "You're Thing Magazine" and that is great because from then on we jump to the action. More characters are introduced after such as Kirstie and Kacee (The Twieviles), who were mean to the Bratz, and suddenly we know what sort of characters they are ; mean and sloppy. Then we met Dylan and Cameron, the movie starts to introduce more and more characters in the beginning, which is is great because a normal movie would do the same to and you don't have to get confused at the middle where it's the beginning of the action but you still introduce characters - that's for the beginning! Then we go on to the building of "You're Thing Magazine" and it takes a while for the camera to go to the top of building which obviously means it's a very big, 21st Century building and it also tells you what the owner of the building (Burdine Maxwell) is like ; probably very posh and clean, dose't want anyone in her way and quite mean and self-centred. As for Burdine, that is quite correct, as she always wears pink, is a real bossy boots to her interns, wants everything her way and is super posh. I mean, Jade was absolutely horrified when she fired her for neglecting her duties for lunch. So it delivers a message saying not everything is quite what they seem, you have to look at the person clearly. But that dose't stop Jade, her and the girls thought of making their own magazine and made their own personal office at the You're Thing Magazine building and that is when the adventure begins. So this effects the audience to believe in themselves and at first if you don't succeed try again. Now the girls have an exciting adventure full of laughs, excitement and choices. Defienetly recommend for Bratz fans!

RATING : 8.5/10
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It Was Okay and Weird
www-jats20 January 2010
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Excellent children's movie with a great soundtrack!
claymay26 July 2007
I notice that a lot of the comments here are from an adult/parent viewing perspective, which is nice and all, but certainly not the target age of the movie... and for young girls, this movie really is perfect for them! It's fun, stylish, and each character has a strong distinct personality. Yes, they do have a few airhead moments for comedic effect, and it does that well!

What really matters in movies like this, is that it grabs a child's imagination, pulls them into the dreamy frame of mind of wishing such wonderful things could happen to them too, with well-made original songs that you can't help but sing in your head. It seems a lot of people have forgotten what they loved as a child, because I know that I would've been dreaming about the Bratz Rock Angelz for weeks after seeing this!

On a final side point, to all those tiresome adults out there who claim that 'Bratz just turns people into prostitutes and reinforces the idea that you HAVE to look good in life', you're oh so very wrong! Children (and imaginative fun people of all ages) can totally appreciate the wonderful fantasy of being able to look wonderful, go shopping for new styles whenever the whim suits you, getting noticed by other people for having such a unique character and charm about you... whilst, at the same time, realising this is a fantasy fictional dreamworld they're thinking of. Girls totally love the hot styles of Bratz, with vivid pink&black striped stockings and big black boots, but I promise you, if you ever bought those for your daughter, she'd soon tell you she'd never ever wear them herself; she just thinks its totally cool for her dolls, and that's all there is to it.
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Rainy day movie
ponygal199410 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't really want to watch something with a lot of meaning in it or anything, this movie delivers. It's a simple, girly movie that children under the age of twelve will probably like if they play with Bratz dolls.

It starts out when Jade gets an internship with a magazine, whose editor-in-chief is quite nasty, and the other interns are determined to get her fired. They succeed, but Jade finds some all-expenses paid passes to London and tickets to the opening of a club and a big benefit concert, which Burdine (The editor-in chief) threw carelessly in the trash. Jade sees the opportunity, and with her friends (Chloe, Sasha, Yasmin, Dylan, and Cameron) they fly off to London to make a teen magazine that girls can really relate to.

As they go around London, snapping pictures and jotting down articles, problems arise. Cloe goes out once with a snobby guy, and neglects her prior commitment, causing some sparks between her and Yasmin. These problems all get resolved, but closer to the end, a new one arises. Burdine realizes her mistake, and with her interns, she flies to London to take the trashed tickets back.

She of course, succeeds, and the Bratz need to get into the benefit concert. Yet, the only way in without a pass is to become a rock band. So, with prior music knowledge and song writing skills, the Bratz form the Bratz rock Angels.

At the concert before they go on, they meet Roxxi, a star who was supposed to play with another band, but everything fell apart. She agrees to play with the Angels, and they, of course, rock the house, and sign with a label.

The deductions are because the movie was predictable and constant use of "teen lingo" was annoying. Yet the story was fun, the graphics, particularly the hair, was great; they even changed the make-up.
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Definitely my favourite film
coraschell-1875217 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film is how it all started with the Bratz coming up with an idea to start their own team magazine. When they come up with the name of their magazine I loved that they used what they twevilles call them "Bratz" well played. I liked the storyline with "Your thing" (Burdine, Kirsten, and Kaycee) being the villains in this film. A personal best idea. After Jade being fired she remembered what she kept from working for Burdine and they fly off to London to pursue their magazine. There they met the infamous Byron Powell, judge from America Rocks. They give us relationships and love and friendships. I personally liked the storyline they gave to Chloe with Nigel teaching us that not all Dukes are good boys and she had one right in front of her (Cameron) them coming together and being able to grab that interview and make a rock band out of it seemed obviously rushed but it's the Bratz what can you expect. When they were in London I also like how they show us the downside of our consequences when Yasmin never wanted to tell the truth that she lost the tickets (even though they were stolen) and she ends up telling time everything, just goes to show this film gives us a lot about honesty and loyalty. The exclusive opening of Pinz the new punk our club was a perfect touch of choice to this film which tied the overall feel of the movie all together. The acting and visuals are prefect. I also loved the cinematography and atmosphere of this film it gave us lots of attention. The soundtrack to this film is absolutely brilliant and have it on repeat at home. The twevilles even giving up their side of "your thing" was a great twist in the end as well showing that they don't have to follow everything Burdine says. I loved the shot with how they redid the office in the building (even though it's not realistic) I still loved it! Definitely a well done film and can watch it over and over again!
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It's so good!
brookenichole-980543 June 2021
I was not expecting to love this movie. I loved the diversity between each of the girls and their friendship. Even having Cameron and Dylan was a nice touch. And the Bratz teach great lessons about being there for your friends. The voice acting is filled with amazing talent. Every voice feels just perfect for each character. Also, I surprisingly laughed a lot at this movie. Especially the scene with Dylan flexing his muscles. The noises he made were just too much.

That song at the end of the movie (So Good) is one of the best songs I've ever heard. Honestly, all the songs are fantastic! I can sing about half of them from memory. The fashions can get crazy, but most are really cool.

Bratz Rock Angelz is so good!
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