In Search of Lovecraft (2008) Poster

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Will Lovecraft Never Receive Justice?
Robwiener2 December 2011
I have read everything ever written by Lovecraft including fragments and collaborations with other authors. It is sad that given the state of the art effects available today that no major studio can make a quality adaptation of any of Lovecraft's major works. Those that have been made thus far are either pure camp or pure crap. This film falls into the latter category. The acting is elementary school level because I have seen far better acting at high school productions. The plot borrows loosely from Lovecraft's "The Haunter of the Dark" by mentioning the tetrahedron stone and the Starry Wisdom Sect. Lovecraft's most important works always were set in New England with a few notable exceptions such as "The Horror At Red Hook". To film this story in San Francisco is to rob it of any chance of atmosphere. If you want to see a scary and suspenseful Lovecraft adaptation watch "The Dreams in The Witch House" which was an episode of "The Masters of Horror" television series. I believe it is available on Netflix for streaming. By the way, I gave this 2 stars instead of none because the Halloween interviews conducted by the reporter in the beginning of the film were somewhat amusing
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On the same level as a bad Troma release
krachtm15 December 2010
Really, I'm being extremely generous in giving this movie a 3/10. It obviously deserves 1/10: the acting, directing, effects, and writing are all atrocious. However, there were a few good scenes (the old time 1930s scenes were kind of cool), one or two of the actors were passable, and the attempt to bring to life a Lovecraftian tale of horror is welcome, though it always seems doomed to ineptitude or mediocrity.

In the end, I'd have to say that this movie is only for people who can overlook seriously bad filmmaking. I'm talking worse than your average Troma movie here. And if you can take that, then have at it. Maybe you'll find something to enjoy here.
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Rooting For Nylarthotep
Tzsm9821 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen some fairly rough movies made from the characters and writings of H.P. Lovecraft. Never, until now, have I rooted for Nylarthotep.

***Spoiler*** When Amy gets sucked out of the car as the first of the major characters to go I felt relieved. Clearly, she was most deserving to be pulled out of the car. Later on in the movie I was hoping for other cast members to meet a similar fate. ****end spoiler****

Here's why: Many moments of dialog are delivered as if by a high school drama understudy. Many of the lines of dialog are as if written by a junior high playwright.

All Lovecraft movies have moments of exposition, if they didn't the audience would truly be lost. While they might have been effective in providing the background information they were recitations rather than acting. People talk to each other but not how these characters showed it.

This movie is not without its good moments:

***Spoiler Alert*** The inter-dimensional hound coming through the door effect was first class. I liked the cockroach like things scurrying about its edges, it added a touch of this creature bringing its world to ours that is often missed in these films.****end spoiler****

Sound quality throughout was quite good. The dialog was understandable and clear. It wasn't lost in background noise or mumbled.

The score was constructed well. It was never out of place or intruding or obnoxious. It helped to reinforce the scenes without becoming the most noticeable aspect of them. During the titles at the beginning the score had a very Philip Glass feel to it. Lots of strings with a drive that built anticipation for what was to come.

Because I enjoy Lovecraft and because I am tolerant of a wide variety of skills in movie making I watched this and enjoyed it to a point while sitting on my couch by myself. However, I have to say that about fifteen seconds after my wife sat down next to me to watch I was acutely embarrassed to have this on.

I will not tell you "do not watch this". I will tell you that if you do watch it you are going to find it has some deficiencies that you are going to have to embrace to enjoy.
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Oh the horror... THE HORROR!!!
jrcantrell-115 December 2010
The horror of course being the horrid acting. The two exceptions being D'Souza and Keja. Without them I don't think I could have finished watching. Although, I guess they can't be completely to blame. The writer/director should take most of it. I was really hoping this movie would be at least somewhat good, being that I'm a huge Lovecraft fan and Nyarlathotep is my favorite deity.

It's very rare that I comment on movies, good or bad. We all have our own opinions - to each his own. However, I would like to at least give a heads up to fellow Lovecraft fans. If you need 90 minutes to waste... go find some wet paint and watch it dry. You'll thank me later.
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Portable camcorder with regular people pretending they know what acting is
gcarroll12 December 2010
The acting in this movie is so incredibly horrid you will squirm with pain in your seat while you attempt to watch this movie. The lead reporter was so unbelievable and so detached from everything that when her co-actors deliver their lines that she forgets to react until she has to say her lines. Although it is understood that the camera work is from a portable shoulder camera, there is almost no consistency. The script continues to stress that the cameraman is one of the best yet the shot is constantly zooming in and out and changing targets. This lack of focus leaves the viewer with zero ability to become attached to any of the actors. There are a few moments during flash backs that are fairly well played out but definitely not worth the effort. Please do no waste 98 minutes of your life.
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Avoid at all costs
beowulf0091827 December 2010
I love Lovecraft and I love low-budget, indie, B-movies. Normally if a movie has a low rating on IMDb it is my kind of movie. I hate giving movies a bad review.

However, when I put this DVD into my DVD player, the poor machine threw up. It is just that bad. The "acting" (and I use that term loosely) is beyond amateurish and is very painful to watch. I have had root canals at the dentist that were less painful.

The film earns a 1/10 stars because the title sequence was kinda cool, and, as is mentioned elsewhere, the flashback scenes were passable. Otherwise, this stinker is to be avoided at all costs. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
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Tedious and crappy
rwagn8 October 2011
In the opening titles they give special credit to the special/makeup effects guy. WHY? The small amount of effects called for in this movie are all done pathetically bad. The acting is really atrocious, believe me it goes from bad to laughingly worse. The tedium in this script is unbearable,. It takes 50 minutes of running time to get to any action. When I say "action" I am not talking "Poltergeist" level action. Action is 5 minutes of the white witch mumbling nonsense syllables and Runic names while an empty rocking chair moves slowly back and forth. This movie is too tedious to recommend as a so-bad-it's-good movie. Avoid it. Really. Avoid it.
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Pathetically bad
splumer29 December 2010
Having friend in the movie business, I understand student films, and I've seen quite a few. Most of them make an honest effort to be good. They try hard, and sometimes they fail, sometimes they succeed. This fails. Miserably. I'm sick of low-budget filmmakers who think that not using a tripod makes their film "verite'." It doesn't. It makes it nauseating to watch. Add to that all the little details that make it irritatingly bad, such as: TV reporters wear makeup. Lots of it. Ms. Marsh appears to be wearing none. Editors have the messiest offices in the known universe. They don't look like a vacant office with a stack of newspapers on the desk. And who uses white out? (It was on the desk) If someone is so insane as to need a straight jacket, she is NOT going to be in a regular hospital bed. Why not just put her in a chair staring out the window? TV cameramen use tripods for on-the-street interviews. Always. And wireless mics, too.

All this is just from the first 25 minutes. I couldn't stand to watch any more. The writing was abysmal (it would have been better to let the actors improvise), the camera work looked like a 5-year-old who stole daddy's camcorder, and the acting was... well, it was lousy too. A lot of bad actors, if they're well-directed (like Heather Graham), can still manage to not ruin a production, but the directing is so vacant that the acting really drags it down. Not that it had far to go.

Don't waste your time on this. To see how to do a low-budget horror flick right, see the first Evil Dead.
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Magic is nothing but advance physics
nogodnomasters19 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Rebecca Marsh (Renee Sweet) is a reporter assigned a Halloween fluff piece. She asks people about HP Lovecraft and ends up investigating a cult.

Much of the movie is found footage. It was amateur, The script and acting was bad. In one scene the car is shaking. The people are rocking back and forth. The shaking stops and we can still see Rebecca's head moving back and forth. Amber (Denise Amrikhas) had the best lines and provided some humor to this drab film. Renee appears to have learned acting from watching Bambi Woods' films with her deer-in-the-headlight stare and inability to read lines. Take a pass.

I am certain Lovecraft would be rolling over in his grave, if he is still there.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. No hot redhead that is on the cover either.
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'In Search Of Lovecraft' (2008)
mfnmbvp12 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Everything the people behind the aquarium have been saying about 'In Search Of Lovecraft' is true. The film is pathetically, awfully, terribly, horribly bad bad bad bad. Just bad. I have seen better acting in high school plays than they have in this film. The camera-work is shoddy as hell, our three main "actors" are so bad at reciting their lines, that they forget what they are saying mid-sentence most of the time. It's like they made this in their fifteen minutes spare time that they had before work everyday. If I didn't know any better, I would think that this was some awful college project done by one of our three leads, but that terrible burden of responsibility lies with a man named David J. Hohl. The only redemption in this movie comes in the form of one actor named Saqib Mausoof, who is the only person in this entire film that seems to have read the screenplay and seems to know what the hell is going on. The film is so bad that you will struggle to focus on whatever vague notion of an idea is trying to be acted out on screen. I seriously love some bad movies, but this film is just painful to watch in so many different ways. I am going to vote a 2 because it perhaps had the slightest bit of potential if all you were to do was read the synopsis on what it's supposed to be about, and because it managed to make me laugh at how god-awful it was a couple of times but please avoid this dud at all costs unless you can tolerate some excruciatingly bad filmmaking.

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Miracles can happen
midnightmosesuk17 June 2021
I actually managed to stay awake. It was a fight but I managed it somehow.

I really wish I hadn't bothered.
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Shocking scary and dark, just what you want in a horror film
emc-919 January 2010
I really liked this show. The beautiful female news reporter and her crew accidentally end up on the trail of what they thought were just fictional stories. But encounters with a few specialists in the occult reveal otherwise. The San Francisco locations set a very believable tone to the movie… The special effects sometimes have a bit of gore, but just right. Keep an eye out for the kitchen scene! The lighting and photography are excellent. The movie starts very low key in the first acts. A very creepy mode sets into the movie by the end. Shocking elements pop up unexpectedly. Everything you thought was fiction now turns out to be fact and you are in the middle of Lovecraft's ethos. It's a good scary movie for a date. Keep the lights low for this one! We watched it on a large screen for the best effect. The old time flashbacks were very nicely done as were the interviews in the old buildings.
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Overall a very enjoyable movie, worth checking out!
hch9119 February 2010
First off, let me say this was a good movie. Definitely worth checking out. What starts out as just a "filler" story about H.P. Lovecraft for Rebecca, the news reporter, becomes a much more involved story and gets here involved in the Lovecraft Mythos more than she ever thought she would be. The movie has some great scenes, good scares, and some great makeup effects. The "Dark Man" that Rebecca would see from time to time was very creepy and very well done. I couldn't do a fair review, though, without pointing out places of improvement which would be the acting. Some of it is downright bad. Some of it is good, and then some of it is so bad its good! I have a new favorite character actor now in Larry Laverty! His over the top performance as the paranoid Prof. Sutton had me rolling. He was very enjoyable. For a low budget independent feature, it is pretty impressive. It looks like a much bigger production than it probably was. As director Hohl's first feature, it is a great achievement and I look forward to seeing more work of his in the future!
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They searched for Lovecraft but delivered boredom...
paul_haakonsen5 March 2021
Well, I will say that writer and director David J. Hohl was definitely on the right track here, because the 2008 movie "In Search of Lovecraft" had potential. Just a shame that the budget didn't allow the film maker to achieve more with his vision.

That being said, then I must also say that this movie is low budget and the low budget feel just permeates the entire movie, for better or worse. And this is a make or break thing, I believe, for most viewers. I managed to endure and sit through the entire ordeal, given my love and interest in all things Lovecraftian. But mark my words, this is not an overly great movie.

Sure, there were aspects to the movie that were interesting enough, but they just weren't properly utilized or brought to fruition, and the movie just never made it out of that low budget, homemade feel that it had to it. And that served as a hindrance to the movie as a whole.

The acting in the movie wasn't really the best. Sure, the actors and actresses were doing good enough jobs, I suppose. But if you are sitting down for some spectacular and believable acting performances, then "In Search of Lovecraft" is not the right movie to watch.

Visually, then "In Search of Lovecraft" was suffering terribly from a lack of proper funding for proper effects. The effects in the movie were dubious, at best. And the CGI in the movie, forget about it. The CGI was like something straight out of an early 1990s computer game. Yeah, it was that bad.

The movie is listed as a horror movie, well I suppose as it deals with the topic of Lovecraft and the established mythos of the Old Ones, then there was a sense of cosmic dread to it. But horror? Nah, this was not a scary feature in any way.

"In Search of Lovecraft" is not among the top contender of movies that are based on the Lovecraft mythos. If you wish to watch something like that, you would be better off with something else, say perhaps some older Yuzna movies.

As for the storyline, well it was a watchable movie, sure. But the script, plot and storyline just felt a bit rushed and not really full circle. It was like there was lacking a red thread throughout the course of the movie, to fully tie the individual events of the movie together for a greater picture.

I sat through the entire ordeal, but I wouldn't exactly say that I was entertained, or particularly enjoying the movie. But loyalty to Lovecraft and an unhealthy interest in the mythos made me endure the entire ordeal.

My rating of "In Search of Lovecraft" lands on a three out of ten stars, based mostly on the effort and the spirit put into this project. This is hardly a movie that I would recommend my fellow Lovecraft enthusiasts to rush out and grab a copy of; it is just not all that interesting.
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Nothing can be this bad on purpose.
Bernie44449 December 2023
A reporter, Rebecca Marsh (Renee Sweet), while investigating H. P. Lovecraft gets more than she bargained for.

This presentation was probably meant to be a Halloween quickie of the "Blair Witch" type. Unfortunately, it falls cinematically short of just about anything that you might have seen; it has bad camera work, bad actors, bad acting, bad dialogue, how many bads can something have.

It is even a pity that Lovecraft Followers could not even appreciate this movie. If this is your first Lovecraft movie do not let it hinder you from watching others.

We named our cat Cat-thulhu as the little monster calls you into the next room and then attacks.
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Some interesting ideas, but the low budget is very evident
mhiggott12 June 2021
Obviously made on a very low budget, I'm not going to knock anyone for that, but there are a lot of things wrong here. The ideas are ok (if nothing particularly original), but the script and acting are mediocre to bad. It's badly filmed, and the sound is abysmal. The score is also poor and as in too many low-budget films, constant and distracting. It did keep me watching to the end, though. Kudos for getting it made, but not one I'll be watching again.
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A Good idea wasted
lennieh23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In Search of Lovecraft, is the sort of film you sit through thinking "if they had had some money this could have been really good." The story is actually very Lovecraftian, the steady build from the mundane to the terrifying, the slow reveal of more and more mysterious threads that come together for a unexpected reveal.

There is a long section three quarters of the way in to the film that is ripped off from "The Devil rides out" but it is forgivable.

The writer director should have brought in a competent co writer to polish his script, and as a director should have told the actors to stop improvising.

At times the cinematograph is good, but rarely raises above adequate mainly because it cannot make up its mind if it is a found footage film or not.

A good musical score would have helped too.

Take the story, recast it, foreshadow the conspiracy a little and polish the script and this could have been a really good film.
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A nice indie fan-produced thriller
Rabh177 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I found this one while cruising deep into the Netflix Horror offerings.

Nope-- no glossy Hollywood production values. The special FXs are strictly small studio and the acting can be a little flat at times. . .but I did not cancel the movie and move on to something else. And many a time, I backtracked the video to look at a scene again and again.

Like the storyline says, a go-getter News Reporter and her crew, out to make her name is saddled with what she thinks is a stupid, seasonal Halloween 'fluff' piece about Lovecraft. . .until she stumbles into the real secret occult conspiracy.

Now you do have to be a Lovecraft Fan to willingly be taken into the story-- mainly because we all have READ the stories, but are really keen for any flick that dares to see the dread Mythos VISUALIZED on the screen. Yet at the same time, Lovecraft horror is NOT about SEEING the Evil, but the narrow dark hope of escape from something you NEVER quite see clearly.

This movie makes a good attempt at keeping the story away from the pure Monster/Ichor/blood splatter creature showcase and focusing on the steadily deepening realization of the reporter and her friends that they have stepped into a dark conspiracy that will swallow them without a trace. How do they Escape? DO They escape? Give this show a little grace and leniency and just settle in for the ride. This is a nice late Saturday night flick for AFTER midnight just before you go to bed.

Oh-- and yes, the annoying intern is gonna GET IT!
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