"24" Day 2: 11:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. (TV Episode 2003) Poster

(TV Series)


Kiefer Sutherland: Jack Bauer



  • Michelle Dessler : I'm glad you're ok

    Jack Bauer : Thanks

    Michelle Dessler : Look, I know Tony's running things and I don't want to speak out of turn but I don't know who else to talk to

    Jack Bauer : About what?

    Michelle Dessler : I think the President is planning a major military action based on a recording that was found in Ali's apartment: it links high ranking officials from three governments to the nuke. The problem is Ali claims it's a fake

    Jack Bauer : And you believe him?

    Michelle Dessler : I don't know what to believe. I just think we ought to be sure before we retaliate against these countries

    Jack Bauer : Well, that's Tony's call. I'm sorry. I'm trying to get a hold of my daughter

    Michelle Dessler : I understand that but you're the one that broke Ali, you can read him better than anyone here or at Guantanamo. Please, before Ali's gone. His the only one that could prove this recording is real

    Jack Bauer : Fine. I'll take to him. Do me favor, call this Sergeant Griggs tell him it's concerning my daughter

  • Jack Bauer : [after Syed Ali was shot by a sniper]  I just got off the line with LAPD: the perimeter's set up

    Tony Almeida : How the hell did anyone know we were moving him?

    Jack Bauer : Half the intelligence community knew we had him in custody. The leak could've come from anywhere

    Tony Almeida : You figure the shooter's connected to one of the countries implicated in the Cyprus recording right?

    Jack Bauer : Maybe

    Tony Almeida : What'd you mean? They had the most to lose by Ali talking, who else could've it been?

    Jack Bauer : I don't know but after this I'm starting to think Ali might have been telling the truth

    Tony Almeida : You talked to Michelle?

    Jack Bauer : No, I talked to Ali

    Tony Almeida : Let me get this straight, you're taking Syed Ali's word over every expert we have?

    Jack Bauer : Ali was killed for a reason. You have to find out whether that recording was fabricated

    Tony Almeida : My best people have already verified that recording

    Jack Bauer : Fine. Keep the door open, assign a few men to it

    Tony Almeida : I don't have anyone to spare. The Pentagon has us processing intel from nine different countries. Frankly I think this is a dead end

    Jack Bauer : The President is going to make very, very serious decisions based on the information he got from that recording. If there's the slightest chance that recording is not genuine, you have a responsibility...

    Tony Almeida : [Interrupts him]  oh God, don't lecture me on responsibility. I mean we both know how you work. You consider going "against the grain" as some kind of virtue

    Jack Bauer : Why are you talking to me like this?

    Tony Almeida : Because I've got a job to do and I don't appreciate being told on how to do it

    Jack Bauer : I'm just trying to help

    Tony Almeida : I don't need your help. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything you've done for us, really I do but I think it's time you go get your daughter, let us handle the rest of this alright?

    Jack Bauer : [Before walking away]  yeah, fine

  • Tony Almeida : [while shaking hands]  hey, I'm glad you're ok

    Jack Bauer : [Just having returning to CTU]  thanks: I'm going to get out of your way, I want to get a hold of Kim

    Tony Almeida : [Handing him the business card of the Sergeant]  I spoke to a Sergeant Griggs at the San Jose Sheriff's Department and we sent a man over to your sister in law to meet Kim. He was going to call when she got there but that's his number in case you want to follow up

    Jack Bauer : Ok thanks. George told me he put you in charge

    Tony Almeida : Yeah, how about that? "Trial by fire", right?

    Jack Bauer : You're going to do great

    Tony Almeida : Look, we'll catch up later alright?

    Jack Bauer : Yeah

  • President David Palmer : [Over the phone]  it's good to hear your voice but I'm in a meeting with the Joint Chiefs right now

    Jack Bauer : I'm sorry Sir but I felt this was important enough to interrupt you: Syed Ali has just been assassinated. CTU was just transferring him to Guantanamo when it happened

    President David Palmer : What're you talking about? By whom?

    Jack Bauer : We don't know yet Sir but I think it has to do with the conversation that was recorded in Cyprus. Mr. President I don't believe its genuine

    President David Palmer : That recording was authenticated

    Jack Bauer : Sir, authentication is never one hundred percent

    President David Palmer : Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

    Jack Bauer : Syed Ali said he was in Berlin when the conversation took place. He said the entire recording was fabricated

    President David Palmer : I'm aware of his denials

    Jack Bauer : Mr. President, I'm just worried someone is trying to manipulate you into taking the kind of military action I assume you're about to take

    President David Palmer : Look, the fact that Syed Ali was killed does not prove that the recording was fabricated

    Jack Bauer : No Sir. I know that. I know it doesn't but I just feel there's a responsibility to tell you that he was assassinated because he was in fact telling the truth

    President David Palmer : Do you have hard evidence? Listen to me. I don't want to initiate a military action based on erroneous information but I can't stop it based on conjuncture

    President David Palmer : I understand Sir, I do. Mr. President, if I were to get you some proof, how much time would I have?

    President David Palmer : Our military response is only hours away. You better do it soon

    Jack Bauer : Yes Sir. Thank you Mr. President

  • Jack Bauer : [Over the phone]  look, for the time being I want you to keep this information between us ok? I just talked to the President: he will not halt any military action unless we can provide proof

    Michelle Dessler : Ali was our only proof

    Jack Bauer : There's got to be another way to establish Ali's presence in that time. Other foreign intelligence agencies must have been tracking him as well

    Michelle Dessler : An intelligence official from one of the target countries is here

    Jack Bauer : What're you talking about? Here at CTU? Why?

    Michelle Dessler : We struck an intelligence agreement earlier today. Look, he's the one who escorted the evidence from Ali's apartment

    Jack Bauer : And you think he knows something?

    Michelle Dessler : He might. Tony doesn't want him talking to anyone

    Jack Bauer : Ok, fine. What's name?

    Michelle Dessler : [Spelling the last name for him]  Yusuf Auda. A-U-D-A

    Jack Bauer : Ok I'll pull up his CVC to run a background check on him. I'll get back to you

  • Jack Bauer : [while in the bathroom, after checking the stalls are empty]  Mr. Auda, my name is Jack Bauer...

    Yusuf Auda : [Interrupts him]  if your here to give me another excuse: don't waste your time

    Jack Bauer : I'm not here to give you excuses. I need to ask you a few questions about the evidence taken from Syed Ali's apartment

    Yusuf Auda : [Irritated]  how would I know what was "found"? You people refuse to include me in the discovery process, why not ask them?

    Jack Bauer : My colleagues might not be interested in the same "questions" I am. I'm trying to determine if the evidence could've been compromised before it got here

    Yusuf Auda : [after pausing]  before I tell you anything, tell me everything you know. Whatever evidence was found in Ali's apartment, their keeping it from me which suggests it incriminates my country

    Jack Bauer : I'm sorry. I'm not at liberty to discuss anything, you and I aren't even suppose to be talking

    Yusuf Auda : So you're asking for me to help you without offering in return?

    Jack Bauer : I know I'm asking a lot

    Jack Bauer : [Before leaving the bathroom]  that's asking too much

  • Jack Bauer : [Answering the phone]  this is Bauer

    Jonathan Wallace : Hello Jack

    Jack Bauer : Who is this?

    Jonathan Wallace : The only person who can prove Syed Ali wasn't in Cypress in April meeting with Arab leaders: the recording you found in Ali's apartment, in case you haven't figured it out already is bogus

    Jack Bauer : How do you know that?

    Jonathan Wallace : Because I'm the one who planted it. I was in Cypress on April fifth. I placed it in Ali's apartment

    Jack Bauer : And I'm just suppose to believe you?

    Jonathan Wallace : You don't have a choice. That's why I killed Ali. So you would have to deal with me

    Jack Bauer : How do I know you killed him?

    Jonathan Wallace : I almost had to take you out too but you moved at the last second. But I know what you two were talking about

    Jack Bauer : What'd you want?

    Jonathan Wallace : Kate Warner

    Jack Bauer : Why? Why do you want her?

    Jonathan Wallace : Just get her out of CTU. Bring her to the alley at the intersection of Meridian and Mort Park. There's small warehouse. Look for the neon sign

    Jack Bauer : My access to CTU is limited at best

    Jonathan Wallace : You're resourceful. Find a way

    Jack Bauer : You didn't answer my question. Why do you want her?

    Jonathan Wallace : Don't worry about that now

    Jack Bauer : She hasn't even been released from CTU, she's still in debriefing

    Jonathan Wallace : You got thirty minutes. Bring her to the warehouse. Just the two of you

    Jack Bauer : Thirty minutes is not enough time

See also

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