"24" Day 3: 5:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m. (TV Episode 2004) Poster

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Stephen Saunders
MaxBorg8920 August 2008
When reviewing a previous episode of the third season, I mentioned the Drazen family from Season 1, contrasting their values with those of the Salazars. As it turns out, they have another connection to the events of Day 3, one few people would have been able to predict.

Two episodes ago, Michael Amador revealed that his client (Paul Blackthorne) knew Jack Bauer, although he refused to reveal his name. Now, thanks to Marcus Alvers, the man behind the attacks is identified as Szephen Saunders, a former British Intelligence agent who was presumed dead after participating in the Drazen mission in Kosovo with Jack (who was believed to be the sole survivor; Victor Drazen and his sons tried to claim revenge a few years later). Saunders' motives remain unclear (though it appears something damaged him psychologically after the botched mission), but his demands are very precise: he wants to control President Palmer's actions, and begins to do so by asking him to use the phrase "The sky is falling" during a press conference, otherwise the remaining eleven vials of the virus will be used in as many major cities.

Despite the fact that his name is out in the open, Saunders remains a very elusive and fascinating figure, his next action being hard to determine and his more profound reasons totally unknown. Blackthorne plays him with the trademark icy charm associated with British villains, but gets past ugly stereotyping with help from the bulletproof script and the fast pace, which gives little time to question his believability.

And thus begins the final third of Day 3, which carries on old shocks (the infected people at the hotel) and throws in new ones (Saunders' staggering request in the final scene), in conformity with the show's groundbreaking nature.
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'The Sky Is Falling'
ccthemovieman-124 May 2007
One key thing that happens here early on puzzles me. Why would Alvers give up his boss? Anyone involved in something of this horrific nature (terrorism) would not identify his boss, but that's what happens here after the C.T.U. produces a possible list of suspects according to a description Alvers gives. Through photos, he then identifies them. What does he get in return? He just wants to be shot instead of dying with the virus. No, it is credible enough.

Anyway, we discover the name a little history of the main villain who is "Stephen Saunders (Paul Blackthorn, who looks just like actor Peter Gallagher), a former British Intelligence man who was presumed dead in a mission in Kosovo in which Jack was involved.

This guy Saunders also reveals what he's up to. The vial in the hotel is a just a warning, a test to show he business with the other 11 vials. His goal is not money, it's power. He tells Bauer to get the President on the phone and he's tells him he (Saunders) will dictate policy in the U.S., not him. What kind of policies? He will get back to us on that. So, the President and the country is being blackmailed by this lunatic unless Jack and the C.T.U. can find this guy and obtain all those virus vials.

The first thing this maniac requests is that the President hold a press conference and use the phrase "The sky is falling."

Later, we see some very dramatic action at the MI-6 building and, a very disturbing request to the President.
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The enemy is identified
Tweekums11 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Things at the hotel are pretty tense after Michelle was forced to kill a man trying to leave the building; everybody inside now knows just how serious the situation really is. The only clue to the identity of the man behind it is the fact that he is in some way associated with Jack; with this knowledge Michelle shows Alvers pictures of every possible person, both living and dead, matching his description. He identifies Stephen Saunders; an MI-6 operative who was believed killed on an American mission in Kosovo that had been led by Jack... clearly he holds America in general and Jack in particular responsible for whatever was done to him after his capture. Once his name is known Jack contacts the local MI-6 office and learns that Saunders had a source in LA; a woman who ran an escort agency. Jack and Chase take her into custody then take her to MI-6 for questioning but before that can happen the building comes under attack from a helicopter! Saunders meanwhile gives the president his first instruction; he is to call a press conference and use the phrase 'the sky is falling'... whether it is just a test or whether it is a trigger to set other operations in motion nobody can guess; whatever the president does could be the wrong thing.

This was another gripping episode that provided links to the first series as that too involved operations in Kosovo. The action at the hotel was tense and looks to remain that way as test results will take at least two hours and Gael has died... presumably the first of many. There was also some fairly spectacular action as the MI-6 offices where attacked from a helicopter and as if that wasn't enough Jack and chase had to get out of the computer room before a bomb could detonate. Even though we now know who is behind the attacks and what his motive is we still don't know what his ultimate plan is. As always the acting is good and the story moves along at a cracking pace... I look forward to seeing what happens next.
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Terror in the a.m.
Mr-Fusion10 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Best characterized as a slow burn thus far, this is right around when the season really ignites. There are two bombshells here. First, the bad guy is finally revealed (stirring up feelings of guilt in Jack over leaving him behind on a strike mission). Two, he's got the Palmer administration by the short-and-curlies, demanding the death of a government official. But it's steadily gripping throughout as Michelle witnesses Gael's horrible suffering at the hotel, and Jack does battle with a chopper at MI-6.


Paul Schulze and Carlos Bernard share two different scenes that stand out here as obvious attempts are made to soften Ryan Chapelle (they're successful). It's why the call for his death in the last few seconds is more sad than anyone could've expected.

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More Horrors at the Hotel
Hitchcoc21 January 2019
The hotel continues to be a sad and depressing sight. Michelle is holding forth, but the virus is ripping through. The evil perpetrator has the President on a string, playing with him. Apparently the terrorist cell is much larger than was previously thought. Jack's actions in Kosovo may have been the inciting incident.
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As the series progresses, the intertwining of personal, professional, and political stakes promises even more riveting developments
fernandoschiavi2 June 2024
In episode seventeen, Jack Bauer's mission takes an unexpected turn as he discovers a hidden agenda behind the virus threat. The episode opens with Bauer uncovering crucial information that changes the course of his mission. The direction is sharp, using rapid cuts and dynamic angles to maintain a high level of suspense. The cinematography captures the intense and unpredictable nature of Bauer's discovery, emphasizing the shifting stakes.

At CTU, Tony Almeida and Michelle Dessler face a new challenge as they work to verify Bauer's findings and adjust their strategy. Their relationship continues to be tested by the high-pressure environment, with the writing skillfully balancing moments of professional crisis and personal drama. The evolving dynamics between Almeida and Dessler add a layer of emotional complexity to the narrative, enhancing the episode's depth.

President Palmer deals with an internal power struggle as factions within his administration vie for control. The episode explores themes of loyalty and ambition, showcasing Palmer's leadership and strategic acumen. His interactions with his advisors are marked by tension and conflict, adding depth to his character and the overall storyline.

A standout moment in this episode is Bauer's discovery of the hidden agenda. The direction and cinematography work together to create a high-tension sequence, with tight shots and rapid cuts that convey the urgency and danger. Bauer's reaction to the new information is compelling, highlighting his resourcefulness and determination.

Critics have praised this episode for its intense pacing and strong narrative twists. The discovery sequence, in particular, has been lauded for its execution and suspense. Some reviewers have noted that the rapid shifts in plot can be disorienting, but the episode effectively balances action with character-driven moments.

Moreover, Palmer's internal power struggle adds a rich layer of complexity to the narrative. The themes of loyalty and ambition are explored with nuance, providing a compelling counterpoint to the action-centric plot. As the series progresses, the intertwining of personal, professional, and political stakes promises even more riveting developments.
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There's a bomb!!!
kingsx_6426 March 2020
Jack-Get out! There's a bomb! Chase -I'm not leaving you Jack. (Yea cause staring at him is going to help) Jack - Get out! that's an order! Chase -Still staring blankly into the camera for no reason, again. Refuses yet another order. Does anyone on this show EVER follow an order without complaining? Like ever? And the C4 explosion. What was that? I've lit firecrackers that punch more of a wallop. That was pathetic. Another horribly bad written episode, just terrible.
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