"The Andy Griffith Show" Andy Discovers America (TV Episode 1963) Poster

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A history and parenting lesson in one.
santos4030 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Opie has lost his appetite and when Andy questions him as to why; he says its "Old Lady Crump" his new teacher who is making them memorize dates and stuff in history. Andy states he does seem a bit young for that and also states he wasn't much good a history either. Opie takes this statement and elaborates on it and tells Ms Crump that his dad said he didn't have to do his homework. Not what dad said, however; it cost a big uproar in the classroom with all the boys banding up against the teacher and running to Andy to congratulate him because they have heard she is now going to quit teaching. Ms Crump confronts Andy explaining the kids where very behind the norm when she took over and she was trying to get them up to speed when he interfered. Andy must come up with a creative solution to get the boys interested in history. He does a very good job. I however am always bothered by the fact that he never calls Opie on the carpet for his lie to the teacher. He never told Opie not to do his homework. He just stated he understood it was difficult. Very un-Andy like
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Old Lady Crump
Hitchcoc6 December 2019
Andy makes a mistake when Opie feeds him his version of the new teacher. He and his friends demean her because she gives them homework, unlike the lady they had the year before. Andy leaps to the defense of his sone and fails to look into the facts. It's also the introduction of the character of Helen Crump. She will become an important figure in the future. Andy has the ability to tell some pretty delightful stories (which he did in the days before this show aired). It's a nice tale. I wish they had actually given the information on the Emancipation Proclamation.
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And so it begins
Fortressofdoors2 September 2020
Although this is a good episode, I always thought the decision to introduce the hot headed, snippy and sarcastic character of Helen Crump into the cast was a poor one. Removing Andy's prior girlfriend, Peg (Joanna Moore) from the show was a mistake. Not only was she a better actress, she was a much more likable and relatable character. It would be interesting to see how the show would have played out if she had been allowed to remain as one of the regular cast members. Too bad.
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Paul Revere
alydar217 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The viewers can see and hear what a superb storyteller Andy Griffith was here. His story about Paul Revere and his horse Nellie is dramatic and gripping. I had to give this episode a rating of 10 simply from that tale alone.

And his using of reverse psychology to set up that story so he could make up for his earlier goof-up, very well written and performed. Barney added his usual naive flare in the backgound and his "emancipation proclamation" skit in the first scene of the show. Fine comedy it was!

Thanks Andy for telling us all about the "shot heard around the world". I think I even learned something from this episode - and it wasn't entirely about history. Life lessons count also.
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A Classic TAGS
MichaelMartinDeSapio30 October 2014
This is an outstanding episode, easily one of the top ten of the series, and a pivotal one in that it introduces Helen Crump, who will play an important part in Andy's life from here on. This is a great episode to show to kids to get them interested in history. Andy Griffith once again showcases his flair for homespun storytelling with his set piece about Paul Revere and the shot heard 'round the world, quite simply one of the most riveting acting moments on TAGS. Barney's childlike moments - including the Emancipation Proclamation bit - are amusing as well. In all candor I find Helen an acquired taste, her tightly wound outbursts verging on the demented at times. But it's the Paul Revere scene that is the heart and soul of this episode, and Andy Griffith again proves what a persuasive, charismatic and infectious performer he was. Among Opie's friends, look out for some familiar faces from other TV shows: Richard Keith ("Little Ricky" from I LOVE LUCY) and Joey Scott (Benjie Bellamy from LEAVE IT TO BEAVER).
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Amazing chemistry between Aneta Corsaut and Andy Griffith
vitoscotti22 April 2022
This first episode with Helen Crump (Aneta Corsaut). A terrific addition to the show. Not only with Andy Griffith, but Don Knotts and Betty Lynn she had wonderful comedic chemistry. It opened up her friendship with Thelma Lou complementing double-dating episodes and scenes in the future that will be classic. She could play stern, and warm equally well. Definitely the best of all Andy's girlfriends.

The episode highlights are Andy Griffith's masterful story telling, and Don Knotts playing off his exaggeration of his own intelligence causing big laughs. The "Emancipation Proclamation" scene is one of Don Knotts best tags scenes.

Little misguided boys not liking history in the 60s. Family members out of the military stoked a lot of love of county and it's history. Opie always portrayed as a hard working average grades student goes on a problem student path here.

Another classic episode with classic Don Knotts scenes that are the funniest.
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"Andy Saves History" would've been a good episode title too.
Ddey656 August 2019
What can possibly be said about this episode that hasn't been said before? Sadly not much, which is kind of disappointing. Oh, but I'm gonna try.

Opie is having a hard time with his history lessons, and seems to blame "Old Lady Crump," who's not really that old (even if she looks that way). Andy replies with sympathy claiming that he had trouble with his schoolwork when he was a kid too. That day at class, he tells her that he doesn't need to learn history, and his friends join in that sentiment. Miss Crump blames Andy for convincing his son and their friends to forgo their schoolwork just because his father is the Sheriff of Mayberry. Both she and the kids have the wrong idea on how Andy feels about the issue.

It's just then that Sheriff Taylor decides he's going to get them interested in history by retelling the start of the American Revolution in his old folksy way, and it works! He even gives the Native Americans credit for helping Paul Revere and the Minutemen at Concord! A surprise for the teacher like this one won't be found again until 1967 with Sylvia Barrett at Calvin Coolidge High School in East Harlem.

As he grows up, Opie and his friends will realize that the "shot heard 'round the world" was only a metaphor, but a good one. They'll also grow up to learn that there are people in his state outside of Mayberry who resent the Emancipation Proclamation, and have been throwing a monkey wrench into it for a whole century. In addition, they'll find out that just five years earlier, 500 modern-day Indians defeated 50 stupid white men in white sheets from his own state. This is an episode that if it doesn't get you into Griffith's old comedy routines, is guaranteed to make you more interested in American History.
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A Mayberry Delight!
scottschada@yahoo.com11 September 2019
How can you not love the transformation of Andy, and Miss Crump as well as the growth of all the characters as they learn that all is not what it seems at first? Especially relevant is that yes, school may be more demanding than it was when Andy, Aunt Bee, and Barney were in the early grades. Times change. The position that Miss Krump be left alone to do her job without parental interference is timeless. This was an amazing episode.
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Great episode...however...
asroma-942407 November 2023
Andy Discover's America is one of the best episodes of the series, among many as good or better. What is interesting to me is that early in the episode Andy tells Opie and Barney that he was never good in history and then rattles off a pretty well informed historical incident later in the episode concerning Paul Revere to get the boys interested history. Nitpicking I know... I also agree with an earlier review concerning Helen Crump's tongue lashing of Andy. Definitely a bit over the top, but I suppose Aneta Corsaut was going for broke. Apparently this was intended to be a one time appearance but the producers liked her performance so much that she remained in the show for the rest of its run.
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Andy Teaches
ldlinda9 May 2024
Andy got the boys interested in History by peeking their interests with actual historical events. Ms Krump was unbelievably harsh. Especially when calling Opie to speak. Very sarcastic. I wouldn't raise my hand with a teacher so crass. And Barney overdoing it with the Emancipation Proclamation was irritating. If you are teaching you can't be a Ms. Krump. Andy did excellent by talking TO the boys. Storytelling about true historical events was how to get their interest. The boys faces were pure delight. Seeing them hanging on Andy's every word was exciting. But Helen Krump needs to be less harsh.
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Introducing....The Angry Ice Queen From Hateville, NC
bbcds9 March 2022
Helen is always completely going off so rude and hateful to Andy literally every chance she gets.

Why did they want her to be hated so bad? Did Ms. Corsaut like the way Helen was a hate-filled ice monster? Peggy was gorgeous. Helen should have been in only this one episode, and Andy has her fired for being a danger to the school.
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Sheriff Taylor gets a butt chewin
mloessel20 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Sheriff Taylor doesn't get all the facts when his son Opie complains about the mound of homework "Old Lady Crump" is giving for history. Instead of getting a little more information the Sheriff tells Opie and his friends that history is not that important just do the best they can. They used a little selective listening and told Ms Crump that history was not important and they chose not to do their homework. Opie decided to mention the conversation he and his buds had with his dad. Ms Crump was livid and later she visits the Sheriff's office and rips him a new behind. She makes it very clear that he was wrong in what he said and to not interfere with her teaching. it was very clear that Ms Crump is very protective when it comes to teaching.
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