"Angel" Not Fade Away (TV Episode 2004) Poster

(TV Series)


David Boreanaz: Angel



  • [last lines; the gang faces an endless onslaught of demons] 

    Spike : And in terms of a plan?

    Angel : We fight.

    Spike : Bit more specific?

    Angel : Well, personally, I kinda wanna slay the dragon. Let's go to work.

  • Angel : This may come out a little pretentious, but... one of you will betray me.

    [Spike raises his hand] 

    Angel : Wes.

    Spike : [disappointed]  Oh. Can I deny you three times?

  • Marcus Hamilton : Let me say this as clearly as I can. You cannot beat me. I am a part of them. The Wolf, Ram, and Hart. Their strength flows through my veins. My blood is filled with their ancient power.

    Angel : Can you pick out the one word there you probably shouldn't have said?

  • [about Angel's master plan for taking down the Circle of the Black Thorn] 

    Lindsey McDonald : If you want me, I'm on your team.

    Angel : I want you, Lindsey.


    Angel : Thinkin' about rephrasing that.

    Lindsey McDonald : Yeah, I think I'd be more comfortable if you did.

  • [Angel is thrown through a window and lands in the building lobby] 

    Harmony : Oh, my God!

    Angel : Hamilton...

    Harmony : He's not my boyfriend! I mean... I certainly didn't betray you!

    Angel : Drop the act, Harm.

    Harmony : It's not an act. I'm really this nervous.

    Angel : I knew you'd turn on me. I just didn't know when.

    Harmony : What do you mean you knew?

    Angel : Loyalty... really isn't high on your list.

    Harmony : Oh, is that right? I'll have you know I am damn loyal, dumb-ass!

    Angel : You betrayed me! You are betraying me now even as we are talking.

    Harmony : Because you never have any confidence in me.

    Angel : No. Because you have no soul.

    Harmony : I would if you had confidence in me!

    Angel : Get out of the building.

    Harmony : Are you firing me?

    Angel : Among other things, yes!

    Harmony : Do you think I could get a recommendation?

    Angel : Yeah, okay.

    Harmony : But, see, if you don't so much live as the other thing, how will I...

    Angel : It's already on the desk.

    Harmony : Oh, you're the best!

  • Charles Gunn : Any word on Wes?

    Illyria : Wesley's dead. I'm feeling grief for him. I can't seem to control it. I wish to do more violence.

    Spike : Well, wishes just happen to be horses today.

    Angel : [Looking at the approaching mob of demons]  Among other things.

  • Angel : I don't remember what it was like. Being human. It was too long ago.

    Harmony : Not so great. Zits, dandruff, mortality. Although, I do remember... my heart. And the way it would thump when I kissed a really hot boy for the first time. That was cool.

  • Marcus Hamilton : Why do you keep fighting? You just signed away your role in the Shanshu. There's nothing in it for you anymore.

    Angel : People like you, who don't care about anyone or anything, will never understand the people who do.

    Marcus Hamilton : Yeah... but we won't care!

  • Spike : So... if any of us makes it through this alive, does one of us get to be a real boy?

    Angel : Who are you kidding, Spike? You know that none of us are gonna make it through this night alive.

    Spike : Good. As long as it's not you.

  • [first lines] 

    Angel : Then we're all agreed.

    Spike : Yeah. We're all one big happy Manson family.

  • Connor : What'll we do?

    Angel : You go home.

    Connor : Huh?

    Angel : This is my fight.

    Connor : That's some serious macho... ah!

    [building continues to collapse] 

    Angel : Go home, now!

    Connor : They'll destroy you.

    Angel : As long as I know you're okay, they can't. Go!

  • [Angel runs in to his office and finds Eve there as the building of Wolfram & Hart is tumbling around them] 

    Eve : What the hell is going on?

    Angel : Looks like we're getting kicked out of the garden, Eve.

    Eve : Where's Lindsey? Where is he?

    Angel : He's not comin' for you.

    Eve : You...

    Angel : Time to go.

    Eve : [grim tone]  Go where?

  • Angel : You haven't heard a word I've said.


    Angel : For, like, years back.

    Lindsey McDonald : Well, you get a little speechy, alright? I breeze out.

  • Angel : [after drinking Hamilton's "super blood"]  Wow! You really are full of it. Now... what was that you were saying about ancient power?

  • Marcus Hamilton : Did you really think you were gonna kill Archduke Sebassis?

    Angel : No. I think I already did.

    [cut to Sebassis drinking] 

    Angel : I spiked his drink.

    [flashback showing when Angel poisoned Sebassis's slave, then cut to Sebassis dying] 

    Angel : I figured you were the one I needed to be alone with.

    Marcus Hamilton : Why? So I could kill you?

    Angel : Well, I thought the fight would be going a little better.

    Marcus Hamilton : Oh.

    [tosses Angel] 

  • [Angel punches Hamilton in the chest who barely flinches] 

    Angel : Uh... did that hurt at all?

    Marcus Hamilton : A little bit. But you know how it is... it comes with the job.

    [Hamilton picks up Angel with one hand and tosses him across the room] 

  • Angel : What are you doing here?

    Connor : You drop by for a cup of coffee and the world's not ending? Please!

  • Marcus Hamilton : You don't really think you're gonna win this, do you? You don't stand a chance. We are a legion. We are forever!

    Angel : Then I guess "forever" for you just got a hell of a lot shorter.

See also

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