"Battlestar Galactica" The Hand of God (TV Episode 1979) Poster

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Good final episode
keyope15 July 2019
I liked this episode a lot. Like any good ending it's action packed and leaves you feeling sad that it's all over just when it felt like it was getting really good. I missed these characters a lot when the show was over. It was nice to have an ending where Starbuck and Apollo were doing a mission together, supported by the likes of Boomer and Sheba, with Adama fretting about it all from afar. It's a an episode that encapsulates all that was good about this series.
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Goes out strong
Fluke_Skywalker20 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Plot; The Galactica stumbles upon a Cylon Basestar and makes the bold decision to mount a surprise attack rather than run.

The final episode of the original BSG series (if you don't count the revamped Galactica 1980), sees the show go out w/a bang (literally and figuratively). Though elements here feel rushed and the story could've used the two-part arc approach that the series used several times before (to great effect), what's here features the series' strongest character interactions and a tense, white-knuckle atmosphere that ably serves the do or die stakes at hand. - 8/10

I still have one (or two, depending on how you look at it) episode left to watch (an aforementioned two-parter I haven't been able to set aside time for just yet, ("Greetings from Earth"), but having nearly concluded my re-watch of this childhood favorite has been a pleasant surprise. I fully expected that nostalgia would grease the rusty gears of this show regardless, but what I discovered is that it's a much better series than I'd given it credit for. Of course that its top-notch (and expensive) production values (which helped to bring about its demise) and iconic theme song stood the test of time was no surprise, but that it delivered some truly entertaining (and at times compelling) space opera w/a mythos fleshed our far better than I'd remembered, was.
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A Last Battlestar Galactica
spasek6 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was only 8-years-old when this final episode premiered. I was crushed that there wasn't going to be a second season, especially given how open-ended this last episode was. Every time I watched this episode in reruns, I couldn't help thinking what happened next. And, no, I didn't count Galactica 1980 as a viable continuation as it had no Apollo or Starbuck.

The fleet hadn't encountered any Cylon contact since "Fire in Space." The producers and writers understood that they'd pretty much run the well dry with Cylon-centered stories, which is why the second half of the series was more devoted to life within the fleet as well as the possibility of finding Earth.

I liked that Apollo and Sheba finally started to grow on each other, and of course, Starbuck and Cassiopeia were growing even closer than before, leaving the viewer two substantial "what if" questions going forward.

Never mind that the somewhat cautious Adama has finally had enough and decides to take on the basestar. Also loved Baltar reluctantly helping in exchange for freedom--bringing up another intriguing question regarding what ultimately happened to him.

Fun to see Sheba and Cassie worried to death about Apollo and Starbuck taking on such a dangerous mission as infiltrating the basestar. Don't ask me why they didn't just shoot the Cylon at the bottom of the core to being with, since they would have had to take him out regardless. Talk about making things more difficult than they had to be. Starbuck's ultimate idea to keep him and Apollo from being shot down at the end was both humorous and brilliant with one of his best lines of the entire series, "Told you we didn't need that electronic felgercarb!" Leaving Apollo initially dismayed until he begins to roar with laughter.

And, of course, the brilliant ending that sees the Apollo lunar landing appear just after Starbuck and Apollo leave to attend the ceremony, which left the viewer anxious to find out what happened next, only to be supremely disappointed because there was no "next."

"Hand of God" is the best episode by far of the second half of the series, and easily one of the best of the show. But for an obsessive 8-year-old at the time, it was also heartbreaking.
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Galactica's Home-Run Episode
stp4316 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Warning - possible spoilers.

While Battlestar Galactica's episodes were consistently entertaining stories, they too often were missing an extra power and verisimilitude that would make them unforgettable classics. It is a testimony to the show's overall strength that the good episodes are good and the weaker ones are not a total loss, but even so there was usually some twist or aspect of episodes that kept them from quite reaching their full power.

The Hand Of God, however, is perhaps the one episode that reaches full power. The best of the show's one-part episodes, The Hand Of God is a deft mixture of suspense, action, tension, and tenderness; from opening act to clever epilogue, the episode crackles with gripping quality.

It begins inauspiciously, as Apollo treats Starbuck, Cassiopeia, and Sheba to a demonstration of an ancient astro-navigational dome atop the Galactica. The scanner within the dome is set for long-range communication, and to the surprise of everyone it picks up a signal, a signal of an odd-looking spacecraft that Apollo recognizes as something the Colonies flew several millenia past.

Apollo, Starbuck, and Sheba fly to a distant solar system on the line of the signal, and to their horror they find a Cylon base star orbiting one planet in search of the Fleet. Escaping undetected, the three warriors report to Commander Adama, but instead of evading the Cylons, Adama decides to attack the base star - "I'm tired of running," Adama famously mutters to Colonel Tigh.

The Cylon first centurion in command of the base star, meanwhile, has learned of a brief scan blip outside the system, and launches raiders to probe into the area. The contrast between the opulent command bridge of the Galactica and the spartan command chamber of the base star is striking, and the synthesized dialogue between centurions brings out the full menace of the alien cyborg empire that remains a favorite sci-fi villain.

Before the Galactica attacks, however, Apollo gets the idea of trying to cripple the base star's scanners beforehand, and to Apollo's surprise, Adama recruits the Fleet's greatest enemy - Baltar - to assist. The interaction between Adama and Baltar that ensues is among the best scenes of the series and some of Lorne Greene and John Colicos' best work.

The episode's second half covers the actual mission, and the ensuing battle between Galactica and the Cylons is the best single such battle of the series.

The episode received unusually strong ABC promotion weeks before airing, and it's easy to see that the promotion was worth it.
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Dazzling end to a too short superb series
gritfrombray-11 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Several episodes before this one had been a little too fleet, politically inclined, but this had it all! Cylon threat, military genius and a space battle. The characters were what drove this show though. Apollo, Starbuck and Boomer's friendship was amazing. They always stuck through everything through thick and thin! Adama and Tigh and all the rest of the cast were perfect in their roles too. Great to get a peep inside a base star too. If the series had maintained this formula of excitement it might have gone another season and from there, who knows. But from what I've read the series was not financially viable. Such a pity. Well, at least it went out on a mother of brilliant episode!
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Possibly one of their best episodes
dougp0120 April 2020
Obviously they spend enough time in the writing and production. The acting is well done.

One question, why did Starbuck and Apollo decide to carry Boomer's transmitter with them when they left the shuttle?
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Really good show... Tubi has a second season!
caseyhill-2776629 December 2022
I'm just now starting the second season, I remember it as a kid. Barry Van Dyke (Dick's nephew, Jerry's son). Any way I greatly enjoyed the first season, and I don't know how much I will enjoy the "new" cast on Tubi. But there are some repeat ones. I have yet to watch the one from a few years back, the reboot... not a big reboot fan, but I love sci-fi, and will probably geek it out like any. Back to the original... the first season has its flaws, not always a superb script, and maybe even some missed cues, but so enjoyable. Characters lovable. I will add to this when I finish season two, and I'll critique it as a separate show considering the changes.
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Sad way to cancel a series with such a great final episode.
mm-3920 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sad way to cancel a series with such a great final episode. The final episode is a bit of a Star Wars rip off. Starts out strong with couples in an observatory with a strange old message pick up on the radio telescope. From the message there is a search for what's out there, and find, hidden between a couple of big gas planets, a Cyclon base ship. Just like start war Apollo, and Starbuck in a Cyclon fighter must sneak in and shut down the radar on the base ship. With Baltars helps there is a great star Wars style special effects battle. Well written, acted and make a good show even if the story is not too original. The Eagles has landed old broadcast is a good ending hint for event too come. Too bad there was no season 2. 8 stars.
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