"Friends" The One Where No One's Ready (TV Episode 1996) Poster

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The One Where No One's Ready
ComedyFan201023 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is an original episode, different from the rest of friends because it is done about 20 minutes, just like the episode time. This has been done by Seinfeld before and worked very well in Friends

I really like Joey and Chandler's fight over the chair. Two of them have a great chemistry and it is shining in this episode

I also liked the story of Monica and Richard's message machine. *I had the most fun watching it and everything that was happening.

But I absolutely hated the ending. Why was Ross apologizing to Rachel? SZure, I understand why Rachel and Monica were insensitive to Ross and getting ready fast, because there would be no fun episode without it. But in the end it should have been Rachel who apologized for being nasty and selfish, not the other way around. And Ross should have never said to the rest that he doesn't care of they come, he cares only about Rachel coming. What kind of a friend is that. I am surprised they just let it go and still went to the event
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Pretty Awesome
rahmanadhikari2 March 2016
This is one of the very few episodes where I feel it deserves full points. Plot - Other reviewers have written it. Strength - The entire episode is done in one room. The blocking and character timing are the major strength. It was indeed a risky episode, and the writers certainly knew this, for they made a brilliant script, and the actors acknowledged it. The chemistry between characters were shining, and most importantly, none of the friends are overshadowed by others. Everyone are at the top. Weakness - Rachael and Ross. This is the only chemistry in this episode which I felt did not work out. But it's just my opinion.
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Best Episode Ever
gencci28 May 2019
For me this episode has to be the best episode of a siitcom,i have watched too many times,it is brilliant
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The one which is Infuriating
batikanksk8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is the episode we see all the bad and nothing good in every character except Ross. Watched every episode 3 times, now I am doing a rewatch for the 4th time, and I decided to skip this after realising that this is the episode which I hate the most.
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Amazing episode.
alex-marquardt-879-659072 January 2020
This might be one of the best episodes ever. No special storyline, but that's not what it's about. It's about a episode in real-time with a timing that is on point from every character. The only - but nearly impossible - improvement could be, if it would be made in one single take.
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Perfect bottle episode
mutum-378-4116458 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For me this is one of the greatest episodes of Friends. In fact it's the best. Set in real time and a total bottle episode it's such fun to see how they all interact whilst Ross just wants them to get ready for his big night.

Each member of the main cast shows their true colours

I simply wish there was more sitcoms who use this method as well as Friends did. Frasier did this well with My Coffee With Niles, Seinfeld did it with The Chinese Restaurant... as much as many say Friends isn't as good as those shows I believe this episode shows it can compete with them and very well too

This is my absolute favourite episode of the show.
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The One Where No One Gives Up The Chair...
taylorkingston31 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. It is one of my all-time favorite episodes of Friends. Not just Season 3, but from all the seasons. It's an interesting episode because the only characters in it, are the main cast. Phoebe, Joey, Monica, Chandler, Rachel and Ross. It also only has one set. Rachel and Monica's apartment.

In this episode, we focus on the six main characters. Ross is being honored for an award and is hurrying everyone to get ready, so they can go. Everyone is taking so long to get ready. Rachel can't work out what to wear. Joey, childishly steals Chandler's comfy chair, whilst Chandler went to the bathroom. Joey eventually gets up but takes the cushions with him. Which, as we all know, are the essence of the chair. Chandler gets him back by wearing his underwear. He put them on when he went to get dressed. When Joey gets dressed, he wears all of Chandler's clothes. Every single item. Shots on top of pants, T- shirts on top of long sleeves. Etc. And worst thing is, he's not wearing any underwear. Ew. Phoebe gets dressed by gets a humus stain on her dress so Rachel helps her try to cover it up. Which takes more time. Monica freaks out when she hears a message on Richard's answering machine. She leaves him a message and then listens to it, and it sounds horrible, but instead of deleting just her message, she sets it to his answering machine message. The one you hear that should go, "Hi it's ... leave a message after the beep". That was funny. And when it starts raining, that sets Ross off. Ross freaks out on everyone, especially Rachel. She then refuses to go.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10.
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The One Where No One's Ready
Lady_Targaryen13 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ross becomes very annoyed with his friends, because no one is ready on time to go out with him. He is going to give a speech at the museum he works, but the problem is that Chandler and Joey fight for staying in the same seat in Monica's house, Rachel just cannot decide about which clothes she is going to wear and Monica stays listening to her answering machine.

Phoebe, the only one who is ready, gets her beautiful yellow dressed dirty by mistake to make everything even worst.

When Ross publicly complains on Rachel's delay to dress, she decides not to go anymore.

Monica deletes Richard's main message on his answering mistake by mistake when she is replying one of his messages to her.
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classic episode
slightlymad2212 December 2014
A great episode that only features the six man characters and one set, the girls apartment set in real time.

Plot In A Paragraph: Ross is being honoured at a fancy awards ceremony and he stresses out as people don't seem to be as keen to get their on time. Rachel struggles to find something to wear, Joey and Chandler argue over a seat and Monica freaks out when she hears a message off Richard and does not know if its old or new.

David Schwimmers character comes off as really annoying here, I know he is stressed but the way he shouts at Rachel is ridiculous as him saying he does not care if any of his other friends go.

FYI Aniston looked great in EVERY outfit she tried on
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Best Friends Episode
judymhut-6466616 May 2022
I never get tired of watching this. A bottle episode in real time that perfectly encapsulates each character's personality. The Thanksgiving episodes are usually chosen as the most popular of the series, but this is hands down the best episode. Laugh out loud funny!
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The Best One
devashishparnami24 February 2018
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Ross is eager to have everyone ready well in time for his 8 PM speech at the museum's benefit, but they all have other priorities then getting dressed. Joey childishly steals Chandler's armchair while he used the bathroom, and obstinately keeps sitting in it, in the process getting a stain on Phoebe's dress; when finally chased, Joey takes the pillows with him, Chandler retorts by stealing all Joey's underwear, Joey takes sordid vestimentary revenge. Monica freaks when she hears an answering machine message from Richard, even although it's probably ancient, and keeps making it worse abusing his code, worst of all is Rachel, who takes forever to pick an outfit till Ross insists she should hurry up, never mind what she wears, then she refuses to go altogether, until Joey's flippant suggestion is taken seriously.
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By far, the most overhated episode in the show
SnowThatBlows5 May 2021
Sure, while this episode doesn't have every character at their best, its a perfect demonstration of how much of a terrible person each character is. One thing I noticed about Friends is that their fanbase is incredibly immature and full with wet horny 12 year old girls who get pissed at things like making the characters look like a*sholes when they were one from the start of the show. The same type of people who get pissed at "The One with Phoebe's Birthday Dinner" because the characters are represented as "bad" people to Phoebe when they don't understand the whole point in the episode. This episode is decently written, hilarious, smart, original, and contains one of the best Joey moments in the entire series. It's not the best episode (though definitely top 5 IMO), but its not the worst episode that people make it out to be. It hurts realizing that some Friends fans are the same people who also watched Seinfeld. Are you oblivious to the fact that they are terrible people too?
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Well written but I Hated
merveyildirimozbas4 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ross was right. It was so annoying to watch I did not laugh. If I were Ross, I would left the room earlier and probably the series would end... And Rachel I have words to you girl. You really know how to wear, what happened at this time ? So, her reactions were insane. She decided not to go and sit at the kitchen?? Well then dont come, woman. I would expect more empathy from Chandler. At least he got dressed earlier...

Maybe I should talk this episode with my therapist :d.
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This episode makes me CRAZY!!
rabrown-409602 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I absolutely love Friends. I watch all the reruns every single day. But this episode makes me crazy!! Ross is getting a really important award but no one seems to care!! They all take their sweet ass time getting ready, argue about stupid things and completely ignore his pleas to get ready in a timely fashion. And then when he finally does snap, Rachel acts like a baby a decides not to go at all! How selfish and spoiled can you be?!?! Every time this episode comes on, I have to change the channel when Rachel has her little childish meltdown because I really want to strangle her. And poor Ross.....has to apologize TO HER?? His friends and his GIRLFRIEND really should be more considerate and supportive of Ross and just get their butts ready and in a damn cab! Other than all of that though, the writing was brilliant. The writers wrote an amazing script, in real time, on one set, with just the main characters. That is not easy to accomplish and the chemistry between all of the actors is so obvious. So if I had to rate the writing/acting of this episode, I'd give it a 10. But if I had to rate it based on the how I felt while watching, I'd give it a 1! So I'm going with a 5!
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bevo-136786 April 2021
I like the bit where no one was ready to go out and Ross was angry.
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Fantastic episode
arnaut-4453224 April 2021
Its definitly in my top ten of all time, its so simole yet so funny. Phoebe is the only friend who got ready for a museum award ceremony which is a big thing for Ross. The rest of the cast are delaying getting dressed which isnt annoying only Ross. I get it why someone can hate this masterpiece, but c'mon, get over it, its just a show and they arrived on time anyway. We see that Monica isnt over Richard, we have one of the best and maybe most famous Joey moment, my favourite Rachel outfit at the end of the episode and so more.
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One of the best in the whole series
leeann-7192831 March 2021
This episode and the one with the embryos is two of the best episodes in the whole series I have an old dvd of random episodes and watched it a lot growing up and those 2 episodes were on it so maybe that's why they are my fav but when an episode consists of just the 6 of them it's always comedy gold.
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mohammedalkhaledoffice25 September 2020
What a wonderful episode, It's best episode so far!! It's so funny
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A triumpph of brilliant writing, dialogue and characters
robert-wood-116 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a story premise, this isn't the most thrilling, but at this point in the sitcom, all characters were well established, relationships and interactions well known and this plays on all of the above with many of the most memorable lines on the whole ten series.

I can't hear the word houmous without this episode coming to mind and phrases like going commando, while maybe not originating from this, certainly came into British English as a much used phrase after this. Other than How You Doin' and We Were On a Break, probably nothing stands out from the series in as much terms of quotable lines.

Then there's the odd asides like Chandler's rant about Donald Duck wearing a towel getting out of the bath, Joey thinking how cool it would be to be the answering machine guy, Monica's crazed message on Richard's machine, Joey wearing all Chandler's clothes, Chandler being upset about the losing the chair and Joey drinking the fat.

All topped off with Rachel in *that* dress, walking out and saying to Ross "Oh, and...by the way, I'm going commando too."
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The One Where No One's Ready - 9.8/10
theoffice-2099617 July 2021
Could it not be better? Great episode full of fun and entertaining moments.
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A classic episode
studioAT5 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best episodes of the show full stop. It's premise is so simple and yet it allows us to have some brilliant moments of interplay between the six characters.

My favourite story line is the one featuring Joey and Chandler and the race for a chair, ending with the iconic image of Joey wearing all of Chandler's clothes.

The story involving Monica and the answering machine hacking may seem a bit dated now, but it's at least giving Courtney Cox something with a bit of depth to play.

A very good episode of the show overall.
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I don't like this episode
stevensywq21 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've always been a fan of friends but this episode really pisses me off. Ross is getting a big and important reward here and he is obviously very nervous and doesn't want to be late. But the rest is not taking it seriously. Especially Rachel, as his girlfriend, she should know the importance of this event to Ross and get dressed quickly. Instead, she is taking her own sweet time and being very inconsiderate. That is just Rachel's spoiling acting up all over again. Ross has every right to yell at her. And then she just gets upset and doesn't want to go anymore. What a horrible girlfriend. And what's up with Joey and the chair? He's always been a good and cool lad but why does he have to act like that? Just because of the oil thing? He even screws up Pheebe's dress. And he also should know the importance of this event to Ross. I would not comment on Monica here cos that relationship thing is already bad enough. I know this is just one episode and it's just a TV show. But I really cannot watch this one cos I hate inconsiderate people.
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The dawn of the annoying Ross
yaornw6 December 2020
This Episode was the first glimpse of what Ross would become-one of the most annoying characters in Tv history. Basically Ross is worried about everybody else not being ready to go to his big business dinner despite all of their other concerns and issues. In the process he shows way too little empathy and way too much selfishness. This episode is funny and there are some good moments because the show is still at its height but this was not a good showing for Ross because they started to show a glimpse of just how annoying he would become.
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Did not like it
abule14 December 2020
Well maybe you can say "this one is entertaining" but you can't deny the fact that this episode was majorly toxic. They didn't respect Ross at all. It was his very important and special day and still they couldn't get over themselves to get ready on time.

When Ross shouted at Rachel he did humiliate her. I agree he took it too far but still, he had right to be angry.
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The most overrated episode in IMDb?
ilarivaisanen27 November 2017
I just have to comment this: I find this episode extremely overrated if we look at the 9,0 grade. Episode is very boring, nothing happens and on top of all, it's very annoying. This is the first time I really can't understand the base of the grade here. I have watched this multiple times (like every episode of this series) but I never get this.
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