"Lost in Space" His Majesty Smith (TV Episode 1966) Poster

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Good acting turn from guest star Hagen
garrard4 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This installment comes from the final half of season one of the show and it is another example of the change in format from adventure and survival to farce and fantasy. Dr. Smith (Johnathan Harris), Will (Billy Mumy), and The Robot (voice of Dick Trufeld) come upon a jewel-laden crown. When Smith decides to try it on, the act unleashes a lightning furry, and Will helps his friend remove the crown. To assure Dr. Smith that the crown is harmless, Will dons it. Suddenly, trumpets blast and humanoids aliens appear, announcing that the wearer of the crown is to be the "king" of their home world, Andronica. Though flattered by the offer, Will turns them down. However, after sending the lad and The Robot on their way, Smith tells the entourage's leader (Liam Sullivan) that he is descended from kings and would make a perfect ruler for their planet, suggesting that he be considered.

After Dr. Smith departs, the leader transmits a message to his superior, a hairy-faced alien (Kevin Hagen) that is a true citizen of Andronica. The ensemble that Smith and Will had met were nothing more than cybernetic creatures of the real Andronican.

Smith becomes King and is to be shortly whisked away to the planet. However, the Robot has detected something sinister from the Andronicans and submits his findings to the rest of the Robinson family. It is decided that a rescue attempt is to be made before Smith departs. The alien intercepts the conversation and decides to solve the problem by "making" a duplicate Smith and passing it off as the real thing.

The new Smith is everything the old Smith wasn't: hardworking, considerate, inventive, and self-sacrificing. The Robinsons suspect nothing. However, the real Smith discovers that an Andronican king is no more than a figurehead and is to be ultimately sacrificed during a planetary celebration. He manages to escape and return to the Jupiter 2 to the surprise of the rest, who thought all the time that the doppelganger was the "real McCoy".

When the Andronican humanoids come to claim Smith, the "false" one pretends to be the real Smith and goes off to the planet, leaving everything "normal" as it should be.

Of course, this is not one of the best of the first season, but it benefits from the performances of Hagen and, in a dual role, Harris.

Hagen had previously appeared on Irwin Allen's "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea," and would later portray "Inspector Kobick" on the producer's "Land of the Gisnts." Though most television fans remember him as "Doc Baker" on the long running "Little House on the Prairie" show.
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One of the funniest Smith episodes
whatch-1793126 September 2020
It's weird having two Smith episodes in a row that are practically the same, though Will at least practically lampshades this by warning Smith his games always gets him in trouble.

This episode is much more of a comedy than the prior episode though, and is pretty funny at times.

It's also slightly touching when John Robinson defends Smith as being their "friend"- although, frankly, at this stage, that seems more telling than showing.
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His Majesty Smith
Scarecrow-8819 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"King Zachery I. Oh, my."

If you ever wanted to see *two* Dr. Smiths, here's your chance. An alien creature (hairy enough to almost pass off as a wolf man), uses androids that look like humans to seek out someone to be King of Andronica, a royal crown, placed on a rock as bait. Dr. Smith, of course, will be enticed by the large rubies on the crown, try it on, and like how it feels. A "royal entourage" appears, when Will tries on the crown, and Smith seizes an opportunity to place himself in the front-runner position for King. He doesn't know that the King of Andronica is to be sacrificed to the aliens of the planet, skinned and stuffed, to be placed in their "royal hall"! Well, sufficed to say, Smith is in for a rude awakening! Of course, Smith will try to convince the alien that he isn't fit to be king (showing his true colors, he even tries to offer other members of the Robinson party as more "fitting" to be king (yeah, he even offers up Will, nice guy this Smith)), and feels the Robinsons will make an attempt to rescue him once Robot figures out what is truly going on. But the alien has a plan, use his "duplicating" machine to make a "new and improved" Smith, one who will have none of the negative qualities that the "old and no good" Smith possesses. Yep, this created clone Smith actually *benefits* the Robinson household, helping to do chores, cooking breakfast, treating them with benevolence instead of avoiding work, fattening himself up with the food prepared by others, and placing himself above everyone else. I see no reason why the Robinsons should be any less happy to have the new Smith compared to the troubles the old one always brought them. But that's me. They seem more than happy to have him back once Smith "makes a break for it", smashing a glass of "gloog" across the alien's head (Smith doesn't like the idea of eating "sleemoth", either), and retreating to the Jupiter 2. Two Smiths: the Robinsons are in a bind. I would suggest leaving the shiftless coward to the mercies of the Andronicans, but that's just me. He would certainly do it to them. They "do the right thing", by telling the good Smith that the other slimier one was with them first (must we forget why he's with the Robinson party to begin with?). Kevin Hagen is good fun as the alien who sees past Smith's "negotiating tactics", and will not leave the planet without a king to take home to his world. This episode is noteworthy for seeing a Smith that would be of more substantial worth to the Robinsons, but, as expected, the worthless real version is able to use his cunning to get out of danger he got himself into. Too bad for the Robinsons because they will no doubt continue to fall prey to peril because of the Dr. Smith that remains.
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The Fake Smith Is Rather Funny
StuOz14 February 2015
Dr Smith becomes an alien ruler.

It took a few repeat viewings before I liked this hour, but yes, it is rather good. The fake Smith does actually make me laugh and the storyline is rather clever.

The inside of the alien spacecraft is nice to look at with those "disco lights" hovering above the action.

Kevin Hagen is here and he appeared as a guest star in all of Irwin Allen's Big Four TV shows. He would also play an alien with weird make-up again in Time Tunnel's Raiders From Outer Space...that hour is a must see!
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Two Smith is too much!!!
elo-equipamentos9 May 2017
Since 1971 Lost in Space was aired in my hometown, every afternoon we had to watch those magnificent stories between the trio Will, the Robot and Dr. Smith, so amazing time, in this episode once more Dr. Smith was in trouble after wearing a Crow and chosen as Andronica's King although he wants to be, however he discovers that it isn't so easy, he goes to be sacrifice, the Robinsons claims Smith back, then Alien leader provides a Smith's duplication and give back to them a Fake Smith, but they suspicious that something is wrong about new Smith's behavior, as always another great episode from this fantastic Irwin Allen's series one of my favorite together with Land of the Giants.
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If you're a Dr. Smith fan, then you'll likely like his coronation; otherwise...
jamesrupert201416 July 2022
After they inexplicably find an ornate crown, Smith reprimands young Will Robinson for touching 'someone else's property' but then sneaks back and dons the ornate topper, only to experience shocking pain. This overture sets up a contrived story involving aliens who use the dazzling chapeau as a test to select their next King but 'uneasy (and temporary) is the head that bears the crown'. This Smith-centered episode resorts to the classic 'duplicate' trope so common in TV sci-fi, and although the identical doctors with reciprocal personalities are amusing, the ending is painfully predictable. The monster of the week is a just hairy person who speaks with a thick, stereotypical Eastern-European accent but his team of androids are pretty good and Smith, who was rapidly becoming a sniveling coward as the character descended into comic relief, briefly becomes a man of action. Like many of the LiS stories, the ending leaves a lot of 'but why...' moments since there doesn't seem to be any reason that the aliens can't just return when they discover that they've been hoodwinked. Not one of the better episodes in the uneven but generally entertaining first season.
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asalerno1028 May 2022
Will and Dr. Smith find a crown full of precious stones, it belongs to an alien civilization that is searching for the ideal candidate to crown as king of their world. Dr. Smith manages to get the position but later discovers that the kings of that strange planet are sacrificed on an altar after the coronation, the leader of the strangers sends a double to the camp to take his place only that this is a flawless version of Smith. Like all the episodes of the first season, the tone is more serious and the villains more fearsome, the interior of the alien ship is gloomy and sinister, which enhances the story. A very interesting and funny episode.
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One of the best and funniest. 'Daddy Zack' indeed!
ronnybee211211 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is extremely funny. Our man Dr Smith is up to his favorite tricks,trying to parlay a seemingly lucky-find into a life of easy luxury. (For himself,first of all.) Dr Smith's selfishness and his greedy nature is used against him by some sinister and wily alien creeps. Dr Smith hastily agrees to what he thinks to be a great offer from the aliens-but he doesn't ask questions or read the fine print,so next he is in a real jam,quite a fine mess.

It gets even better from there. The aliens make a Dr Smith clone,but this perfect copy only looks like Smith. The copy has none of the real Smith's faults and defects,in fact he is pretty-much the exact opposite of the real Dr. Smith. The Smith copy is honest,helpful, friendly,and good. The aliens hope to pawn-off the fake Smith on the Robinson family and then take the real Smith back to their home-planet for sinister purposes.

Now I figure that as much trouble as Dr Smith causes,you would think that the Robinsons would be delighted to trade him in for a better-behaved model,right? That is what I'd figure at least.

I don't want to spoil the whole episode-or maybe Im just too lazy to re-cap the whole thing,so you should simply watch it for yourself and let us know what you think about it. I really liked it,and I think you will like it too.
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Dr. Smith plus Daddy Zach = Excellent, Indeed!!!
bigfrankie-434647 December 2022
His Majesty Smith is a perfect combination of Si-Fi Horror and comedy.

Dr. Smith's greed and selfishness take over when he thinks he is going to be king of the Andronicans. He is, but not with the results he expected. It turns out "the king" is actually a sacrifice for their diabolical event.

The aliens create a hardworking, self-sacrificing duplicate of Dr. Smith to replace the sneaky, lazy, cowardly Dr. Smith. The scenes with the duplicate Dr. Smith, who instructs the children to call him "Daddy Zack" are great. One of the best is when the real Dr. Smith is in a panic and Penny calls him "UNCLE Zack".

Daddy Zack- indeed!!!
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Dr Smith and Dr Baker!
gregorycanfield18 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That grisly alien was played by the same actor who would go on to portray Dr Baker on Little House on the Prairie. Kevin Hagen was a fine character actor. Anything I've ever seen him in was improved by his presence. In this episode, Hagen plays ruler of Andronica. Dr Smith is to be sacrificed as a "useless" king. Thus, we get a duplicate Dr Smith, who takes the original Smith's place among the Robinsons. The story is great fun, despite a couple of lapses in logic. Since everyone assumed that the duplicate Smith was the real one, his sudden change of character should have been the clue that this wasn't the Dr Smith they all knew. Well, the Robot, at least, saw the "good" Smith for the imposter that he was. In the end, the Andronicans accept the duplicate Smith as the real one. Shouldn't they, if anyone, had known which Smith was real and which was not? In any case, a great episode. It was nice to hear Professor Robinson defend the real Dr Smith. It was also curious that Will wished the real Smith could have been more like the duplicate. His friendship with Dr Smith was based on Smith as he really was. Will had to have seen something positive beneath the surface.
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