"The Rookies" A Bloody Shade of Blue (TV Episode 1972) Poster

(TV Series)


Georg Stanford Brown: Officer Terry Webster


  • Dr. Cooper : [Officer Terry Webster has been taken to Memorial Hospital after two snipers shot at him while he was in his police car. When the bullets struck the car windshield, numerous fragments of glass were shattered and blown into his eyes. He is now in the hospital operating room and is lying faceup on the OR table, awaiting surgery to remove the glass fragments. He's been given a sedative to help calm him, but he is fully awake and conversing with the eye surgeon, Dr Cooper. Terry's vision is very blurry, which the viewers are seeing from his perspective]  Officer Webster, can you hear me?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry's frightened eyes are open and his soft voice is somewhat muffled by the sheet that has been placed over his nose and mouth. He nods slightly as he answers Dr Cooper]  I hear you.

    Dr. Cooper : [the doctor and nurse are looking down at Terry. Their faces and the overhead lights are blurry as he peers up at them]  There are a great many slivers of glass in both your eyes, Officer Webster. I'm going to try to remove them, but I need your help. Do you understand what I am saying?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry, peering up at the doctor, answers in a low, shuddering voice]  I understand.

    Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper continues his dialogue with Terry, looking down at him]  I can't put you to sleep, Officer Webster, because in trauma cases, there's too much of a possibility of... nausea. You've been sedated, but a certain amount of discomfort... will be unavoidable... until the anaesthetic takes effect. Do you understand what I've just said to you?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry's eyes, which have swelled up, are beginning to leak tears, which start to drip onto the surgical hat that is covering his hair. He sighs, then answers the doctor softly]  Sounds like... . you're reading me my rights.

    Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper confirms his question to make sure Terry fully understands what is going on]  I just want to make sure you understand what's going to happen.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry's soft voice is very calm and quiet, even though he's scared to death]  I get it... let's do it.

    Dr. Cooper : [the doctor pulls the overhead magnifier over closer to Terry's face and positions it directly over his wide-open, apprehensive eyes; its light shines brightly into them. Dr Cooper, reaching over for an instrument on the tray, replies to Terry in a calm, assured voice]  All right... here we go...

    [Dr Cooper begins the tedious surgery of removing the many tiny glass fragments from Terry's eyes. He looks thru the lenses on the magnifyer and uses tweezers to begin removing the glass fragments from Terry's eyes. It is very blurry as he begins the procedure, as the viewers are seeing it from Terry's perspective] 

  • Officer Terry Webster : [It's now nighttime. Officer Terry Webster is lying quietly in his hospital bed; both of his eyes have been bandaged following his recent eye surgery. Officer Willie Gillis, in regular street clothes, is there visiting him]  I've been finding out a lot of things... you know, all that stuff they say about blind people... hearing better... .sensing things.

    Officer Willie Gillis : [Willie is standing next to Terry's bed; Terry's face is turned toward the sound of his voice]  Is any of it true?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry shrugs his shoulders, sighs, then smiles weakly]  I don't know if I hear any better during the day. Sometimes, at night... sometimes... when it's hard to fall asleep, I hear people walking down the halls, cars out on the street. Seems like I hear more than I want to... then.

    [Terry's voice is very soft and starts shaking. He swallows hard, then takes a deep breath to calm himself. He's reflecting deeply on his sudden blindness and he is in a melancholy mood. He is grasping the can of beer that Willie brought him and holds it out to Willie] 

    Officer Terry Webster : Want a sip?

    Officer Willie Gillis : [Willie is looking intently at Terry and listening closely to what he's saying. He then shakes his head in answer to Terry's question]  No, no, that's... that's for you.

    [Terry nods and wraps his hands around the can. He turns his face away from Willie momentarily] 

    Officer Willie Gillis : I just wanted to... uh... tell you that... I'm sorry.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry turns his face toward Willie's voice. His voice is still very quiet as he is struggling to control his feelings]  Ah, man, nothing to be sorry for.

    Officer Willie Gillis : [Willie feels indirectly responsible for Terry getting shot at; he's adamant that Terry hear him out]  Listen, Terry, if it wasn't for me, none of this... would've happened.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry starts gesturing with his left hand to emphasize what he's saying. In his frustration, he is turning his head side to side across his pillow as he answers Willie]  Oh, don't, Willie, please. Don't start into the 'ifs'. It happened, that's all.

    [Terry turns his face away from Willie, swallows hard, and takes a deep breath, still trying hard to control his emotions. His voice is almost a whisper as he continues] 

    Officer Terry Webster : Look... if I get out of this with some problem seeing, I'm gonna need my friends. And I don't need anyone being my friend because they feel guilty for something that couldn't be helped. That's not friendship, it's penitence. It's not good to me, to you, or anyone else, you know?

    [By now, Terry's voice is very low, almost inaudible] 

    Officer Willie Gillis : [Willie is listening aptly to Terry's speech. He nods his head in agreement and smiles slightly]  Yeah. Ok, I hear you.

    [Terry nods pensively] 

    Officer Willie Gillis : How 'bout... uh... passing over some of that beer, huh?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry turns toward the sound of Willie's voice and hands the can to him]  You only brought one can?

    Officer Willie Gillis : [Willie accepts the can, then raises it to his mouth and takes a sip. He reaches down, picks up Terry's right hand and puts the can in it. He wraps his hand around Terry's]  It's all I could sneak in.

    [Terry smiles slightly] 

  • Dr. Cooper : [it's almost the end of Terry's eye surgery. By now, Terry's forehead is furrowed tensely, as he is concentrating hard on trying to lie still and keeping his eyes wide open for the eye surgeon to remove the glass fragments. Dr Cooper concludes the surgery; he then pushes away the overhead bright magnifying light he had been shining into Terry's eyes]  There we are... I think we're done, Officer Webster. How are you feeling?

    [the doctor leans down toward Terry as he speaks] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is thankful that the surgery is finished. He relaxes, sighs, then he blinks his eyes several times as he answers the doctor softly]  Flattered.

    Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper is looking down at Terry]  Don't blame you. I'm going to put a sterile bandage on your eyes now... it'll have to stay on at least a week.

    [the nurse hands two gauze bandages to Dr Cooper] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [By now, Terry is very frightened. He blinks his eyes several times, then he peers up apprehensively toward the doctor. His vision is very blurry. His nose and mouth are still covered with the sheet and his soft voice is almost inaudible]  One thing...

    Dr. Cooper : [the doctor shakes his head, looking down at Terry]  I can't answer it, Officer.

    Officer Terry Webster : I haven't asked you anything yet.

    [Terry's voice is uncertain and it shakes slightly] 

    Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper leans down closer to Terry]  You want to know if there will be any permanent impairment. I don't know yet. I got all the pieces I could see, I think I got all the pieces there are, but I can't be sure. Some of them were... infinitesimal.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Dr Cooper is standing at the head of the operating table. Terry opens his eyes wide and looks upward at the doctor. His eyes and voice clearly shows his fear and anxiety]  Will I lose part of my sight any?

    Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper replies in a quiet, calm voice]  Part or all. Or none.


    Dr. Cooper : Too soon to know.

    [Dr Cooper starts to place a bandage over Terry's right eye] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry, fighting his fright, stops Dr Cooper]  Hold it... let the nurse do it.

    Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper pulls back the bandage. He looks at Terry, not sure what he means by that request]  Why?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry's low voice is shaking, as he's trying hard to control his emotions. He blinks rapidly, hoping to calm himself and looks toward the nurse]  This might be the last thing I ever see... I'd prefer it to be her than you.

    Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper slowly nods his head, understanding Terry's logic]  Makes sense.

    [He hands the bandages to the nurse] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry looks sideways toward the nurse. Although he's frightened, his voice is calm and quiet as he addresses her]  Take off your mask.

    Lynn : [the nurse looks at Dr Cooper, not sure if she should remove her mask]  Doctor?

    Dr. Cooper : Go ahead

    [he walks away from the operating table. The nurse starts to remove her mask] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is looking at the nurse intently thru the blurriness]  What's your name?

    Lynn : [the nurse looks down at Terry]  it's Lynn.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry's voice, now very soft, is still shaking slightly and he's breathing rapidly]  Smile for me, Lynn.

    [Lynn smiles as she looks down at Terry; her face is blurred, as the viewers are seeing it from Terry's perspective. She places the gauze bandages over his eyes and the OR scene is over] 

  • Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper and Lynn, the nurse, are in Terry's hospital room, which has been darkened. Terry is lying quietly in his hospital bed; the bandages have been removed from his eyes in preparation for the doctor's examination on his progress. Dr Cooper is checking Terry's eyes through a lighted scope]  Light hurt your eyes?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry's voice is very quiet, as he's nervous about the doctor's verdict]  Yes.

    Dr. Cooper : Good, it should. Close them.

    [Terry closes his eyes and Dr Cooper lowers the scope] 

    Dr. Cooper : Nurse, would you open the blinds, please?

    [Lynn opens the blinds and the room is flooded with light] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry, his eyes closed, takes a deep, calming breath. He turns his face toward the sound of the doctor's voice, who is unwrapping a fresh gauze bandage]  Well?

    Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper places the bandage over Terry's left eye]  Progressing nicely, I'd say. There's still a good deal of swelling, but that's a side effect of the surgery. The more it does down, the more I'll be able to see. But, from what I can see at this point, looks... all right.

    [the doctor begins taping the bandage over Terry's eye] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry, fighting his fright, swallows hard to try to control his emotions before speaking]  How long do the bandages stay on?

    Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper continues taping the bandage over Terry's eye]  Another week at least, maybe longer.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Dr Cooper finishes taping the first bandage]  Do I have to stay in the hospital?

    Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper turns Terry's head away from him slightly and places a bandage over his right eye]  Why? Don't you like it here?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry swallows hard again]  Food's lousy... but the people are all right.

    Lynn : [Lynn is observing the doctor working with Terry. She's smiling]  Why, thank you, sir.

    Dr. Cooper : [Dr Cooper finishes bandaging Terry's right eye]  Miss Everett, would you start the paperwork to get this guy out of here? He's saying nasty things about our hospital.

    Lynn : Right away, Doctor.

    [She's smiling widely as she leaves the room] 

    Dr. Cooper : [the doctor is examining Terry's bandages one last time]  Now, when you're back home, I want you to take it easy. And no yielding to temptation and start taking those bandages off to get a little peek. That's ruined more good operations than you can shake a stick at.

    [Dr Cooper leans down toward Terry, with a stern expression] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry relaxes against his pillow and smiles slightly]  Oh, I'm not gonna shake a stick at anything. My doctor told me to take it easy.

    Dr. Cooper : And your doctor means it.

    [Terry hears Dr Cooper abruptly leaving the room. Now alone in his room, he takes another deep, calming breath and brings his hands up to his face. He lets his breath out slowly, trying to calm himself] 

  • Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is lying in his hospital bed, seemingly asleep. Willie is standing next to his bed and he reaches out to touch Terry's shoulder. Because both of his eyes are bandaged, Terry is unaware that someone is there]  Who is it?

    Officer Willie Gillis : It's me...

    Officer Terry Webster : Hey...

    [Terry smiles, then laughs softly] 

    Officer Willie Gillis : [Willie smiles, then reaches out to grasp both of Terry's hands]  I wasn't sure if you were asleep or not.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry laughs again and shifts his position]  Neither was I... the way they keep me doped up, ya know?

    Officer Willie Gillis : [Willie looks intently at Terry]  Yeah... is it a lot of pain?

    Officer Terry Webster : Well, if I was a masochist, I'd be having one good time.

    [Terry smiles, then laughs wryly] 

    Officer Willie Gillis : Well, listen, maybe this will help a little bit

    [Willie reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a can of beer. He brings the can close to Terry so he can hear the pop top being pulled] 

    Officer Terry Webster : Ohhh, sweet music... sweet music... .yeah.

    [Terry smiles, then reaches out to accept the can from Willie. He makes an attempt to sit up; Willie intervenes] 

    Officer Willie Gillis : You want to be cranked up a bit?

    Officer Terry Webster : Yeah, 45 degree angle, the nurse said.

    [Terry begins sipping the beer as Willie walks over to the foot of the bed to crank it up] 

    Officer Willie Gillis : [Willie finishes cranking up Terry's bed. Terry continues drinking the beer and nodding his head]  How's that?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is enjoying the beer]  Mmm-hmmm... .mmm-hmmmm.

    Officer Willie Gillis : [Willie walks back to Terry's side]  Anything you want from the place... anything you need?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry turns his face toward Willie. He gestures with the can of beer]  No... this will get me through.

    [Terry leans back pensively] 

  • Lynn : [Following his eye surgery from earlier that day, Officer Terry Webster, with both of his eyes bandaged as a result of the surgery, is lying quietly in his hospital bed. The radio next to his bed is playing loud music and he's zoning out, listening to it. Suddenly, the radio is turned off abruptly and he is now aware that someone is near his bedside]  You oughtn't to listen to that, you know?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is startled, as he unable to see who turned off the radio. He turns his face toward the sound of the person's voice]  First of all, who are you?

    Lynn : [the woman replies to Terry in a slight Southern drawl]  I'm Lynn Everett. I'm the one who put on the bandages after your operation.

    [as she's speaking, Lynn walks around the foot of Terry's bed to the other side] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry remembers Lynn as the nurse who was with him during his eye surgery. She was the last person he saw--albeit blurrily--just before she put the bandages upon his eyes. He nods in recognition and gestures with his hands]  Oh, yeah... Why shouldn't I listen to the radio?

    Lynn : [Lynn smiles and points her finger at Terry knowingly and speaks softly]  Oh, I didn't say you shouldn't listen to the radio. I said you oughtn't to listen to that kind of music.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry isn't sure why Lynn would tell him that and he has a quizzical expression on his face]  Why not?

    Lynn : [Lynn replies in a mock-serious voice]  Because it'll brutalize you.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is incredulous, as he can't believe what Lynn just told him]  Says who?

    Lynn : [Lynn replies in a stage whisper]  My Aunt Pearl.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry catches his breath]  Your Aunt Pearl says... that music will brutalize me, so I can't listen to it?

    Lynn : [Lynn starts to straighten Terry's bedcovers as she replies]  I didn't say can't... I didn't say can't. I said oughtn't. Now, are you in any kind of pain or discomfort? 'Cuz that's why I came in.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry pulls the bedcovers up closer over his chest. He assumes a nonchalant voice as he answers Lynn, facing toward the sound of her voice, then turns away momentarily]  I was all right until a few minutes ago.

    Lynn : [Lynn looks at Terry sympathetically, although he can't see her]  Aw, you want a pill?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry turns back toward Lynn's voice]  No! I'll be fine... thank you.

    Lynn : [Lynn smiles]  'K. Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!

    [She turns to leave Terry's room and he hears the door open, then close. Terry smiles to himself and turns his head against his pillow to get into a more comfortable position] 

  • Lynn : [Terry, with both of his eyes bandaged from his recent eye surgery, is sitting outside in a wheelchair on the hospital grounds with his nurse, Lynn. He is wearing hospital pajamas with a robe over them. Lynn is seated on a bench at Terry's left side, and they're in the middle of a conversation. Lynn wants to get to know Terry and she is asking him questions about himself]  If you couldn't be a cop, what would you be?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry, as he is unable to look at Lynn when he replies to her question, is facing forward, slightly away from her]  Why do you ask?

    Lynn : [Lynn raises her hand to her face, not sure how to reply]  Because... .people like you... don't like cops. At least, that's... that's what they say.

    Officer Terry Webster : [There is a slight hesitation before Terry answers; he weighs his words carefully, then he replies to Lynn's statement]  Well, lots of people like me... have reason not to like cops.

    [Terry is smiling slightly] 

    Lynn : [Lynn is looking over at Terry, trying to comprehend his answer]  Oh... are you gonna stick with it, for the rest of your life?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry's facial expression immediately becomes dead-serious; he is contemplating his future, facing possible permanent blindness, which would ultimately end his law enforcement career. He is still facing forward, not yet turned toward Lynn]  I'll tell you about that, once these bandages come off.

    Lynn : [Lynn likes Terry and she feels deep sympathy for the blindness he is experiencing]  You frightened?

    Officer Terry Webster : [There is a long hesitation before Terry answers, as he is scared to death that his blindness could end up being permanent. When he finally answers, his voice is very low]  Yes.

    Lynn : [Lynn sees that Terry truly is frightened and upset. She tries to take his mind off his brooding, by hurriedly asking another question]  Terry, have you ever thought...

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry smiles slightly as he is amused at Lynn's rapid-fire questions. He interrupts her to ask a question of his own]  Hey, don't you ever run out of questions?

    Lynn : [Lynn is still looking at Terry, and makes several gestures to emphasize her words, even though he can't see her]  Well, I told you before, in Bradenton, I never got the chance to talk with... a cop.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry turns toward Lynn's voice; he's frustrated with her answer and answers sharply]  Oh, come off it, Lynn, please... please! It's got nothing to do with my being a policeman. The truth is, you've probably never talked with... really talked with... a black before, make or female. Here's your big chance, you're gonna use me for your experiment.

    Lynn : [Lynn is surprised at Terry's vehement reaction and is momentarily flustered. She finally answers, gesturing with her hands]  Well, the fact is, yes... I've spent most of my life in private schools and I've never the opportunity to speak with a negra... to a coloured person... to someone who is black!

    [Terry starts laughing; Lynn, miffed, starts to walk away] 

    Lynn : Well, I don't see what's so humourous!

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry immediately stops laughing; he doesn't know if Lynn is still near him or not, and he calls out to her]  Hey, Lynn... Lynn, you there?

    Lynn : [Lynn is now standing behind the bench where she had been seated and she is somewhat mollified]  Yes...

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry, relieved that Lynn didn't walk away from him, is now apologetic for hurting her feelings. He turns to his left, toward the sound of her voice, and speaks softly]  Tie you a bell around your neck, huh? Ok, ok, ok. Ok, I'm sorry that I laughed. And there's nothing wrong with your wanting to get to know me. But don't tell me it's because of what I do for a living. And don't tell me how to react to that, or well never get anywhere with that.

    [Terry's voice is rising steadily as he finishes his sentence] 

    Lynn : [Lynn replies in a quiet voice]  All right. Do you think we could be friends... the other way?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is still turned toward Lynn's voice; he replies quietly]  Well, not till we try.

    Lynn : [Lynn smiles, then she goes to the bench. She starts to sit down, then steps over to Terry and puts her hand on his left arm]  I just wanted to tell you, that I am smiling!

    [Lynn pats Terry's arm then she steps back to the bench and sits down; they're both smiling] 

See also

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