(TV Series)


Georg Stanford Brown: Officer Terry Webster


  • Officer Terry Webster : [Officer Terry Webster is on the phone to 911 inside the convenience store where the robbery took place. The store owner was shot and the suspect's girlfriend is partially lying on the floor, about to give birth]  Let's have an ambulance... gunshot victim and woman in labour. Pull out all the stops.

    [Terry hangs up the phone and proceeds to help both the gunshot victim, Mr Marapolous, and the pregnant woman, Laurie] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Laurie is very close to giving birth and is screaming and writhing in agony. Terry is the only person in the store who can assist the two people in distress. He goes to Laurie first]  Hold on for a minute, ok? Just hold on a minute...

    [Terry is on his hands and knees; he slides over the floor to Mr Marapolous and his wife and checks the man's wound. He lays a comforting hand on the man's arm and speaks calmly to his wife] 

    Officer Terry Webster : He's gonna be all right. Uh, bring some blankets... towels and a blanket, ok?

    [Terry, still on his hands and knees, scoots back over to help Laurie] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Laurie continues screaming and thrashing about. Terry, his voice low and assured, is speaking soothingly to her. He takes hold of Laurie's hands and tries to calm her down]  Hold on... hold on, hey... we've never been here before, but I think it would go a lot better if we trust each other, ok? First of all, what's your name... what's your name?

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie is in great distress and is fighting against Terry's ministrations. She's sweating profusely and is intermittently gasping and screaming. Terry is holding her hand; he gently places his other hand behind her neck to help her lie down]  Laurie...

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is trying in vain to get Laurie to lie down; she's still violently resisting him. He continues speaking to her in a soft, soothing voice to help calm her]  Laurie, I'm Terry... I'm Terry. Breathe through your nose, not through your mouth; that way you won't dry up, ok?

    [Terry finally succeeds in getting Laurie to lie down; he's holding both of her hands firmly in his, while she struggles against him. He calls out to Mrs Marapolous] 

    Officer Terry Webster : Let's have some sheets, bring some sheets also!

    Officer Terry Webster : [Mrs Marapolous brings some sheets over to Terry, who continues coaching Laurie]  When it starts coming... when it starts coming, try not to push till the very end. Concentrate on your breathing, like this... short, shallow breaths... like that, ok?

    [Laurie continues writhing and is pushing against Terry. He's holding her hands and showing her how to pant. He places a folded towel behind her head] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Laurie is still screaming and is breathing hard. Terry is still offering his soft, comforting words in his ongoing effort to help her]  If you want to scream, go ahead and scream. You're having a baby! This is your day! Isn't it beautiful?

    [Terry places a sheet over Laurie and smiles at her encouragingly] 

    Officer Terry Webster : Keep your eyes open... that's right... keep your eyes open. Focus on me... that's it... that's it... isn't it beautiful?

    [Terry smiles at her once more] 

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is now kneeling over Laurie, who is delivering her baby at this moment. She's still thrashing about, fighting against Terry, who is holding both her hands. Mrs Marapolous is helping Terry, by wiping Laurie's face]  Not yet... pant... pant... that's it... that's it... that's it... that's it.

    [Terry releases her hands so he can assist in delivering the baby. Laurie screams and throws out her arms in agony; Terry requests Mrs Marapolous's help] 

    Officer Terry Webster : Take her hands... take her hands... easy...

    [the baby arrives and Terry smiles] 

    Officer Terry Webster : Ah, wow, look at that... look at that... .

    Theresa : [Mrs Marapolous looks at Terry in amazement]  The baby... the baby is coming.

    [the ambulance arrives] 

  • Laurie Scott : [Officer Terry Webster, in full uniform, is visiting Laurie Scott in her hospital room. She's sitting up in bed and reaches out to shake Terry's hand in both of hers. He's standing next to her bed, looking down at her; she's smiling at him in gratitude]  You know, I've been praying I'd see you soon, to thank you.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry smiles at her, leaving his hand in hers]  Thank you, too... it's good for me, too.

    [Laurie lets go of Terry's hand; he takes out his notebook and pen and prepares to take notes] 

    Officer Terry Webster : Um... I've got to get some information, ok?

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie raises her hands in the air, then lets them drop onto onto the bed]  All I know is, Billy left me in the car, I went into labour and you came and helped me.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry, writing in his notebook, looks up toward Laurie]  Billy your husband?

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie looks down and shrugs, then she shakes her head]  He's the father of the baby, but we're not married.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry continues writing his notes]  Full name?

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie looks down at her hands, avoiding Terry's eyes]  William James Kempson.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry writes down the information Laurie gives to him and he continues questioning her]  Address?

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie rubs her hands together before answering Terry's question]  None. We got evicted when we couldn't handle our rent.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry takes a deep breath]  Any uh, friends or relatives he might go to?

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie looks down again, then she looks up at Terry]  There's no relatives. He had friends in the congregation, but I think they've all turned on him... me, too.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry looks intently at Laurie, not quite understanding her statement. His eyes are questioning]  Congregation...?

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie lies back in bed, and looks directly at Terry]  The Pentecostal Community Church. My father's the pastor.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry resumes taking notes. He indicates the side of her bed and asks if he may sit down]  May I?

    [Laurie nods her head 'yes' and Terry sits down on the bed beside her] 

    Officer Terry Webster : Where does Billy fit in?

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie sighs, then replies to Terry's question]  He wandered in about a year ago. He was broke, and out of work. He needed help.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry smiles slightly]  And you helped him.

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie smiles back at Terry, remembering]  Yes. Everybody did. He got religion. It seems that he stopped hating the world. He really treated me like I was somebody. We fell in love, we got engaged and that's when I got pregnant. I was too afraid to tell my parents, so we ran off. He promised to marry me as soon as things got better... well, they didn't get much better. We ended up living in his car.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is raptly listening to Laurie's story. He's gazing at her intently, trying to determine if she's telling the truth]  Did you know he had a gun?

    [Terry's voice is very flat and quiet] 

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie is lying against her pillow, looking directly at Terry]  From the Army... it was a souvenir from Vietnam.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is still gazing at Laurie, and leans toward her slightly]  Yeah, but did you know... he was planning... a holdup?

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie shakes her head, still looking at Terry]  No... I swear that I didn't have any idea.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry, wanting to believe Laurie, nods his head]  Ok.

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie is very distraught and looks imploringly at Terry]  You know, I've never been in any kind of trouble before. And I'm really not promiscuous.

    [Terry smiles slightly and gives a short laugh] 

    Laurie Scott : Billy was the first man ever for me. Even if it wasn't love for him, it was for me. Is that so sinful?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry isn't sure how to answer. He looks away momentarily, then answers her, weighing his words catefully]  I'm not going to judge you. Upstairs, a man is fighting for his life, and my job is now to find the man that shot him.

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie is visibly upset; she looks once more at Terry, with tears in her eyes]  I'm really sorry about the man upstairs... I really am. And I do hope that you catch Billy.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is thinking deeply about Laurie's story, as he believes what she is telling him. He takes a deep breath, weighing his response]  I might have some questions for you later, ok? But meanwhile, thank you.

    [Terry gets to his feet to leave] 

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie stops Terry with a question]  Terry? What's going to happen to me?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry puts his hands on the bed and leans down toward Laurie]  Well, if you're innocent of any crime, nothing.

    Laurie Scott : [Laurie looks at Terry despairingly]  That's not what I meant. Well, in a way, I'm like the man upstairs... I'm fighting for my life. I don't know where I'm gonna go, or what I'm gonna do. And the baby... how am I gonna take care of him?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is looking at Laurie sympathetically; he's very moved about what she's saying. He looks directly at her and answers in a quiet voice]  Like I said before, I guess we'll just have to trust each other.

  • Lt. Ed Ryker : [Lt Ryker and Officer Terry Webster are at Memorial Hospital, viewing Laurie Scott's baby in the pediatric wing. They are discussing the baby's future, and Laurie's upcoming trial]  It's a fact, that that girl was at the scene of the crime. It's a fact, that the loot from the robbery was found in the car with her. It's a fact, that our investigators have theorized that she was scheduled to drive the getaway car and Mother Nature intervened.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry believes that Laurie knew nothing about the robbery. He is adamant that Lt Ryker hear him out]  Ok... ok. Ok. But theory is just another word for guesswork, and if our investigators guess wrong, an innocent girl could go to prison!

    [Terry feels sympathy for Laurie and truly believes she is innocent. He looks directly at Lt Ryker and his eyes implore him to understand] 

    Lt. Ed Ryker : [Lt Ryker stares at Terry a moment before answering]  She'll get a fair trial, Webster. And you're supposed to be on duty.

    [Lt Ryker walks away. Terry is visibly disappointed with Ryker's answer] 

  • Jill Danko : [Officers Mike Danko and Terry Webster, dressed in full uniform, are with Jill Danko seated between them, having lunch in a restaurant. They are discussing ideas on how they can help Laurie Scott and her newborn baby who are destitute. Her thug boyfriend, Billy Kempson, left her behind, when Mike and Terry interrupted the robbery he was commiting. Laurie was heavily pregnant and Terry had assisted her in the birth of her baby]  You run across girls in trouble every day, Terry. What's so special about this one?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry believes the story that Laurie had told him when he went to visit her in the hospital--that she knew nothing about the robbery Billy committed. From her story, Terry knows that she has nowhere to go and he really wants to help her. In answer to Jill's query, Terry starts gesturing with his hands to emphasize his thoughts]  I don't know... 'cuz she's 19 and alone, helpless and hurting... I don't know. She was in pain... not only physically, but emotionally. Maybe I can do something about it... I don't know.

    [Terry starts reminiscing about the moment the baby was born and he smiles. He cups his hands, reliving the moment when he delivered the baby] 

    Officer Terry Webster : When that baby came into my hands... breathing...

    Jill Danko : [Jill reaches over and grasps Terry's hands in hers while Mike looks on]  Listen, Terry, it's normal that you feel responsibility, it happens to me a lot.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Jill pulls her hands free and places her left hand over her heart. Terry agrees with Jill and he starts gesturing once more]  You're right... Someone's got to feel... someone's got to feel responsible. Someone's got to say, 'hey, kid, somebody cares.'

    [Terry crosses his arms and glances away momentarily, then looks back at Mike and Jill] 

    Jill Danko : [By now, Jill is more concerned about Laurie after hearing Terry's speech. She looks directly at Terry]  Ok, what can we do to help her?

    Officer Mike Danko : [Mike finally speaks up]  I don't know. Her folks have disowned her. She's got no money, no place to go.

    Jill Danko : [Jill looks back and forth between Mike and Terry. Her facial expression is serious]  She doesn't have any other family?

    Officer Terry Webster : None.

    Officer Mike Danko : [Mike is frowning slightly as he is looking at Jill]  Do you think you could get her into welfare?

    [Terry sits up straighter in his seat as Mike asks his question] 

    Jill Danko : [Jill looks at Mike, then at Terry]  Well, there's a social worker assigned to the hospital; maybe she could help.

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry's eyes light up, in anticipation of a possible solution to Laurie's problem]  When can we talk to her?

    Jill Danko : [Jill looks directly at Terry]  I can talk to her right after lunch, ok?

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry smiles and nods in agreement]  Ok.

    Jill Danko : [Jill starts to smile widely at Terry. She admires the measures he took to help Laurie give birth and now she can't resist teasing him a little]  Hey, look, Terry...

    Officer Terry Webster : [Terry is still smiling]  What?

    Jill Danko : [Jill's voice reflects a teasing note and she's smiling broadly at Terry]  If I ever need a midwife... I've got dibs on you!

    [Jill reaches over to Terry and they embrace in a hug on the setee] 

See also

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