"Smallville" Pilot (TV Episode 2001) Poster

(TV Series)


Tom Welling: Clark Kent



  • Jonathan Kent : Are you okay?

    Clark Kent : Can I answer that in about five years?

    Jonathan Kent : Yeah.

    Clark Kent : Dad I'm glad you and mom are the ones that found me.

    Jonathan Kent : We didn't find you, Clark, you found us.

  • Clark Kent : I'd give anything to be normal.

  • Lana Lang : Can you keep a secret?

    Clark Kent : I'm the Fort Knox of secrets.

  • Jonathan Kent : Your real parents weren't exactly from around... here.

    Clark Kent : Where are they from?

    [Jonathan looks up at the sky] 

    Clark Kent : What are you trying to tell me, Dad? That I'm from another planet?


    Clark Kent : I suppose you stashed my spaceship in the attic?

    Jonathan Kent : Actually... it's in the storm cellar.

  • Lana Lang : Nietzsche? I didn't know you have a dark side, Clark.

    Clark Kent : Doesn't everyone?

    Lana Lang : So what are you: Man or Superman?

    Clark Kent : I haven't figured it out yet.

  • Clark Kent : Hey, this is a great place.

    Lex Luthor : Yeah, if you're dead and in the market for something to haunt.

    Clark Kent : Well, I meant it's roomy.

    Lex Luthor : It's the Luthor ancestral home, or so my father claims. He had it shipped over from Scotland stone by stone.

    Clark Kent : Yeah, I remember. The trucks rolled through town for weeks but no one ever moved in.

    Lex Luthor : My father had no intention of living here. He's never even stepped through the front door.

    Clark Kent : Then why'd he ship it over?

    Lex Luthor : Because he could.

  • Pete Ross : It's a Homecoming tradition. Every year before the big game the football players select a freshman, take him out to Riley field, strip him down to his boxers, and then paint an S on his chest.

    Clark Kent : And then string him up like a scarecrow.

    Chloe Sullivan : Jeez, it sounds like years of therapy waiting to happen.

  • Lex Luthor : Clark, do you believe a man can fly?

    Clark Kent : Sure. In a plane.

    Lex Luthor : No, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about soaring through the clouds, with nothing but air beneath you.

    Clark Kent : People can't fly, Lex.

    Lex Luthor : I did. After the accident, when my heart stopped. It was the most exhilarating two minutes of my life. I flew over Smallville, and for the first time, I didn't see a dead end. I saw a new beginning. Thanks to you, I have a second chance. We have a future, Clark, and I don't want anything to stand in the way of our friendship.

  • Lana Lang : [talking about Nietzsche]  So what are you? Man or superman?

    Clark Kent : Haven't figured it out, yet.

  • Jonathan Kent : Who was the maniac who was driving that car?

    Lex Luthor : That would be me.

    [offering a handshake] 

    Lex Luthor : Lex Luthor.

    Jonathan Kent : I'm Jonathan Kent. This is my son.

    Lex Luthor : Thanks for saving my life.

    Clark Kent : I'm sure you would have done the same thing.

    Lex Luthor : You got quite an extraordinary boy there, Mr. Kent. If there's any way I can repay you?

    Jonathan Kent : Drive slower.

  • Pete Ross : [geared up for football tryouts]  Clark. How do I look?

    Clark Kent : Like a tackle dummy.

  • Chloe Sullivan : I call it 'The Wall of Weird.' It's every strange, bizarre, and unexplained event that's happened in Smallville since the meteor shower. That's when it all began - when the town went schizo.

    Clark Kent : Why didn't you tell me about this?

    Chloe Sullivan : Do you tell me everything that happens in your life? We all keep secrets, Clark.

  • Jeremy Creek : Who are you? Where am I?

    Clark Kent : I'm Clark Kent. And you're in Smallville.

  • Lana Lang : I didn't see you tonight, Clark.

    Clark Kent : Lana. What are you doing here?

    Lana Lang : I saved you that dance.

  • Clark Kent : I won't let you hurt my friends.

    Jeremy Creek : Those people in there aren't your friends. The sprinklers will get 'em nice and wet. I'll handle the rest.

    Clark Kent : They never did anything to you.

    Jeremy Creek : I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this for you and for all the others like us.

    Clark Kent : What happened to you was my fault. I can understand your pain.

    Jeremy Creek : I'm not in pain. I have a gift. And a purpose and a destiny.

    [turning around, he's surprised to see Clark has sped around him] 

    Clark Kent : So do I.

  • Jonathan Kent : I know this has gotta be really hard for you. But you gotta just hang in there like we promised.

    Clark Kent : I'm sick of 'hanging in there'. All I want to do is go through high school without being a total loser.

  • Lana Lang : Clark wait. I just wasn't expecting to see anyone out here. Are you okay?

    Clark Kent : I'm hanging out in a graveyard. Does that strike you as okay behavior?

  • Lana Lang : Who's there?

    Clark Kent : It's me. Clark.

    Lana Lang : Clark Kent? What are you doing creeping around the woods?

    Clark Kent : You'd never believe me if I told you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

  • Lex Luthor : I could have sworn I hit you.

    Clark Kent : If you did... I'd be... I'd be dead.

  • Jonathan Kent : Hey, what you got there, son?

    Clark Kent : Permission slip. It's for the football team. A couple spots opened up. They're having tryouts this afternoon. Come on, dad, you played football in high school.

    Jonathan Kent : That was different, son.

    Clark Kent : Why?

    Jonathan Kent : You know why.

    Clark Kent : I figured I'd run half speed, and I won't hit anybody.

    Jonathan Kent : A lot of things can happen in the heat of the game, son.

    Clark Kent : Most of the guys hardly even play. Chances are I'll ride the bench for half the season. Dad, I can be careful.

    Jonathan Kent : I know that you can be careful, but what if there's an accident?

  • Jonathan Kent : [showing Clark his spaceship]  This is how you came into our world, son. It was the day of the meteor shower.

    Clark Kent : This is a joke, right? Why didn't you tell me about this before?

    Jonathan Kent : We wanted to protect you.

    Clark Kent : Protect me from what? You should have told me.

    Jonathan Kent : [he whooshes away]  Clark. Clark!

  • Jonathan Kent : [Lex has given Clark a new truck as a thank-you gift]  I know how much you want it, son. But you can't keep it.

    Clark Kent : Why not? I saved the guy's life.

    Jonathan Kent : So you think you deserve a prize?

    Clark Kent : That's not what I meant. Look, how about you drive the new one and I'll drive the old one? Everybody wins.

    Jonathan Kent : This is not about winning, Clark.

    Clark Kent : It's not like the Luthors can't afford it.

    Jonathan Kent : Clark, I know you're upset. Son, but it's normal.

    Clark Kent : [throwing his backpack and jacket down]  Normal?

    [going over and turning on the woodchipper] 

    Clark Kent : How about this? Is this normal?

    Jonathan Kent : [he sticks his hand into it]  Clark!

    [he pulls Clark's arm out, but sees he's unhurt] 

    Clark Kent : I didn't dive in after Lex's car. It hit me at 60 miles an hour. Does that sound normal to you?

  • Clark Kent : Lana, you ever feel like your life was supposed to be something different?

    Lana Lang : Sometimes I dream I'm at school, waiting for Nell to pick me up, but she doesn't come. So my parents drive up, and they're not dead, just really late. And I get in their car and we drive back to my real life in Metropolis. That's usually when I wake up. And for a minute, I'm totally happy... until I realize I'm still alone.

    Clark Kent : [playing along with talking to her parents]  What's that, Mrs. Lang? Yeah, I'll-I'll tell her. Your mom wants you to know that you're never alone. That she's always looking over you. No matter what. What? What's that, Mr. Lang? Your dad thinks you're a shoo-in for homecoming queen

    Lana Lang : [amused smile]  They really say all that?

    Clark Kent : Oh, yeah. They're quite chatty once you get 'em started.

  • Clark Kent : Hey, mom, whose truck?

    Martha Kent : Yours. A gift from Lex Luthor.

    Clark Kent : [taking a card in an envelope]  "Dear Clark, drive safely. Always in your debt. The maniac in the Porsche." I don't believe it. Where are are the keys?

    Martha Kent : Your father has them.

  • Clark Kent : Hi, guys.

    Chloe Sullivan : [surprised to see him, knowing he missed the bus]  Well, uh... didn't you just, uh... weren't you...

    Clark Kent : I took a shortcut.

    Chloe Sullivan : Through what, a black hole?

  • Jonathan Kent : It's time, son.

    Clark Kent : Time for what?

    Jonathan Kent : The truth. I want you to take a look at something.

    [taking out a small, metallic rectangle with Kryptonian writing on it] 

    Jonathan Kent : I think it's from your parents. Your... your real parents.

    Clark Kent : What does it say?

    Jonathan Kent : I tried to decipher it for years, but it's not written in any language known to man.

    Clark Kent : What do you mean?

  • Martha Kent : Clark Kent, you're gonna be late for the bus!

    Clark Kent : Coming, mom!

    [a few minutes later, he takes a bottle of milk from the fridge and proceeds to drink straight from it] 

    Martha Kent : [taking it away]  Uh-uh.

    Clark Kent : It tastes better out of the bottle.

    Martha Kent : Where'd you learn your manners?

    Clark Kent : On a farm.

  • Lex Luthor : Your father doesn't like me, does he? It's okay. I've been bald since I was nine. I'm used to people judging me before they get to know me.

    Clark Kent : It's nothing personal. He's just not crazy about your dad.

    Lex Luthor : Figures the apple doesn't fall far from the tree? Understandable. What about you, Clark? Did you fall far from the tree?

  • Chloe Sullivan : His name is Jeremy Creek. This is a picture of him twelve years ago. This is one I took four hours ago.

    Clark Kent : That's impossible. He'd be, like, 26 today. Must be a kid who looks like him.

    Pete Ross : My money was on the evil-twin theory, until we checked this missing persons.

    Chloe Sullivan : Jeremy disappeared from the state infirmary a few days ago where he'd been in a coma for twelve years. They say he suffered from massive electrolyte imbalance.

    Pete Ross : That's why he hasn't aged a day.

    Clark Kent : So you're telling me he just woke up.

    Chloe Sullivan : Well, no, there was a huge electrical storm and the hospital's generator went down, and when it came back on, Jeremy was gone.

    Pete Ross : The electricity must have charged him up like a Duracell.

    Clark Kent : And now he's back in Smallville putting former jocks into comas. Why?

    Pete Ross : Because twelve years ago today, they chose Jeremy Creek as the scarecrow.

    Clark Kent : [reading a newspaper clipping]  "Comatose boy found in field 20 yards from meteor strike."

    Chloe Sullivan : The exposure to the blast must have done something to his body.

    Clark Kent : No, this can't be right.

    Pete Ross : I think you ought to show him.

    Clark Kent : Show me what?

  • Clark Kent : Where are you going?

    Jeremy Creek : Homecoming dance. I never made it to mine.

    Clark Kent : Get me down. Please?

    Jeremy Creek : You're safer here.

  • Lex Luthor : [angrily throwing his epee into the wall]  Clark? I didn't see you.

    Clark Kent : I, uh, buzzed, but no one answered.

    Lex Luthor : [pulling the epee out]  How'd you get through the gate?

    Clark Kent : I kinda squeezed through the bars. I-If this is a bad time...

    Lex Luthor : Oh, no, no, I think Heiki has sufficiently kicked my ass for the day.

  • Lana Lang : Thanks for walking me home.

    Clark Kent : Better than creeping around the woods.

    Lana Lang : You realize this is the longest conversation we've ever had? We should do it again.

    Clark Kent : Yeah, we should. So, are you going to the dance?

    Lana Lang : Yeah, with Whitney.

    Clark Kent : Right, of course.

    Lana Lang : How 'bout you?

    Clark Kent : Nah. I figured I'd sit it out.

    Lana Lang : Well... if you change your mind, I might save you a dance.

  • Clark Kent : This is a great place.

    Lex Luthor : Yeah... if you're dead and in the market for something to haunt.

    Clark Kent : Well, I meant... roomy.

    Lex Luthor : It's the Luthor ancestral home. Or so my father claims. He had it shipped over from Scotland stone by stone.

    Clark Kent : Yeah, I remember. The trucks rolled through town for weeks, but no one ever moved in.

    Lex Luthor : My father had no intention of living here. He's never even stepped through the front door.

    Clark Kent : Then why'd he ship it over?

    Lex Luthor : Because he could.

  • Chloe Sullivan : It started out as a scrapbook, and just kind of mutated.

    Clark Kent : What is it?

    Chloe Sullivan : I call it the Wall of Weird. It's every strange, bizarre, and unexplained event that's happened in Smallville since the meteor shower. That's when it all began. The town went schizo... So what do you think?

See also

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