"Smallville" Pilot (TV Episode 2001) Poster

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Great Start to the Origins of Superman!
Jerique9 August 2010
When it comes to comic books, I'm not really a big fan of Superman's story. I felt the same way about the character much like Seth Cohen from The O.C., did about him; too perfect. It wasn't till I caught the eighth season of Smallville that my opinion began to change.

In the pilot of Smallville, we're brought to the aforementioned fictional town where a bunch of meteor rocks come falling down from the sky with Superman coming with his spaceship. After landing and found by the Kents, we flashforward to the present time where Clark (Tom Welling) has grown into a strapping young adolescent attending high school.

We're are quickly introduced to Clark's world of friends, Chloe (Allison Mack), Lana Lang (Kristin Kreuk), and Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum). Chloe is fascinated by the weirdness that surrounds Smallville thanks to the meteor rocks, Lana lost her parents in the meteor showers, and Lex has become bald.

As Clark struggles to find a normalcy in high school, he befriends Lex after being hit at sixty miles an hour and saving his life. Without the special effects, visual effects and more to add to the story, the actors are phenomenal and come into their own. Tom Welling has an amazing ability to play Clark and it shows when he has scenes of no words at all and he is forced to face-act.

However, I can't review the show's first episode without mentioning the special effects. Showing Clark using super-speed and super-strength is beyond cool. It's absolutely astounding and incredible to watch. Of course in 2001, the special effects weren't as good as they are now, but for their time they were quite mesmerizing. The visual effects are a treasure as well, such as when Clark is hit by a car and has no harm to him or when Clark shoves his hand into a tree grinder and has no scratches on him. The costumes and having Clark wear only red or blue are quite gorgeous too.

The pilot of Smallville packs just about everything into it. There's something for everyone, whether you're all about the romance (Clark being in love with Lana, or Chloe in love with Clark), action (Clark showing off his superpowers), or just plain a drama fanatic (as the plot grips on you from the start). It's the kind of show that you have to let marinate and grow on you. But just because you don't like the character of Superman or perhaps you don't like comic books, doesn't mean you shouldn't give Smallville a glance. It's supremely impressive if it can change my opinion of the character and become my favourite show.
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Top notch visual effects, empathic characters and convincing performers, inspiring and captivating odyssey, cult and nostalgic moments
igoatabase19 June 2010
Smallville's cult pilot was nearly first aired a decade ago. But seven years have actually passed since last time I watched it. Season nine was so great that I wanted to compare it with the first one. My decision was probably driven by nostalgia but there's nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't prevent you from moving forward, to the future, and fully living the present. However let's go back to the past and enjoy the first steps of Clark Kent in the super adventure we all know.

The first thing that really astonished me were the top notch visual effects. I better understand now why they often exceeded the budget during season one. But for a pilot it's logical as you have to convince the audience. So from the meteor shower to the special abilities I can't see how you could be disappointed. But the real gem for the long time fans are the characters. Little Big Chloe and her wall of weird, fast slim Clark, Lana and her hate at first sight boyfriend, and of course Clark's parents. The first two have grown so much on us in the last past years that it was both funny and touching to see how they used to be. Chloe was less serious and Allison Mack's acting was already irresistible. I can't believe she'll only be a guest in the upcoming season ! As for Tom Welling he looked almost skinny compared to his actual upgraded version and I can't imagine how much he worked out to become as strong as he is. But his relative apparent weakness was part of his character and I suppose that's why he was cast. In a way I like to think that it could have been anyone because thanks to episodes like Idol, Charade and Hostage we learned that we can all become heroes. It's just a matter of harvesting our inner resources and believing in ourselves. But of course having great friends help and that's why Clark's odyssey is so inspiring to follow !

The relationships are also very important, like in real life, because our baby superhero would be nothing without Chloe or his parents. But the most important character in his life, at least in the pilot, was probably his father. John Schneider was excellent as Jonathan and instantly appeared as the dream father. Their scenes were so diverse and well scripted that you should feel all kind of emotions, from joy to frustration. Indeed it would be too easy if we could do everything we wants and that gold rule also applies to Clark. That's why it's so easy to relate to him, because he's like most teenagers in the end. He wants to make a difference and become who he is. And achieving such goals would be pointless without obstacles and this episode was also the occasion to meet the first freak of the week, a recipe applied to the further episodes in the first seasons. But of course it was nothing compared to his first encounter with Lex Luthor. I never thought Michael Rosenbaum first screen time would have such a high impact on me. He had so much charisma and confidence ! His few interactions with Clark were also mesmerizing considering the intense scenes they were featured in. Even the fence fight was surprising and instantly made their new friendship controversial.

Of course it's impossible to be objective with so many cult elements. But it didn't prevent me from being slightly disappointed by a few of them. For example Annette O'Toole minor role reminded me how much I think Martha Kent could have played a more important part in her son's education. However no parents are perfect and their relationship is always on the verge of turning left or right. So as often it's a question of equilibrium and in the pilot it's obvious who is in charge. But later on the writers will balance their respective roles so it wasn't that an issue after all. Moreover it can't shadow the fact that the story should even appeal to new comers. How can't you not fall in love with Lana Lang ? Kristin Kreuk was so cute and your immersion should be so total that there's no way you can't appreciate the creepy cemetery scene or the last dance one.

But in the end the best part is that waking up from that surreal dream is not harsh at all because Clark and his friends should definitely inspire you. If you pay attention it could even make you a better person. They have issues but aren't afraid to solve them. They have weaknesses but know it shouldn't prevent them from living. But you better keep your feet on the ground and carefully look at the stars because the meteors shower is coming in your direction and there's no way you can escape its tremendous power. So be a shortcut freak and watch Smallville now !
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The Beginning of a New Interpretation
Rcwilkinson1232 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The pilot of the TV series "Smallville" indicates that the writers intend on remaining true to much of the original back-story of Superman while at the same time exploring new possibilities for how this hero has evolved. For example, we see that the arrival of Kal-El onto the planet Earth has stayed true, but his relationship with Lex Luthor is different- Lex is tantalized as to who Clark is the moment that Clark saves him despite getting hit by the car nearly head-on.

Another interesting aspect to come from the arrival of Kal-El is the fact that a meteor shower could have hit the town at the same time, containing poisons from another planet that could produce mutinous affects on those from separate planets. Overall, "Smallville" keeps much of the same Superman flavor while adding a lot of other juices to it. The pilot indicates this and gets the audience excited as to how this story will unfold.
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Pretty much perfection for a pilot
A_Different_Drummer6 September 2016
Do you recall the joke about the two guys being chased by a bear, and as they run, one guy says to the other, I don't think you're fast enough to outrun the bear. To which the other fellow answers, I don't have to, I just have to outrun YOU.

We already know from Hollywood history that Miller and Gough cut their teeth on this series, became film legends, ran it for 10 years (wow!) and went on to do other work.

But what often gets overlooked is that, when this aired, no one asked what the true "competition" to this pilot was or would be? I suggest to you, as reviewer who has watched all things "Superman" from the 1950s to the present, that this pilot was directly or indirectly competing with all the Superman TV shows and movies already done -- or even to be done in the future.

And beat them all.

Meaning that, as a proper viewer, when you watch this, you are comparing it to everything from the 1950s kids TV show, to the Chris Reeves movies, to the more recent (and often very strange) re-imaginings of the DC library (including among others, Superman Returns, and Superman Vs Batman.) And in my view, this is the best of the bunch!

In beautiful color we get to see Superman arrive, start his crush on Lana, began a dysfunctional relationship with Lex, and generally have a super time ... it does not get any better than this!

Now, it may be that I have some issues with the direction the show took toward the end of its run. (Notice how bright and sunny Smallville is in this pilot? By Season 5 or so, it looks like the sun has completely disappeared from Kansas which, I suspect, is more a reflection of the very dark turn the story arcs took than a simple meteorological issue.)

But let's not get ahead of our ourselves. As a possible candidate for the best Superman "origin" story ever done, I suggest this is a masterpiece. One that will stand the test of time.
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The start of something great
CharlottaG15 February 2016
I remember watching this a couple of years back when I got home from school, but my young age restricted my from seeing this show from the beginning. So I got sick, had all the time in the world and figured I'd give it a shot, from the beginning.

Even though I already have a love for the show based, on nostalgia, I was taken aback by how good this actually is. And even more so considering this was made 15 (FIFTEEN) years ago. Yes, sure, the effects and everything isn't something to hooray for, but they're good enough not to take any value from the show as a whole. Tom Welling really is the perfect guy to play Clark Kent and the rest of the cast are doing a pretty darn good job too.

This episode is a really good pilot and shows just how you get people to like and want more of something. It makes a good recap of who this mysterious boy is, but leaves enough questions for the person watching to want more. It also gives a taste of how the episodes are gonna be like (I know this since I've watched quite a few of them before I watched the pilot).

To summarize; this really does it's job as a pilot and shows what to expect. It sets the vibe, shows what the actors are capable of and gives you an urge to find out more.

If you haven't watched Smallville, where have you been? Go watch it! And if you already have, re-watch some (or all idk), it's worth it!
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The Arrival of the Greatest Superhero on Smallville
claudio_carvalho5 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A meteor shower falls in the city of Smallville, killing dwellers and destroying properties and plantations. The locals Jonathan Kent (John Schneider) and his wife Martha Kent (Annette O'Toole) are found by a baby boy in a destroyed cornfield after crashing their car; they find his spacecraft; and they adopt him. Many years later, while in high school, the shy teenager Clark Kent (Tom Welling) has a crush on his neighbor Lana Lang (Kristin Kreuk), the cheerleader girlfriend of the football player Whitney Fordman (Eric Johnson); he has two great friends, Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack) and Pete Ross (Sam Jones III). He saves his friend Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) from a car accident; his father tells him his origins from the outer space; he finds his weakness with kryptonite; and although humiliated by Whitney Fordman, he saves his life from a disturbed powerful electric man.

This first episode of "Smallville" series is excellent: very nice cast, wonderful cinematography and music score, and a great story. Could not be better and my vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "Piloto" ("Pilot")
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The begining of an epic journey
WCHN7112 January 2022
Im rewatching this show and its an unbelivable good story maybe one of the best hero stories of our time, its not darkish and depressing like the new Man of Steel but more heartwarm and feelgood.

The pilot is absolutly a briliant start to the show with great acting and lots of funny moments. If you dicide to pick up on this show for the first time, you wont regret it, and you will be in for a ride 😀
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The Superman saga begins
Brettyboy0076 September 2014
I really enjoyed the pilot of Smallville. I think that more TV studios should do more origin stories of superheroes. Smallville was on for 10 years so obviously origin stories do b=very well. Tom Welling was a very good choice to play Clark Kent/Superman. I also read that Jensen Ackles was the runner up to play Superman if Tom Welling had turned it down. Now both are excellent actors so I wouldn't favor one over the other.

The entire pilot in my opinion was perfect. What a great introduction with the meteor shower and giving the viewers a glimpse into the majority of the characters. Even within the first few minutes, Lionel Luthor is evil and cunning. He is definitely going to change Lex Luthor into the arch nemesis we all know.

The meteor shower were very good special effects for 2001. Smallville will never be the same after that event. When the meteor shower is all done with many losses, we get introduced to the man of the show. Clark Kent.

12 years later, Clark is now in high school and trying to be "normal" among his friends and high school in general. I also loved how the writers put the first encounter between Lex and Clark in the pilot. I won't say anything about the encounter but here on out, there'll only be more downs in their relationship than ups.

I like the high school crush on Lana Lang side storyline. She's apparently the hottest girl in school but I do agree with a lot of people that Chloe is better looking than Lana. Chloe also has a crush on Clark only known to Pete who is also Clark's friend. We all know from the comics, Clark ends up with Lois Lane but in the meantime he's gotta work on other girls right?

We also get introduced to the whole MOTW (Monster of the Week) type episodes as Clark faces off against a guy who is infused with electricity and gets revenge against the football team members back before the meteor shower who strung him up in the cornfield as a scarecrow. He got his powers from the material inside the meteors. Chloe also introduces the Wall of Weird which will be a major thing throughout their high school years.

There is an amazing amount of chemistry between all the actors and actresses on Smallville. It feels like they all want to be on this show. This is why Smallville lasted 10 years.

I will be reviewing the second episode once I finish it. Thank you everyone involved with Smallville for making this show and making it last this long.

Smallville rules!
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Just fun to watch
mlh196322 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this back in 2001 and enjoyed the series. I have not seen all of the episodes but I've made a point to do so this year. The pilot sets the stage for a series that is just fun to watch and relax to. To me, all the actors except Tom Welling are great (and TW seems to become a better actor as the show progresses). I'm still shocked at how Allison Mack's life went; however, for nostalgia as well as entertainment, this show is great. The pilot introduces the FOTW. If you have to ask, that is the 'Freak of the Week' that dominated the earlier episodes. A character would be affected by the meteor rocks (Kryptonite) and do something that young Clark would have to take care of using his secret powers and despite the effect the meteor rocks have on him. It is also fun to look for 'Superman' references as well as other interesting 'easter egg' type things in the show. Lana's 'man or Superman' comment is obvious, as is the 'S' on the scarecrow's chest. This time around I finally noticed that the 'Welcome to Smallville' sign says 'Population 45,001'. 45,000 and '1'. Overall, just fun to watch.
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The beginning of greatness
lisafenix18 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This pilot episode opens with the meteor shower and then skips to the present 12 years later: Clark's first year of high school. At this point the socially isolated and uncomfortable teenager has very few abilities and though his parents are aware, he has no idea what he is or that he is from anywhere but earth. After a particularly dreary day he is hanging out on a bridge and gets hit by Lex's car. After which he discovers his origins(and is understandably upset) and has very open conversations with 2 people who will become his closest friends. save the two he has at the time perhaps.

The bad guy is not so great, probably some comic book enemy edited for the show. Other than that I would have to say that most of the characters are quite multi-layered and well acted; in this episode and for a long time to come Character interaction is of premium quality in this episode and continues that way for the next 2 seasons. What happens in the cornfield (present day) is interesting; I will say no more. 4 out of 5 stars.
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The First Episode...
taylorkingston18 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this episode. It's a good series premiere. It's intriguing, interesting, funny and at some points, dark.

In this episode, on October 7th, 1989, a meteor shower falls in the town of Smallville, Kansas. It devastates the city. It kills numerous people, including Lana Lang's parents. Whilst driving through the shower, John and Martha Kent stop on the side of the road, and find a child. Twelve years later, they have adopted the boy and named him Clark. Clark isn't like anyone else. He has special abilities, such as super strength and super speed. He saves Lex Luthor from drowning, when his car goes off a bridge. Lana Lang, who has an interest in, is very sweet to him. But her boyfriend, Whitney, isn't. He strings up Clark and makes him this years Scarecrow.

Fun Fact: This episode broke The WB's record for number of viewers for a debut series.

Overall, I give this episode a 7 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Great.
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The Beginning of Superman...I Am Hooked!
gab-147128 October 2021
The beginnings of Superman! As soon as "saaaaaaavvvvvveeee meeeeeee" was bellowed during the opening credits as the theme song, I was instantly hooked. For a show that came out in 2001 with lots of fanfare, I was very impressed with how well the first season held up. It has been known the series would often go over budget, but we are telling the story of future Superman after all. The visual effects are top-notch and the meteor shower where young Kal-El comes to Earth seemed very real. Instead of being a serious superhero drama, the show is about teenage angst and small-town drama. It is like a coming-of-age film/series but with more special effects and a superhero background. At least for the first season, the show will combine these elements along with a villain-of-the week story. Just bring me everything you got, Smallville!

In this pilot episode, we learn the origins of Clark Kent aka Kal-El. It is 1989, and Smallville has been bombarded with meteors. Martha (Annette O'Toole) and Jonathan Kent (John Schneider) crashed their car into a cornfield during the storm and are founded by young Clark. They find his spacecraft and adopt him. We flash forward to more than a decade later when Clark (Tom Welling) is in high school. He has a crush on the cute Lana Lang (Kristen Kreuk) who is the cheerleader girlfriend of popular jock Whitney Fordman (Eric Johnson). He has two very good friends; the young journalist with her Wall-of-Weird Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack) and his good buddy Pete Ross (Sam Jones III). He later meets the future villain, Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) when Clark saves him from a car accident, and they become fast friends. Lex resides in Smallville where he runs a fertilizer company but is overseen by his billionaire father, Lionel (John Glover) who lives in nearby Metropolis. As the story advances, Jonathan tells Clark about his origins and discovers that he is "allergic" to a green rock called Kryptonite, the same green rock that Lana wears around her neck in remembrance of her parents whom died during the meteor shower. When Clark becomes weakened by the kryptonite, the jealous Whitney beats him up. This all leads to a confrontation with an electric man who received his powers from the rock.

The performances are all fantastic. I loved the family dynamics between Clark, Jonathan, and Martha. Same with Clark and his friends. With Chloe the journalistic snoop she is, I am not convinced Clark will keep his secret from her. Also, we get to see Lex before he turns villainous. It is a good idea to have Clark and Lex as good friends before they become the bitter enemies that we all know and love. Michael Rosenbaum is a great Lex Luthor and I love John Glover's turn as Lex's megalomaniac father even more.

Overall, I became hooked with Smallville right away. It is a straightforward pilot episode with great performances, a captivating story, and visual effects that seem realistic (great for a 2001 television show). It is not just a superhero story, but a series that tackle issues any teenager could relate to. I am very interested to join Clark on his adventures as he becomes the world's greatest superhero in the future.

My Grade: A.
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Buffy: The Smallville Slayer: It's fine, I guess
MisterKino10 November 2020
This episode aired in 2001 and boy does it show. Bad cgi and that Mark Snow score makes it feel like I'm watching an episode of the X-Files and not in a good way.

I didn't watch this show when it aired mostly because I assumed it was just "what if Superman were in High School and he's got girl problems but also there's a truck that's on fire?" And it pretty much is just that, along with a bunch of other CW drama tropes.

Here's the thing about Superman's time in Smallville and most of his past: it's just not that interesting. Unless it's an Elseworlds, we already know this part of the story. What else is there to tell? Do we really need to know if Clark Kent passes his Math test? I've heard mostly good things about Smallville, so I'll at least try to push through the first season, but I remain sceptic.
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Not a great start to a fine show!!!
Marynewcomb201327 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For the start of what turned out a really good show, this pilot was pathetic!!! The CGI was awful during the 1989 segment!!! Also don't like Lana Lang being in this to start over Lois!! Lana didn't come into the Superman universe until 1950, Lois was there from the beginning!!! Also don't like how they changed Lana from who she is into a half Asian!! Most of this series stays true to the essence of Superman with the PC exception thrown in!!! The series did get better as it went from season 9 to the end!!! People have to realize you can not cast someone in a roll that's PC, you have to pick the right cast members to fit the character!! It's one of the top 3 reasons REMAKES, not reboots fail!!!
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