"Smallville" Visitor (TV Episode 2003) Poster

(TV Series)


Tom Welling: Clark Kent



  • [first lines] 

    Chloe Sullivan : Hello, gentlemen.

    Pete Ross : Hello, Chloe.

    Chloe Sullivan : What are you doing to those poor citrus?

    Clark Kent : Apparently, there's enough acid in them to act as a battery.

    Chloe Sullivan : How very Survivor of you. What are you gonna call it, a Clockwork Orange?

    Pete Ross : Don't you wish you were the first one to say that?

  • Clark Kent : [Lana's horse is sick, with the cause unknown]  Not feeling too good?

    Lana Lang : I've seen him sick before, but never this bad.

    Clark Kent : There's help on the way.

    Lana Lang : I can't lose Tyson, too.

    Clark Kent : He's gonna be fine, Lana. He's a fighter. Just like his owner.

  • Lana Lang : Chloe told me what happened at the electronics lab. Pretty wild.

    Clark Kent : It was definitely weird. It's like Cyrus is in his own world. Takes teenage alienation to a whole new level.

    Lana Lang : Well, we all have our ways of escaping from our lives. I ride, Chloe writes, and you...


    Lana Lang : ...you do incredibly strenuous farm chores by yourself.

    Clark Kent : Well, I guess you know my deepest and darkest secret now.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Hey, Kent. I know your secret. Lana told me you're letting her board Whitney's horse here.

    Clark Kent : Oh, yeah, that. Right.

    Chloe Sullivan : You made her year, you know.

    Clark Kent : Well, Tyson's really important to her. She didn't want another part of her past just taken away.

    Chloe Sullivan : Mm-hmm. And she'll be here every day, just like old times.

    Clark Kent : Chloe, there's nothing romantic about mucking out horse stalls.

  • Clark Kent : Hey, I see the electronics lab is still closed.

    Chloe Sullivan : Yeah, the fire marshals are investigating Cyrus' pyrotechnics. Did you know that Principal Reynolds suspended him, and he confiscated his science project?

    Clark Kent : Do you have any idea how he did it?

    Chloe Sullivan : Could have been a trick. Or it could be meteor-rock inspired. Or he could be an alien.

    Clark Kent : Alien? Why would you say that?

    Chloe Sullivan : Rumors from his old school. He went to junior high in Grandville, and he told some kids that he was extraterrestrial. Needless to say, they sent him to a distant corner in the social galaxy.

    Clark Kent : He didn't do anything... super, did he?

    Chloe Sullivan : Like start fire with his eyes? Mm-mm. But he did make it a habit of running away. The last time, the cops found him in the middle of a field, butt-naked. Cyrus was pointing to the sky saying "They're coming to take me home." That incident landed him in the mental institution.

    Clark Kent : You don't think he's really an alien, do you?

    Chloe Sullivan : No. But wouldn't it be awesome if he was, though?

    Clark Kent : Yeah, it'd be the story of the century, wouldn't it?

    Chloe Sullivan : This isn't about Pulitzers, Clark. I mean, can you imagine being from another planet? The experiences you could share?

    Clark Kent : It wouldn't freak you out?

    Chloe Sullivan : Oh, compared to most people, I think aliens would be a step up.

  • Clark Kent : I heard about the rumor from your old school.

    Cyrus Krupp : That I'm an alien. You've come to see if it's true.

    Clark Kent : I have an open mind.

    Cyrus Krupp : If I showed you any of my other special powers, would that appease you? Go away, Clark.

    [Clark stops him from closing the door] 

    Cyrus Krupp : You're just like all the others. I won't be ridiculed by your kind anymore.

    Clark Kent : I'm not here to make fun of you. Or to get you in trouble.

    Cyrus Krupp : Then what do you want?

    Clark Kent : The truth. I promise I won't tell anyone.

  • Lex Luthor : I never figured you for having an identity crisis, Clark.

    Clark Kent : [realizing he means the book he's reading]  It's for a friend.

    Lex Luthor : Haven't heard that one before. What's your friend's problem? Napoleon or messiah complex?

    Clark Kent : Actually, he thinks he's an alien.

    Lex Luthor : So that proves he isn't. Come on, Clark, if you were really an alien, would you go around telling people about it?

    Clark Kent : Probably not.

    Lex Luthor : Let me guess. Your friend, he's a little odd. Spends a lot of time alone, thinks no one understands him. I just described myself in high school. It's a classic outsider profile. I'd say he's just trying to get attention.

  • Clark Kent : Dad, what's going on?

    Jonathan Kent : I don't know, son. We got Tyson out of the trailer just fine, and Lana was walking him in the paddock and he collapsed. She's pretty upset. Why don't you stay with her? I'll call the vet.

  • Clark Kent : Dad, I don't know why you're so skeptical about this.

    Jonathan Kent : Because, Clark, it's hard for me to believe that that kid could heal a horse simply by touching it. It sounds like one of those old revival-meeting stories.

    Clark Kent : The vet couldn't believe it, either, but he gave Tyson a clean bill of health.

    Martha Kent : Cyrus wouldn't be the first person in Smallville to have unusual abilities.

    Clark Kent : Except I don't think he's from Smallville.

    [seeing their looks] 

    Clark Kent : Look, this is gonna sound crazy, and I didn't believe it myself at first, but now I'm starting to. I think there's a very strong possibility that Cryus is from Krypton.

    Jonathan Kent : Why would you think that?

    Clark Kent : He said he was.

    Jonathan Kent : He said he was from Krypton?

    Clark Kent : Well, he didn't use the name exactly, but I didn't know what it was called until Dr. Swann told me. But he said he came to Earth during the meteor shower. And there's more. Yesterday, I saw him start a fire with heat from his eyes.

    Martha Kent : What about strength or speed?

    Clark Kent : No, but...

    Jonathan Kent : Clark. Son, we know you want to believe this, but you don't even have the ability to heal.

    Clark Kent : That doesn't prove anything. I didn't get heat vision 'til last year. Maybe Cyrus and I will develop the same abilities. Or maybe people on Krypton don't have the same abilities at all. We don't know for sure. We've never met anyone else from there.

    Martha Kent : Sweetheart, Dr. Swann said you were the last survivor of your planet.

    Clark Kent : What if Dr. Swann is wrong? Look, don't you see? If I'm right, this means I'm not alone anymore.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Magic.

    Clark Kent : What?

    Chloe Sullivan : That was how Cyrus started the fire. The fire marshals found strips of magnesium powder hidden behind the blackboard. All Cyrus had to do was wait for the right moment, hit the detonator... and before you can say "presto"...

    [she demonstrates with a magnesium strip on the desk] 

    Chloe Sullivan : ...instant inferno.

    Clark Kent : I didn't see him use a detonator.

    Chloe Sullivan : Ah, but illusion is the art of misdirection, Clark. Trust me, this kid is more David Blaine than he is Wall of Weird.

    Clark Kent : All right, well, that still doesn't explain how he cured Tyson.

    Chloe Sullivan : Yeah, I haven't figured that one out yet. But I'd be willing to bet that he faked that one, too, somehow.

    Clark Kent : No, I was there. It was real.

    Chloe Sullivan : Okay, well, I'm not discounting the possibility that he may have some magic healing power. But if he does, it's probably a byproduct of meteorite poisoning. He is no more extraterrestrial than you are.

  • Clark Kent : [surprised to find Lex in Cyrus' shed]  What are you doing here?

    Lex Luthor : I've always wanted to meet an alien. When I heard what happened with Lana's horse, I realized this Cyrus must be the friend you mentioned.

    Clark Kent : I thought you said he was just fantasizing.

    Lex Luthor : After everything we found in that cave, I try and keep an open mind. Take a look at this.

    [showing him a notebook of hand-made drawings] 

    Lex Luthor : See, I've always had a theory that the meteor shower would be a perfect cover for an alien spacecraft to land on Earth. Anyway, looks like we both wasted a trip. You want a ride?

    Clark Kent : No, I think I'll stay and wait.

    Lex Luthor : Tell your friend I'd like to buy him a latte sometime. See you later, Clark.

  • Clark Kent : I know you faked the fire, Cyrus.

    Cyrus Krupp : I don't deny it. Kyle and his intelligence-challenged comrades have been harassing me since I got here.

    Clark Kent : Why didn't you use your powers?

    Cyrus Krupp : I only have the power to heal, not to harm.

    Clark Kent : So you still claim that you cured that horse?

    Cyrus Krupp : Believe whatever you want.

  • Clark Kent : Did you draw these?

    Cyrus Krupp : That's how I got to Earth.

    Clark Kent : Where's the spaceship?

    Cyrus Krupp : I don't know.

    Clark Kent : But you remember coming here.

    Cyrus Krupp : Remember those dreams I told you about? I dream about my parents, too. And what it'll be like the day I go home.

    Clark Kent : I believe you, Cyrus.

    Cyrus Krupp : You do?

    [Clark nods] 

    Cyrus Krupp : That makes you the first person who doesn't think I'm crazy.

  • Clark Kent : Wow, you built this? What is it?

    Cyrus Krupp : My transmission tower.

    Clark Kent : How does it work?

    Cyrus Krupp : At the appointed time, I'll send a signal and my parents will come. They'll transport me up to their ship, and then they'll take me home.

    Clark Kent : You know, I can see how this would be a little difficult to explain to a group of psychiatrists.

    Cyrus Krupp : I wish that were my only problem. I'm supposed to send a signal at midnight tomorrow, but I don't have my transmitter. After the incident in the electronics lab, Reynolds confiscated it.

    Clark Kent : Can't you build another one?

    Cyrus Krupp : There isn't time. The conditions necessary for my departure only occur once every 200 years. If I don't get that transmitter back... I'll never get home. Please. Help me.

  • Clark Kent : [after frightening off Kyle and his friends with his heat vision]  Way to go, Cyrus. You did it.

    Cyrus Krupp : No, I didn't, Clark. You did.

    Clark Kent : That's crazy.

    Cyrus Krupp : Now I know why you've been helping me, why you believe me.

    Clark Kent : Cyrus, I don't know what you're talking about.

    Cyrus Krupp : You're an alien, too.

  • Pete Ross : I can't believe Cyrus knows your secret.

    Clark Kent : What was I supposed to do, Pete? Beat up all those guys? Grab Cyrus and run away at a thousand miles per hour? I didn't have much of a choice.

    Pete Ross : Well, have you told your parents yet?

    Clark Kent : No. They'd just freak out.

    Pete Ross : And they'd have a right to. I mean, how long until Cyrus tells somebody? It's not like he's exactly stable.

    Clark Kent : [glancing at a map of outer space]  No, he's not gonna tell anyone.

    Pete Ross : Clark, how do you know that?

    Clark Kent : Look at this. The coordinates that Cyrus gave me are for the same solar system as Krypton.

  • Pete Ross : Clark, dozens of astronomers have written about the meteor showers. He could have just used their research.

    Clark Kent : Yeah, but first the drawings of the ship and now this? It's too much of a coincidence. Maybe my parents weren't the only ones to save their child.

    Pete Ross : Well, if you really wanna know, I could go up to him with a piece of meteor rock.

    Clark Kent : No, it's called kryptonite.

    Pete Ross : Kryptonite. Is that with a C or a K?

    Lana Lang : [approaching]  Clark, are you up there?

    Clark Kent : K.

  • Cyrus Krupp : I don't want to be locked up again. You don't know what it's like. The doctors. The tests.

    Clark Kent : What can I do?

    Cyrus Krupp : If I'm not on that tower at midnight... I'm gonna be stranded on this world forever.

    Clark Kent : [breaking his restraints]  You gotta get out of here.

    Cyrus Krupp : [collecting his belongings]  Clark. Come with me.

    Clark Kent : What are you talking about?

    Cyrus Krupp : You're not meant for this Earth any more than I am. I'll take you back to your real home.

    Clark Kent : This is my real home. Everything I care about is on Earth. Good luck, Cyrus.

    Cyrus Krupp : You give me hope for this world, Clark. I wish there were more people like you here.

    [turning to leave] 

    Cyrus Krupp : I'll send you a postcard.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Hey, Clark, Cyrus escaped from the medical center. The Child Protective Services and the sheriff are searching for him everywhere. Take a look at this.

    Clark Kent : [she hands him a missing persons flyer]  Who are these people?

    Chloe Sullivan : John and Maggie Burnet, and their son William. They disappeared the day of the meteor shower. Rescue workers suspected that they were vaporized when their farmhouse was hit. But no remains were ever found.

    Pete Ross : If their son survived, he'd be too young to remember what happened.

    Chloe Sullivan : The older couple that adopted Cyrus lived half a mile away from the Burnet house.

    Clark Kent : What are you saying?

    Chloe Sullivan : Clark, what we're saying is Cyrus is not an alien. He's an orphan.

  • Clark Kent : The doctors say that Cyrus had a complete mental breakdown. His body's there, but his mind is gone. They don't know if he'll recover. They transferred him to a special hospital in Metropolis.

    Jonathan Kent : Son... how do you think Cyrus was able to draw your ship?

    Clark Kent : His house was near where you guys found me. My guess, he was outside and saw the ship land. Memories stayed with him, and over time he thought that past was his own.

    Martha Kent : We know how much you wanted to believe that there could be somebody else out there like you.

    Jonathan Kent : [seeing his face]  What is it, Clark?

    Clark Kent : Why would Cyrus pass up what he believed was his only opportunity to go home to save Kyle, the school bully?

    Jonathan Kent : Because he was a lot more like you than we ever thought.

  • Lana Lang : Whatever Cyrus did to Tyson wasn't temporary. It's like he's a colt again.

    Clark Kent : Well, I'm glad some good came out of all this.

    Lana Lang : Yeah, Cyrus seemed really lonely.

    Clark Kent : Lana, what if Cyrus really could have proven he was an alien?

    Lana Lang : What do you mean?

    Clark Kent : I mean, how would you feel about him if he actually was from another planet?

    Lana Lang : Well, um... I guess I'd try and keep an open mind.

    Clark Kent : You'd never feel completely comfortable with him, would you?

    Lana Lang : Have to admit, I'd be a little freaked out. Does that make me a bad person?

    Clark Kent : No. Just honest.

See also

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