"Space: 1999" Breakaway (TV Episode 1975) Poster

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A very good start...even if the plot was amazingly impossible!
planktonrules22 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When "Space: 1999" ran in its initial syndication, I watched it regularly. While even as a kid I could see the program had problems (it was way too sterile--the sets and acting and the plots), it WAS sci-fi and there was frightfully little on TV back then. Now, decades later, I am re-watching the show to see if my opinion has changed. As for just this first episode, it was pretty good--even if the science behind it is dubious, at best.

The first thing you'll notice about the premier episode is that the special effects are not up to today's standards. BUT, for the 1970s, they were amazingly good--and hold up reasonably well today. But you'll also probably have a laugh at how advanced they postulated that our space program could be in only about two and a half decades! Even by today's standards the advances were monumental! It begins with Commander Koenig (Martin Landau) taking command of the moon base. It seems (but isn't clear from the plot) that he had been in command some time ago but that this position rotates--and a Russian guy had been in charge in the interim. Regardless, the high muckity-mucks in the space program have sent him as a trouble-shooter of sorts. It seems that some weird sort of 'space madness' is driving some of the personnel crazy--and they soon die from this unknown disease that looks a lot like radiation poisoning.

One of the first things Koenig notices is that the Earth authorities (in particular the flaccid Commissioner) are concerned about the illnesses--but not nearly enough. Only when it is too late do the moon base people realize that the dumping of tons and tons and tons of spent nuclear fuel on the moon's surface is causing this illness AND have resulted in a time-bomb that seems ready to explode. In fact, near the very end, it does and this massive explosion tears the moon from its orbit--setting the stage for the ensuing episodes as the moon goes on its merry way through the solar system and beyond.

While the plot is hard to believe, it's actually handled quite well. In other words, they took an impossible idea and made it seem almost possible thanks to decent writing and acting--and lovely special effects. Regardless how claustrophobic the series seemed later and how sterile the uniforms are, this was a dandy start for the series and it's a shame the momentum wasn't quite maintained. Well worth a look--especially if you love sci-fi or like looking at a time capsule into the disco era!
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Loved this series
Stevieboy66613 October 2019
As a kid Space 1999 was essential viewing - I watched every episode, I had the toys, the books and when I grew up I wanted to be an astronaut. Move on four decades and the Horror Channel (UK) are repeating them, beginning with this episode. For 1975 this still looks pretty good, it is only the 4:3 ratio and flared trousers that really age it. Quite a grim and depressing story for mankind to kick off with.
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Space 1999--Breakaway
Scarecrow-886 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Magnetic energy caused by atomic radiation disposal over time on the moon may halt the plans of Moonbase Alpha in sending a probe to a planet which could sustain human life. Pilots and astronauts who were in the Area 1 disposal site had fallen prey to brain disease which soon caused sudden violent outbursts and ultimately total brain death(the eyes white, face mutated). Magnetic bursts are increasing in magnitude and strength and it could be the accumulative effect of flying over Area 1 over a routine basis which led to the deaths of those who piloted over there to get to Area 2. Magnetic radiation leads Commander Koenig to make a frightening statement, "We're sitting on the greatest bomb man's ever made." The unstable atomic radiation sets off a string of explosions with enough G-force to send the moon out of orbit of the Earth. The trajectory of the moon as it accelerates away from Earth places Koenig in a precarious position--to risk an attempt to exodus the moon for Earth could lead to total failure so perhaps their future lies in the habitation of a new planet, Meta for which the Moonbase Alpha were preparing the probe(which explodes during the G-force catastrophe)to land on. This was the exciting, visually stimulating pilot for the short-lived cult sci-fi series where the 311 crew members on Moonbase Alpha faced/experienced unforeseen complications and many numerous lifeforms both dangerous and friendly. With nifty gadgets, large sets, and cool models(the Eagle space vehicles), all very similar in style to 2001:A Space Oddysey, SPACE 1999 provided something quite alluring and entertaining for fans of science fiction. And the mostly British cast, not to mention, Martin Landau with the strength, leadership, and intellect needed to guide his crew out of many sticky, difficult situations throughout the 48 episodes, added quality to the presentation. Gerry Anderson was finally able to bring his talents from the world of marionettes to live action, it's just too bad he had producers who infiltrated the show, depriving SPACE 1999 of a long tenure. Barbara Bain is the chief medical officer, Dr. Helena Russell, Barry Morse as Professor Victor Bergman(Koenig's cerebral colleague whose knowledge and wisdom comes in mighty handy during moments where such is needed), with Nick Tate, Prentis Hancock and Zienia Merton rounding out the cast as important members of the crew whose expertise Koenig depends on. I imagine just the sets alone cost a fortune(notice the wall that separates the bridge from Koenig's office, that neat little addition, the way it moves when he needs to communicate to his crew immediately, as a "for instance"), it's not surprising the show(like BATTLESTAR GALACTICA afterward)didn't last. The acting, thankfully, is reserved and subtle, not overwrought or theatrical which would become an asset the show would later depend on when the plots and monsters become burdens. A great couple of Eagle crashes into the lunar surface and the humdinger shockwave when the Moonbase Alpha is rocked by the explosions sending personnel flying throughout the different areas of the moon station are definite highlights.
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what a great start for something that will become cult
trashgang9 June 2014
I'm getting old i suppose. When I heard that this was finally out on a restored Blu Ray I picked it up. It was the first series i followed as a child growing up. So this was surely going to be a trip down memory lane.

That Space 1999 has become a cult series can be seen in the pilot, Breakaway. You can see that the cast was sublime and that the acting was above mediocre. But the effects used and the way it was shot never gave you nowadays a feeling that this was made mid seventies. They had a lot of money to invest in this series and it was going to be the next big thing but it failed and it spawned only 2 seasons.

The first episode is what it's all about, on 13 September 1999 there's something going terrible wrong with the moon. A big explosion made it possible that the moon went out of orbit from earth and the people left on Moonbase Alpha are left in deep space on their own. The contact with earth is over and they have to survive in space.

The effects as I said earlier were really well done for the time being. Just for a series they used miniature sets, it shows, but it do works. And they weren't afraid to add a bit of gore to the infected people, their eyes do have a weird look and two have some kind of burned skin. Nowadays you wont turn your face away for this but back then it was something to talk about.

Not a moment that made you think, this is slow or boring. Just have a look for yourself. High tec gadgets used, see the mini televisions, no effects used it's the real stuff, amazing.

And if you want to pick it up be sure to catch the restored Blu Ray, it looks amazing and has 5.1 sound! Filled with a lot of never seen before extra's.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 4/5 Story 4/5 Comedy 0/5
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"People are dying up here, John!"
ShadeGrenade26 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode of one of the greatest science fiction series ever made.

It is September 9th 1999. John Koenig ( Martin Landau ) resumes command of Moonbase Alpha at a time of crisis. Astronauts training for a mission to the planet Meta are going insane and dying. Radiation from the nuclear waste dumps on the other side of the Moon is responsible. Koenig orders the waste be distributed over a wider area, but it is too late. The dumps ignite, causing a mighty explosion that propels the moon like a rocket away from the Earth and out of the Solar System...

Production on 'Space: 1999' commenced in 1973, and creators Gerry and Sylvia Anderson could not possibly have foreseen that the N.A.S.A. space programme would end as abruptly as it did. It seemed reasonable at the time to predict that lunar colonies would someday become a reality. We are still waiting...

1999 may have passed, but this holds up well as a strong start to the series, although would have been better as a 90 minute instalment. The 'Meta' subplot is never satisfactorily resolved, for instance. Issac Asimov did not call this 'scientifically preposterous'. Though he nitpicked about some of the science on show, by and large he was positive on the subject. '2001: A Space Odyssey' was undoubtedly a major influence on the series in its first year, and not just with regard to special effects. Many episodes, such as 'Black Sun' and 'Collision Course', end ambiguously, as did Kubrick's classic. Landau is excellent, and is ably supported by the late Barry Morse as crusty scientist 'Dr.Victor Bergman', the latter becoming a father figure to the Alphans over the series. Barbara Bain's 'Dr.Helena Russell' is harder to like, but does not unduly damage the series. That fine Welsh actor Philip Madoc is seen fleetingly as 'Commander Gorski', the man whom Koenig has replaced. Roy Dotrice plays the bureaucratic 'Commissioner Gerald Simmonds', a role he reprised in 'Earthbound'. He should have appeared in more stories. With the Alphans almost permanently behind Koenig, Simmonds, who never gave up hope of returning to Earth, stood out. He would have brought authentic dramatic conflict, rather like 'Avon' in 'Blake's Seven'. The character was woefully underused.

The tension established in the opening moments never lets up. When the waste dumps ignite, it is like watching an Irwin Allen disaster movie set in space. The special effects are superb, of the sort we were not used to seeing in British sci-fi shows. I can recall watching this one Friday night in 1975 and thanking my lucky stars we upgraded recently to colour television. Barry Gray's grandiose music complimented the show perfectly. A critic at the time complained churlishly of the lack of humour in this episode. When you are in the kind of perilous situation the Alphans are in here, laughter is probably the last thing on your mind. Another compared the acting in the show to Anderson's 'Supermarionation' classics. To think someone actually got paid for making a cheap, predictable jibe like that.

The 'Eagle' spaceships were what every sci-fi loving boy wanted in his stocking that Christmas ( I'm talking about Dinky toy replicas, not the real thing! You'd have needed one big stocking for one of those! ).

As the Moon is sent spinning into deep space, Koenig decides against a mass evacuation. Despite the impressive hardware, it is ultimately a human decision that sets the events of the series in motion. Man's greatest adventure has just begun...
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Prismark1010 March 2019
Gerry Anderson wanted to make his own version of Star Trek. In the opening episode you might even think he almost succeeded.

Although made in Britain and funded by ITV. This first episode had an American writer and director. Two main stars of the show were American as well. Then husband and wife team of Martin Landau and Barbara Bain.

It is September 1999. Commander John Koenig has been sent to Moonbase Alpha as a troubleshooter. The moon is a dumping ground for nuclear waste.

Koeing needs to urgently find out why some form of madness has been affecting some of the astronauts as they prepare to launch a probe to the Planet Meta.

The crew finds out that magnetic radiation from the nuclear waste has caused the illness. The nuclear waste causes an explosion on the dark side of the moon that rips it away from Earth's orbit.

Moonbase Alpha is now drifting in space looking to find somewhere safe to go to.

This first episode clearly had a lot of money spend on it. The special effects are very good, there is use of miniaturised television screens. There are a lot of antiseptic white sets which is rather handy, as there are a lot of white men standing or failing about in the multinational crew.

Professor Victor Bergman (Barry Morse) provides calm and science. The science is definitely a bit hokey. Bain looks like she has been given an overdose of Valium. Philip Madoc's Russian commander character sounds like he grew up in the Rhonda Valley.
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weanedon200117 September 2017
Exciting start to a favourite series of the 70's.

2001: A Space Odyssey shows its enduring influence on the look and sound of this particular episode, filmed 5 years after that classic film. The stark atmosphere of Moonbase Alpha (externally, a dead ringer for the moon base featured in 2001), the beautiful symphonic soundtrack and the way the Eagles touch down with a cloud of dust on the landing pads, all echo that classic film. The drumroll effect in Barry Gray's sweeping score effectively builds tension in the unfolding disaster. One of the best in the series!
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Radiation gone bad
crystallogic29 November 2018
Back in the early 90s, a local TV station picked up a bunch of science fiction programmes from Britain, including Doctor Who, Blake's 7, and Space: 1999. I was already a Who fan and delighted to finally be able to watch stories from the 1960s for the first time, but as I always lived in a house with only one television, couldn't find the time to dedicate to more than one other show, as much as I was hungry for new science fiction to devour. So, I chose Blake's 7, which became a perennial favourite that I still re-watch every few years or so. I caught the tail end of Space: 1999 episodes every now and then but was never really convinced to give it a try, until now. I can't say what brought this on exactly: maybe the promise of some pretty cool guest stars; maybe my ongoing fascination with weird 70s stuff. Whatever the case, I'm glad to be finally doing this.

The show's premise is interesting, if improbable. NO point in sitting here poking holes in the science; I'm sure that's already been done to death and, with all its clear attempts to be sober and serious, it doesn't seem like hard science was a series consideration for the production. All that's fine for me; I'm willing to go with a hell of a lot for the sake of a nice style, and so far, I'd have to say that Space: 1999 has that in abundance. I also think that the acting is really solid across the board. Martin landau has a cool, commanding presence here, Barbara Banes is calm and assertive, and I noticed a lot of fine British character actors even at this early stage that I recognise from other things.

The story in this debut episode is a bit thin, but I was surprised by how fast fifty minutes went by. It reminded me of a few things in my experience, most notably, and I suppose surprisingly, Star Trek: Voyager, though I think I'm going to enjoy this weird show a lot more. Sure, there are crazy coincidences at play, and as with many other slightly clunky sci-fi things, "radiation" is basically a synonym for "weird maleficent force that does inexplicable and unpredictable bad things". I have to say though, the notion of using the moon as a nuclear waste dump is funny in a cynical way that I rather like, and it's not that much of a stretch to see that happening for real. I also read a science fiction novel not that long ago by Neal Stephenson (bit of a slog to be honest) that described what might happen if the moon suddenly broke away from Earth's orbit, which, while nothing like this show at all, at least validates the funky premise to a degree. I would think the future for Earth might be bleaker than that of the Alphans, and I wonder if the question of whether they would have anything to return to even if they could get home ever comes up in the future of the show.

Roy Detrice's Commissioner Simmon is an obnoxious, obstinate character that reminded me of one of those stuffy officials from early 70s Doctor Who. I liked the double-think of his favourite statement, "in my experience, the impossible just takes a little longer". it sounds good, but really amounts to nothing more than a politician throwing his weight around, thinking that all it takes is saying the right thing, greasing the right palms, in order to get what he wants, regardless of how impossible the science is. Boy, is he ever shut up in a hurry when everything goes tits-up on the moon.

No aliens in this episode, but a mysterious signal from a rogue planet, possibly beckoning the Alpha crew onwards. Intriguing stuff. I'm not expecting much continuity from this show; it feels more like a mood or state of being than an ongoing story, almost, so rather antithetical to modern TV-writing practices, but you know, I rather like it. The series never actually coming to a proper end probably frustrated people in the 1970s, but now it almost feels like a verification of the point I just made; it's not a story you follow, it's something you feel, and it's probably possible to just imagine it carrying on forever, or until the Alphans meet the right alien super-being that elevates them to a proper state of higher consciousness for them to live in eterntiy, or some damn thing. yes, I've read a bit about the show to prepare me for what I'm about to experience. I'm ready. Bring it on, Mr. Anderson.
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duncanbrown-767334 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This pilot episode is the best, out of all the episodes of this 1975 television series.

It has a tense atmosphere to it, which goes down well with every aspect of this story.

The interplay between the actors is good, plus the incidental music is excellent.

The climax of this episode is unique, back up by its superb special effects.
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What might have been..
oopboys15 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Martin Landau made a convincing Commander ...I couldn't believe that they were thinking about putting Robert Culp as the leading man..no disrespect of the Late Mr Culp but I can't see him in that role he just wouldn't have been a good fit...Mr Landau his wife Barbara Bain made a good head nurse, and the rest of the characters did will to form what was Space 1999 crew..Love Barry Morse (Victor) John's confident..to bad the network/show PTB wouldn't give him the price he wanted to stay on the show. I felt season 2 lost something without the voice of reason/wisdom of Victor..As for the pilot the beginning of it all.It was a build up to the moon blowing out of earth orbit..the writers did forget how to sometime have the crew not look soo serious..Helena was stiff.robotic like at times..but this was the 1975..shoot My show to was Starsky and Hutch. I love that show..almost 29 years later they are now playing it on TV again and the acting Is sooooo bad even though I never missed a episode when I was a TEEN. I even sneak down stairs, when everyone was a sleep to watch it during a school night. I didn't think the acting sucked at all I thought the show was awesome .now I can not bare to watch It because of what I didn't notice when I was young How bad the acting really was...so back in 1975 the acting was that at the time..so getting back to my review of Space 1999 overall It was a great beginning..a heck of a imagination to have the moon blow out of orbit to begin their adventures..so thumbs up..except Simmons. I am glad he gets it eventually in another episode his fate couldn't happen to a nicer guy.. So finally In my opinion they should have tried and made a season 3..we will never know if the 3rd try was the charm to the show.. a show that had promise, but was let down by terrible writing and plots and the to drastic change in main characters, Victor, Paul and Kano..to name a few..not taking any thing from Maya or her Boyfriend Tony..but the change of the core characters that centered around John and Helena was too noticeable..due perhaps money problems and cost cuts..I still think they should have gave it one more go ..maybe even gotten Roddenberry involved in it to save the show..but as the old saying goes if..If or buts was candy and nuts what a party we would have..I wish they had the What Ifs and Buts...
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Space 1999 had ambition, but one huge flaw
bgaiv29 July 2020
It was ballsy to try to do Kubrick on tv.

I think the main flaw with the show is how good it looks. It looks great, it looks like a plausible moon base, with the very wonderful Eagles.

But the problem is, it LOOKS like it should make sense, but the plots typically made less sense than the original Star Trek. By far. And Barry Morse's wonderful performance as Bergman ironically just shines a light on this.

The plots typically were more like 1950s sci-fi melodrama, but in what looked like a believable lavish moon settlement... in the mid 1970s, in the wake of the actual moon landings, meaning everybody was pretty well versed actual real space technology and knew quite well how insane this all was.

To pull this off, they do need to spend a lot of time on technobabble, sorry, they just do. The moon being blasted out of orbit without killing everybody is one thing, but how does the moon travel fast enough to engage the solar system or random asteroid, to then hang out for enough time to send eagles back and forth for this week's adventures?

At the incredible speeds the moon must endure to even get to another system, they would blast through any star system in minutes or seconds. Yet, they hang out enough to have an adventure.

Star Trek handled this way better, and frankly, even Lost in Space handled it better.

This was just the Achilles heel here.
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Episode Summary and plot.
rslegion26 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Set in the year 1999 Commander John Koenig (Martin Landau) arrives on Moonbase Alpha to uncover the reasons why members of crew and meta prob astronaut's are falling ill and to get the Meta probe launched on schedule. Soon he discover's that it's magnetic radiation from the Nuclear waste dump's that is causing brain damage on the effected crew and that the waste dump's are about to explode, the larger waste dump explode's on the dark side of the moon and force's the moon out of earth's orbit and into space starting it's journey. The crew of Moonbase Alpha are now looking for a new home. The meta probe is destroyed by the explosion.
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