"Star Trek: The Next Generation" Ménage à Troi (TV Episode 1990) Poster

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Has its moments, but you've gotta work for them.
Mr-Fusion1 May 2017
"Menage a Troi"'s greatest offense is that (for the most part) it's just as much of a groaner as that wordplay in the title Lwaxana's back, she spars with Deanna about female responsibility, and that's before they're abducted (along with Riker) by a horndog Ferengi. Put simply, it's dull and the lighthearted stuff isn't funny.

. . . Until the last few minutes or so, wherein Picard summons his inner Shakespearean in a standoff with the Ferengi ship. This however is very funny because Patrick Stewart's going for broke. He completely livens up this sleepy episode. And it's no wonder that that image of him hamming it up has been co-opted into Internet meme infamy.

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Comedic greatness in the last several minutes
M_Exchange31 January 2017
Its story is so straightforward and dull, and almost all of the actors who were involved in this one seem like they were just going through the motions. Even Marina Sirtis seemed way off at times. No offense to the late Majel Barrett, (who loved the Trek universe and put in a lot of work for it) but her character became annoying just after her introductory show. Now she is barely tolerable, and I'm going to need to suffer through a few more of her appearances if I'm going to finish the entirety of this series. The show's last several minutes almost redeemed the whole episode, though. I've never laughed louder at Patrick Stewart. Usually Brent Spiner must deliver the comedic relief, but Stewart demonstrated that he is capable at times.
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Ferengi romantic.
thevacinstaller21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So..... What exactly is the relationship between Troi and Riker at this point? TNG goes fully progressive in a friends with benefits relationship for Riker/Troi and that's cool with me.

What does a Ferengi desire? A docile breeding factory female who chews your food for you? Not in this episode. Daimon Tog likes his women to be strong willed and to routinely insult him. I'm the same way. I do ponder if in Ferenginar kidnapping is considered an act of Romance? Well, the heart wants what the heart wants.

We get a historic moment of getting to experience the highly awkward Ferengi ear job. Wesley Crusher from season 1 shows up and tracks down Riker but misses the freighter to starfleet .... so, he has to wait another year to enroll? That was a bit clunky but whatever.

Picard hamming it up and pretending to be a bad actor fighting for Luxanna is surely the highlight of this episode.

This is not a good episode but I did laugh my ass off at times and that elevates it to above average territory.

Shore leave just doesn't work out well for the bridge crew.
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Welcome back Lwaxana!
russem3120 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
ST:TNG:72 - "Menage A Troi" (Stardate: 43930.7) - this is the 24th episode of the 3rd season of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Majel Barrett makes a welcome return as Lwaxana as she comes to the Enterprise for a conference. While there, a Daimon Tog (played by Frank Corsentino who portrayed another Ferengi in the first season episode "The Battle") sets his sights on her. When she is on Betazed, after interrupting a romantic interlude between Riker and Troi, Daimon Tog beams them up as prisoners and Lwaxana as his prize. Lwaxana, watch out for the "umok"!

Trivia note: it's funny to see Troi and Lwaxana transport - OUT of their clothes! Also, Troi and Riker kiss in this episode (though Troi tells Riker in Star Trek: Insurrection that she's never kissed him with a beard before). Ethan Phillips stars as the Ferengi Dr. Farek (later he will be Neelix on Star Trek: Voyager) and Carel Struycken returns as the comical Mr. Homn. AND, Wesley is given a promotion to full ensign (from acting ensign).
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Some Choice Moments Make It OK
Hitchcoc19 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
While at a meeting on Betazed, a Ferengi commander takes a shine to Lwaxana Troi. Without going into details, Deanna, Riker, and Mom end up kidnapped on a Ferengi cruiser. The Ferengi want her for her charms, but mostly to give them an advantage in their negotiations. The fun is in the efforts to outsmart the exo-eared aliens. Playing on their greed and their sensualities things come to a nice turn. My favorite scene is when Jean-Luc, in order to put a stop to Lwaxana's betrothal, begins to spout poetry, along with a threat of destroying the Ferengi ship and everyone on it. Normally I don't care much for Troi's mother, but she is actually good in this.
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Ensign Crusher is in the house
nicofreezer26 October 2021
Just when Mr Crusher was about to leave the enterprise he finds a way to stay and more than that, Picard provote him, he Can now Wear a red jersey and be a true member of the ship !

The episode was the weakest from Season 1 save but the sub plot i just mention and the last 10 minutes of great Comedy by Jean-Luc , 7/10.
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With a telepath opportunities could be most lucrative
bkoganbing20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I guess it was only a matter of time before the Ferengi decided that with Betazoid mind reading ability opportunities can be most lucrative. It might even lead to some alliances.

At least that's what Ferengi Frank Cosentino and Ethan Phillips think so on a visit to Betazid they capture Lwazana Troi and Deana Troi and Riker who happen to be with them.

These two did not know what they were getting into when they captured Majel Barrett. We learn two things about the Ferengi in ths episode. First that they are a most patriarchal society. Secondly those ear lobes are a most erotic zone.

I really enjoyed this one.
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"She is exhilarating, isn't she?"
classicsoncall10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You can either view this episode as humorous or cringeworthy. The cringeworthy part derives from Lwxana Troi (Majel Barrett) faking her way through a romantic interlude with Ferengi captain DaiMon Kog (Frank Corsentino) as a means of getting Counselor Troi (Marina Sirtis) and Commander Riker (Jonathan Frakes) safely returned to the Enterprise. Actually, you might even consider that scene kind of humorous as well, with Lwxana's constant eye rolling and the Ferengi in a state of dazed bliss. I mean, who wouldn't be with that sensual application of oo-mox!

Making this episode even more outrageous though is the lengths Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) had to go through in order to rescue Deanna's Mom from the clutches of the Ferengi Captain aboard the cruiser Krayton. Picard had to go full monte Shakespeare in a genuinely over the top scene wrapped around a threat to destroy the Krayton and all aboard if Ms. Troi wasn't beamed back to the Enterprise within ten seconds! I'm all for cliffhangers, but ten seconds didn't seem reasonable under the circumstances, not knowing if Daimon Kog was of sound mind or not. At least this time, the Enterprise itself wasn't on the receiving end of an ultimatum.

A side story here involved acting Ensign Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) missing a chance to take the Starfleet oral exam when he didn't make the scheduled appointment in order to help the crew determine where the two Trois and Riker were being held hostage. It worked out well enough for him though, as the Captain decided to promote him to full Ensign with a change of uniform to boot! That surprised me a little, as I thought Wesley might have gotten a dressing down for ditching the orals, but it was balanced out by his helping save the trio held captive aboard the Krayton.

As an aside, remember that colorful piece of salad offered aboard the Krayton? It didn't look so alien to me as I recognized it as a leaf of ornamental kale.
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planktonrules17 November 2014
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For some inexplicable reason, DaiMon Tog has taken a shine to Lwaxana Troi. He's not only interested in her because she is a Betazoid and thus, can read people's thoughts during business transactions but because he likes her spirit. She doesn't take crap off anyone..and Tog likes that! However, when this troll-like Ferengi makes a pass at her, she quickly rebuffs him. So, he does what any normal Ferengi would do- -he kidnaps her! At the same time, he also kidnaps Deanna and Riker! How are they to get away from this freaky guy? Well, see the show--and be prepared to laugh, as the ending involving Picard negotiating with Tog is hilarious--and this alone is reason to make this a must-see. Funny and inconsequential but very good at the same time.
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iamirwar30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1.51 minutes in and Lwaxana Troi (Deanna's mother) appears on the screen. I guess the clue was in the title. Immediately, all my hopes for the episode go out the window. However, we do learn that Betazoids cannot read (telepathically) Ferengi minds. Perhaps I am being too judgemental. Let's not forget Majel Barret is a staple of the Star Trek Universe and I still remember her days as Dr McCoy's assistant. (Nurse Chapel) - We will stick it out just for the purposes of review.

Its Dynasty in space and we have another episode where regular cast members are being held against their will, but this time its because the Ferengi DaiMon Tog sees a business opportunity by recruiting Lwaxana and so the Ferengi kidnap her as well as her daughter and Wil Riker. It would seem that DaiMon had more on his mind than just business... I'm actually writing this as the episode plays out on the right of my screen and I am struggling to find anything interesting to comment on. I might be rating this as one of the weakest episodes. Absolutely awful. Sorry.

Oh, and Jean-Luc had the opportunity of dropping Wesley off at Star Fleet Academy but ended up giving him full ensign rank instead. I'm still shaking my head.

Point of interest: See if you notice the familiar voice of Neelix (Voyager)
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"The Sacred Chalice of Rixx is an old clay pot with mold growing inside it"
XweAponX11 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Lwaxana Troi had one helluva mouth: "I'd rather eat Orion Wing-Slugs than be with a toad faced troll like you!"

As well as the welcome return of Lwaxana Troi, this episode fills in many of the Blanks concerning Ferengi. Frank Corsentino is "Daimon Tog" and you may have recognized him also as "Daimon Bok" from "The Battle" - And so he has the distinction of being one of the first Ferengi shown not wearing the original "Marauder Moe" pelted uniform which was seen in "The Last Outpost". You may also recognize him as a Native from Gilligan's Island, and he was last seen as the Ferengi "Gegis" in the Voyager episode "Inside Man" (Where they steal Lt. Broccoli's Hologram). So this is a Ferengi for All Trade Negotia... Er, Seasons.

For the first time in History, Ferengi are invited to an event on Betazed, where they "behave and make a profit" - But Tog sees Lwaxana and goes Bugsputz. Ironic for Lwaxana, she finally finds a man interested in her, and he's a Ferengi Troll! Tog's Doctor, Farek (a Pre- Neelix Ethan Phillips) thinks he is being foolish, and continues to think that.

Riker and Troi decide to take leave on Betazed and their Sylvan Glade is interrupted by Lwaxana and Mr Hom (Carel Struycken) - This is the last time we see him, even though he is referred to in other episodes.

But Riker and Troi have more to worry about than being Coitus Interruptus by Lwaxana - They are Interruptus by Tog who beams down with Ferengi "pericules".

Lwaxana should have been honored, but Tog was of the Old-School Ferengi, not the enlightened type like Quark and Rom. Besides, the changes in Ferengi Society which take place in Deep Space Nine had not happened yet.

Tog beams them all back to The Krayten, and when they all wake up he transports Lwaxana and Troi to the Bridge - San Clothing, in the best Transporter Effect of all Trek.

The Krayton is a Ferengi Ship full of Ferengi Gadgets - Transporters that are programmed to remove females clothing, and beds that come out of their Daimon's walls!

Majel Lee Hudec Barret-Roddenberry is the spotlight of this entire episode, you can see the disgust roll off of her face as Daimon Tog touches her. But she fools him well - But not well enough to get his command codes before Neelix-Farek catches her and sticks her into a Ferengi BrainSuck Machine.

Meanwhile, the Enterprise had to go check out another Stellar Nursery, so they don't know about this abduction until they get back to Betazed. They can't find The Krayton, Ferengi Toads have even better security then The Federation.

As Riker finds out, after he punches his Ferengi Jailer in the nose and almost breaks his hand: He can't break into the Krayton's Comm System, so he creates a warp field distortion that can't be mistaken as random. This gives the Enterprise an arrow to follow as to their whereabouts, and it was Wesley again who figures it out- Wesley was supposed to leave and go to Starfleet Academy, but his last minute discovery gives him a few more episode's grace on the show- And Picard elevates him to full Ensign for that time.

This was the episode where we learned quite a bit about Ferengi Civilization - Their Females to not deserve the honor of Clothing, and that their Lobes are the most sensual part of their bodies - Introducing Oo-Mox, the arousal of a Ferengi Male by the stroking of his lobes.

This gives Lwaxana ammunition she uses against Quark later in Deep Space Nine. "I know where it hurts, you little toad!"

I was giggling all through this episode, and it is one of my favorites, despite the 6.8 IMDb rating. And none of the information was wasted, it became part of Ferengi Canon.
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Lwaxana Meets the Ferengi
Samuel-Shovel5 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In "Menage a Troi" the Enterprise heads to Betazed to a conference in which the Ferengi are invited. One of the Ferengi delegates becomes smitten with Lwaxana and attempts or woo her for romantic and economical purposes, planning to use her telepathy in negotiations. While Riker and Troi are on shore leave, the pair (plus Troi's mom) are kidnapped by a Ferengi vessel intent on taking Lwaxana. Meanwhile the Enterprise is out of communication range on a routine mission.

What's worse than a Lwaxana episode? One that is also a Ferengi episode. I find both extremely annoying. To make matters worse the subplot is all about Wesley and his entrance into Star Fleet Academy. They tease him leaving the show (which would have been great and saved this episode) and then pull a switcheroo at the end, so now we're still stuck with Boy Wonder! I hate all the plotlines here and can't even find a bright spot in this snoozefest. I guess my highlight is the inclusion of 3-D chess? Not much of a silver lining...
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You're pulling' my leg!!
robrosenberger18 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Allah help us, they did it, they actually did it. They pulled off the perfect storm...an episode that could only have been conceived in the evilest laboratory of jaw-dropping perversity, combining the three most flaccid elements in TREK history: Lwaxana, the Ferengi, and Neelix. Breaking the laws of both time and decency, they got pre-Neelix Ethan Philips to play a Ferengi doctor torturing the kidnapped Lwaxana. What, you think i could make this up?? In the midst of this tragedy of, um, Shakespearean proportions, there's a thread of beauty...Wesley gives up his spot at the Academy to run back and save the day. Required to stay onboard one more year, he's field-promoted to full ensign. I raised my hand in solidarity a full minute. You've come a long way from the rainbow suit, Wes.
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The "kidnap & forced to give your kidnapper a" episode.
ravenhurtfew8 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's scary as a woman just watching it -- kidnapped, then made to give your kidnapper an "umax" and do God knows what else against your will for your physical safety. But it's all great and funny and okay because they made it "light"! made Lwaxana laugh it off! But it's still kidnap and forced sxual scenes. Someone above even wrote in their review that it's a great episode because the Troi women were transported OUT of their clothes! Haha, so funny, right??!!
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Worf's face near the end says it all
snoozejonc1 July 2021
Riker, Deanna and Lwaxana Troi are kidnapped by the Ferengi.

This is a below average episode in my opinion as the plot comes across as a bit of a farce and the characters, particularly in the main plot feel more like caricatures.

Comedy is very much in the eye of the beholder so if you are fans of the Lwaxana character you should enjoy it. The kidnap plot never seems plausible, particularly the torture scenes which come across as being played for laughs. Personally the humour mostly does not work for me until one of the final scenes where Picard takes centre stage. This resolution, although humorous, turns the Ferengi into complete non-entities.

Some of the dialogue is so flat and characterless it feels like it might have been written or thought up just prior to the footage being shot.

I prefer the subplot involving Wesley Crusher which contains some nice sci-fi details and a decent arc for the character.

The visuals I found to be a mixed bag. It has great makeup effects for the Ferengi characters, whilst at the same time putting Riker and Troi in two ridiculous costumes.

The best aspect of it is definitely the acting, as all cast members managed to make a terrible script sound professional.
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Another disappointing Lwaxana episode
aukjewildenborg14 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like Lwaxana as a character, the problem for me is that the script lets her down every episode she's been in. This one is no exception. Her interactions with the Ferengi are supposed to be the main attraction, but those scenes throw no curveballs. They contain no tension and no clever twists and turns in their writing. It's a straightforward damsel in distress story. This episode could have been meaningful on the subject of Lwaxana getting older and being alone, in that way maybe finding some connection with the Ferengi. It could have given us something about the Ferengi that might move us, or speak to us in a more intelligent way. But none of that happens. Lwaxana's scenes with Troi are mostly throwaway too, despite the chemistry they share onscreen. How many more times do we need to hear that Troi really should be finding herself a man? It's disappointing that this stale idea has been revisited on multiple occasions yet so far has seen no development at all. The chess bits aren't very fresh either. I found the final scene where Picard hams it up not really all that good, actually it's the moment that conclusively reveals to me that this entire episode was just tongue-in-cheek. It never intended to have anything to say, rather to just be fun for the people who created it. The Next Generation has proven many times that humor can work well even in serious episodes, but this one in my opinion is not a good example of what makes Star Trek great.
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Prepare for disappointment..
shape0127 October 2020
If you thought the previous episode to be one of the best so far as a certain someone got his long deserved slap in the face in it, close to the season finale surely you would be anxiously hoping throughout this one that he might finally improve the series atmosphere with his permanent leave. Well, im here to advise you, not to get all worked up, because instead all that he saves the day again. Again.. Oh and the episode is not great.
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To Betazed, Warp 9
tomsly-400158 June 2023
How times have changed: Such an episode would never be made today. Abduction and sexual harassment of 2 women, beamed naked to the Ferengi ship, held hostages as lust slaves. But it's all portrayed in a "funny" matter.

Troi's mother really becomes annoying. She has more character development time than Deanna.

And why is Picard pretending to be in love with Troi's mother when in the end the threat to destroy yhe Ferengi ship solved the hostage situation? He could have done that right away without the whole charade of being the jealous lover. I wonder what Starfleet has to say, that one of their captains threatens to destroy a Ferengi ship just like so.
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A Senior Trekker writes...................
celineduchain16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
New uniforms, new credit sequence and Doctor Crusher returned to us but was Season 3 of The Next Generation really as good as we remember? Some of that enthusiasm may have have been generated by relief that the series had not been cancelled but the 1990's also heralded an era of considerably more stability behind the scenes. Senior Trekker will continue to score every episode with a 5.

I haven't reminded myself of this episode in a good few years. I laughed along with almost everybody else when it was first released, applauded the Ferengi slapstick and admired the way Lwaxana got the better of the lecherous, scheming captain but it's not so funny now.

The basic premise allows for two female characters to be abducted and stripped of all their clothing so that one of them has to perform a sex act on her captor in order to assist in their escape.

No, no, no and no! Even Majel Barrett's superb comedic performance and Patrick Stewart's Shakespearian poetry recital when he pretends to be a rival for her affections cannot save this from the dustbin of history.

I'm sorry that Ethan Phillips, who was later to become such a Trek stalwart, has to have this on his CV as his first Star Trek appearance.
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A weak comedy episode
Benjamin_Cox26 June 2024
Lwaxana Troi is back once again at the end of a trade conference on board the Enterprise. When she rejects the advances of an amorous Ferengi, she unwittingly starts a chain of events that involves her eventual kidnapping along with Riker and Deanna. Meanwhile, Wesley begins to realise that his career in Starfleet may put his time on board the Enterprise at risk.

The weakest episode of season three and it's not even close. Barrett's grand dame feels like she has ran her course now as the show doesn't have much more for her to do. The story is ridiculous even for Trek, there's hardly any Mr Homn (who I always found funnier anyway) and the episode has the nerve to tease us with the departure of Wesley before snatching that glorious possibility away again. Poor stuff and definitely one to skip for the binge-watchers.
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