"Twin Peaks" Arbitrary Law (TV Episode 1990) Poster

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Twin Peaks at its most legitimately powerful
framptonhollis24 November 2017
There is some of the semi boring and mostly unfunny Andy, Lucy, and Dick subplot awkwardly incorporated into this episode, but other than that it is near perfect. This is one of the show's most essential and memorable parts, and adds even more fuel to the "Peaks" mythology, and helps clarify a few odd, confusing details from previous entries in a way that does not feel forced or unnecessary, and still legs everything feel very mysterious. There is also a fair share of classic Lynchian surrealism here, particularly during Cooper's initial discovery of who Laura Palmer's killer REALLY is as well as the strange codes and secrets hidden within his famous red room dream from all the way back in the early first season. Ray Wise is also an episode highlight, as he had been in many episodes leading up to this one. Here, the spotlight shines brightly on him as he brilliantly acts his way through one of the show's most emotional and devastating dramatic moments. While it may not be as pitch perfect as many of the Lynch directed episodes are, this complex, philosophical, horrific, and powerful entry is able to join its ranks thanks to its many elements of successful surrealism, compelling drama, and a scene stealing performance from the magnificent Ray Wise.
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The killer is arrested
Tweekums23 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Two episodes ago we learnt the answer to one of televisions greatest mysteries; 'Who killed Laura Palmer?' now it is time to see him put behind bars... or is it? A missing page from Laura's secret dairy is sent to her friend Donna; as she reads it to Agent Cooper he realises that the night before she died she had the same strange dream he had had; the one with the dancing dwarf where an older Laura whispered something in the ear of an older Cooper. When Donna goes to see Laura's father to ask her to post something to Maddy Leland gets a phone call saying that she hasn't arrived home; he looks in the mirror and Bob looks back; clearly Donna is in real danger. Luckily the police come to the door at that point to talk to Leland. As the episode approaches its conclusion Cooper assembles the various suspects and recalls the dream once again... Laura says it was her father who killed her. Leland isn't immediately arrested, Ben is but Leland is asked to come to the police station as his attorney. Once here he is pushed into a cell and the man inside may look like Leland Palmer but his behaviour is pure Bob!

This was a great conclusion to the mystery of Laura's killing; it had all the trademark strangeness we have come to expect from the series and even though the person who physically killed her is caught we still don't know what Bob is; perhaps he is just the evil side of Leland, perhaps he is a malevolent spirit who will find another body to inhabit or perhaps we will never know! Ray Wise puts in a great performance as Leland; his behaviour when caught is totally wild; like another person entirely... he almost looks different. My only concern now is that the story won't be able to maintain its momentum with the main mystery solved; only time will tell though; I suspect the creators will come up with something interesting.
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The true finale of 'Twin Peaks' for me
lareval4 October 2021
'Twin Peaks' reached its ending to me right here. This is probably not just a perfect conclusion but the ultimate 'Twin Peaks' episode to me. This is the one that really stays with me as a whole, not just isolated and iconic moments. Perfect episode, perfect ending. This is where everything should have ended. At least, it really ends to me. Masterpiece!
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The second conclusion
ametaphysicalshark28 April 2007
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I like to think that the case of the murder of Laura Palmer had two conclusions, one was in S2E07 when we found out who killed her, and the second in this episode, which is where Agent Dale Cooper finally solves the mystery and puts it behind him. There are a number of superb performances in this episode, notably yet another great turn by Kyle MacLachlan and possibly Ray Wise's best ever performance in the role of Leland Palmer. The episode is expertly directed by Tim Hunter, who also directed the superb 2004 feature film "Control", and the script is perfectly written by Twin Peaks writing regulars Robert Engels and co-creator Mark Frost. While seeing the case solved from the characters' end is a bit less satisfying than seeing it solved for ourselves in S2E07, it's still done as well as it possibly could've been done. The scene at the Roadhouse is still a classic to me and remains one of the best sequences I've seen on television.

Letter Grade: A+
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The Greatest Hour of TV you will ever watch
zahamako10 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is the episode that everyone waited for. The episode where we finally get the answer to Who Killed Laura Palmer. My favourite character in all of Twin Peaks was Leland Palmer. Through the best and the worst, he always has and will remain my favourite. Finding out the twist two episodes before that he was the killer (possessed by Bob) was crazy and i'm sure I and everyone else did not expect it, because why would a father kill his own daughter?

The ending of this episode really made me emotional. "Go into the light Leland", Cooper repeats to Leland as he dies. Seeing my favourite character cry and die in the arms of Cooper is one of the saddest things I've seen from a TV show. It just shows how much Leland loved his daughter, how much he hates Bob for making do what he did and then his final sight and word is "Laura".

This episode was an amazing end to Laura Palmer's killer. People complain that the show should've ended when the killer was revealed but there were still some unfinished business left that had to be revealed like who shot Cooper in the season 1 finale for example and if it did end here we would never have gotten the amazing season 2 finale and the revolutionary 2017 return.
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A piece of art
williamdouglas7434 October 2019
It's incredible how Lynch keeps delivering through this whole series, it already started well, with one of the best season premieres ever made, but here we can see everyone on one of those magical moments where everything is just perfect: direction, acting, pacing, writing... a piece of art, there's no other way to describe it.
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We Are Finally Able to Get Some Closure, But...........
Hitchcoc12 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In the previous episode, we are made aware that Leland Palmer killed his own daughter and her cousin. This is the apprehension episode where all the elements fall into place. Harry and Dale pull a fast one and get Leland thrown in the slammer. He things he is going to represent Home but is, himself, done in. Of course, there are numerous episodes to come and there are surreal issues that still are unanswered. There are serious interactions in the village. There is evil afoot. And, of course, what about Bob. What invaded Leland to make him the maniac he was. That man in the mirror. Anyway, I am interested to see what happens next. Will all the principles be pulled into new roles?
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The best episode of "Twin Peaks" so far
gridoon202431 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It seems most people on IMDb rate the one two episodes back (where Leland killed Mandy) higher, but until the last 10 minutes that one had too much filler (like most episodes); this one has very little. It gets the mix of realism and surrealism that the series always strives for just right, and ties in nicely with the infamous dream sequence of the third episode. And Ray Wise gives a tremendous performance which deserved an Emmy nomination. *** out of 4.
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This one gets to you
orpr26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely feel something in TV series, this is due to the episodic nature where it doesn't allow me to get very emotional like a straight 120 minute long movie with a plot that starts and ends it all, yet this, this is that rare case.

Knowing that Leland was the killer two episodes prior changed every single scene with him here, the insane unease when we see him with Donna, the bar scene with all the suspects, the way they trick him into the cell, the Bob impersonation followed by his "Leland" confession and death while at Cooper's arms. Just marvellous.

Ray Wise giving a life-time performance only elevates this. Sure, there are lesser moments like the Andy stuff but I thing it was necessary for the audience to breath and prepare for what I consider a perfect ending of a single episode.
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90% satisfied even with 10% superstition!
iniyan_arul2 May 2019
It is also the expected output for revealing the murder even it's containing these uncalled superstitions. Somehow the superstitions is the sharp thing that gave us the syrup of twists and Tripps of Lynch's dreams yet it's still itches my mind and made me wonder how phenomenon it would be if they gave a actual reasons and solved exposure for the Bob's character. It would have been a skilled phycotic series.

But truly im extremely excited to see the future flow of the story and the raw truth which is gonna hurt us.
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formotog7 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well there we have it, the episode that the show's been building up to. We got our answer and so did Cooper, but if I'm being honest, I wonder if it would've made for a better reveal if we discovered alongside Cooper. I understand that killing Madeleine meant that it might've been obvious anyway that Leland was BOB, but I feel like this reveal could've had so much more of an impact. Nonetheless, it was still a really good episode full of impressive moments. Seeing Cooper's dream again was superb. The roundup at the Roadhouse was a great scene, bringing out the very best of Cooper. BOB proved himself yet again to be exceedingly creepy, and we got a good look at him this episode. BOB himself seems to be completely short-circuiting in his head. It made for some brilliant acting by Ray Wise who turned Leland into a monster basically. It made for some very intense scenes, and then when BOB left his body, Leland's life came to a very tragic end. This ending was indeed very tragic, without much to feel happy about, especially because BOB is still out there somewhere. This show evidently has more to tell, but just how they do it seems like it might be difficult, especially given how the writing until now has been so good. I've especially loved the supernatural and fantastical angle they've taken, with the inexplicable way that Mrs. Tremond changed, and the room serviceman speaking the line from Cooper's dream. All these supernatural elements are linked, and Cooper seems to be right in the middle of them. We'll surely have the story focus on him now. All in all this was very well rounded off

Mid 8
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Art !
iiflax2 April 2020
I can't believe that I'm leave this episode for more than month !
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A great conclusion to Laura's murderer
Red_Identity22 August 2010
Since the mystery of Laura's murder has been set from Day 1, one will wonder where the rest of the series will go. All in all, I have to say, this was a great conclusion to Laura's murder, because while we saw who the killer was two episodes again, now we see the end of him. This was a great episode and superbly acted by the actor who plays Laura's murderer. No doubt many will have anger because of the strange twist to Laura's murderer, and because it is not as straight-forward as they might want, but I think that is exactly why this show is as great as it is. I will continue to watch the series, and hope that it continues in the path it was on, since it was also very much about other characters.
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Father and daughter
AvionPrince1620 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So they finally know who killed Sarah Palmer and Cooper too. The investigations were pretty interesting. Horne will be innocent but still get trapped by Catherine and her disguisement. I enjoyec also the performance of the actor who play Leland: he was pretty convincing and play really well that kind of role who must be not easy to play. We saw again the dream of Cooper and Sara just told him that her father killed her or the other guy inside him. I dont really enjoyed how they used that kind of thing; i mean how to call it? Like a possession thing and really the scene look a bit surreal and pretty fake sometimes. But that kind of strangeness give a moral or philosophy to the story and that i enjoyed anyway to see. We still wondering how that father killed and raped her own daughter even if we know that was not really him. Need to see more.
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